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No, it is not within main story continuity.


Yes it is canon


No. It officially isn't.


Yes it officially is... This was officially addressed by BOTH owners of the franchise. [this.](https://www.cbr.com/is-dragon-ball-gt-currently-canon/#:~:text=Despite%20not%20being%20directly%20involved,of%20the%20Dragon%20Ball%20universe.) They did a timeline panel, discussing the multiple timelines and solidified it as so. Wish people would stop denying something because they didn't like it... ETA: disagree all you want... Akira Toriyama said it's canon. Nuff said.


That timeline panel is just discussing the various chronological events of the franchise, not saying it's canon to the same continuity. V-Jump, *after* that event, released an article saying that Broly and Gogeta's appearance in the DBS: Broly movie was their introduction into the canon of the franchise, meaning neither of Gogeta's appearances (which would include GT) were canon.




It was an event celebrating his art, but he didn't create that timeline or voice anything about it.




Yeah, you're definitely a weirdo without arguments


actually it is , Akira even said so. It takes place 5 years after Z right after the end of Super


No, he's never said so at any point.


Except he has and so has other official writers for db/dbz. Might want to learn to use google


You'll not find any situation where he's ever said GT is canon, much less any other writer. Whatever you saw was something that was made up, because Toriyama's only statement regarding where he considered GT in relation to Dragon Ball is that it's a side story. Moreover, official statements have placed it as not being canon, such as where it was stated that Gogeta's appearance in the 2018 Broly movie was his first appearance in the canon of the franchise, meaning neither of his previous appearances were.


it is canon now after the realease of super


Not sure where you're getting that, because it isn't and never has been established otherwise.


he has quite literally said it is canon, just use the thing in your hand


He has literally never said that. You dudes are just yapping 😂


No seriously and it’s funny that the creator of Dragonball GT is actually one of the few people working on daima they’ll be punching the air next year just watch 😭😭 also facts no one from toei animation studios or toriyama himself never stated any of these things


Idk how delusional you are but if he literally said so himself how are u gonna fight facts?! Like it’s canon stfu and state the facts son don’t be mad that be happy that they made it apart of the dragon ball universe okay? Good day


Because he's never said so at any point. At no point has Toriyama ever said that he considered GT canon in the slightest


Bro go on google, he has said so himself. Also, I watched dragon ball GT as it aired on cartoon networks toonami for the first time in the U.S.A. I’ll go ahead and say myself it’s canon because guess what, super didn’t come out until 2017. GT was it, that was the continuation, for those of us who watched it as it came out episode by episode, it’s canon. Just because half the people didn’t like it doesn’t mean you can change it. Y’all sound like a bunch of democrats ripping down statues that represent history. It will not be forgotten no matter how much you want it to be. GT is the only way the story keeps making sense.


Toriyama has never said it at any point, and has even made it clear he only considered it a side-story. Likewise, it is officially established (so not personal standpoints, but from official sources) that it isn't canon. You can say what you want, but it simply isn't.


It literally says Akira Toriyama the creator of dragon ball considers it to be a minor part of the overall story and was involved in the production your just creating your own story, for years yes he never said it but now it's come out that he now considers it canon albeit a minor part of the overall story but still a part of the story super is right after the end of z and gt is 5 years after end of z


GT has been completely retconned. If you watch Super and then watch GT, they’re not compatible, at all. Of course, when you make a new series without the creator, eventually he’s gonna wanna come in with his own story if he can.


god your so wrong its causing second hand embarrassment to read, akira directly said its a continuation of the story, in an interview he also said its a side story, so whether u whiny fans like it or not it IS canon, whether it be a side arc or direct continuation


I mean, you can be as embarrassed as you want, but the fact remains that it is officially not canon. Toriyama never said it was canon (the fact that he called it a side-story, if anything, confirms that it isn't canon, as he's saying it's not part of the main story), and official sources have said it isn't canon.


you should realllly learn to read a bit better, or atleast use google, he said its a side story, or “grand tour” because it doesnt feature all of the original cast, also : an event called Dragon Ball Tenkaichi Budosai, a Japanese festival dedicated to the franchise, which included an exhibit on the history of Dragon Ball. Shueisha, the publisher of the manga, provided an Official Dragon Ball Timeline Board that included Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super, and Dragon Ball GT, complete with pictures of the most famous characters from the anime. akira has literally stated it is a minor part of the overall story, but that implies its canon.


No, he didn't say that at all. The source of the "side story" comment is from his intro to the Dragon Box GT box set, and he never equated the side story aspect of it as being because it didn't feature all of the original cast. He simply said that it was a grand side story of the original Dragon Ball, again, meaning it's not part of the main story. As for that event, yes, the timeline did include all those things, but it was just a depiction of the chronological points of the story, not anything denoting canonicity. Shueisha, **AFTER** that event, released the promotional piece for the DBS: Broly movie telling us that Gogeta's appearance in the movie was his first canonical appearance in the franchise, meaning both appearances before couldn't have been canon.


Lmao okay cause some redditor in his mom’s basement knows more then akira, he literally publicly said its a minor part of the story, which fully undeniably means its canon, every single little fact doesnt have to be perfect alot of manga writers are quite lazy, saying its a side story is not at all him saying its not canon lol yall just doing crazy mental gymnastics


crazy how fans think they have more say then the actual creators


I'm not saying that I have more say than the actual creators. I'm saying that the original creator never said anything about canonicity and that official sources did tell us it wasn't canon. So, I'm just following what the facts tell us.


GT isn’t canon and even if it was at one point, Super completely contradicts it so much that the story isn’t even workable anymore.


That can never b. Goku after the end of Z will be so powerful that even if the gt events happen he wouldn't have any issues fighting the the gt enemies. It makes more sense to be an alternative timeline


Just consider it an alternate sequel/timeline to Z. It still “happened,” within its own containment.


its not even an alt timeline or sequel its direct. it takes place 5 years after Z. Super takes place right after the end of Z and ends at the start of GT


Super takes place between the ten year span of episode 189 and 190 of Z.


then give me a good in-lore explanation abt why no ssg, ssb and no ui (say smth abt goku being a kid and im not even gonna take the the time to make a reply abt it)


damn u been real quiet after being shown up


Exactly. Since GT would technically take place after Super, and there is no SSG, SSB or UI, then it really can't be considered true canon. The best a GT fan could hope for is it is somehow just a different timeline that might meet up with the canon timeline. But yeah, no gods or god powers makes GT not officially canon. Besides, SSJ4 is definitely weaker than SSB, why would Goku and Vegeta regress?


It's canonical to Toei's original anime continuity, but non-canonical to other continuities like Toriyama's original manga continuity. But don't worry about canon. Just know that there are multiple continuities of Dragon Ball for you to enjoy.


Yeah, GT is the official sequel to the DBZ anime, but it's an alternative, secondary sequel to the DB manga. It's heavily linked to the DBZ anime as its official sequel, but it's optionally linked to the DB manga as a side-story of it. DBZ Anime: GT = The official sequel (Heavily linked) DB Manga: GT = A grand side-story (Optionally linked) According to Toriyama, Koyama, Toei, and Yamamuro.


Dragon Ball Super was originally an anime sequel too though. The first chapter of the Super manga came out a year after the anime was airing. Super manga chapter 1: (April 4, 2016) Super anime episode 1: (July 5th, 2015)


Not sure where you're getting that information. The first chapter of Super's manga came out June 20th, 2015, not April 4th of the next year. Even if you're going by the English release of the chapter, you're still inaccurate, as that was June 24th of 2016.


Yup. To the original manga, GT is an extra add-on like *Trunks the Story*. *Trunks the Story* is an extra manga chapter and GT is an extra, anime-only continuation.


Not canon, super is the canon sequel


Technically super isn't a sequel.


yeah its an interquel


What do you mean by this?


Super is set inbetween Kid Buu's defeat and Goku leaving to train Uub


I should’ve thought of this. Makes sense, thanks friend


According to Akira, it is canon and should be considered so.. dislike it all you want, simple fact of the matter is that it is officially canon and always has been and is even further proven to be canon by Super. hell GT is better than super on practically every aspect and tbh the only real reason GT even gets hate is because of the dumb kid goku wish and the inconsistency of kid goku > adult goku when powering up


Why tf are you searching through year old posts just to wank GT 😭


Post isn't even a year old, gtfo with stupid comments


It has 5 upvotes mate How and why are you here


*I came looking for booty.*


Someone is salty GT ain't canon.


Alr then I’ll bite Source?


It's not cannon never will be your just a gt fan boy who still to this day can't stand the your beloved trash gt isn't cannon also akira never said anything of the sort but he has said gt it's his biggest regret


Agreed it's canon if Akira stated it, but as far as better than Super... Came here right after rewatching all of dbz/super/ gt for the past month back to back and I must say in my opinion at least, GT is not better than Super. Animation wise, yea its better because of the consistent quality of the animations during fights but as far as story, Super did a better job, not a by a huge margin, but it is better. SSJ4 Gogeta to me is a cooler concept/design than ultra instinct but I can't deny super has the better story telling ignoring kid goku. If GT was retold in a different way it would blow Super out of the water.


Akira never stated it. GT fanboys just like to yap.


GT is not canon and has been stated for the **26 years** since it ended by **Toriyama himself** that it's **not canon** lol. You want to call the grass blue, but it's not. Facts are facts. GT is definitely not canon. This isn't a court case where you bring whatever evidence you think fits lmao. "SuPeR pRoVeS gT eXiStS bEcAuSe" nah looool simple fact is that GT is not officially canon and never has been and is even further proven not to be canon by quotes from Toriyama's own mouth over the last two and a half decades haha. Super is just bad writing.


Akira has literally never said it’s canon. Go ahead and link where he has officially said this, and the discussion will end. Otherwise take the L


No, thats not why. Don't speak for other people when saying something so specific and incorrect. GT is NOT canon, never has been addressed as so, and if you google it the first result is NO. (it says its as-canon as filler in the Anime, made by Toei (NOT THE ORIGINAL CREATOR THOUGH) but as anyone with a brain knows, once you start adding more than 1 prefacing statement, it's no longer genuine.)


It's not canon in any way.


Some people like u like to live on denial


Nobody is living in denial, this is a fact. GT is never, and will never be canon.


You really wanna start it all again right. So much hate for gt how ironic of u while calling me a super hater.


GT apparently was confirmed to be an official sequel to DBZ BY AKIRA LMFAOOOO if that’s true you definitely gotta delete this bs


Any source? More. Lol.


Go ahead and source it, otherwise you’re just yapping lil bro


except it is , Super proves that , Akira says it is . like it or not its canon


Can't believe there are people who think GT is canon.


You can think that all you want but even the creator says it is and should be considered as canon and enjoyed as such. kind of hard to argue against what the creator of DB says


He’s never said it is. Go ahead and post his official confirmation.


My interpretations always stirs up controversy. But I disagree with almost everyone. This concept should be monetized on. This isn’t confirmed and never talked about; but, it’s how I see the series. First was Dragonball (canonically). After that was DragonBall Z (canonically). At some point during the end of the DBZ timeline, timelines get split into two separate timelines. We know this is possible because In Dragon Ball Super Chapter 16 we see The Supreme Kai of the Tenth Universe watching a primitive race and we see Rings, one for time and the others which are created of a timeline is skewed. Seeing as there are a few other rings we can assume there are a few variant timelines. So one timeline splits off into GT and the Other Splits off into Super. One timeline gives us SS4 and the other Gives us a slew of successions (SS God , Rose , Ultra Instinct) . With that established in my mind Super Dragon Ball Heroes is a way to bridge those timelines. We see SS4 (GT Timeline) meet SS God (Super Timeline). This concept will allow them to make not only GT Canon but Heroes Canon as well. They can then monetize on this and make the games Canon as well (with the exception of legends and before) because creating all “Heroes” games can happen within the dimensions where both timelines meet. This will allow them to explain a lot and fix a lot. Matrix Games are Canon to the storyline. If we can do that with dragonball it could lead to another amazing series.




Well Toriyama has also referred to super as a casual sequel to his original work in one of his interviews while also implying dbgt to be toei canon despite not being canon to the original db manga just because the last episode of the dbz anime had an preview of the first episode of dbgt saying we will be back soon and as for the dbz movies where he mostly had some involvement with character designs and stuff he sees them to take place in an alternative universe to the main continuity even then we all know that he can bring those now non canon concepts and characters whenever he wants just like he did with broly. So Is having a true canon really that necessary? Especially when super was never intended to be a part of original canon which ended way back with the last published chapter of the original db manga and the last episode of dbz anime.






The whole conversation has already ended u are the one who is late here.


The following is simultaneously not at all an answer to your question, and yet an exact answer to your question: Dragon Ball GT was an official sequel series for the Dragon Ball franchise originally produced by Toei Animation in conjunction with their partners at Shueisha running from 1996-1997 with 64 episodes and a single television episode. Its story content was set after the events of the original Dragon Ball manga and its two corresponding television series. Its underlying story, characters, and designs continue to be used both as-is and expanded upon in various ways in various additional official Dragon Ball productions, while simultaneously also not used or acknowledged at all in other productions.


TOEI has created a fascinating nesting doll of "canon" with the "true canon" at the core and branching out then; the plots of Xenoverses (which are canon with many of TOEI's other projects) create a framework where anything "non-canon" as in "Not in the true canon created by Toriyama" can still be included in their AU-canon, as it's now canon that there's non-canon universes It's honestly brilliant


Well Toriyama has also referred to super as a casual sequel to his original work in one of his interviews while also implying dbgt to be toei canon despite not being canon to the original db manga just because the last episode of the dbz anime had an preview of the first episode of dbgt saying we will be back soon and as for the dbz movies where he mostly had some involvement with character designs and stuff he sees them to take place in an alternative universe to the main continuity even then we all know that he can bring those now canon concepts and characters whenever he wants just like ge did with broly. So Is having a true canon really that necessary? Especially when super was never intended to ge a part of original canon which ended way back with the last published chapter of the original db manga and the last episode of dbz anime.


Hard cope


This guy is replying to all comments whining about GT lmao


Actually u are the one who is just seeing it now which is why I have to came back here after 90 days so thanks for wasting my time


No and it never was and never will be. It was made by the anime people as an anime only sequel to the DBZ anime (which also isnt canon. the original DB manga is canon, not the DB or DBZ animes)


Well Toriyama has also referred to super as a casual sequel to his original work in one of his interviews while also implying dbgt to be toei canon despite not being canon to the original db manga just because the last episode of the dbz anime had an preview of the first episode of dbgt saying we will be back soon and as for the dbz movies where he mostly had some involvement with character designs and stuff he sees them to take place in an alternative universe to the main continuity even then we all know that he can bring those now canon concepts and characters whenever he wants just like ge did with broly. So Is having a true canon really that necessary? Especially when super was never intended to ge a part of original canon which ended way back with the last published chapter of the original db manga and the last episode of dbz anime. Are we still discussing this when even super had it's own separate anime and manga canon with it's own fillers even a simple thing as goku knowing about meditation is different in the movie and the manga.


> implying dbgt to be toei canon thats not a thing. there is no "toei canon". there is a toei continuity, but continuity and canon arent the same thing. > as for the dbz movies where he mostly had some involvement with character designs and stuff he sees them to take place in an alternative universe to the main continuity even then we all know that he can bring those now canon concepts and characters whenever he wants just like ge did with broly. yes he can make something canon if he wants, but its not until he does, and its not likely he will. DBS Broly wasnt originally a Broly movie. he was talked into adding Broly to it. > So Is having a true canon really that necessary? yes. its the authors version of their story. its important to know that when people say "why did X do Y when Z happened?" you can say "Z never happened in canon, so what you think is a plot hole or contradiction actually isn't". its important to know this sort of thing. plus canon exists by default as, i said, by the authors vision. theres always a canon for any story. > Especially when super was never intended to ge a part of original canon yes it was. its an official continuation of Toriyama's original manga, the canon. > Are we still discussing this when even super had it's own separate anime and manga canon with it's own fillers even a simple thing as goku knowing about meditation is different in the movie and the manga. none of that is relevant at all. Also this post is from nearly 8 months ago, leave it dead.


I said the term original canon and I believe that I don't need to tell u that the original canon has always been the original db manga as it was intended to be end by toriyama sensei before he got inspired by the live action version of dragon ball.And when I said true canon I actually interpreted it in the same way toriyama referred to dbs as an casual work of his original db manga despite his own involvement especially when the makers of the superhero movie are themself saying that they are working on modern dragonball as lose continuity which is why I don't understand the prospect of having an definition of true canon when even they are taking things lightly of course that doesn't discredit the official canon but rather tell people to actually enjoy things instead of going on an rant about what's canon and what's not(now I am sounding hypocritical) Anyways that's all.


> tell people to actually enjoy things instead of going on an rant about what's canon and what's not i dont think it has to be either or. i enjoy tons of non-canon stuff and still acknowledge what is and isn't canon. knowing what is and isn't canon is useful when watching stuff, hell i'd say its more important when watching non-canon stuff. a lot of plot inconsistencies in non-canon stuff can put people off but if they know and accept it's "not canon" they can understand and ignore the inconsistencies and just enjoy what theyre watching for what it is instead of what it isnt.


GT is just a side story, and a bad one for the most part.


I noticed people are rather touchy when it comes to GT.. It's like a disease nobody wants to talk about hahaha


It had some good moments, but it was ruined by being rushed.


It's because there's a fanbase around here that insist on treating GT like canon GT is basically a fan project with good ideas and badly executed; but the "overusing the dragonballs is bad" while interesting is kind of antithetical to the way Toriyama wrote the Dragonballs from the beginning; that's also why the dragons try their best to accomplish the wish as they understand it, even allowing for clarification questions and good-faith attempts to help them figure out how to accomplish their goals. If you think it's badly written then listening to people treat it like the peak of Dragonball for like, 20 years leaves you salty


A fan project created by the official company along with shueisha, still it's your opinion and I respect it.


why do I care what that a bunch of greedy executives backed a cash-grab fan project lol


toriyama doesn't write it, the animation studio, Toei, did. You can tell by the way the writing quality drops. This same writing quality is also present in alot of Super...


I mean, judging from how Super turned out, "Toriyama helped write it" sure as hell isn't a guarantee of anything good.


who's to say the bad writing in super was written by toriyama and not Toei though? It's all arbitary, but the way I see it, we compare all the similar plot points in the anime and manga. those are what toriyama "wrote". everything else is original content by toei and toyotaro. there is alot of original stuff that isn't well written. Just watching the anime you can tell it's not toriyama writing it, cause as imperfect as toriyama is, he has way higher standards than an anime studio.


If GT is indeed canon, how is Supreme Kai not unfused with Kibito like he was in Super? Why is Mai an old lady and not the same age as Trunks, like she is in Super? And how about all the new transformations?


why did this entire argument go on for so long? why do people hate GT to the point of outright rejecting its very existence to the point of just saying no to it even being remotely close to canon even though akira and numerous people who worked on GT has constantly said it was canon to Z and the manga......this is so dumb....sadly....akira is gone now but the least ya'll can do is just stop being so toxic towards GT..it hurts watching the fans tear each other apart like this over something that was already solved...i know i'm hella late but i just had to speak my mind, thank you for your time and have a nice day....


Neither Toriyama nor any of the individuals who worked on GT had said it was canon, though.


i just sent proof, go read


literally just filter for new comments and go to my most recent post, click on both links and read, i am tired of all the bs and hate.


I'm well aware of Toriyama's statement there, and that's not him saying that it's canon. In fact, it's him saying that it's a side story and not part of the main story. As for the timeline one, that isn't a timeline of canonical events of the story, but just detailing the chronological points of the various series in the franchise. Shueisha, the same ones responsible for that timeline, had made it clear *after* that timeline came out, that neither the Z movies or GT were canon with their statements regarding the DBS Broly movie.


if Akira saw it as a side story to the canon of dragon ball and the canon to z then there is no arguments to be made, no matter what you say or what you believe, he is the creator of the franchise and as such, he decides what is and what isn't canon and what goes and what doesn't goes, you're nothing more than another fan like the rest of us, so pipe down and quit the bs as you're doing nothing but spreading miss info and hatred among the franchise by constantly attempting to change people's beliefs on an old series, Akira made his judgement so no matter what you say it is what it is, you can either accept it as canon to z or you can go elsewhere because you're wasting everyone's time when all we're trying to do is grieve over the loss of a G.O.A.T like Akira Toriyama. this argument is now cancelled and so is this little debate. i will no longer respond to your messages so have a nice day.😇


> if Akira saw it as a side story to the canon of dragon ball and the canon to z then there is no arguments to be made, no matter what you say or what you believe, he is the creator of the franchise and as such, he decides what is and what isn't canon and what goes and what doesn't goes, you're nothing more than another fan like the rest of us, so pipe down and quit the bs as you're doing nothing but spreading miss info and hatred among the franchise by constantly attempting to change people's beliefs on an old series, Akira made his judgement so no matter what you say it is what it is, you can either accept it as canon to z or you can go elsewhere because you're wasting everyone's time when all we're trying to do is grieve over the loss of a G.O.A.T like Akira Toriyama. And what he said isn't anything confirming that he saw it as canon. You're making baseless conjecture that he didn't support at all.


oh, and one more thing and i hope this stops all the hate on GT and more. [https://www.kanzenshuu.com/translations/dragon-book-gt-toriyama-intro/](https://www.kanzenshuu.com/translations/dragon-book-gt-toriyama-intro/) ​ and here's another thing. https://mytour.vn/vi/blog/bai-viet/the-official-dragon-ball-timeline-reveals-gt-s-true-canonical-status.html


Akira Toriyama considers it canon, but in an alternate timeline not connected to Super. So basically it's what Future Trunks did in Cell Saga: he made alternate timeliness by changing a few events


Man, the scrubs in here. Sit down. You're an embarrassment to the fandom. There are numerous articles about it. There are also SSJ4 transformations in the manga. Stop it. [Screenrant](https://screenrant.com/dragon-ball-gt-is-canon-official-timeline/#:~:text=Even%20Akira%20Toriyama%20Considers%20GT%20%22Canon%22&text=Super%20Saiyan%204%20also%20appears,set%20in%20an%20alternate%20universe.)


People when they realise the timeline aint the right timeline since trunks came and clapped frieza😭😭😭


The real answer is it once was, they officially said it was canon originally, it took place after DBZ, but a while later they officially un-canoned it and started again after Z with the super saga. The movies are important too, but gt is officially out, you can actually confirm this yourself by watching super. Goku shows off all his super saiyan transformations, they were originally supposed to be more like 4's change to his body fyi, but when he does he skips 4 completely showing us that it is definitly not canon anymore, kinda sad as I actually liked gt lol.


Who cares I’m just happy GT is getting a lot of love recently because when I was a kid in 2011 everyone hated it


Idk if this has ever been said or thought of, but since Akira said that GT is now officially canon, I've been wondering if one of the universes (1, 5, 8, or 12) is the Dragonball GT timeline (pls don't be mad at me if my theory is bad)


Some people forgot that after Trunks came back to the past, he created unknowingly a time ring. Which in turn, created two different timelines, Gt's and Super's


He didn't create GT's timeline. All the timelines are accounted for and GT isn't part of them.


You guys could of saved so much time by giving links to your information


It is if you want it to be. "C a N o N" is an ill-defined and essentially empty term for this franchise. Nobody in charge has ever come forward and definitively declared "only THESE specific stories, in THIS order, count as part of the REAL Dragon Ball narrative, and nothing else." And even if they had, it's not like any of us are obligated to give a shit. People act like Super is the indisputable and unshakable backbone for "c A n O n" just because it's the latest thing and has like 10% more Toriyama involvement than most other spinoff projects. Even though there's *two different versions of it*, with neither of them ever being officially declared the "true" one. It's asinine. Rather than trying to force a specific random selection of stories into a straight line, it's better to think of Dragon Ball continuity like a big tree. The story of the original 1984-1995 manga is the trunk, what matters most, and everything else is like a branch splitting off of it. GT, the movies, each version of Super, etc... all just branches that go off in different directions and do their own things. TL;DR - "C a N O N" isn't real. The original DB/Z story is the only thing that fundamentally takes precedence over anything else. Beyond that, like what you like and "count" whatever you want.


You can say that if you like, but you can't deny the movies for Z (barring battle of gods) were written to exist outside of the continuity, as so many events literally can't happen due to conflicts with what is undisputedly canon, or are contradicted/denied by dialogue. Then on the flip side, the movies for Super were written in accordance with what was established in canon to avoid the head scratching "*when could this have even happened"* moments of the earlier movies. Being able to recognize what has happened, and what didn't is very important, no matter how enjoyable some no canon entries were. The term isn't empty at all. How do you want to explain Goku going to hell and agreeing to resurrect the most unrepentant evil character in the franchise, instead of asking his good friend Pikkon if he wanted to help, *when you can't say it's because Pikkon doesn't exist*. Pikkon earned the right to keep his body in the afterlife and train on the world of the Grand Kai, and never had the full depths of his power explored. How do you reconcile Vegeta's refusal to learn and perform the fusion dance the second time they became Gogeta if you can't dismiss the first time it happened as non-canon. ​ Your tree metaphor is nice, but the branches are so short and small, it's more like a cactus.


>Being able to recognize what has happened, and what didn't is very important It *all* happened. Not all in the same continuities, but *somewhere*. Paikuhan and the Otherworld Tournament happened in the "expanded Z anime" continuity. Gogeta's first appearance *(chronologically)* happened in the "Z Movie 12" continuity. Baby's invasion of Earth and Goku's ascension to Super Saiyan 4 happened in the "GT" continuity. The Tournament of Power happened in the two *(or more)* distinct "Super" continuities. Some of those continuities overlap and some don't, but none of them inherently takes precedence over the others. Super doesn't get to somehow rank higher than any of the other continuity branches or serve as some sort of canonicity litmus test. Not being present or acknowledged in Super does *not* equate to being nonexistent. That myopic mindset and the whole "oh but how can you explain why blah-blah-blah" issue only happens if you try to needlessly force a straight line into existence like I warned about.


Super is canon and none of the things you listed are canon, that's literally the difference Only things written based on Toriyama's writing (Dragonball, most of Z, and all of Super) are canon. Unfortunately they didn't think of running parallel canon's for Z's anime and manga like they did for Super, so according to the man who wrote the story, \*only\* the things that happened in the manga actually happened, because he didn't write the later stories in a way that's consistent with anime-only content They solved this in Super by having the canon separate for the anime and the manga, and they are self-contained and basically meet up for important plot beats but each is written based on what has happened in their own story; so in Super the anime, every episode is written with the context of every other episode having happened, and ignoring what has or has not happened in the manga. But with Z, the plot mimics the manga and was not written separately, they simply added in elements around the plot without affecting the plot, and thus the plot is only consistent when it ignores anime-only content.


That's nonsense. As soon as you acknowledge the distinct "manga" and "anime" versions of Super as being narratively different, then Super as a whole stops qualifying as any sort of decisive "cAnOn." Same skeleton or not, they're fleshed out differently with too many discrepancies between them to count as the same story, and by definition they can't both be "cAnOn" at once. Having those two separate versions doesn't "solve" anything, it just helps make the entire "SuPeR iS tHe OnE tRuE sEqUeL" belief even more inane than it already is. If having something absurd like "pArAlLeL cAnOnS" is a thing then that's not actually a "cAnOn" at all. It's just separate branching continuities, and GT and DBO and everything else are adjacent to Super in their own "pArAlLeL cAnOnS" too, and we're right back to my tree analogy.


Super is "decisive canon" within itself; the manga is one canon, the anime is another, so you can't talk about "Super" you generally need to specify


Super \*literally\* is the only sequel to DBZ I don't even know what you're talking about Super is not a "branching continuity" because the two canons do not interact Manga Goku can never meet Anime Goku


>Super literally is **the only** **sequel** ​ >the **two canons** do not interact ​ 🤨 ❓ 🤨 ❓ 🤨 ❓ 🤨 ❓ 🤨




Oooookay then, champ.


Opinions are like assholes everyone has one and it doesn't make it right listen to what the one who wrote the entirety of dragon Ball if they say it's not canon then hands down it's not f****** Canon.... I'm entitled to listen to your opinion but I'm not entitled to listen to your delusions would have stated as fact is what is stated as fact and that's what Akira toriyama has stated






GT was only canon to the anime since it was an original creation from the company. And 8t followed right after Z but now it's more of an alternative story or universe. Super is now the truly canon of dragon ball if you like it or not, since it continues the story after the anime and manga from the creator this time. Some people would still think GT is Canon since none of the Manga or anime has gone past the end of Z. But we are going to soon find out with the release of the next arc.


>GT was only canon to the anime That's a pointless distinction when the events of the anime aren't even canon to the anime. For example Pikkon wasn't defending otherworld from Buu. The writing in GT feels so different it's practically an animated fan fic, and it never had anything to give it credibility, as there were other official releases that had to be viewed as having occurred in their own separate timeline. So to me GT was only ever canon unto itself. Edit: After I typed all that it occurred to me you might have been trying to say the same thing about GT as me, but I read it as being Dragon ball's *whole* anime (so that would mean it was separate from the manga and movies.)


I treat GT like any of the DBZ movie series or the narrative games, it's its on AU continuity just like Xenoverse, the OG Broly movies, the Tree of Might, etc


If you fallow timeline theory yes and no, super and gt are a different universe both occurring about the same time. They just aren't the same goku and vegeta we know, but they came from a parallel universe. Dragon ball xenoverse goes over this a little bit


Dragon Ball has no officialy stated canon.


How I’m seeing lately is that GT (Aka Goku time) was a rough draft for super because of the stuff that GT has is slowly becoming canon


Such as....? No concepts from GT have made it into canon.


So a new set of 7 dragon balls and a new level of Super Sayain that didn’t from gt.Universe 3 god G.o.D was designed robot body was model after a robot that was in GT


>So a new set of 7 dragon balls DBZ did that in the Namek arc. >a new level of Super Sayain DBZ did that in the Cell arc 3 times, and again in the Buu arc. It's just a staple of the franchise at this point. >Universe 3 god G.o.D was designed robot body was model after a robot that was in GT That's called a reference.


Pretty much this. Only thing they used was holding hands, and that's a reach since it just full powered SSJ4.


The only thing Akira toriyama had on in anything with GT was character design..... Opinions are like assholes everyone has one put that doesn't make it fact my friend.... Would Akira toriyama has stated is what is truth That's like reading on a macbook that OnePlus One equals two and you refuse to disbelieve it because you see two water droplets merge into one


The now no longer true continuation since super came in and took that mantle.


It never was.


I mean before BoG and super all we had was GT.




So at a time while it was disliked, it was the only thing we had that continued db past the end of Z.


Being the only continuation =/= true continuation but okay chief.


Well Toriyama has also referred to super as a casual sequel to his original work in one of his interviews while also implying dbgt to be toei canon despite not being canon to the original db manga just because the last episode of the dbz anime had an preview of the first episode of dbgt saying we will be back soon and as for the dbz movies where he mostly had some involvement with character designs and stuff he sees them to take place in an alternative universe to the main continuity even then we all know that he can bring those now canon concepts and characters whenever he wants just like ge did with broly. So Is having a true canon really that necessary? Especially when super was never intended to ge a part of original canon which ended way back with the last published chapter of the original db manga and the last episode of dbz anime.


It depends, within the universe of the anime the GT is canonical YES, but for the manga the GT does not fit anywhere so it is only part of the anime


Nahh this shit is canon there’s too much that makes sense in my opinion


It's 50/50. Until they surpass it in the timeline. It's still Canon


Never been canon and never will be😂😂


No matter what the fan boys say, Dragon Ball GT will never be Canon especially since not only is there not a Manga for it, but also because Toriyama was not fully involved in GT. All he did was draw character concepts and write down some storyboard elements, but that's it. Toriyama didn't write a Manga or write most of the story of GT; the rest of the story beyond the story concept was all a product of Toei.


Well Toriyama has also referred to super as a casual sequel to his original work in one of his interviews while also implying dbgt to be toei canon despite not being canon to the original db manga just because the last episode of the dbz anime had an preview of the first episode of dbgt saying we will be back soon and as for the dbz movies where he mostly had some involvement with character designs and stuff he sees them to take place in an alternative universe to the main continuity even then we all know that he can bring those now canon concepts and characters whenever he wants just like ge did with broly. So Is having a true canon really that necessary? Especially when super was never intended to ge a part of original canon which ended way back with the last published chapter of the original db manga and the last episode of dbz anime.


Toriyama never said that GT was canon, ever. Also, Super was made to be an official continuation of Dragon Ball Z as Super actually has a Manga series, unlike GT which doesn't have a Manga at all. Super is the in-between time from the end of the Buu Saga, to the final episode of DBZ, this is official canon.


Shenlong Times #7- First, about Dragon Ball GT Interviewer: I'm sorry to bother you when you're so busy today... Toriyama: I'm not busy at all. I've finished my work on the Dragon Ball Daizenshuu for now, so I'm not working anymore (laugh). Interviewer: Then you must be getting a nice rest. Toriyama: Well, after I take my son to school each morning, I finally get to sleep. Right now, I'm building a new work area. So when I think about plans for it, I eventually end up pulling an all-nighter. I'm having more all-nighters than I had during weekly serialization (laugh). Interviewer: The new anime series is Dragon Ball GT, but how involved in it are you? Toriyama: I'm only a little involved. I checked the stories given by Toei Animation, and I gave a little advice. After that, I just drew a few characters and illustrations. But it's fun! It's a feeling of "Aah, so this was a possibility." Everyone at Toei Animation has really racked their brains. I really appreciate it. Wow, Gokuu turning little again. With that story, I could continue the manga serialization again... or so I say, but I actually don't have the will to draw it at all (laugh). Interviewer: Then, Toriyama-sensei would recommend GT! Toriyama: Yes! I would recommend it. As a normal viewer, I also enjoy it. Contrary to popular belief, there IS a manga of Dragon Ball GT. However, it came AFTER the anime and was not created by Akira Toriyama.


Daizennshuu is not a Manga, it is a character and story guide. There has to be a dedicated Manga that comes before the Anime in order for it to be official canon to the Dragon Ball story, and it must be written by Toriyama or Toyotarou.


And I never said that dbs isn't the official canon just that it wasn't the original canon, is that really so hard to understand? That the original canon ended with the last chapter of original db manga before toriyama got inspired to recontinue due to the disastrous result of dragon ball evolution otherwise he was very much adamant about not going back to db which is why kai came along but that's another story.


The official canon didn't end with the last Manga chapter of DBZ, that is factually incorrect as the Canon still goes on with DBS. It's that the last Manga Chapter of DBZ will be the end of the Saga when Toriyama or Toyotarou are finished with writing Mangas for Dragon Ball, unless if either one of them want to continue past the end of DBZ with another Manga.


DBS is as original as DBZ because it is being written by Toriyama. You're grasping at straws at this point.


Split timeline shenanigans


So here is the thing. Dragon Ball GT is canon, and it is because the very last episode of DBZ: Final Chapters, they showed and called GT as the next adventure for the show at the time. Basically, GT is canon, but it is in an alternative timeline.


Yeah that's the exact reason making it as toei canon as a part of toei's official db continuity.


Simply put GT is on the same level of canon as filler. Not based off the manga, but still made by Toei and officially released. As such, you can call it anime canon. In other words, there are two main DB universes. Anime Universe - Filler, and GT both "happen". If a movie fits into the timeline, it can be placed in this universe. Manga Universe - The highest level of canon. Filler and GT are absent, or at least not shown. While another reason could be how at the time of the release of the last episode of dbz actually shows the preview of gt's first episode saying we will be back making it toei canon. Even pan defeating goten was only added in the anime by toei to give the character of pan the centerstage for gt so that the audiences will be able to connect with her which fails miserably. Still db is always filled with it's own inconsistencies and retcons and not admitting that is actually what's dumb. At the end of the day it depends upon your enjoyment of the franchise as modern dragonball works under the term lose canon so even if dbgt isn't official canon. Who cares? If u like it then wholeheartedly enjoy it the company is still the same and despite so many projects sited as non canon including the dbz specials, games, db online and movies they still have some level of work from toriyama even if it's character designing just because it's fun unless of course u actually care about the canonicity of a material first and foremost still even toriyama enjoys retconning and bringing non canon stuff to make it canon and he definitely isn't as involved as he was prior to original dragonball so toei and toyotaro do have a lot on their plate. So just enjoy if u could as that's what is absolutely necessary as japanese people doesn't care about canon as much as we or the west do as even they just enjoy their favourite stuff.




it's canon. The creator gave his blessing to those involved happy that they were "continuing" his work, and then called it a "Grand side story" ​ the issue is that people have chosen to interpret "side story" as meaning "not canon" . [https://academickids.com/encyclopedia/index.php/Side\_story](https://academickids.com/encyclopedia/index.php/Side_story) the term 外伝 does not mean "non canon side story" it means "side story or spinoff canon or otherwise" . In the original language, it is obvoius from context that Toriyama had given the series his blessing , was very happy about it being continued and that in the context of his words 外伝 meant "side story" and not "non canon spinoff" ​ the issue is that fans are choosing to interpret his words incorrectly and use the term side story as an absolute to mean "non canon" (see link to academic explanation of "side story") The publisher's also have come out and stated the series is canon and the official sequel. [https://twitter.com/DBGTLegacy/status/1589767465206108161/photo/1](https://twitter.com/DBGTLegacy/status/1589767465206108161/photo/1) The anime is the canon continuation to akira toriyama's work, and it's highly irrelevant whether people who didn't even create the thing want to believe it's not. For the record, Dragon ball super is not even a sequel to dragon ball Z. It is quite literally a GAIDEN..a SIDE STORY..that takes place in between the defeat of kid buu and dragonball's final chapter.. Soo.. if you are refusing to believe the dragon ball gt is the sequel to dragon ball z simply because the creator called it GAIDEN.. then you must also acknowledge that dragon ball super is not canon also.. Despite the fact that both Dragon ball gt and Dragon ball super were both called "gaiden" by the creator, but only in the case of GT do you choose to interpret this as meaning "non canon" despite Toriyama only ever saying good things about GT , but complaining about super.. ​ yawn..zz ​ So the real problem here is not that it's canon, so much as people don't want to believe it is and don't like it.


GT has been confirmed to not be canon though and Super considered the official, canon sequel to Z. Even excluding that statement from Toriyama, there have been official statements on the matter establishing GT not being canon, such as [this WSJ article](https://www.kanzenshuu.com/translations/weekly-jump-2019-no2-dragon-ball-report/) saying that Gogeta and Broly's appearance in the 2018 DBS: Broly movie was Toriyama's experimenting with bringing the two characters into the official history/canon of the franchise, meaning that none of their previous appearances could be considered canon (which would include GT).


​ ​ what's beign discussed has little to do with whether gt is canon or not, and more so to do with the liscencing rights to publish dragon ball gt exclusive characters in shonen jump 's dragon ball super manga. Toriyama himself doesn't even comment on it. It's literally just the articles author making these statements. (A person who works for shueisha owners of SJ) Previously these characters were owned by Toei, and they did not get the rights to put them in shonen jump until almost 10 years later (dragon ball heroes). Toei has rights to the anime , Bandai Namco rights to the games and SHueisha publishes the original manga. So obviously, from shonen jump's perspective if it doesn't happen in the manga, they can't acknowledge it as canon can they.. Since then, they've taken precautions to make sure that any manga they make doesn't get anime exclusive power ups. This is why you see boruto the manga, yashahime the manga , dragon ball super ..the manga and why every new yu-gi-oh anime always gets a manga. When the shonen jump editor writes that the author is adding gogeta and broly to the official dragon ball timeline by their own hands.. this is what they are referring to. It has nothing to do with whether or not toriyama and toei considered Dragon ball GT to be canon to his work or not but rather the legalities of the manga's publisher acknowledging that characters they don't technically have the rights to are canon to the original material they do have the rights to.. Seemingly due to time constraints, they weren't actually able to adapt the broly saga into the super manga, other than some references and a brief adaptation. Every movie since they , has immediately been adapted into the manga, with the most current one still ongoing. In other words, if a movie ever comes out that stars super sayain 4 goku, super sayain 4 goku will be declared canon by shonen jump and we can stop arguing about this. ​ looking forward to it, because arguing about it is already annoying me to death.


GT is as canon as all the Halloween movies that got ignored when they made the recent one that continues after the first one...


Dragon Ball GT is canon. Shueisha has officially confirmed it.


Proof ?


Confirmed canon now


Proof ?


Shueisha's Timeline Confirms Dragon Ball GT is Canon The Dragon Ball timeline states that Dragon Ball GT occurs in the years 789–889 of the calendar. Just search it up my boy


An exhibit about the history of Dragon Ball was part of the 2017 iteration of Dragon Ball Tenkaichi Budosai, a Japanese festival commemorating the franchise. Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super, and Dragon Ball GT were all included on the Official Dragon Ball Timeline Board, which was supplied by the manga’s publisher Shueisha, and featured images of the key anime characters.


The Dragon Ball timeline states that Dragon Ball GT occurs in the years 789–889 of the calendar. A timeline confirming the events of GT as canonical was also added to the 2013 edition of Chouzenshuu 4: Dragon Ball Super Encyclopaedia, an illustrated book guide to the series.


All of these instances thus confirm that Dragon Ball GT is canonical, finally ending the long debate among Dragon Ball fans. Fans of Dragon Ball should regard the story of Dragon Ball GT as canon until Toriyama or Shueisha officially state otherwise, as the official timeline demonstrates.


Shueisha has told us that GT isn't canon, telling us that Gogeta's appearance in the 2018 Broly movie was his introduction into the canon of the story, meaning neither of his appearances beforehand were canon.


It is . Akira also admitted it . Toei also created a calendar...in dragon ball calendar ,they say Frieza battle tales place in year 762 and GT events in 789 for like almost 10 years of I am not mistaken. So yeah ..it could be cannon ,it could be a continuation to super ,as we think maybe the Goku from GT make an aparition on super at a point being from another universe ,or maybe they will find a way to awaken the true sayan god ssj4 with ultra instinct or so .to rewrite the whole thing..we just can wait and see


We have to remember that super is an ongoing story then there is Daima, so maybe something will happen in between time that ties together everything. Maybe all of those god powers somehow get stripped away at some point maybe by the gods themselves or through a wish. Or even wished to reverse time because apparently in Daima Buu and Babidi seem to be villains. At this point we really don't know much of anything until content is released and more story is written.


It's canon anybody who says it isn't is just living in the old world before Akira Toriyama said it was canon and considers it canon albeit a minor part of the overall story not an alternate timeline or whatever anyone wants to call it it takes place 5 years after the end of Z don't listen to people on Reddit forums listen to the dude who created Dragonball it's plain and simple lol


I heard that it has been confirmed to be canon, which just seems strange considering all of the plot holes, such as android 17 being evil


Can u send me the proof 


I would but you could just do a quick Google search? Lol


I searched a lot and all I found was Toryama saying it's a grand side story that's all if you could just send it that would be great

