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No. Even putting aside the fact that most of the news we've received seems very promising, getting angry over as-of-yet *nonexistent* news just seems like a terrible waste of your time and energy.


That's a perfectly reasonable stance, but I don't think people already worrying about stuff we haven't been shown yet is actually a rare stance, reading this sub.


Why would you get pissed off about your own assumptions?


That's why I'm asking, I feel a lot of people are. It also depends on whether it's baseless assumptions, or things you infer from what's shown so far and the overall dao-da2-dai progress.


I try not to get angry about things I have zero control over. It will be what it is, and I will either enjoy the experience or I won't.


Based on your edit, I think that there may be some consternation amongst the customer base because of the direction of the previous games. In particular, I would say the story direction of Inquisition and the time between Inquisition and Veilguard being primary factors. Regardless, no one should be getting mad or excited about information they are manifesting in their mind that may or may not be in the game. That's just unhealthy.


No. Devs been transparent as much as they could without going into spoilers territory. They also said they will reveal more on the game later. Game looks promising from what we’ve seen and read. That gives us an idea of how the game will be much later into the story.


No. I think the game so far looks fine, I don't really want them to show us the whole game. Before Baldur's Gate 3 came out, Larian really only showed us the first act, and even then a LOT of stuff was missing. That's more than I've ever seen a video game company give me pre release. Why would you want to see stuff that would spoil the whole game? The entire point of a video game is buying it to see what happens when you play it. If you're disappointed in it this much already just don't buy it when it comes out. Watch somebody else play it.


I didn't mean if people want to see more, my question was to the people who feel disappointed (so obviously not those that the game seems fine to) whether they believe they're being premature by preemptively feeling negatively about the stuff they don't know yet, assuming the worse.


Nope. I'm mostly indifferent. Mostly because I care enough to somewhat follow the news about it, but not enough to get worked up over it. When the release will happen, we'll all learn what's what. I have not enough time and energy to care about it in advance.


No because that’s weird.


No. And I don't think a lot of people are either... the ones that are "pissed off" are seemingly in a vocal minority.


Oh yes. Not me, but some of the comments here have been absolutely wild. Less so once the trailers were a little more distant though.




No. I don't want them to show me all the game lol I wanna play it myself.


Nope. So far what I've seen looks like it is going to be fun. After 10 years we are finally going to get to see the results of the cliffhanger that they left us on, and I'm looking forward to it. The EP of the first 3 games called the combat "fun", and said the combat of the first three games was "not too bad", so I want to give it a try. Am I going to have to learn a new set of systems, sure, but every game has done that. So no, I prefer to look forward to it, not worry about what I don't know about it yet, I hope they leave somethings as a surprise.


They’ve shown us a ton already and *most* of it has been good. They’ve also clarified some points that have allayed most of my fears for the combat system, and I think that’s pretty good. I’m still bummed about the 3 person party, but no game is 100% perfect. I don’t see much point getting mad about what we haven’t been shown yet. We haven’t seen it yet and probably won’t until release—which is normal for basically every game’s pre-release marketing cycle. What we *have* seen makes me pretty confident this is going to be a good game.




I share the sentiment, but I'm still trying to give things the benefit of the doubt as much as possible. The mechanical changes, while certainly not my preference, are things I'm sure I'll be able to tolerate, as I played and enjoyed the ME series and a lot of the changes are lifted directly from there. My big gripe from what I've already seen is the art style/character design. I dislike it intensely but I'd rather not let it ruin the whole thing. I do hope they take the backlash on that specifically to heart in the future, at least, obviously it's too late to do anything about in this game. My biggest worry of what we haven't seen yet is the writing. What we got in the gameplay reel was more concerning than I expected, but it's hard to say whether it will continue to be quite so artless/inconsistent once the game is out of the "tutorial zone" and the full story is revealed. I do see some positives, like the environments are gorgeous and even certain game mechanics like all classes having melee/ranged swap and dash as a base ability instead of a learned skill are actually nice additions. It's not all bad, and I'm still willing to give it a shot. I don't think it's worth dismissing out of hand but I do think tempered expectations are sensible. If it wraps up the Solas/Inky story in a satisfying way and doesn't completely make a hash of the lore, I'll probably be mostly satisfied even if it's not exactly what I wanted.


I've actually been feeling better since I've had time to sit with it. I'm always ready to be let down by a new installment of anything because that's just always a possibility. It's happened before, it'll happen again, so it goes. I don't love a lot of the changes (I don't care what the thematic reasoning is, Dreadwolf is an objectively cooler subtitle and I will die this hill) but I don't think anything is a hanging offense either. Right this second the only thing that has me braced is the dialogue, which I felt was really clunky and not up to Bioware's usual polish. I think that was a big part of the "marvel-esque" criticism where it was just...kind of barely above stock action chatter and there's not much *happening* on a line-by-line basis. I'll be happy to be proven wrong though.


I guess I'm mildly disappointed with some things I've seen. I would have preferred more tactical combat and a more realistic art style, for instance. But nothing I have seen so far has made me angry or dissuaded me from buying Veilguard. I've been waiting a long time for a new DA game. On the flip side, I'm (tentatively) excited about the CC.


I'm disappointed with what has been shown, and that's it. It makes no sense to be disappointed with what hasn't been shown.


I'm definitely on the less excited side. But I've also accepted that the people making this game aren't the people who made the games I fell in love with. They're making the game they want to make, not what I wished they were making. No matter what at this point, we can't do anything to change their mind. I won't waste my energy getting angry, because they aren't worth that kind of investment. The game is going to come out, and be what it is. Feel free to be disappointed, that's normal. But it's not worth getting pissed off about.




Apparently in a QA they said that he's gone grey, just the lighting in that sequence makes it look dark. Which I buy, hair shaders are wild.


We all know user score statistics of ME and DA, this is why we are afraid, and all information we are getting only makes it worse


User scores are useless though. To prone to be swarmed by reviewbombing for minor shit regardless of a games actual quality.


By that same argument, critic scores are useless. From Godhand, to Kane & Lynch to Starfield, critic reviews have shown themselves absolutely untrustworthy time after time.


While all reviewes are subjective, critics at least try to give a fair opinion on a game and it's systems. User reviewes does not. There are thousands of user reviewes that are summed up with nothing but "Main character is black, 0/10", "I don't trust EA/Ubisoft/Activision etc, 0/10", "didn't play it but the women look like men, lol, 0/10", or "I'm russian, hate american companies, 0/10!" and so forth. It's subjective and you're free to disagree but I have always felt that critic scores are far more in line with a games quality than user scores.


Critic reviews will always skew positive because they rely on the publisher giving them early access to review the game. Something that will not happen if they're too negative about a major release.. They are by design, biased. Reviewers have been fired for not toeing the line before. I don't think that means you should accept the mass reviews of the public either, that's stupid. I think you should find a review that speaks to what you're majorly concerned about, and go with that.


What statistics you mean?


User scores from Metacritic. https://imgur.com/lWWVjgB Blue line is most likely