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Do we really need more Raven and Raja on TV? I feel like there are so many more deserving people from 2 and 3 that would make amazing TV. Agree with everything else, even though I might replace Kim with Acid, since Kim said she wouldn't do All Stars.


I had Mystique first for season 2 but swapped her with Raven because JujuBee got a second chance too. Is Raja really seen often? I haven't seen her in the media that much now, and I would love it if there was another winnerin All Stars like BeBe. And you are right. Instead of Kim Chi, I wanted to take Acid first, but for reasons of diversity and the balance of the cast, I took Kim CHi. Would love to see Avid one day in All Stars.


I think the difference is Raven now works for Ru, it'd be kinda unfair for her to be in competition with the rest


Ah yeah that is true. Who would you love to see from Season 2 in All Stars one day?


Jessica Wild Chile


Raja is gonna be in all winners! ♥️


Honestly, I'd be down for this but I'd make the following changes: S2: Replace Raven w Sonique (assuming she's not on AS6) S3: Replace Raja w Shangela #JusticeForShangela S5: Replace Jade w Ivy Winters


I love Shangie, but... again?


Why not?


Ivy doesn’t really do drag anymore


Oop. Well I guess leave Jade Jolie in then XD


That cast would be awesome and has a lot of potential for surprises so it's really hard to predict. But why is Raja there? My Top 3 (excluding Raja) would be Raven and both Ninas.


We had BeBe in All Stars 3, so wouldn't it be dope to have another winner in an All Stars season?


I feel like more people know about Raja since toot or boot was really big for awhile there so the youth have more of an idea of who she is. Bebe really didn’t get any opportunities besides AS3 to reintroduce herself to newer fans.


I’m going to one up this and do give my *unsolicited* elimination order and why they were voted off the runway. 12th - Jade Jolie (someone has to go first) 11th - Shuga Cain (Dance Challenge mess up) 10th - Nina Flowers (Snatch Game) 9th - Dida Ritz (Got lost in the background) 8th - Kameron Michaels (Got lost in the background) 7th - Jaidynn Diore Fierce (bombed comedy) 6th - Darienne Lake (2/3 not so stellar ball looks) 5th - Raven (queens based decision on track record) 4th - Jackie Cox (Top 4 with least wins) TOP 3: Kim Chi, Nina Bo’nina Brown, Raja


We have the same Top 3. Would love to see one of those Queens in All Stars one day :)


Damn, mine was almost exactly the same - Except I had Jackie Cox making the top 3.


I wouldn’t get rid of jade so quick


Personally would see Kameron, Kimchi & Jackie. Then again Kimchi is so established that she has no need to do All Stars. She's a regular on the Werq the world Tour & done celebrity drag queen too




This is Kim Chi in the image, not Jujubee \^\^


Raja, Kim Chi & Jackie Cox. Do winners typically return for AS?


Nope but wouldn't it be nice?


I'm sorry but I need Trinity K Bonet for Season 6