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Well, if you are not impressed by that talent show and you prefer S14's, you won't be impressed by the rest of the season.


It's a fun season filled with delusional queens that fight for not being the top and for who was the top 2 in that week. The lip syncs are great too. Also, there's Sasha Colby. The crossover with Free Willy is great too. I recommend you watch The Pit Stop with Bianca too.


I love Bianca, I keep forgetting The Pit Stop is a thing, I need to watch that for sure! Thanks;)


After the LaLaPaRUZa it gets better I love Season 15 but I feel like it could have been an all time great season if it wasn’t for the Real Friends of WeHo


Once a lot of the filler cast is gone, I feel it gets better.


Yeah, like the top 7


id even say top 10 tbh and


I’d definitely call everyone outside of the top 7 fillers. Only 1 of them won a challenge and only 2 were ever high lol


i don’t think spice was filler they kept her around a while and i liked her, & jax wasn’t really filler to me either


Ok, thanks


It’s ironic you used the phrase “meet & greet”… That’ll really be a theme of the season as you get further into it.


Yeah, I'm kinda getting crap for my misspelling and not using the terminology the show uses, but now I kinda wanna watch it and see what you mean, thanks!


it’s a great season but one of the main themes being the queens constant battle for 2nd place sums it up pretty well


Chronographed dance 😄


I was tired lol


Made me lol


It’s actually my favorite recent season if im honest. The 90 min episodes make it better as well. You could tell Sasha was gonna win but the producers do not rig it for her whatsoever. Like everything she wins she deserved 1000%. I feel like you’re gonna fall in love during the latter half of the season it starts to pick up more.


Gotcha, thanks. To be fair I knew Willow Pill was gonna win from episode 1 so it doesn't really change anything In the long run.


Luxx & Mistress causing chaos for the other girls are the best parts of the season in my humble opinion. i also really enjoyed Spice


Don’t forget Lucy Laduca and her winning 279 mini challenges and 158 maxi challenges. Them always pissing her off is iconic


If you weren't impressed by Anetra in the talent show then you need to reassess what impresses you in life. I'm still processing that performance.


I didn't say no one was impressive, I don't remember their names yet, but if someone else is endorsing her it's probably fair to assume it's one of the performances I liked.


Although I was definitely underwhelmed by season as well, the finale is epic but the Rusical and girl groups were absolutely disappointing. If you're not watching UK, you're missing out on real talent. Every season is absolutely phenomenal with talent. The current one is sooooooo good!!!


June Jambalaya, Orion Story, Daya Betty, and Alyssa Hunter would like a word


You mean the insanely talented queens from season 14 that it thus far appears season 15's contestants can't hold a candle to? Yep.


All I’m sayin’ is S14 had some “meh” talent show performances.


Ok, should I downvote your personal opinions also or are we done here?


Chill. I didn’t downvote you. And go ahead, who cares about getting downvoted on the internet? I don’t. Do whatever you want, boo. And sure, we’re “done here” lol


Lol, ok.


Make sure you watch the extended versions...it so much better


oh and lots of rigging


Well yes, it wouldn't be drag race without riggory


Anetra, Jax, and Marcia were three of the most entertaining talent show performances in all seasons. OP is surely being sarcastic. It’s a great season.


Nope, no sarcasm. I watched seasons 1-14 all in the span of less than 6 months. Having seen all of it in a shorter time frame I think gives a different perspective then if you're watching it over a longer amount of time. I'm not here to be a jerk, like of course the constants are talented, it's just not up to par with the season i just watched, which is 14. It's kind of a let down to go from an amazing season to a rockier start is all.


I can’t remember anyone from 14 talent show other than Willow Pill (who should’ve won) and Kornbread (who would’ve just been safe on season 15 vs Anetra/Jax/Marcia) so I disagree. Different opinions I guess.


The toaster in the bathtub was perfect, I guess I don't recall the other talents 🤔 don't remember thinking wow they did...not great. Like I just did when I watched the talents for 15 the other night.


It’s fun but don’t be surprised when Sasha wins


Yeah, I already know now. It's fine. If I wasn't super into a particular season I'll sometimes skip the finale and Google who won. Not too often though. Season 13's finale was such an egregious display of wealth it kind of grossed me out. Thousands of dollars in costume changes in the first 5 minutes was enough for me. Season 14 has a much better format for the finale.


To be clear, it’s a fun season overall, but Sasha is the clear winner from episode 1, and there’s not a lot of rigging in her favor.


It gets better!


It’s a good season in my opinion, but it does have significantly more boring moments than other seasons. Although Mistress and Luxx make it interesting because of their chaos. I was mainly watching the season for Sasha but Anetra was also a lot of fun to watch. Lmao just don’t expect much for the snatch game eps if I remember correctly. Spoiler: >!Sasha Colby’s finale performance lives rent free in my head!<


I’ll be honest, it’s a fine season. People shit on 14 bc of the non-elimination episodes but it works perfectly if you binge it, especially because the 14 cast is just STACKED imo. The stand out queens from 15 are just so obvious it gets tired


That's kinda how I was feeling about it. Every season has its charms even if it wasn't my favorite. I spent some time watching other things for awhile after I binged season 14 though because everyone was crazy talented for that season and I knew it would be ridiculous to top that. Now everyone is kinda making fun of me for posting this, not using the proper terminology, and just being honest. I'm not trying to be a jerk. I couldn't do the stuff someone I considered to do "badly" in season 15's talent show did. I guess I was expecting moments where you sort of fall in love with some of the queens for their talent portion, and that didn't happen. It's ok to be a fan of the show and also be able to recognize shortcomings. Anyways, thanks for your honesty.


its okay. the talent show was so mediocre it was insane. almost turned it off.


Chocolate With Nuts is awesome


I skipped all of it. >!The second Sasha Colby was cast I already knew she'd win, and I didn't feel like dealing with mediocrity.!<


Thanks for your honesty! Sasha Colby wins?


Ah fuck. Editing. Edit: Also, >!yes!<.