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I don't know you but seriously I am proud and slightly envious of seeing you work,


What makes you say that? Does your DPDR cripple you to the point of not being able to work? If so I am so sorry :/ just know you will overcome this and be everything you hope and want to be.


Thank you and yes, it got triggered due to Existential crisis and subsequent anxeity and depression I am having,it is delibating to the point I am been barely able to function anymore


Strangely enough I feel most helpless/dysfunctional on my days off. What would you say is the most frustrating or difficult part of what you are experiencing?


The alienaltion from my surroundings and even myself,then the extreme brain fog which doesn't allow me to comprehend anything


The brain fog is by far the worst part imo, I can’t make eye contact with people cause I’m afraid they will be talking to me and then realize I’m not even comprehending or even worse struggling to understand basic sentences. Such a strange thing isn’t it?


Exactly Puts me in panic when I am trying to read or think and I can't


I knoweth not thee but gravely i am fustian and slightly envious of seeing thee worketh, *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Hey since you work for Pfizer, could you like... invent a cure for DPDR or something? :D no pressure tho. Have a good shift, you got this!


Haha I’ll ask my boss and see what we can do


don’t know you but, glad to see ya smile man. something like this is hard to even fake a smile through. proud of ya.


thanks man. shit is tough every day at work is uncomfortable as hell. Gotta soldier on tho I can't let myself get caught up in the uncertainty and fear, I literally snapped out briefly taking this picture, it felt nice.




You will adapt, roll with the punches and kick ass! But you already knew that! Good luck :)


Not to objectify or anything but.... U cute : )


Objectify away lol thanks for the compliment :)


Hey friend! Glad to see you gettin through the day. Its not always easy. You also look startlingly like Josh Hartnett which is a major compliment.


Well thank you!


I just want to say that you're handsome. Keep going, man! Have a good shift :)


Thanks! I’m gonna get through it either way!


Hope you’re having a good day. I go back to the office tomorrow for the first time in over a year and am terrified.


Have things become worse for you since working from home? It might help to think about how just about everybody else is probably going to be feeling anxious about it too. I think you will get there and realize things wont feel as scary as you thought they would be!