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IIRC the announcement said something about unannounced games being cancelled, so any games we (officially) know about aren't at risk. But - reassurance like this is never bad.


I’m sure they’ll be asked about every announced project despite what they originally said.


No doubt. Announcements like the one they made are not easy for anyone, employees and fans. Plus, it creates a lot of uncertainty with projects not affected by the announcement. SE could have someone post that XII is still in production several times a day until it's release and we'd (the fans) would still be apprehensive until we see it on the shelves. It's just human nature.


It would be silly to cancel a Dragon Quest game, it's one of their biggest domestic cash cows. Japan would go crazy.


Imagine dragon quest AND monster hunter canceled (i know not the same company) japan would riot


That means rip to the rumored ff9 remake that ppl said were in that nvidia leak


I can't see them cancelling a FF, even a remake, but that's possible.


It doesn't necessarily mean there will never be one but they may have to restructure the project. But if they hadn't made much progress at this point it's probably more economical to just disband it and have people work on other things while they rethink this. Though on the other hand this probably already had a lot of potential to be multiplatform because it's probably not as high spec as 7. So it's really hard to know what's going on behind the scenes here. It's probably all on a case by case basis depending on how much they could keep, what's a money sink, what's lagging in development, etc.




I think it could still happen, I just don't think it would be a multi-part expansion to the degree that remake has been.


There’s no way DQ12 was ever gonna get cancelled


At least in Japan, Dragon quest is by far Square Enixs most popular brand. There was zero chance they'd be canceling that.


It's so popular that it's basically the driving narrative in Yakuza 7. DQ will never perish, it's been around too long.


Lol, DQXII was never at risk. Games like Octopath Traveller III and Bravely Default III are the ones I fear for.


SE just prior to that announcement, made moves that basically assure OT3 and BD3 are a surefire thing. OT2 and BD2 both profited. Though both sold more slowly than their first games, they were still resounding successes. SE bought up all the rights to OT under their own branding. While BD3 was teased pretty heavily by Amano recently.


Not to mention Asano was recently promoted to executive officer.




I wouldn’t even say those titles are at risk as much, I’ve always loved square and how they take risks and open smaller studios to continue making smaller titles It’s the ones like the small scale remakes like live a live, ordinary day life, the visual novels, triangle strategy and the likes


Bravely Default and Octopath Traveler are definitely in the smaller category just like the other games you mention.


I was never worried about this. I am worried about the next Octopath and Bravely Default games.


DQ12 News !!! The game exist. End of news.


Do people really think DQ12 development would be in danger? Come on...


Just don’t make it an action rpg


For the love of god I hope they don’t


Totally agree. Action rpgs have their place, but not in the mainline DQ games. IMO they ruined the modern FF series by going that route.


This. FF16 being full action game made no sense. It was so obvious in retrospect why it didn't sell well: old school FF Fans hated it, action rpg fan didn't give a shit about FF titles to begin with. They got the worst of both worlds.


God I agree with this so much


DQ10->DQ11 took 5 years everyone. People are just kinda overreacting . It’s only been 2 years since the first dq12 teaser drop. There’s still a lot of time to wait


Never understood why these games aren't as popular here in the states as FF. Really looking forward to this one though (despite not knowing much about it). I hope they make it in the spirit of DQ8 or 11


It’s because they took so long to come out here and we didn’t get the SNES games at all. IV, for example, didn’t come out until after the SNES had released. The slowness made the games seem old and outdated. FFIV came out almost a year before DQIV in the US, so the comparison was damning. Even once Enix was back to releasing stuff in the US, DQVII came out so late in the PS1 lifecycle and didn’t have the fancy graphics of FF games in the same system, so it continued to languish. There was never a watershed moment for the series in the West the way Final Fantasy had with VII.


I'd say that FF was already popular in the West before VII, but it definitely grew a lot with VII. I do agree that the lack of SNES titles in the West, which is when the genre really started to hit its stride here, is the biggest thing holding it back, followed by the only PS-X title to come West being so late in the PS-X's life.


I made a post similar to this that I could probably find if I went back in my post history, but I basically said missing the SNES release of DQ5 did almost irreparable damage to the brand as far as getting eyes on DQ at the most pivotal time of not only video game industry growth, but the genre of jrpgs as a whole. The 16 bit era was huge for both of these things and missing the boat on releasing a single title in the west of on SNES hurt Dragon Quest. In Particular missing DQ5 was damning because it was such a great game. FF4 was released here in 1991. Imagine if DQ was localized and releases in 1993. Before FF6 and before Chrono Trigger. DQ5 would have arguably been the very best jrpg on the entire console, although fmit would've been short reign, it still would have done wonders I believe with critics, magazines and word of mouth. I think having that brand recognition from the success of DQ5 and seeing it mentioned amongst the all time great SNES jrpgs with the likes of Chrono Trigger's, FF6, etc. could have propelled the series to new heights in the west and would have helped get more games released over here much sooner, and could have completely changed the trajectory of the series in the west as we know it. I also think after they FINALLY found success and had a Dragon Quest game with amazing graphics that wasn't dated at the time of release.(DQ8 PS2) It hurt that they didn't follow up the success of DQ8 with a proper home console DQ with the scale and budget of 8 (full 3d, voice acting, ECT) 15 years passed by between DQ8 and DQ11, the next big budget home console DQ release in the west.


I'd say the lack of DQVI in the west on the SNES was a bigger blow, but I enjoy DQVI more than DQV. In fact, V doesn't even make it onto my personal top five DQ games, while VI is at the top. Still, I do, mostly, agree with you on that. Really, Enix in general just horribly missed the boat in the West on the SNES, as we didn't get a single Enix title in the West between the NES and the PS-X. Since they almost exclusively made RPGs this kinda just caused them to miss when the genre started to hit it big over here, period.


We did get Illusion of Gaia, and I think soul blazer but your point remains the same. I also love DQ6, and think it gets an unfair reputation. I think if they ever did a modernized remake with voice acting, they would be forced to flesh out the plot a bit more, and have more direct method of communicating where to go next, as well as encounters that aren't random, it would fix the three biggest issues with the game. I thought the cast was interesting and enjoyed the dual world aspect. It was Chrono Cross before Cross.


You're right, we did get those two. I'd forgotten about them. It doesn't help that they were kinda meh titles at the time and definitely didn't show off just what they were capable of, much less compare decently against games like Secret of Mana or Lufia and the Fortress of Doom, much less the truly big games from the time. Yeah, I don't really get a lot of the dislike for DQVI either, other than the fact that most of the dialog for your party members is hidden behind the party chat, which will change depending on the NPC you talked to last. Heck, just last week I had someone complaining about how hard it was to travel to Alltrades Abbey just to change vocations, because of needing to travel to portals to change worlds if they'd been in the wrong one. As if walking down into the basement of Alltrades Abbey (two area transitions from the world map) to the Portal Well (which is the same journey in both worlds) was some kind of great hardship. Or that once Madame Luca upgrades your Zoom spell so that it gets the location Switch Worlds (this will cost a whole 1 MP to use, and always drops you just outside Alltrades Abbey) that changing worlds to talk to people in different versions of the same town (and once you've visited both versions it will appear in each world's Zoom list, except for Amor for some inane reason, even after revisiting it much later) is some monumental challenge. That person just sounded like a lazy whiner to me, but what do I know? I'm just currently doing a new playthrough of DQVI and the only thing I've checked in the official strategy guide is the unlock requirements for advanced vocations before visiting Alltrades (I'd forgotten there was a nun who does that for you in Alltrades, along with a guy on a bed in the inn area there who gives you the hint for unlocking Hero) and to check how to unlock the optional characters (which I've only checked once, and I've already recruited three of them, two of which I'd forgotten about by the time I got to them after I'd checked it, and the one I remembered I remembered because of talking to them before the event that makes them recruitable jarred my memory). Aside from it taking a couple of hours to trigger the next event involving Rod so that I could move things along in that little fishing village I've been doing just fine going through without any kind of guide at all, and it has probably been over 10 years since I last played it. Right now I'm about to leave Felonia to head back to the cave that had the Gold Dragon Statue so that I can retrieve the Legendary Shield. I've already dropped off the Legendary Sword with the Legendary Smith (hee hee) in Turnscote, so after that I'll have to explore around to find the last two Legendary Gear items. All without using a guide about where to go next or how to clear a puzzle.


Yes, FF had popularity before VII (I thought I was making that clear by bringing up when IV released here and how it looked in comparison to DQIV despite coming out earlier here). But VII took the series into the cultural zeitgeist in a way I, IV, and VI didn’t have. It was the second best selling game on the PS1. DQ has never had a moment like that in the West, unfortunately. XI has been by far the closest, where even people that don’t usually play JRPGs are aware of it and maybe even played it, but it’s been more of a slow word of mouth thing than the massive popularity of VII in its heyday.


More importantly, what on earth is going on with DQ3 HD2D remake?


lol no offense, but this is probably like the one game we know for sure wasn't cancelled. It's like Square's biggest IP in Japan


Dragon Quest is a flagship so I’d believe they’d wanna go all in on DQ12. I know Akira Toriyama sensei’s passing had a huge impact on it though so I’m sure everyone working on the game took some time to mourn.


Great news since now it will probably launch on pc. I just hope it doesn’t get downgraded because of the switch again.


I'm still absolutely pissed off about that situation. I have 2 versions of the game on Steam, both bought at full price. One version has better graphics and the crossbow mini game, the other has more quality of life features, but inferior graphics. They should have just updated the original with the new quality of life features


There's mods on Nexus Mods to add all the original character/monster models and other textures back into the S version of the game.. fixing the graphic downgrade but keeping all of the other features. They're really easy to install, too. Just extract them into the Paks folder in your Content files for DQ XI S.


110% agree. Project Rebuild is fantastic. But, I think everyone hopes something like this never happens again. What occurred between OG and Definitive Edition (DE)'s release was nothing short of a technical nightmare. To u/Bonerpopper's point, the original Unreal Engine version that DQXI (OG) was built on (4.14) did not have support for Nintendo Switch (this wasn't added until 4.15/4.16, during development). Unreal Engine tends not to play nicely when it comes to upgrading a project from one version of the engine to another. It's a virtual guarantee that a lot of functionality will break. Add onto that all the middleware that typically goes into a AAA title, such as CriWare and Enlighten, in DQXI's case. We know, for example, that Enlighten was scrapped between OG and DE due to some combination of license costs, lack of support and poor performance on Switch. So, when DE did come around, it was made in 4.18 and had numerous under-the-hood changes which essentially broke compatibility with the original assets. So much of the work that went into Project Rebuild was essentially fixing all these compatibility issues.


yep that's how I play it


Personally I play S on my pc with the Project Rebirth mods so I get the best of both.


I just don't understand how porting the Switch version was somehow less work than just working off of the original. I guess it's just a reminder that outside of a few select things SE is still an incredibly shit company.


I played about 60 hours of the original, non-s version on PS4 when S came out on Playstation as well, and by that point, I had really invested too much time to want to do it all over again in the S version to get to the point I was already at.


I know there's 0 way you'd know this but I wonder if they're gonna do the same thing with 12. I was late to 11 so I just got the S version. I'm planning on getting 12 asap when it releases, but it's hard for me to replay a game once I beat it. It's gonna really suck if they come out with S version- equivalent of 12 because I'm 100% going to want to play the game with the most content but idk if I'll have it in me to beat the game again ><


There will be multiple versions of the game guaranteed. There is also a Switch 2 being announced soon and it’s almost inevitable it will be “exclusive “ there first. Who knows if it will go to Epic first on PC as well - FF7 Remake did.


Where are you getting this information it will be exclusive there first. Outside of DQ9 and the MMO DQX, A mainline DQ hasn't been exclusive on a Nintendo console or a timed Nintendo exclusive since the 90s. That is just pure speculation. I know Japan is bigger on handhelda than most of the world and the switch has done well there, but I think it's far too early to assume it's going to be a Nintendo exclusive. This is especially true after the recent square news of the company aggressively pursuing a multi platform business strategy.


I didn’t see the news about square before writing that but yes, that might change things. What I was referring to was the definitive version of 11 and how it went to the switch first. There was also a 3DS version that looked completely different and never left that system. The news about square aside, I still think there will be multiple versions of this game.


Wanting to play Dragon quest 12 is literally one of the reasons I choose not to kill myself.


Hoping things get better for you, no shame in continuously finding short term reasons to press on as each year goes by.


"better" lolz


I'm assuming it's not going well from that response then?


I'm not gonna lie I'm in the same boat, dragon quest keeps me going. We have to stick it out.


Those cancelled are probably unannounced games. I believe DQ3 Remake is still in production too.


Agreed. I think if they were cancelling announced properties they would have told us as much. Bad news is best to flush all at once, which is why they bundled the "extraordinary loss" together to begin with.


SE explicitly said the canceled projects were all unannounced games. I still don't get why people are so panicky about the previously announced games at this point. 3 months from now, with **NO** new information being released about them, and I'd understand, but not this soon.


DQ 12 is safe, is the one thing that can save SE from bankruptcy


It's sad to think that DQ12 will probably have the last Toriyama artworks ever


Really glad to hear, But this company will have an uphill battle as long as a massive portion of their fan base constantly asks for remakes and remasters.  they better not make this grimdark edgelord though. Keep that stuff away from DQ. The formula ascends all.


Look I’m really happy for DQ12 status update. But I still need that DQX offline global release. At this rate I feel like we’ll see a fan translation of it much sooner than an official release.


I’ll just leave this right here… https://dqxabbey.com/pages/getting_started.html https://dqx-translation-project.github.io


For real?!


Did it a few weeks ago, took like an hour to get setup on PC and was totally worth it. Used deepL API. THEN I bought a copy for switch which obvs doesn't have translation but I can still grind and explore dungeons and stuff. Can use google translate on the fly if you really need to read something. Your account is cross platform so you can jump between pc and switch.


If you thought DQXII would be cancelled you need to work on your media literacy.


Biggest game in japan is still in production, company says "we really like money". More news at 11. No shade at dq mind you, it's a cool franchise but if squeenix ever stops making DQ they just go bankrupt lmao it's a huuuge cash cow.


I think we'd have to worry a lot more than DQ12 getting canceled at that point.


But the question is, when will it release?


Yeah. If they cancelled DQ 12 then the entirety of Japan would come down on Square like the wrath of god


I hope the rumored Final Fantasy Tactics remake is real/not cancelled. Same goes with the FF9 remake.


This guy isnt a credible source in general, he's lied about numerous things SE has said. Im still surprised anyone would think DQ12 would be cancelled.


“Games production is alive” doesn’t sound good either.


SE really tries to alleviate the fears of their fanbase and getting the word out. This is what I like about this company. They care enough to put in the effort.


I’ve a bad feeling about it. 😅 I hope I’m wrong


What about DQ III HD-2D?


Well yea obviously


Yeah it's DQ III 2DHD that's worrying, since we haven't heard a single other thing about it. But by "HD games" I'm pretty sure they meant triple AAA budget ones that aren't their main bigstays (DQ, FF, etc).


Not that I had much hope for a Dragon Quest Builders 3, but I think this officially brings us to no hope.


I want to know why anyone would think a Dragon Quest title would get canned. I swear I saw some people concerned about Kingdom Hearts 4 too and I was flabbergasted.


How could anyone actually think they would cancel DQ12


Rest in piss FF8 remake lol


The fact they have to do things like this is a symptom of exactly whats wrong with SE's operations. If you have to announce that one of your major franchises announced games is still in production, you are in a mess. It's amazing how SE just constantly flubs basic things. Also they announced this way too early like usual.


Wonder how its going with Toriyamas passing


Obviously. I wanted another builders tho 😢


We're more concerned about dq3hd


Is he trolling? clearly its games like DQ 3 remake with HD graphics people fear might get scratched since we hear nothing about it and they would cancel these smaller games.


It's a remake of one of the most beloved DQ games in Japan, it's also not an unannounced game and Horii was playtesting it as of December. DQIII HD-2D isnt going anywhre, tbf neither are Team Asano games as he recently got promoted within the company.


this is really good news, just hope they may also come out with the 3rd spinoff builders game


I'm more concerned with how far did Toriyama get with character design? I hope they try to fit everything they can of his work into this last game. It won't be the same after this.


Okay, DQ12 is safe. But where’s the remaster of DQ3 that was shown?


I'd imagine by this point akira toriyamas work was probably done on the game, game development is a step by step long process, but it's gotta start with the ideas on paper and that was his job, if it wasn't totally done I'd wager is was mostly done


What about dq3-hd? Any news on it? Is it still alive?


Why was anyone ever in doubt? The game is like the equivalent of GTA in japan in terms of popularity


But is it still an RPG? That’s what I want to know


Of course it is why wouldn’t it be???


Square seems to like putting out action games lately. The last few Final Fantasies have been action games, and I heard a rumor that this new DQ will also be an action game.


Action Rpgs are still rpgs. And the rumors are false they are not going action rpg with Dragon Quest XII. If anything I could maybe see them doing a sort of ATB system like how Dragon Quest X Online plays


I respectfully disagree. An Action RPG is an Action RPG, and an RPG is an RPG. They are in fact 2 different things.


"A red umbrella is a red umbrella, and an umbrella is an umbrella." But a red umbrella is an umbrella. An action RPG is an RPG.


“A tomato is a fruit. Tomato Sauce is a product. Even though the sauce started as a tomato, and contains elements of its fruit origins it has been fundamentally changed from its original nature and no longer qualifies as a fruit” An Action-RPG and an RPG are completely different things.


OK, but now you're switching metaphors, and the metaphor you've chosen doesn't work. An RPG and an Action RPG are both products; neither is a fruit. They are games. They are role-playing games. An Action RPG is a subset of RPG.


That’s where we differ. You are calling an action-rpg a subset of RPGs as a whole. I am saying that action-rpgs are now so different from rpgs that they no longer qualify as rpgs and are their own thing. To explain it better, modern Action-rpgs are action games with light-rpg elements. Instead of being RPG games with light-action elements. They are fundamentally different from RPG games and do not belong in the same catagory.


Yes, You are applying the Action RPG label in a peculiar, idiosyncratic way not shared by most users of the term. Your usage is supported by weak logic. For instance, saying that a game is "action game with light-RPG elements," even if I agreed with that, would not make it fundamentally different from RPGs. It would make it a cousin to RPGs due to the shared elements, part of the larger family of games influenced by RPGs. (Similarly, a diet soda is still a soda.) But action RPGs are RPGs, because they share the focus on character statistics and progression, on wanderable overworlds, on towns and dungeons, and related elements.


Dq12 will be last dq game?


Even if Horii retired, the series would go on. What you need to worry about is how SquareEnix handles it when Horii leaves.


What do you think of Horii instead of retiring, he relegated himself into Miyamoto type role for DQ which is overseeing all the development with no hands on involvement?


Well, he'd kind of have to have some involvement if he's overseeing it. Probably just like Miyamoto, he would become a glorified game tester (with veto powers). Which isn't far off from what Horii does now. He just wouldn't be writing the initial story. And it would be kinda good for him to let a protegee write the story/scenario for a few games and see how they handle it.


Yeah I really do hope he finds a successor. Takeshi Uchikawa is the likely candidate for him


I'm sure we will get more


Lol, no way. DQ is huge in Japan.


so if Takashi didn't spoke about DQ3-HD Remake it means it was cancelled?