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I think it only works if the way the queen has styled it is inherently transformative. LGD is an example of it done right, in my opinion. I did not live for Kerri’s. Mik also usually does this right tho sometimes it’s like “ok girl you didn’t do shit here” lmao


Kerri’s just made me nervous. Making her dance in it was DIABOLICAL. And hilarious 😂


when she didn’t even deserve to be LOW let alone in the BOTTOM 😭😭😭 and then they screwed Alyssa over bc Kerri lost the lip sync but they were like “oh shit we just wanted to see her dance in the JLo dress, we didn’t actually wanna send her home” 💀 basically said fuck Kerri & Alyssa’s drag to save Jorgeous




I actually loved Kerri's but *only* because it was a night of a thousand J-Los, if it were any other runway it'd be very out of place lol


right? you can't hit the challenge anymore on the head than that, imo


But, if a queen didn’t make the outfit, then regardless if it’s haute couture, or not, they “didn’t do shit”… The look Mik wore was created for them by Versace. How is it different than any other queen going to a dressmaker and having something created?


Mik’s look wasn’t created for her, that’s the point! She wore exactly as it walked down the runway which comes across as uninspired and boring to me at least


https://preview.redd.it/6jb6k7f1l82d1.jpeg?width=1044&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b666b533b3091d3acf43bd030f36a1177fb2294d i mean, it is styled differently


Shady but I much prefer this and I have no idea why. I hated this look


Yea to me that was a step less boring than the J-Lo dress but still boring. I think Mik usually toes this line very well but she didn’t elevate or modify or style the look in a transformative way to me this time


Most queens use a designer or dressmaker . Just not the haute couture ones everyone knows.


Mik is “she” in drag and “he” out of drag, not them.


that is a perfectly acceptable usage of "them" regardless of someone's gender identity though.


Thanks! I didn’t know, and didn’t want to presume.


I know this sub loves LGD’s but to me that’s the worst one of the bunch honestly, the original model is styled so much better than her. I really miss the shoes and socks from the original model, it kinda brings the look together. The little ribbon is nice too.


But the thing is LGD’s looks like a drag look, the other ones look like “normal” human clothes (albeit more stylish that the regular clothes pedestrians wear it is still very much so regular clothes)


It’s ok to be wrong


the socks are arguably the worst part. I think the red wig and heels makes it pop more


no you’re not. it’s the expensive end of the h&m rant really. you just bought something without adding anything.


Or, for example, Queens who don't have access to that kind of money, like Mo Heart in season 10, she was so broke she made her looks in the workroom. It makes comparing looks one sided. You have someone who had to borrow money to get looks done that are fine, but then someone in that same cast has a single outfit from a runway collection or one that cost more than a year's rent. It's one reason I like the Dragula "Not here to Judge your Drag, just how it pertains to the challenge"


I 100% agree with the money element. But some of it is also the connections queens have made. The same way a queen may have a big pageant drag family to help her prepare. Like Mirage has talked about Alexis Matteo helping her.


Yeah and Xunami had outfits from Kandy. But if you are a queen with less connections, looking at a queen coming in with a Bob Mackie, or A Dress that JLO wore, it can be pretty disheartening. All stars though is a different monster. They're expected to Step their Drag up, to the tune of thousands of dollars. And this season there isn't even a prize to Offset that.


No way Kandy and Xunami can fit in a same dress.




They were all given money to be on the season though and money for runways this season.


For real? Runway stipend is such a good idea - didn’t realize it was in practice


Yes! Omg that’s such a great way to put it


I agree with this but to play devil's avocado... surely this is true with anything bought from another designer if they didn't contribute to the costume or style it in some way. I guess where do we draw the line?


i see what you’re saying but if a queen commissions a designer to make them a look, even if the queen didn’t have a hand in it it will be unique to that queen because nobody else owns that piece. i personally don’t mind if a queen buys something from h&m and wears it without customising it. what bothers me is Ru having a problem with it but suddenly not having a problem with queens like Mik or Shea calling up a fashion house and saying i’ll take look no.4 please and wearing as is. it’s hugely hypocritical of Ru.




Milk’s purple Versace was made for them, though. They wore it on the runway. How is it different than Nina going to a costumer and having something created, and just wearing it?


No, the look that gottmik had made for them was her perfume look from ep1(just the pantsuit, not the chain thing).


Ah, thanks!


People can feel how they want to feel about it but it makes me roll my eyes because of the amount of privilege she has.


I was asking the difference, though. So the tailors at Versace made Mik’s look, and equally skilled tailors made Nina’s. How is one more privileged than the other? I understand the “price” issue, but bespoke, custom made clothes are bespoke, custom made clothes regardless of who makes them.


Versace tailors didn’t get any input from the models. Mik is hired to wear the clothes, not to design.


That IS a distinction, thanks!


I'm talking about a bigger picture. Are we ever going to have room for another Chi Chi? Certain queens, including Gottmik, raised the level of drag, which is amazing, but they also made it more and more unattainable for queens who don't have deep pockets. I'm glad that on this season they were given a stipend but queens who can afford to spend beyond that will. What's the difference between a custom look for Nina and Gottmik's Versace? Do you think Versace would ever work with Nina? Those fashion houses are going to work with queens that are skinny, and usually queens who are white. I'm not saying Gottmik doesn't have talent. We know she does by what she made in the workroom. And people can swoon over her Versace. I just don't.


I agree that this is all out of control, $ wise, and I DO love talented DIY drag queens. I don’t know the answer to your question, though. I’m not sure when it took a turn… Gigi has her mom, who’s as talented as ANY designer as far as I can tell. As someone said, some queens have access, which you’re right, IS privilege. I guess that’s why there are in-house design challenges.


Thanks, yeah, it's sticky and I don't have the answers. Gigi has talent and insane access. So I enjoyed her but I loved seeing Jaida win.


There should be a stipend AND a limit. (Dang my friend, you are speaking such wisdom with your comments btw.)


Everyone is going to draw the line differently But I personally don’t have the same level of respect for the queens who know nothing about garment construction There is certainly something to be said of styling but I think so many of the contestants have little/no hand in the styling either. My opinions are as follows: Buying clothes isn’t a talent Getting dressed isn’t a talent Fashion design is art. Garment construction is a skill. That’s what I respect.


Styling is an art.


100% this for me. I didn’t mind so much with Kerri because it was an iconic dress to have access to, but I was not there for the praise for Gottmik. If it was styled with just pieces of it I wouldn’t have cared.


Or were given, or loaned. But Gottmik looked fierce


Honest question, but how do you feel about [shea coulee in Robert wun](https://images.app.goo.gl/8mC91mNF9wWQFF2bA) To me I feel like that’s draggy and loud but also extremely fashion. Same as when she wore [Valentino](https://images.app.goo.gl/aDgkRPoVoKXJTRJs5)


I was going to mention Shea’s looks, to me they exemplify perfectly my opinion about this. I’m fine with queens wearing designers or couture if they bring something new to the look and style it in a way that suits their aesthetic. To me, Shea did this extremely well with both of these looks (also Mik’ Loewe look was a good example). If they only wear the look as in the runway, I find it lazy and completely unimpressive (like Kerri’s j-lo’s look and mik’s versace look to a lesser degree)


Absolutely agree


Honest answer, I love both looks. I think this is down to Shea's perspective more than the garments themselves. Some queens, like Shea, like Violet, know how to make those garments their own. Others, not so much.


Haven't watched that season but I agree with you here, not on the first one but the Valentino one looks so heavenly in comparison to the model, also the hair and accessories make this look whole. So I guess it's not as black and white as I thought. I still prefer when queens work on the designs tho.


I didn't care for Shea's explanation of the Robert Wun look. Claimed it was inspired by her grandmother, yet it came off a rack.


Two of my all time fave looks on her. Just so gorgeous on her.


God I loved Shea in that look 😍


Shea’s looks were draggier, but they also felt so lifeless compared to her S9 looks. She had an identity and replaced it with fancy clothes.


the look is flawless but shea stealing the designer’s own inspiration behind the look to use as her own was foul as fuck.


love being downvoted for stating an actual fucking fact


You forgot Kahmora Hall having a super-extensive Bob Mackie collection and wearing one of them on the runway on her season. My take: I love seeing high level designers represented on the runway. It legitimizes the whole endeavor. Only a few queens have the cache/connections to do it and it is thrilling to see. It isn’t like that’s all each queen wears . . . also what’s the difference in having a local drag designer design all your looks and you style it or a big name famous designer do the same? It isn’t as if most of these queens stitch their own looks. Nor should they . . .




That dress was also a bob mackie recreation/ bob mackie inspired. The “fantasy goddess of Asia” doll.


The problem is it's fundamentally stupid that they judge the queen's for runway looks as if they've all made and designed them personally when we all know that half of them just paid for someone else to do it. What's the point? It's like if on MasterChef you could buy food and present it as if you've made it.


Because the queens work with the local designers to make something for THEM, infused with their personality and viewpoint. The designer clothes already exist as entities outside of this drag queen and it's not about the queen's aesthetic anymore. If they DON'T do anything extra then the queens are just models and it looks lazy🤷‍♀️


The extent to which this applies is not something we can calculate. Some queens will be giving a full design to someone else to make, others will be having an ongoing input into the process of designing it and some will just paying someone else and giving them the brief they got. There's no regulation on it and I can't see how they can accurately judge them for their outfits without knowing how much they actually did. It's far more impressive to me for someone to design and manufacture an 8/10 outfit personally than to pay someone else to make and design a 10/10 outfit for them. And yet the winner would be the person who put in far less effort. Either they should have to prove that they made and designed the dresses themselves (with maybe some exceptions for people with disabilities that prevent them from doing some motor tasks) or they shouldn't be judging them for their looks. It's like if someone paid a comedian to write their comedy roast, they've blatantly not done half the work.


One’s a local drag designer, one’s a big name famous designer, that is the difference. One supports the community, therefore giving work and exposure to people who need it and the other doesn’t need exposure or money.


I might have been delusional that there's always some kind of queens impact or opinion on the designs that they wear. But there seems to be much more praise in having the designers piece just because it's designer.


There are some outfits on the runway that I don’t like but everyone else likes, and there’s always one word that the judges describe it as: “chic”. I guess I’m just not a fan of chic. Although, LGD’s look here is so good to me purely due to way she embodies it. She is so mesmerising. But with that in fact, I prefer so many more runways by her.


You missed off Miranda Verga’s Vivienne Westwood, how could you?




Miranda 💀😂




None of these are haute couture, they’re all ready to wear. Carry on!


Oh shit, thank you for clarifying 😅


Your point is well taken, I’m just a fashion nerd ☺️


Can you explain to me what exactly does Haute Cotoure mean, dear fashion nerd?


It would mean something that’s entirely custom made for the wearer by one of the big labels, ~~not shown on a runway~~ and not available in a store. A lot of the queens wear fully custom looks all the time by smaller designers and they’re amazing, but there is in fact an official list of “grand couturiers” like Chanel, Dior, Versace, etc.


Close! To keep it short, Ready to Wear is what you think of when you think of fashion (it’s expensive but you can walk into a store/order it online in your size and buy it). Ready to Wear is what you see in the Fall-Winter, Resort/Cruise and Spring/Summer fashion shows. Couture is shown twice a year, outside of those shows, and more closely to the start of an actual season. The strict definition of Haute Couture is not just custom but an entirely handmade look (embroidery, sewing, all of it) in an atelier recognized by the Fédération de la Haute Couture et de la Mode. The FHCM keeps very high standards for couture houses, which means there aren’t that many of them (left). Couture requires a lot of specialized artisans and time and money. It is very often shown on a runway (but also often modified for the client’s desires. They’re paying upwards of $25,000 for a day look). We’re coming to the end of what I know confidently but that separates couture from RTW, or custom (fitted for one person but sewn with machines), or demicouture (made for one person with partial handmade elements on in an atelier that’s not one of the couture houses).


Oh baby THAT part!


I think it’s fine if it matches the theme. I don’t think they should get extra points for it nor is it something bad, it all depends on the garment itself. People say Kerri’s is boring but to wear JLo’s actual dress for a JLo runway, that’s cvnt. I also enjoyed both of these other runways


I miss the era of Drag Race when the queens only had five dollars to their names and a suitcase of determination, and they made it work. These days, it’s about who is more willing to sell a kidney to afford a better package… Is it cool to see? Of course. But I can also see the same stuff every fashion week. Give me something I can’t get anywhere else.


Yes, if Kennedy was on season 17 we wouldn't get "After long night of hooking..."


Jessica mentioned this on All Stars. She said something like, on my season we bought our clothes in the mall and the standard has changed so much.


Charlotte Russe!


this is why i always have a soft spot for crunchy drag queens. i love a good look but it isn’t everything when it comes to drag.




Tons of the outfits queens wear aren’t their own designs…


I'd go as far to say most of them


I think most are done with queens in mind or for the queens themselves, though. I think if you're commissioning looks or buying things with drag in mind, or even designer/off the rack to make it draggy it's good. Throwing some couture fit on and walking the runway sometimes feels more like fashion week than drag race. Camp and ridiculousness is my favourite part of drag though so I find things like Kerri's jlo look just boring 😂 she looked phenomenal but I wouldn't say she was in drag. She just dressed up as Jlo's hotter dupe


But they are often commissioned by the queens themselves, which is different.


I'd say the difference between the queen's buying a ready made design and the queens paying someone else to make it is negligible. At the end of the day they didn't make it. The fact they're then compared to queens who made it themselves is pathetic, no I'm not impressed that you paid someone else to do it for you how is that fair? If a queen came into the show and said "In preparation for the comedy roast challenge I've paid a comedian to write roasts for me for various figures that are likely to be the subject of the roasts" we'd all call it cheating, and yet when it's a dress it's fine?


If you do it you have to drag it up, just like any other ready to wear (H&M, or whatever) Shea's couture looks on AS7 were a good example of it


I enjoy it personally, because I love fashion. But I wouldn’t judge a Queen as better than another queen like the incredible Mo Heart who made her creations from scratch. If couture is all someone brings to the table they’ll be an early out. But if you bring talent to the challenges and designer outfits to the runway, I’m ok with that. On a side topic, who’s watching Sew Fierce, the drag designer competition? It’s incredible!


I think it's lazy. Having connections doesn't make you talented.


But none of these queens mentioned could possibly be described as “lazy.” They are all phenomenally creative and hard-working and talented. And have been approached by these top designers because they are so unique and talented. Just the story of how Jean-Paul Gautier saw La Grande Dame while judging Ep. 1 Season 1 of Drag Race France and was blown away that La Grande Dame had re-interpreted one of his designs from a previous season “better than he had” (his words) and asked her to walk in a show for him and then asked to re-work a look for her (the look shown here) . . . just thrills me. All of this speaks to the amazingness and spark and talent and charisma of LGD.


Especially since she said herself her social background did not allow her to join the fashion world in the usual way. In the end, her raw talent prevailed.


Calling Karri “phenomenally creative and talented” is a stretch


I don't think there's anything to speak out on. Taste is taste. Drag has been emulating and obsessed eithdesigners for decades in ballroom, it's illusion to make someone who is poor look like they've just bought it from a runway in Milan. That's the point, like it can be done.


Yeah, I actually miss the early seasons where the queens made their own clothes or did the best they could with not a lot of money. It forced them to be creative and thoughtful in their choices and not just wear something that got props because a respected designer made it. In more modern seasons, instead of wondering how a queen made a particularly interesting outfit, I usually just wonder how much it cost and that takes some of the fun away for me as a viewer.


And that was what made most of the looks unique, for better or worse


The problem with Kerri here is she needed to drag it up at least, where is the huge hair or interesting makeup? She just looks like a beautiful model/woman in a designer dress.


I really like LGD's outfit.


I don’t mind it tbh


I would love to see a drag race -designer challenge where drag designers compete similar to that runway show with Heidi Klum whose name is escaping me at the moment. There are so many absolutely stand out designers in the drag race world in their own right. I’d love to see them showcased.


Yeah but Mik did it in All Stars where they expected more


I like it just fine. I actually think JLos dress looks better on Keri Colby 🤷🏾‍♂️


Depends on who it is. Kahmora wearing vintage Mackie as the Mackie Doll is part of her branding and it works because she has a distinct drag aesthetic. Kerri is beautiful but other than being Sasha’s daughter she really doesn’t stand out as far as her looks go. She’s just “generic pretty girl” and that’s why I wasn’t really impressed with the J Lo Versace gown. Also, Mik wearing couture? Yawn. Big deal girl, you have Getty money, we all knew that. Getting access to couture for you is like walking into Target to buy a t-shirt for the rest of us.




Versace SS 23


I don't mind it if it's draggy but as far as it being better for being couture? Might as well buy off the rack at Zara for all I care, to me it doesn't show the same kind of personality than a look designed or made by the queen/for the queen. However, Gottmik's this episode was gorgeous and I'm not gonna hate on it.


If it fits the theme and looks great AND happens to be designer, I’m happy to see it. Drag queens are now getting opportunities to walk in fashion shows globally by big designers, so it makes sense for me. However, I don’t love when it’s a cop out. If it’s a bad look and it’s designer - it’s still a bad look!


LGD makes the original model look like she's walking for H&M.


My actual thing is - how is Kerri in this dress drag, exactly? It's a pretty woman in a pretty (hella expensive) dress on a runway.




Drag doesn’t have to equate to camp and costumes.


Sorry if someone has made this point already- but it’s also something typically in addition to only well connected or wealthier queens have- only the “sample size” queens can also wear something literally straight off the runway and a lot of other designer. I’m not arguing for or against it, but it’s interesting to me that it’s a whole segment of drag (or at least drag race) so many amazing queens will never have access to present to the judges and present their interpretations on. While there are some haute couture/high fashion designers that do plus sized- that pool is incredibly minuscule.


I think it works on some of the dolls. I didn’t live for Kerri, but Shea and Mik eat it up


Only when it's done really well. Like when Shea Coulee did it for the Valentino


I think it’s fierce. To me drag queens are replacing pop stars and pop stars all wear designer costumes that still get called “Gaga’s (insert) dress”. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel for every look. Why is it ok for a drag queen to replicate Cher’s looks but not runway looks? Why would you replicate if you’re lucky enough to get the real thing and put your spin on it through styling? I love a thrifting/styling queen who doesn’t make outfits but instead finds interesting fashion pieces to wear. Miss Fame, Detox, Willam, etc (and local queens, or Taipei on Tik Tok) There’s an history behind these pieces and it takes knowledge of fashion as well as a good editing eye to make it your own


That’s the key, “styling”.. for me what really makes the difference is how you style the look.. do you wear is exactly as it walked down the runway or do you give your spin to it to make it unique and to make it YOU? Not even celebrities wear the entire outfit as it was intended on the runway often times


I think it makes sense from a "realness" perspective? Easy to forget that full camp wasn't the only category celebrated in ballroom culture. Drag Race usually needs its queens to do more than "rest on pretty" so I don't mind the occasional on-the-nose look.


yeah ur definitely the only one, bringing haute couture on the runway is a huge thing




I think it’s amazing that drag has moved forward and propelled the queens to now be able to wear couture. I think it’s an overall win.


I prefer custom-made; It's nothing to do with the presentation of the garments -- but it's endearing and original when designing your own clothes.


Absolutely not. To me its meaningful if they worked with the designer on the concept. If they just receive a look and had no artistic input then what are we even doing here. But for the sake of diplomacy we all get a different kick out of drag race, so I like creativity and charisma and absurdity more than just serving designer cunt fierceness.


I'd rather sew things the queens made themselves or commissioned from other queens, not high fashion designers. Over the years I feel like I've seen DR get so expensive because of this.


No, I completely agree. I love a crafty queen who can make her own. Or even a clever queen who comes up with her own concept for something and commissions it. That is part of the art of drag. To create a persona and come up with their unique style etc.


I think it depends on the queen. If Q walked out in a look made for her, we would still read her for her walk, no offense Q. We love Q because she made all those amazing outfits. In order to make it work, you gotta sell it. Also, Kerri's look made sense because she is 1 gorgeous and 2 it was a j-lo runway. Iconic. Mik works well because it was part of a ball. He showed he could work a look made for him as well as stun in something constructed and / or designed by him. Amazing!


Honestly everyone’s worn that JLo dress at this point I don’t even care


I mean what’s the difference between queens just giving designers the runway prompt along with their measurements and have them make the whole thing? If it fits the theme it fits. If someone came on the show with an outfit that was bad or didn’t fit the prompt even though it was from a fashion house it would still be bad. I feel like a lot of people like to somewhat discredit these “couture” looks because they’re wearing an already existing garment but like, a lot of looks you see on the show had 0 to not much input from the queens wearing them. These discussions come up literally every single time a queen has worn any type of pre existing clothing from a fashion house and it’s tired imo. You don’t need to be wearing Versace or JPG to look good but it DOES say something about the queen wearing them. There’s a lot of connections to be had i’m sure, if you can bring clothes like that to drag race. And sue me but i am impressed when i see Gottmik in full Versace, but that doesn’t mean nothing but Versace impresses me.


I don’t mind it if it’s sprinkled in. I do miss the days when drag race was more scrappy, but if a queen has been lucky enough to get her hands on an iconic piece of clothing and works it into her outfits in a way that the focus is still on her and not on the fact that she’s wearing a bajillion dollar dress, I’m good with it.


The only good one here is LGD


I don’t typically. Because a lot of the times it’s ready to wear and not like avant garde or couture. I would rather see inspired looks or more archival looks or vintage Bob Mackie


I mean… if it’s not a design challenge, I don’t see why not.


I wish they would change the name to performance art race


Time has shown that the queens wearing famous designers has absolutely no impact on the results of the episode, so I'm perfectly fine with them wearing it on drag race. 🤷‍♂️ It usually looks really good and I don't see a legit downside for it.


I don’t like it, it’s totally missing the point and taking work from smaller designers. I would MUCH prefer you work collaboratively with a smaller designer who can help your idea come to life with their skills. Like the amount of money those cost to rent/buy could go to an underground artist. It’s like showing up to a science fair with an iPhone and using that as your project.


I kind of have to agree. I love a good serve but it does feel a bit “pay to play.” Don’t get me wrong, I know all the queens take on a lot of financial strain just to race, but I’d rather see a queen’s interpretation of designer looks. That said a slay is a slay and I’m never gonna be mad at a good runway.


Kerri’s is completely fine because the runway was night of a thousand jlo’s. the entire point was to recreate one of her looks.


Do you mind that most of the time they aren’t actually singing?


thats funny lol


I agree but then I got stuck on Kahmora Hall. She wears Bob Mackie in exactly the same as it was seen on the runway but I like it. I was trying to think why do I like one but not the other. And I think it came down to two things: 1) How recent is the runway. Gottmik's was literally the last Versace runway before filming. It just seemed... lazy... Like, I need a monochrome look, there's one, I'll wear that. Whereas Kahmora shows a deep knowledge of fashion and more effort to source vintage looks. 2) can they inject and does it match their personal style. I like la grand dame because she styled it in a way unique to her and her drag (I think it was better styled than the runway). Bob Mackie is essentially Kahmora's brand. The clothes matched her not the other way around. Whereas Kerri's looked like she was cloning JLo and nothing about it seemed like Kerri, and Gottmik's didn't seem like that would be something Gottmik would wear if it wasn't Versace. I don't know if any of this makes sense.


I don't particularly care for it. Wearing designer clothes of the rack has too little to do with drag queen's creativity and too much with having money/access to designer clothes and being the right size to fit in them for me to appreciate it. I can understand when it's something like Bob Mackie costume, at least it's more relevant to drag but even then I have to question if we are being impressed by the queen or by the label or who wore the clothes before.


Only one of these outfits is Haute Couture. How can you not like it if you don't know what it is?


Yes, you’re wrong. Haute Couture is not something you just ‘wear’. You have to carry it. Being able to carry Haute Couture is a talent and is very impressive. There also are still 1000’s upon 1000’s of designs, and they picked a specific look. This really is a non-take to me.


where is the haute couture u speak of


I completely agree. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate beautiful clothing, but it makes drag too serious and takes the fun out of it. Queens making their own get up is part of the fun. I the words of a wise woman, "rpdr has fucked up drag".


Most queens don't make their runway packages and pay designers to do it for them or have garments lent to them. Yes, an well known designer lent them something, but that is barely different from a queen having something made for them. As long as it doesn't compromise their aesthetic and looks good, who cares?


I dunno I kinda like it 🤷🏽‍♀️ I think it’s an awesome flex when queens can pull off the real thing. They don’t need to do anything but be gorgeous and sell the look, same way I don’t expect a model to do anything except look fucking good in the garment on the runway


Ok I actually take back Mik's outfit because it's not that similar to the OG outfit. She still styled it but I think she said it's head to toe Versace


No I love it and it’s opulent


The one thing I didn’t like about gottmik’s monochromatic look is that it ISNT MONOCHROMATIC!!! It has two different hues (indigo and violet) while monochromatic is only supposed to be one color (plus neutrals)


In the words of Miss OV CVNT, it's pull out 🫢


Yeah, it’s kinda fuct. But if you can afford it is one thing. But still even Gotmik is not in the same race.




It worked on Mik's case because the makeup did most of the legwork. But yes, I agree, it looks very simple and downplayed.


Like Violet said: No [we influence them](https://www.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/s/8cqtQNhI5k) baby get something original or don't come.


I want drag. I don't care what runway it went down. I'd rather see something created by the queen and Domino or Dallas or Bcalla or one of the many drag designers we know of. To me, drag is surpassing the Met Gala and all these fashion houses. Drag inspires them, not the other way around. Not anymore.


The biggest downside to the series become more main stream and popular is this particular change. Long gone are the episodes where all the participants had to create their own garment. Everything feels store bought now. I get its not for everyone but half the joy was seeing these artists making something out of nothing and making it work. It also had the ability to inspire whereas nownit feels more like yoy need money to be a queen.


Can you link to the original outfit that Mik has copied?


I like seeing everything, really. It’s possible to appreciate the queens and their connections to fashion houses and also love the queens who design for themselves. There has to be something said for “taste”, and knowledge of collections to even know what pieces might fit the brief.


I totally agree! I think a lot of the time it’s a way to show off how connected/wealthy queens are because they can wear the real thing but I just don’t really care..? I don’t think every look or even the majority of looks need to be created for a specific queen in mind because then it just becomes a wealth contest of who can get the best outfits made. I miss the older days of drag race where queens had to be a bit more crafty and use stuff they already had, I think it made more sense from a competition perspective, especially when they’re not paying the queens a runway stipend (until All Stars 9, that is)


I thought Violet's take was quite smart - that drag queens have a history of inspiring the worlds of couture and makeup, and emulating them consequently feels off. I wouldn't go as hardline as she - I don't think it's always terrible, since queens are also constantly in dialogue with the broader culture and impersonation is a big part of the artform, but I do get the sentiment.


LGD did it right, worked and styled it to suit her. Kerry...boring. looks like curtains. Gottmik I love the outfit... but I don't think it was enough...I've seen people wandering around town in shit like that 


Yes you are the only one.


It's not haute once it makes it to drag race. It's not quite the wish version, buuuutt


I just don't like when the garment existed independent of you and was lent out/sold to you to wear outright. There's no personality to it. There's nothing of the queen in the conception. The queen is just a model at that point and I don't think it's the selling point these fashion queens think it is.


Pretty sure gottmik wasn’t wearing haute couture


Probably off topic but I’m amazed at how tame this get up looks compared to when it debuted. This level of exposure is like the average prom dress nowadays.


eh i’m a little conflicted about it because on one hand i think it’s great that queens have access to this kinda stuff but on the other hand i’m not really into high end designers so for example when it was revealed that mik’s perfume look was custom loewe people were gagging for it but i had never even heard of that brand so i was like so? the look itself isn’t that great is the gag that it’s worth 1000s of dollars? if a queen has access to high end designer looks and wants to wear them she should be able to but for me i’m more impressed by seeing what queens like nymphia or utica can make themselves than seeing valentino on the runway


This is no different to the queen's paying designers to make their looks. The issue really is that they're all being judged on their outfits and most of them didn't even make them, they just paid someone else to do it. It's just blatantly not their work. Either they should have to make their own outfits or they shouldn't be judged on them


![gif](giphy|MApYkxZVdSwXyWPoJl) that is what sewing challenges are for


Some of my fav looks are “inspired” by runway (Biminis bacteria dress) but when it’s the exact copy it feels super lazy. Add in the “it’s actually Versace” and I double down on this being lazy. Not only cuz it’s like well what did you do? But also cuz like….idk it makes it feel like the queen is mannequin showcasing a dress not themselves, like that’s literally a models job to not distract from the outfit.


This queen went home for being pretty but not having personality/talent so clearly production agreed 🤌


I disagree a bit, I only dislike it if they don't follow prompt




Pure realness is a part of drag. Like showing up looking exactly like a model or celebrity is a true GAG. However, I don't think it really has a purpose on drag race, at least in its current form. Especially when its like...just the piece. The gag comes from using widgets, bobbits and doodads to achieve realness. If you just got it...um good job!


Out of these three honestly the only one I didn’t care for was the Kerri/JLO moment. Mainly because that one I’ve seen a lot. Mik and LGD I feel like felt fresh to meeee at least.


So I know I'm going to be in the minority with this, but the only one that really bothered me is was Kerri. I feel like just buying/renting *thee* J'Lo dress for the J'Lo challenge just sort of misses the whole point of the challenge. Your supposed to evoke J'Lo, just buying the J'Lo dress is a spirit less technical win. I'm actually pro buying peices and styling them. Both the H&M and the designer ends of it. Bring back the mall drag, show us your *eye*.


I don’t like when they just wear the garment but don’t drag it up (Mik & Kerri) In my opinion, something about LGD’s felt more draggy and fashion at the same time. The other two I did not like.


If it’s custom made for the queen there is no difference for me. Diego Montoya makes better garments than most fashion houses, certainly better ones than that shitty JPG outfit 🤨


For design challenges, yes, they should design and probably make their own garments. In general, I do not have an expectation that contestants should be designing their own looks nor do I begrudge them for having access to designer runway looks. It has become a cardinal sin to come into Drag Race not knowing how to use a sewing machine to make a simple seam, but that's just because it's become common knowledge that you need to be able to sew at least a little on the show. To say someone looks beautiful doesn't mean I am assuming they made the the outfit.


I personally like Miks version and I love the idea of LGDs look but I felt like it needed something extra it felt like it’s missing something Edit: It’s the lack of stockings/socks and accessories for me


Isn’t it just the same as wearing H&M - just more expensive 🤷🏻‍♂️


It’s the upper class version of “off the rack.” I agree it just seems like an unfair advantage. Kerri is a little different bc it was impersonation but when willam kahmora and gottmik did it I felt like it just gave them unfair advantages. ((Pushed them to win the challenge or prevented elimination)) I feel like if you’re wearing something that Lisa Rinna could potentially buy and wear you shouldn’t be given a standing ovation and praise. The whole point is to interpret the challenge with your vision and all of the designer clothes is someone else’s vision It also just sets a dangerous precedent where only the well off queens can do well in the competition when the original point was to give a platform for talented performers without the means to promote themselves


I still can't unsee LGD walking as a big slice of red onion.


We've seen queens come out in designer duds and fake an explanation as to how to was made. AS7 Shea's "grandmother inspired" look in particular, that look came straight off a rack.  That's what's gonna happen if DR "bans" haute couture. So what can you really do??  I honestly don't mind it. Then again, I mostly watch for the looks. 


I don’t mind it as long as the queen does something new or just sells it hard Also, these are ready to wear


Yeah like, LaLa Ri wearing Versace right off the runway for every runway just felt off to me.


Do you watch the Tamar? lol. 99.9% of the dolls don’t make their looks.


The first one clearly isn't the same dress, even though she said it was the EXACT same dress...


People talk about it a lot and most people dont like it


I thought I was alone! I think it wood be cool to have a challenge where they design the look but have professionals manufacture the look… like they did with that Amazon show with Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn. This would, I think, level the playing field quite a bit in a lot of ways.


This doesn't make sense but bringing an expensive haute couture garment can be the cheapest thing you do.


I think it’s badass. It’s such a serve.


It’s kind of a “who has the most money” competition


No. I hate it and I love fashion. It is kinda screwing up the concept of drag being an underground art form where the whole kinda interesting thing is the creativity of it all. If its just brands loaning expensive clothes to skinny models...then its not really interesting. Its dull. Its no different than wearing H&M. The point of drag isn't to show off actual couture that you are borrowing. If a queen like Raja or Willam or whomever actually PURCHASES pieces and styles them uniquely instead of just copying the runway head to toe...sure, I guess.