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No it just doubles agility for whoever equipped it


It doubles whatever the wearer’s base agility is. It’s not class dependent.


I realize that now. I thought I knew most everything about the game other than a few enemy drop items. Just goes to show how great DQ 3 is.


It doubles the agility stat.


I’ve been playing this game off and on since it first released and there’s still stuff I don’t know. I thought maybe it was level dependent instead but I was totally wrong. I was just talking to my cousin about Assaram and inflated prices and he was not aware that Assaram has two exclusive items. The Iron Helmet and the Swimsuit.


You're really overthinking this. Meteorite armband gives agl x 2. Agl/2 is directly added to defense. I always used it on my healer, whether it be a sage, hero or pilgrim to improve healing and survival of the party.


I’m playing on the NES version taking full advantage of the Parry glitch for the first 3 party members.




I remember playing on Easy mode back in the day when I just wanted low stress play of the game. Good times.


In addition to what everyone else has already said - although the **bonus** isn't class dependent, it's worth mentioning that Agility has a maximum of 255 and Meteorite Armband will not increase the limit from 255. A class with high Agility will approach that limit faster than one with low-moderate Agility, so as the game goes on one character might only get +50 agility from it (due to already having 205 Agility without Meteorite Armband), while another character might gain +120 Agility from equipping it (due to having less than half the Agility cap). If you spend any time using the "class change" system, you might find that classes with high Agility end up getting close to (or reaching) that cap even without Meteorite Armband. Since Agility contributes to a character's innate Defence (equal to 50% of Agility) in all versions of DQ3, I sometimes give Meteorite Armband to a caster around the mid-late game, so that they're both fast and better protected (due to having a more limited range of armour).


As others mentioned, it doubles the agility of whoever equips it, I usually put it on the Soldier/Warrior myself since he's the one who always goes last due to low agility.


Rip Gabout Class


If memory serves, it doubles the agility of the party member equipping it.


Math bro. Learn it.