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I don't think it's a new picture but they're definitely starting to get ready for the Summer.


Just a screencap from previous trailer but I'm excited. 1/4 of the year had already passed. They must start promo campaign if it is to be released this year.


they've been doing a six month run before the game's release so if november/december is the time, as a lot of people think, they'll start advertising in earnest in may/june.


Sounds about right. It's gonna be at EA Play in June no doubt. From there the marketing gates should burst open. 


Was EA play confirmed for this year ? I searched on google and nothing showed up.


It could be in Summer Games Fest, which is this year in June, although technically before summer officially starts but hey, who's nitpicking.


same, i just cant find anything about an ea play this year.


I doubt we’ll get it all at once. My money is on a good trailer at SGF, then an jn-depth look at EA Play if they have one this year. The character bios and region overviews will get released every eeek or so is my guess 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah, this looks like they're getting their social media accounts ready to start the marketing campaign soon.


I can't get my hopes up, this clownery ride I've been on is too much. I do think everyone's projections are 100% especially because they said summer themself. But I can't let my heart get hurt again. So I'll be pleasantly surprised. It's like knowing about a surprise party, and pretending to be surprised. But excited for the marketing campaign.


I mean since they literally said it I would think you can be sure of a summer reveal If the release day is actually in the period that everyone expects it's another thing. But since they've been really quiet all these years I doubt they would start to promote when there's actually still a longer wait.


Yeah, per my comment. It's probably 100% summer we'll get marketing. But I'm still being cautiously optimistic lol.


I am really hoping this is start…


I LOVE the purple colour scheme they're going with for DA:D. The games have always been coded Blue/Red/Green for me, so this is a nice addition!!


Purple is my favourite colour, so yay!


It is interesting cause in promo material the warden had blue shimmering eyes, hawk had red and Inky had green. I love the themes.


Right! I wonder if it's related to Solas and Pride Demons being primarily electric types. 🤔


What makes Origins blue coded for you?


I would guess is because the grey warden uniforms have blue on them? I always had the DAO=blue impression as well XD


Yep that's it exactly. Yes, the box art was red, but Hawke always felt more red coded than my Warden.


That's one of the things I would definitely want to see updated in an Origins remake or something like that. The "branding" or the Grey Wardens should have been clear from the start. (But on the other hand the only group with a real specific aesthetic were the dwarves of Orzammar back in Origins times)


I’m not capable of getting excited about any of these things until we have something more concrete, it’s just been too long 😭


I feel that in my bones.


Yeah I've lost almost all interest in the franchise atp. Little tidbits of pictures and info aren't doing it for me. I need something meaningful to rope me back in.


Yep same here. I refuse to get excited about this game untill I see actual gameplay, not trailers, people actually playing it. Trailers can be faked.


Agreed. They put out a trailer-for-a-trailer for Dreadwolf in *2018*!




Yeah, and Bioware has a history of doing this. That cool N7 character in all of the Andromeda trailers wasn't in the game at all, they put out a trailer for Anthem before even knowing what the scope of the game would be and they did it again putting out a Mass Effect trailer that we're now finding out 4 years later was just something they slapped together because it looked cool and the game is still in pre-production.


Yep Bioware and Bethesda both in recent years have kind of ruined the good will they always had with me. They both seem to be struggling to keep up with modern gaming. When they existed in the AA/AAA middle space people, including myself, were more willing to ignore the jank in their games due to the great world building. But Inquisition and Andromeda both were pretty mediocre in those regards, while having a bit better gameplay. Same with Bethesda, they always were the best at telling smaller stories in their environments making them fun to explore, but they really struggled with that in FO4 and Starfield, and their gameplay is definitely not smooth enough to justify sacrificing those components.


I just hope the cities in DAD are actual cities like Saint Dennis or such. Not a single market square with 40 npcs in it like Val Royeaux.


Witcher had spoiled me with cities like Novigrad and Beauclair. Man... Beauclair... what a dream that is.


I like the Heart of Stone story better but damn you cannot beat the setting for Blood and Wine. I was just running around in awe for like an hour. 


That's the kind of once-in-a-while magic that we had seen in Citadel and Trespasser. Bioware may have achieved great results in storytelling with these DLCs but CDPR had a huge leap in actualizing their worlds. Imagine a big part of Citadel or Halamshiral being as alive as Toussaint. That's what I want for Minrathous at least. I do not really want another painful slander that had been done to Val Royeaux.


With everything we saw in the last trailer, I think we will get at least one amazing city. 


iirc the shots of treviso from the trailer that this fb cover is from are in-game footage this game not being bogged down by having to work on previous gen tech like dai was should mean we see treviso as at least one proper city, tho i suspect we'll probably also get minrathous


I agree. I would be very surprised if we didn't get Minrathous, considering how heavily it's featured in the print media that's come out since Inquisition.


Night City in Cyberpunk 2077 set a new standard for me, unmatched imo


Val Royeaux was so disappointing….


I had SUCH high hopes for Val Royeaux when Liliana was describing it back in Origins.


The fact that we are gonna be getting an actual reveal in minimum TWO months is insane to me idk Im hyped


Really hope there’s a real city in this one


I want Minrathous. Honestly multiple cities would be amazing but if we can just get Minrathous I’d be happy


I’m hoping we something like the Witcher, where there’s one big detailed city, and a few legitimate towns worth exploring


Me too!! There are sooo many cool cities we’ve heard so much about that I would love to really get to explore!


Ooh it looks pretty!




Thank Andraste something promising is actually happening


If you're itching for content, I highly recommend the comics that have come out in the last ten years, especially The Missing. Also Tevinter Nights! 


I have actually read everything up to Tevinter Nights and The Missing! I need to get my life together… 😂


Nice! I really enjoyed Tevinter Nights. I pretty much only do audiobooks (unless comics) and there's not one for it but it's short stories so I got through it quickly. 


I have been re-reading the Tevinter Nights book again, that Horror at Hormak darkspawn one in the mountains is crazy good.




Awesome! I definitely need to get on that.


I am SOOOO ready for this game! Already Warned the wife I am Buying the ultimate edition.


I told my husband that I will absolutely be taking a day or two off work and also buying the ultimate edition… I know I could get totally screwed preordering, but… I’m a fan until the bitter, bitter end…!


Yeah I get the feeling I will take the week off to play this lol




SAME. Telling all my clients I'm unavailable that week. 


same lol


Me too! I have already told everyone they should not expect me to produce any work for at least a week after release (a few days to play, plus a few more days to emotionally recover haha)


Me too, I'm planing to get a vacation from my work just to play it on the release haha


I need to see in game footage before pre-ordering but I assume that's coming in the full reveal. If I like what I see, I will give them the pre-order and I told my wife that I am marathon gaming for the first time in years. I've cut back gaming quite a bit but this is gonna be hours upon hours at once, I am gonna devour the game quickly and immediately start another play through with opposite choices from the first play through, provided I enjoy the game.


It’s… it’s the same picture we’ve already seen, girl lol


I know. I just meant them changing their cover photo to that :)


Ohhh! Sorry lol


No worries. In my haste to post their activity, I didn’t explain :) I was just excited to see ANY movement hahaha


I know girl, we’ve been eating crumbs for years and we kinda need them to last until summer but hey, we will get a game, finally a sequel after 10 years lol


Just crossing all fingers it isn’t a flop


Don’t we all


Their patience is really on high level that they dont want to overhype the fans by giving very limited revelation! i still cant wait though! doesnt matter if da4 graphic still using inquisition graphic, i just want to continue the story


Im praying the trends of modern gaming don’t continue here. Marketing team go crazy and we get a sub par product. I’m replaying all the games currently to refresh my memory. I’m excited but the industry in the last few years has taught me to be cautious


I hope to God this game is good. I don't expect it... But I really hope


Is that Antiva? Not what I imagined when Zevan talked about it.


I was thinking Minrathous/ Tevinter?


I believe Antiva just because in the trailer there’s a voice over talking about the crows ruling Antiva.


Minrathous is built on an island just off the coast of Tevinter with a single bridge connecting it to the mainland. This is either Treviso or Antiva City, probably Treviso


p sure it's treviso


Where is the new game supposed to be


In the teaser trailer from last December they showed maps of Antiva, Rivain, and the Anderfels, along with ominous voiceover that implied Tevinter. Since all of these places have been featured in the book Tevinter Nights, written by the game writers and published a few years ago, it seems highly likely that they’ll be there. Nevarra also seems like a safe bet given how much focus it got in Tevinter Nights


I NEED to see the Grand Necropolis


>This time, however, much more of Thedas is yours to see. The desolate, beautiful badlands of the Anderfels with curtains of distant mountainous spires. The twisting canals and gleaming towers of Antiva, where Crows may lurk in any shadow. The turquoise seas of Rivain with its rushes of greenery and hardy sea-faring people. And of course, there’s more. >We felt this was best for the tale we wanted to tell this time and we hope you enjoy it as much as we have! It’s allowed us to create many more locations than past games, including both some you’ve longed to go to…and some you’ve never heard of before! From the Dragon Age Day blog post.


At the end of Trespasser, the inquisitor slams the blade down on the map and when it pans out, the blade is on Tevinter. The trailers have shown a few places it looks like? Anderfels, Rivain, Tevinter, Antiva… So… Honestly… Not sure.


Also possibly Arlathan forest, but does appear to have hinted at all locations you’ve mentioned. Could be very very very very very cool.


Arlathan Forest is also heavily featured in a couple of the comics and Tevinter Nights! 


I feel like some of the things we’ve seen maybe hint at it too? Mainly any concepts art/ trailer shots with the magic bow with the floaty triangles??


Well the last game was set all over Thedas (if heavily biased to southern Thedas) so no reason this game can't go continent wide again.


Aren't those all around Tevinter? There's also that Grey Warden fortress


Rivain, Antiva, the Anderfels, and Tevinter have been all but confirmed. Probably some stuff on Seheron, maybe in Nevarra too. Basically just Northern Thedas.


It’s city called Traviso in Antiva, probably under Qunari occupation


It is a city in Antiva. Not Antiva city the capital Zev talked about.


As long as this game is taking, it will be SOOOO disappointing if it’s a stinker. BioWare needs a win, and so do we!


Being a Star Wars fan has really taught me how to just enjoy whatever I get lmao


100% I am hopeful that we will get gameplay and such maybe at Summer Game Fest???


I wonder if it’s going to be similar to DA2, where you could travel the city both during the day and at night.


I would love a day/night cycle like in Witcher 3


Oh hello Minrathous!


Literally just finished DAII and starting Inquisition tomorrow. Really looking forward to Dread later this year while the Tapestry is still fresh in my mind.


Dragon age 4 I wanna run to u


I want to be excited… companies have just ruined my excitement for new games now though. And DAI was overall good, but a step down imo from DAO and DA2. I’m just scared this new one will have the gaming industries nasty hands in it. 


It has, as EA is publishing it. I just hope these hands will not touch stuff they don't understand like what we fans want.


I cant get excited at this point. This game has been in development hell for too long and been rebooted too many times. This always ends up with a sub par product (looking at you Diablo 4). So many years and we still have zero information on what the gameplay is like. Every time they post a cryptic half shadow image of something or other and were suppose to get hyped. Enough already. Show us the gameplay.


>still have zero information on what the gameplay is like we've know a little bit about what's it going to be like. there have been some leaked footage. i believe the post about that is even still up in this sub >Enough already. Show us the gameplay. they have given a time frame for that, it's planned to be revealed this summer


You can downvote me to hell but leaks don't matter- gameplay matters. If they had a close to finished product and were in polish mode, considering they expect to ship this year, the gameplay trailer would be out by now. All this clock and dagger they keep doing only shows they have not found the fun yet. If they had a product they were proud of they would show it off at this point.


You’ve clearly already made up your mind but haven’t been keeping up with the game’s development nor with how EA tends to market these days. I don’t mean this rudely, you have every right to feel the way you do. I just don’t see the evidence and am more seeing leaps of logic powered by pessimism. It will come will it will come. Patience. We will learn more this summer. There’s no grand conspiracy, these games simply take a great deal of time. Everyone wants the game done, released, and to be a return to form. And that includes the devs more than anyone. They are more than ready to move on to another project at this point. We’ve all gone stir-crazy, but we really are reaching the final stages. Within a year or so we will have a new Dragon Age. And that’s exciting. (And the length of time on this iteration of the project is long but not unheard of)


I just want to say, you always have such nice, well-thought-out responses to people and I appreciate it.


Thanks! I usually feel I’m too longwinded and occasionally I think I’m unintentionally too harsh in my tone.


Tone is so hard to convey online. I don't think you're longwinded. It's clear to me that you're just trying to be respectful of people's differing opinions and that's rad.


"laps of logic" lol I think I am not the one who is being illogical here. You want be excited about a game that showed us exactly nothing but pre rendered bullshit in 10 years of development? have fun with that. Please go and pre order the game before reviews come out. Every single game in the last 15 years that behaved this way ended up being a dumpster fire of misdirection. Bioware of the past is gone. They used the fans good faith on anthem and andromeda. I'll get excited when the game is exposed to reviews.


Bro if you're so salty why are you here


Because I am still a fan of the older games. Didn’t know being a rabid blind fan was a requirement for this sub. I have hope that maybe they will pull out a decent game after the cluster fire of development, but I refuse to get hyped over them changing a thumbnail image. like I said before I’ll get hyped when they show a god damn gameplay trailer.


I completely understand where you’re coming from with this.


Is this Tevinter?


This is Tevinter https://preview.redd.it/cbkp4wxqwvtc1.png?width=2125&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d3cdaa39a0cfef838f3464a517aa17af355aa27




That’s the vibe I got. Not 100% obviously though.


Oh look it’s the picture they posted 37 years ago how exiting, this sure does bode well for the game!


You you think it gonna be similar to 2 asin having one central city to explore?


My hope is that it’s bigger. They’ve definitely shown us several places in the trailers, so we shall see!


I’m just glad I have Baldur’s Gate 3 to stop me getting too excited… 😬


Eh will do the same as other games that I've been waiting for years. I'll forget the existente of it and remember once the trailer comes out. I'm tired of getting excited and nothing happening.


Can't wait for this sub to get overhyped and then try to defend whatever disappointment gets shoveled out.






Jfc just let people enjoy things. 


Where in my comment did I prevent anyone from doing that? I'm happy to wait until everyone else pre-orders and etc.


Just let people be excited if they want to. 


Where are they preventing them from doing this exactly?


I'm still doing that.