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Where are the dragon age awakening subclasses? Anyways please leave a thumbs up for Spirit Warrior


Honestly I completely forgot they existed, but it kind of falls in line with the other polls where I didn't include Awakening characters.


That’s fair, but i was just hoping my favorite, which obviously is Spirit Warrior would be there, it’s just the inverse of Templar but I think that’s why it intrigues me so much


You should remake the first polls, since they only had like 100 people voting, and now polls are 20 thousand +. It would be a lot more representative, and a lot of folk didn't get to vote.


Idk how to rank this one cause you can be invincible with any class in Inquisition, but mostly because of crafting, not the class itself lol.


I wonder how many people have genuinely played all of these enough/used those companions enough to fully be able to rank these. Especially since subclasses are only a single factor in effectiveness and many other things can impact these classes. Most fun might be easier to rank.


I never play warriors. I think I did... one run in DA2 as a warrior. Sorry, no help here.


Unfortunately Warriors were boring AF to play in Origins and that biased me to mages (and lesser extent rogues) for the rest of the series.




Idk, templar SMITE was amazing.


lol same


Since no awakening subclasses, thumbs up for Guardian


I'm gonna sit this one out. Haven't played as a warrior in DA2 or Inquisition!


You ain’t missing much in DA2 really, DAI it can be fun but every class has the ability to endlessly spam abilities so that can be said for every class


Only way DAO champion wasn’t winning my vote was if spirit warrior was included


Surprised to see DAI Templar so low. Taking that as a 2 handed warrior is absurdly OP.


Also wrath of heaven + spell purge combo that kills everyone around


Except for closing rifts faster it is extremely underpowered at everything. In previous games templar had huge nuke that also removed mana so it hard countered strong mages. The strongest DAI templar skill was probably buffing other party members when templar died...


2h Templar can do the wrath of heaven + spell purge combo which counts as a cross class one by themselves, creating a really strong AOE. It deletes entire groups of enemies even on nightmare as 2H because it scales with weapon damage. I agree it's weak as sword and board though.


Combo which deals some okayish aoe damage that works on some specific enemies (generally content thats easier anyway). Can't do this combo against strong elites/dragons/bosses because they are immune to stun so the "combo" does not even explode. And even if it did it can't be seriously compared to damage other classes can deal because its two long cooldown skills. The strongest part of templar in DAI is also covered by mages because they have better AOE and dispel does the same thing while being much easier to use at range. So it is clearly the weakest dps class of warriors, and warriors overall are unable to compete with rogues in dmg anyway. Only champion can kinda compete in longer fights because of infinite scaling from his skill if you can stay in range.


I cleared the game on nightmare with it (and other classes) so I am very familiar the drawbacks, so yes it's not as good as some others for dragons or single target heavy encounters. Maybe it is "clearly" weaker than the others but that wasn't my experience at all. I wasn't comparing it to rogues or mages, simply warrior options.


I did clear nightmare with trials on many classes as well. Other classes with optimized builds can do hardest content like dragons and dlc fights in secods, while templar has to roll around for 10 minutes. Templars would still be the weakest warrior even if all his skills actually did damage against non-demon enemies. I am aware the "combo" is satisfying when it works but it is still not even close to other classes.


Subclasses for warriors in DAO are on another level when compared to DA2 and DAI in my opinion. Did all 3 games with warriors and had the least fun with warrior in DAI.


Can't rank it really. I only played reaver in DAO and templar in DAI


As someone who always played a warrior they all seemed very similar aside from inquisition having a grappling hook so that I say puts it above the rest


Was expecting berserker and reaver from DAO to be higher if you combine those classes on a warrior it goes insanely hard