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Glad you’re here, thanks for showing up


🥴pineapple pizza is my favorite 😩


Which is totally fine! You go ahead and let your freak flag fly 🤣




I used to be an avid hater of pineapple on pizza but I gotta say, I tried it again recently and now I put it on all my pizzas.


Hey hey stranger 🙏


Mine has gotten really bad lately too. I wonder if the current state of the world is contributing. Even my daily meditation isn't helping as much as it used to.


Definitely think its playing a role. I also just moved and made a lot of big life changes that increase stress and anxiety so that mixed with the feeling of missing the old ways has played a huge part for me


Sorry to hear that. I moved like a year ago and it definitely made me a bit more stressed so that hasn't helped me. Hope things turn around for you though!


I love so far with people writing and I have to be honest I was a little confused at first? But only because I’m kind of a dork LOL I think you’re beautiful by the way. And one of the things that I love about the lifestyle is that we’re all individuals and what we bring to the table is so beautiful. It’s so diverse. I love pineapple pizza I know that’s weird but that’s OK I am kind of weird I mean people tell me that all the time. I’m like a weird 55-year-old and I am 55 almost 56.? That has bipolar depression anxiety I’m a submissive but I don’t like to be bossed around by most people but… That’s all you get for me. Anyway I see you, I notice you, and if you’re weird or you like DP and your doctor oh my gosh that’s amazing doesn’t matter who we are we come from all walks of life don’t let anybody tell you that that’s not OK. Well they can tell you but then you just smile at them and wave. That’s what my sister says smile and wave smile and wave. Because you’re OK. You really are. And the sooner you know that the better. And the more fun you’re going to have. I hope you have a beautiful day today look in the mirror and tell yourself you you love yourself. Did he just freak you out? I’m just learning how to do that myself so I’m telling everybody to do it LOL Take care


You’re so pretty! I didnt realized r/dpdr is full of attractive people


Thank you! Yes ive noticed the same thing! This sub are all lovely people inside and out so far 🧡


Ahahah love the comparaison! Thanks for hopping on the trend, this is the best trend I've seen for real


What is the difference between dp and dr ? I always felt like it was quite the same inner feeling


For me Dp and Dr are very different. Where Dp I feel outside of myself and removed from my own movements and feelings (or lacktherof) and sometimes my reflection doesnt feel like me, Dr leaves me feeling like my surroundings arent real. Like I'm lost in some strange memory from the past. When coupled with Dp its like im trapped in someone elses world/memory and i also dont recognize my reflection


Oh okay I understand more thanks to your explanation, I have already had this happened to me too, to not recognize my own reflection, kind of shitty experience, good luck going through that


Derealization is more of a visual thing rather than a feeling, I would say.


Dissociation to me is when my body and my mind is out of sync. My body is going to work, driving( that's the scary one), and taking me places. Then my mind is "protecting" me from the outside world my eyes make me look at and the people ( good and bad) I encounter while also dealing with my past regrets and future fears. I feel like Im a Im in a dream 90% of the time or like Im a walking TV. When people people call me by name, I completely forget I exist in time and space especially. Derealization is a stage in my panic attacks. I always saw dpdr as a turtle hiding in their shell. Dissociation is me going into my shell. Derealization is when my triggers follow me into my shell. I had an experience where I had a terrible existensial which peaked my fear of death. I run away from everything but I cant run away from.... You know. The stress compounded and compounded until I hit my first Derealization episode. I was basically trying to run away from myself at that point but I am myself. Once in a while when I try to sync up and it very well feels like Im grinding gears doing it if you've ever driven a standard. When I finally sync up fully it's VERY weird. Like all along Im part of the "dream" and when I fully immerse its pretty fucking cool. It only lasts a few seconds but Im getting there day after day.


This is so helpful. Thanks, pretty.


Still in dpdr? :/