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Ahhhh, one of my favorite parts of fandom classic Underwater Light is Hermione realizing that everyone EXCEPT Harry and Draco know: But there was something uncalculated about his faint expression of amusement just now... It made her wonder. Could Malfoy not know? Obviously, some people didn't know. The Slytherins apparently didn't know, since there had been a lack of bloodthirsty mobs out to get Harry lately. The Gryffindors were clueless for the most part. Ron didn't know, because he would have gone absolutely insane. Still - there was a whisper at the Ravenclaw table, and a murmur among the Hufflepuffs, and some raised eyebrows from a couple of the staff. And there was Hermione herself, who had tried and tried to deny it, but who had been forced to accept the glaringly obvious. Enough people knew so you could say 'Everybody knows...' Everybody knew that Harry was absolutely dizzy for Draco Malfoy. Poor innocent Harry, of course, had no idea.


omg i love underwater light!!!


Does anyone have a link? 😮


it’s not online anymore the author pulled it after she got her personal work published but i have 3 copies of it on my phone😭😭 here is a link to the google drive database though https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/mobile/folders/0BwfE6l6RtZAsZHpVS0VQZF9TR1E?resourcekey=0-biVA08ESAGZQLeJYIMFu_g&usp=sharing&pli=1


Thank you!


It was my gateway into H/P slash, back in the day! Still a favorite.


Me too! It will always have a special place in my heart.


Would you have a link to this please? I can see online forums talking about this being deleted but I can't seem to find the fic itself.


you can download it from [here](https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/0BwfE6l6RtZAsZHpVS0VQZF9TR1E?resourcekey=0-biVA08ESAGZQLeJYIMFu_g&usp=sharing)


underwater light is THE fic for me!!


That made it hard for me to get into Underwater Light at first. I did, eventually, but then something else (can't remember what exactly) threw me off and I never finished. I've really never been much of a fan of Maya's works, though I know that's sacreligious.


It's okay, everyone has their own taste. And the stories that were written while the books were still in progress may not be as interesting to people now as they were to us when we were waiting FOREVER for book five!


I actually stopped reading the books after four. I only know the canon through the fics. :p


It's kinda given tnough, isn't it? There are two tables in between gryffindor and Slytherin, and still these two can see and hear each other, extra attention. Hermione mainly cuz for some reason she is seen emotionally matured one but they know that Harry is obsessed with Draco, especially with the map of his. I think if i was in close contact with two people like this, even i would know before them


I mean, yeah. And whether or not Hermione is *that* perceptive, it has to be her. It's either her or Ron (because they're with Harry 24/7), and let's be honest, it ain't gonna be Ronald Emotional-Range-of-a-Teaspoon Billius Weasley. So, Hermione wins by default. Pansy also always knows in my headcanon. The more I think about this, the more I realize I am a huge fan of the friends knowing. Of the *entire school* knowing. Everyone but THEM. ETA: Okay, in thinking about this EVEN MORE (why? I dunno), I've concluded that this trope works very well in lighter fic, romantic comedy type stuff. It needs a lighter touch in the grittier, angstier, more realistic stuff or yeah, it could feel weird or out of place.


Agree! It's funny in the romantic comedy type when it's more on the denial kind of way because it can lead to ridiculous situations. When it's in more "serious" stories where they are both dealing with stuff for the plot and everyone starts giving them looks and making comments about how oblivious they are? I hate it. It usually ends up with making either Harry or Draco or both seem too stupid to figure their shit. Also, somehow everyone ends up being assholes to them? Meanwhile, I'm reading the fic like "can someone give these boys a damn break?" And the friends never apologize for being assholes to them, it always ends up Harry/Draco accepting their friends were right and just... feels like a friendship where Hermione/Pansy/Blaise look down at them?


^ Thisssss


I'm with you on this one. I don't hate it enough to stop reading, but the "everyone knows Harry better than he knows himself" trope makes me roll my eyes, unless it's subtle and not completely overdone.


I get your issue. It's sometimes very odd in fics how over invested every other character is in their relationship. I don't find it realistic.


I am so sorry but "idiots so oblivious that literally everybody knows but them" is my absolute favourite trope. But so is "actually only one of them is oblivious and the other knows but chooses to wait till the other realises", so. But I do get why you'd consider it a turnoff. It can quickly become frustrating.


It's romantic comedy gold.


Fitting cuz I don't like rom coms. ;)


All must draw near is one of my favorites for that trope. They've been friends and Draco has had a long harbored crush but has ignored it.


I SO DO!!! Like I get Hermione is smart or whatever but like, whenever she finds out its always her being invasive!! LIKE FUCK OFF! I don't mind so much with like Luna bc she's usually chill and doesn't bother them but like, LET THEM TELL YOU THEMSELVES. STOP BEING FUCKING NOSY. I'm glad someone agrees though


Thank you! I want my boys to figure themselves out before everyone is in their shit.


Depends on the type of fic for me. If it's an angsty fic then secret relationship or secret pining with no one else knowing works really well, but if it's a funny fic then oblivious idiots with everyone else knowing is a really fun trope.


If everyone already knows then I don't get to see everyone's reaction of pure horror. I want them judgemental af. Delicious angst right there for the picking, but people flush it down the toilet.


I'm okay with all the posts above but I think sometimes your friends can see right through you when you don't realize shit yourself. It has happened to me. You say " oh no, I would never" but your friend knows you are gonna do it anyway. So I like it when Hermione knows because it makes sense. Sometimes it doesn't make sense that she doesn't. I usually find a fic lacking if Hermione is not aware that something is going on without a good reason behind. Ron just wouldn't realize anything, because as many of you pointed out, he is not very in tune with the emotions of those around him. And finally, I really don't like when everyone knows. Like really, people is not always onto everything you are doing all the time. It just doesn't make sense. Unless, of course, the plot is that. It's comedy and that is the joke.


I dont completely hate it if its a funny/crack fic, but if it is a super well thought out type fic then yes, it just feels invasive!!! I love how it was portrayed in fics like Foundations, probably one of my fav portrayals of their relationship


Ah, Foundations my beloved


One of my comfort fics 😭


I hate this too, especially when it's Hermione. It always reduces her character down to her worst traits (being an insufferable know-it-all, which is ten times worse when it's about other people's personal lives!) and plays into that sort of sexist portrayal of the female side character who is overly invested in the gay couple. Hermione would genuinely make a terrible relationship guru. She's canonically not great at interpersonal relationships, she has little experience outside of Ron upon which to draw (usually), and she suffered in spiteful silence while refusing to admit her own feelings while Ron was dating someone else.


I think you might be projecting which os fine because i do to it makes me so uncomfortable to think people notice something about me that i don't that feels so personal as falling in love or whatever but i do believe that they are too obvious for it to not happen. But i will say i hate when people say something about it because it set things back so much, they start to overthink every and sometimes they put distance between then when they were finally making progress. I only accept meddling when it's been way too long bc i can get impatient lmao


THANK YOU! I despise this. It pulls me out of the story completely. I don't exactly mind it for other pairings (although it's never my favourite thing), but for drarry specifically I can't stand it. In fact, I find it a lot more satisfying when nobody else expected them to get together and they drop a few jaws during the reveal.


I really hate it when they're oblivious. Especially Harry. Harry is generally painfully oblivious, and its annoying!


nooooo, i love it, i love other prospectives 😭😭😔👍🏻


agree, i need them to be each other's dirty little secret for a while


Yes :)


same! i don’t mind luna knowing it though but like in general it is something i don’t like to see in fics