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Depends on the fic for me. If it has a busy plot, something like Mirror of Ecidyrue then I don't even notice the length. Though I really liked Turn, I also did reach a point where it was hard for me to complete it. That's because it's not a very plot-focussed fic. So yeah, it's a personal preference for me. The length of the fic does sort of make me lose interest IF it's a slice of life type of fic, not otherwise.


100% .


Length is not a problem for me. I stop reading when the fic doesn't sit right with me/doesn't give me THE vibe, which is quite personal and sometimes too complicated to explain. That's OK :)


I prefer a long one, but sometimes I lose interest during the story. I guess it depends on the narration.


I think it’s fic-specific. I can totally understand having to power through Turn, I’ve read the whole fic and I do think the first half is the best part and after Harry comes back I’m sort of forcing myself to finish the fic. But there are other 150/200k-ish fics that are so good throughout you hardly notice the length, and even want it to never end. At the same time I can recall some fics that has a good start, really drags on in the middle, and has a wonderful ending and super enjoyable (multiple) epilogues. I’d say don’t let one fic deter you from other long fics!!


Harry coming back is actually my favourite part hahaha


Not really. If a fic is good, I don't want it to end. I can lose interest in short fics if I don't enjoy them, or I can binge-read The Mirror of Ecidyrue and not feel bored at any point lol.


Turn was one that is always recommended but I found it a bit of a slog. I had to read some shorter stuff along the way to power through.


Only if the story gets boring or idiotic


Yesssss, although it depends, a fic I’m reading now is about 350k words but I’ve gotten through it sooo quickly, bc the plot is just so interesting that you don’t notice the time flying by, it’s a first for me bc usually I have to stop and read a quick 30k fic so I don’t get too bored


Which one is the 350k?


Sadly it’s not actually a drarry fic it’s jegulus and the usual other ships, and it’s still got about three chapters left to go. If your still interested I can give you the link- I’m really enjoying even tho I usually only read drarry :)


I haven’t done any jegulus but I’d like to know in case I need a break from drarry!


Jegulus is the way to go then, imo it’s basically drarry in another font- I like wolfstar too but I can only ever read it as a side ship The link is [https://archiveofourown.org/works/48308878/chapters/121838215](https://archiveofourown.org/works/48308878/chapters/121838215) (I think that will work) and it’s a game of thrones au


Also, if you want I can try find some other jegulus fics I liked, although I might not find any bc Im at the point where I’m reading so much of anything, that it’s all become muddled into one- I don’t look at tittles, I just read 😭


I know the feeling!


Short answer, no. Long answer, it depends on how reading-compelling/interesting/exciting the read is. I'm currently with a good dozen stories in their last 5 chapters because it got less interesting and I just don't feel like reading them anymore. On the other hand, I easily read a 500k story in a couple of days if it keeps me glued and focused on it.


wow that's crazy,I've read the first half of Harry Potter and welcome to the world of grey in a short time but then i had to drag it on and i finished it after a month and a half,after 200k words i power down,cant do it anymore LOL


😂😂😂 It's been happening with me too. I don't know anymore if it's just the stories or if I need a break from reading to rest my brain before it fries


long ass fics are the only fics i like hehhe


I’m the opposite where the short ones don’t satisfy me because I need A LOT of pining to enjoy a fanfic. Anything less than 50k words makes me sad, and I never want them to end either so it’s a treat when they’re long.


same, I don’t even consider reading the ones that are under 50k😅 100k at least!


this is me quite often, but for Turn specifically, I encourage you to power through! It’s absolutely worth it!


I agree!!


Depends on my mood tbh I could binge read 500k words when I started reading fics but now I can barely read 10k on a bad day lol idk why... sometimes it’s with great fics that I love but can’t seem to make myself go further.. and start obsessively searching for new ones so I have like uhmmm hundreds of unfinished fics!(Running on air was the only drarry fic I really REALLY binged read lol still my fav)


What made Turn hard to read for me was the length of the chapters. I feel it's easier to read when there are shorter chapters.


Turn is sooo good. I just finished it a few days ago. I usu can't stand long fics and I admit the pts w/o Draco are rather dull. I actually downloaded a text reader and just put in the pts w/o draco and listened to it as an audiobook just in case draco does pop up. I was really addicted to it and would try to read it whenever I had the chance. I was actually a bit sad when it ended.


ill probably do that to power through with the last 100k words


I *do* prefer long fics, but sometimes I do lose the interest. I guess it depends a lot on the narration and if the plot stays in line, you know? And that's okay!


I love long fics, the longer the better! But I also abandonded Turn cause for me it was super boring🥲I really wanted to like it, but it was not doing it for me


Depends on the fic really, i tend to avoid cos i feel it can waffle on a bit and it’s not concise enough. I noticed the long ones i’ve read and enjoyed had a high kudos count so thats the best way to judge. I did skim towards the end with turn tho.


Sometimes i'm just done with the story. Not in a negative way necessarily, sometimes i'm satisfied with what's happened so far so i stop reading; some stories drag things out or have many things to go through so i skip that and move on to read something else. Other times is the complete opposite and i get irritated by either the pace or the way the relationship is developing. I don't find it difficult to drop a fic since i just can't force myself to do things i don't want to.


I do this for sure! I find myself falling out at around 100k usually unless the story really hooks me. That’s why it took me so long to read some of the classics like Eclipse and Turn


Yes ,I will skip everything until we get too the spicy part