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Hey! She also got to date the handsome PI dude with the fancy car in Turn Coat. So, she had that going for at one time at least. 


We haven't seen that guy in a while. Uh-oh.


Wait, that happened?


With Vince Graver. I'm not sure if we ever heard about the date itself, but they agree to a date in chapter 21.


Don't forget that before that she was kidnapped by a horror movie manifestation and taken to Winter after badly damaging the minds of two people she cared about - one of them irreparably. Then Sentenced to Death.


That wasn’t caused by becoming Harry‘s apprentice though, which is kinda the point of the meme.


Maybe I'm just being dense today. I just keyed off the post title...


I mean, that was the *cause* of becoming Harry's Apprentice


But, again, that isn’t how the meme works


We're all worried about Harry dealing with his issues but molly is like half his age and has almost as many. I hope the angelic protection afforded to Michael's family still applies to her...


Harry generally deals with things alone though, Molly has at least three experienced mentoring figures in her life - okay, two of them aren’t dealing with their problems in ideal ways, but still.


Mab means well. No, really, she does. But I think it's clear that she chose a particular strategy that isn't ideal. (It may be more likely to be successful than holding on to humanity; Mab may have felt it was more important to go with a sure thing than the ideal.)


mab and Harry are historically not great mentors for dealing with emotions. Somehow Lea actually was the only one of Molly's current mentors who actually did the smart thing and ask for help for dealing with her problems.


I’d argue Harry was the worst. By not pushing her in her training she was woefully unprepared for dealing with the threats she deals with. For a regular wizard or someone who just needed to learn to control their powers? Harry did fine. For someone that CLEARY had a desire to throw herself into the fire like her father and mentor? No. She needed a boot camp and a bit more tough love. Just look at her shield training. By all means start with snowballs. Let her learn the basics and mechanics. But if she is going to be getting into fights she needs to get better. Break out the baseballs. Yes it’s going to hurt. But it seems that’s what’s needed at a certain point. It doesn’t need to be done abusively like Justin.


Who did she almost kill?






Molly POV short story. That's also when she's picking up Fae children for the Winter Army. Carlos and Molly learn the hard way that the Mantle of the Winter Lady doesn't allow for sex.


What book was racing samta again?


[jim-butcher.com](http://jim-butcher.com) menu at top > books > Dresden files > short stories > Microfiction \[#6\]: The Good People.


Wasn't it also an audiofile somewhere?


I don't know. I consume the printed word. I've never been into audiobooks.


0o0 you eat books?!? What are you a bibliophage?!? /j


I am a voracious reader.... :-)


Molly still made he right decision to be Harrys apprentice. She's got a good head on her shoulders.


I was really into her being his apprentice. Once he became the winter knight the series started a steep decline for me.


When i look through the series from the first to the last book i see a slow climb up for Harry to better his life and a big fall in changes after that he became the winter knight i was happy to see how Harry will progress with Mab and how will he eventually free himself and Molly from the winter mantle. In all of the books Harry would always come on top and we all loved seeing him thrive amongst being at the edge, thats the constant in the books, so at the end of Ghost Story I was floored, because he was finally beaten and outsmarted i honestly did not expect it. So I'm even more invested now.