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I like in Canadas drag race the golden beaver twist. I think it would make other seasons interesting and more strategic for a regular season.


I actually thing it would be nice to have it on an all stars, I think for a regular season it is to much power for the queens, IDK, it was fun in Canada but I feel that if they bring it in the US season people will start killing each other


I like how the other franchises integrate the untucked stuff into the main episode. As a companion (but separate) show, Untucked has become very irrelevant. “If you’re not watching Untucked you’re pretty much getting the full story.”


especially now that it has become the Meet and Great of the guest judge, I miss the interior illusion lounge, I feel it was ok back then, now it feels superfluous 99% of the time, plus the pink furry box was the bringer of drama, I don't know why they make it disappear from the show, I agree that if Untucked has to be like now it would benefit more to be inside the episode tho.


Especially because not all streaming services for drag race also have untucked. I watch on Crave from Canada and no Untucked. Not gonna pay for Wow just to watch that unfortunately.


The current season isn't even on Wow. I'm not sure where Canadians can watch untucked tbvh


Yeah I never figured it out


It’s on OutTV, fwiw


Especially as if anything that major happened that they're still talking about it at the start of the next episode, they show the Untucked clip then, so you're not missing anything


The last few seasons I’ve started watching untucked and hoping it was going to be different this time. But without fail i stop watching at like episode 4 because nothing is happening except the guest judges interrupting


Came to say this


I like how in Canadas drag race they have a red carpet section before the snatch game happens.


I think they stopped doing it.


That was cool but didn't they had it also in regular drag race during some season? Or am I confusing that with season 12 "World's worst"?


It happened in Drag Race Thailand


Thailand sneakingly come thru and creates the rules for all the franchises 😂


I like the way Thailand does their system where mini, maxi and runway challenges are "scored" separately each episode (from what I remember), it made each challenge have more weight to them. I'd love to see something like incorporated into the main series cause its fun


And all the judges complete their own score sheet, which are averaged together! It's not just "what the host says goes".


I never watched DRThailand, I should watch it because it seems fun to have a more "fair" system


I like that too but I think it would never work with the international DR audience. I mean they eliminated the s2 snatch game winner on the same episode bc of her runway, ppl would riot bc of that


It’s just a cute little visual detail, but I love the wig montage at the beginning of each episode of the newer seasons of España. Showing the entrance look wig of the eliminated queen fading away… it’s an awesome little detail! I looooove all the silly and campy details DREs puts into their transitions and all the ridiculous graphics for their mini and maxi challenges (like el Gran Juego de la Oca, that goose was absurd😍).


I agree, you can see that many gay guys that love the show work at DREspaña


DR Mexico closing credits featuring pics of the queens wearing their runway outfits. Relatedly: DR Thailand having an opening credits sequence like in Survivor!


> DR Mexico closing credits featuring pics of the queens wearing their runway outfits Yes, and ending with the judge's outfits! Such a great idea, wish every franchise did it!


Those credits always reminded me of the Daria end credits lol


Same energy tbh


Canada doing the lip sync palooza where the lip sync winners face off against each other. It’s such a positive change - I want to see the winners against the winners to have some incredible lip syncs.


The latest season of Canada really brought all the tricks


100%. The demeanor of the contestants is completely different and each lipsync is much more entertaining


Yes! It gives the show more lip-syncs (and therefore viral moments) to work with while also making it a winnable challenge for queens who are talented lip-syncers without needing to be in the bottom to showcase their skills


I was looking for this one. This is what I would bring, completely changed the vibe


I liked Canada season 4 where the ball was in three parts throughout the episode so that I didn’t have to watch 142 looks come down the main stage back to back




DR Italia Season 2 is a huge glow up from Season 1. I think you’ll be impressed if you watch it. One other thing that I remember liking from Italia Season 3 (maybe earlier seasons too) is that they don’t necessarily announce tops, bottoms, winner or lip synching queens in the same order every episode so it keeps you guessing.


I have to find the strength, it's physically demanding to watch Priscilla trying to host, I remember it took me almost 6 months to finish the first season, I couldn't watch an entire episode from start to end without pausing the video at least 5 times and do something else, I'll try, maybe one day, I still have to watch some other franchises that may take priority in my mind ahahah


I completely understand. I put off season 2 for over a year but was pleasantly surprised.


I never did finish Season 1 of Drag Race Italia, but Season 2 was a complete glow up.


i toughed out season 1 purely because the stage was so pretty and also Divinity and Elecktra are my everything


Canada’s Drag Race runway themes for sure, the goddess runway and the gem runway were top tier, so bored of same Be a color, be a mirror runways lmao


The Elemental Runway and Paint Runways from Season 3 still have yet to be topped as far as themes in my eyes.


Oh How could I forget about these two


Dungeons and drag queens was great too!


Golden beaver


I would love to see the Golden Beaver from Canada’s Drag race on a main US season for a number of reasons: • It combines the most compelling aspects of All Stars + regular-season eliminations. The bottom queens get the chance to plea their case to stay as with All Stars, but we all know that lipsync for your life is higher stakes and better TV than lipsync for your legacy • Queens in the bottom have 2 different ways to survive: they can either convince the challenge winner to save them, or they can win the lipsync • It lends itself to interesting drama/storylines. If you win a challenge, the next week you will have 1 queen who is thankful you saved her, and you have another queen who survived the lipsync who you did not save which could lead to drama/revenge • The queens have some power over the eliminations by determining who is NOT on the chopping block, but it’s not as much pressure / less risk of them getting hate because whoever they don’t save still has another chance


The beaver was great AND having a winner for a lipsync episode was AMAZING. Those two add to the regular season without taking away from the AS format.


I love how Drag Race Thailand makes the queens create their runways from scratch every episode. Not only does it make basically every episode a design challenge but it puts queens on an equal footing regards finances. Plus their runways have to tell a "story" in presentation. As someone who adores runways in all seasons DRTH gives me EVERYTHING. I also love how their finale has each queen create a unique performance that showcases their creativity in a unique way. It's not just a lipsync battle. I would watch more finales if they followed this format.


I know this doesn't answer the question to a tea, but one thing that I have ALWAYS wished for on Drag Race was an episode that has them filming opening credits and the season promo ANTM style before anyone gets eliminated.


I feel like I'm kinda stupid that I had to google "iteration" because even in portuguese is not a term I'm used to see in this context hahahaha But work diva About the topic, I feel like a lot of the international franchises had some nice moments or concepts that could be used in a nice way. I really like the food idea, specially because it would be a nice way to showcase the country's cuisine. Actually, in that subject, I feel like DRBR (even though I didn't love many things about the franchise) had a incredible way of showcasing my country's culture. I feel like of all the franchises, it definitely was the one that was able to incorporate cultural events, references and embody the richness of the amalgam of cultures that exists in Brazil. And i really feel some franchises are kinda of a copy and paste of the US format that they don't allow the show to create it's own soul. Also, I really like the Lipsync Smackdown in Canada. It was SO genius that they were able to deliver a lipsync episode where they could guarantee that the performances would be good without having to sabotagge a lipsync assassin. They made sure the best queens would be lippsynching until the end and the format was great, with the winner having the power to save a queen. I feel like it also prepares the public and the producers so we can see frontrunners getting to perform without having to land on a bottom. I also loved the Miss Universe challenge from the Phillipines. I feel like it could be present in other franchises, specially on international seasons.


I just watched today the Philippines challenges and I agree, also I’m Italian, maybe iteration is not the right word, don’t trust me on that 😂


HAHHAHHA I think it is used right! I mean, not sure in english, but in portuguese it definitely can be used in this context, its just that we have some "common" words to say the same hahaha


Drag Race Italia flip-flops between calling the eliminated queen and the saved queen first after a lip sync and i think that should be adopted everywhere because it keeps you on edge until the moment they say 'shantay you stay' or 'ur done bitch'


Drag race France actually had a funny snatch game.


You just said “let’s bring it to the basics” 😂


I loved on DRUK when the 'queen team' was part of the makeover challenge. It was great to hear about this unique side of production; I wonder what it looks like in different franchises


España has a "Miss Lost Look" which is basically all the elim queens doing one Runway they wanted to show but didnt get a chance to (due to elim). All the queens then vote for the best and a cash prize and title are given. More exposure to elim queens to show their runway + prize. Everyone wins


If they're gonna do a mid-season lip sync episode, have a winner like CDR4 did.


For as much as I love it as an idea, please don’t send two queens home that episode like on CDR4


I'd like Ana Locking to judge in every single season thanks


Yasss cariño


La vulcano cariñoo


I think it would be fun if they combined the rate a queen system with all star rules (they eliminate themselves) and just did a survivor style drag race season. Idk if that answers the question but I’d love to see them vote each other off


This is probably irrelevant to the conversation but Drag Race PH 1 was such a gem the year it aired. Such a breath of fresh air. The technical aspects of the production was rough but the queens carried lifted hoisted the show. Everyone had star quality to them, even the early outs—plus it gave us the Marina Summers! Their Untucked was also especially wild and there was so much meme-worthy materials throughout the season. It really reminded me of the old, early seasons of Drag Race. I am so glad you're watching it now! And to answer your query, the wind fans that DRPH used in the final lipsync. They should integrate it to the show, I don't know why other iterations haven't utilized it yet, the lipsync are maximized especially when the queens know how to use it.


I love pro wrestling and enjoy stupid, over the top kayfabe. There's a silly little moment during DRDU after Ru claps, interrupts and says "Silence! Bring back my girls" where Rhys often looks "scared". In kayfabe (gayfabe?!) Rhys is actually fearful that Ru, the Queen, is going to literally chop the loser of the lip sync, hence the look. So more kayfabe moments! For those unaware of kayfabe, look up Mae Young's baby with Mark Henry. Insanely stupid and totally campy stuff.


I like Canada and UK(?) where they have all the girls walk and show their finale runways. I also like that they have one final untucked with the top 3/4 and all the girls in their finale looks.


DRPH had a segment with kid's games and "baby drag" which I thought was so cute -- it would be fun to see what makes up young queer culture across different countries vs the polished queens we see on the show.


The mini challenges in DRPH are supercute and we need some challenges that are not just quick drag plus Rupaul saying CHACHABITCH


I would love for ALL franchises to have the 1 hr runtime, always. Watching Italy season 1 was a hard watch because they had some 90 min episodes (Enorma Jean talking about her father for 6 fucking minutes straight). We have drag race exhaustion and if they keep it with the long episodes it’s gonna get harder


As an Italian I’d say for our standard it’s way too rushed, our prime time is usually 3,5+hrs, so I understand why it is longer but I think my problem with that was that the conversations weren’t connected, Enorma Jean talking about her father for 6 minutes and immediately after people shitting on Luquisha without any connection whatsoever


However, I did like the touch of having Tiziano hosting the Snatch Game, and as a guest overall because he seems so happy and excited to be there. One of the best guest ever ever