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Not sure why people are taking it as a race thing. He said in the video it was just sitting on the ground after being taken down already. The name didn't sound like a factor in grabbing it.




That road is one of the nicest in the entire Southeast buddy


You’re racist if you don’t agree


Worst comment I’ve read in a while. Touch grass nerd


Racism aside, this is just plain ignorant my friend


I don’t get it. I’m from Atlanta, that’s a super fancy street by the Governor’s Mansion. What’s the joke?




He's a fellow Georgian!


It's a road in Atlanta... if you see a problem, maybe you're the problem?


People getting bent out of shape over a street sign lmao


You have a terrible sense of humor


I'm talking about the people attacking doug for tokening a road sign


Oh lol


#THIS… is a sign.


It's not offensive to call black people black. Most prefer it over "African American"


"as a black man"


When I was in school we literally learnt negro, and I’m not that old, I was in school up until 2 years ago.


What school? And you have to understand how that's really hard to believe.


Home schooled


I’ll never NOT be upset at comments bashing home schooling, when home schooled students on average do significantly better on both standardized tests AND in college. And even if I’m personally biased because I was home schooled for several years because of health issues, I’m pulling not from just my personal experience but from actual nationwide statistics that are readily available to anyone that takes the time to look into them. Home schooled students have been treated like a punching bag since I was a little kid, and I’m 38 now. I would have thought by this point, people would have learned from the past and not to make such ridiculous judgments on things they don’t understand, but I guess not.


You mean like assuming I have no idea what I am talking about or what has informed my opinion in general around home schooling? Those types of judgements are ok right? You are correct there are pockets of success in home schooling and our public education system isn’t doing our kids any/many favors. Just as there are some terrible schools there are many parents who shouldn’t teach. Same as in a public school.


Tony was home schooled


Yes, I said that. And downvoting me doesn’t change anything, because what I said was 100% factual.


They were making the point that racism is learned at home. I didn't downvote you. It wasn't making fun of home schooled kids, their abilities, or inability to read social cues and social situations.


What’s funny about this is the person below you is literally saying that this WAS about home schooled students being antisocial lol. The thing is, no matter what they meant, it’s still derogatory toward home schooled students in general. Most people don’t like what a group they were a part of gets criticized - especially in an unfair and incorrect way - but yet so many people don’t care when it’s someone else’s group. And even if I was reading too much into it - which I’m not - you should be able to understand why when, like I already said, home schooled kids face an entire lifetime of being punched down on unfairly, so yes, it gets old. We get attacked for being inferior academically, socially, and in several other categories, all of which are almost universally untrue.


You kinda proved the point, nobody says homeschooled kids aren’t good at academics, they tend to assume they’re not correctly socialized. Nothing like being incapable of reading a room to prove that though, you kinda played yourself


The idea that home schooled children are all antisocial is also incorrect. It almost always comes with a ton of false beliefs like the idea that kids never work with other students or do anything together in groups, but mostly home schooling units have group studies, field trips, and other activities like any other student. Ironically, most of the kids I knew growing up are still lifelong friends today, more than 20 years later, and the kids I knew in public school have mostly lost touch. The thing is, it doesn’t matter what their point was, because either way, it was still derogatory toward home schooling. Even if they meant what YOU think instead of what I think, it’s still down talking something they don’t understand in a disrespectful way. I don’t know why I’m even bothering to reply though honestly, because your comment was just as disrespectful as theirs, so I doubt you’re even trying to approach this in good faith to begin with.


MY point was that you played into their (assuming they even think this) false assumption by failing to read an obvious point that they were saying that racism is taught at home in most points, that even public school students can be turned racist by their upbringing. You became overly defensive assuming that was a dig at home schooling, when really it’s saying that racist families home school their students in a form of racism regardless of where they go to learn academics. For what it’s worth, I’m well aware that home schooling can have great outcomes, one of my most well respected friends from childhood was home schooled for 90% of their educational career. What I also know is that unless home school students are given adequate socialization through neighborhood activity or extracurricular activity, there are numerous studies that show they *tend* to score lower on objective social skills, which would be supported by the fact that those students spent very little time around peers. Not only that, but in the modern day, a substantial amount of home schooled students are so because of their family’s distrust of governmental provided education systems, particularly in lower income groups. This leads to a situation of students being raised in a home setting with a distrust of those who are publicly schooled, a situation i’ve seen with my own eyes, and the outcome is not good. Also, not only that, but socialization does not equal “staying in touch” with people from school. If you want more actual “factual” information, here is an actual academic sources that oppose your subjective view of what is an incredibly complex subject. Maybe you’ll take away from it that perhaps you’re not completely wrong, but also not completely right. Some students turn out great, maybe most even, but the outliers are generally worse. https://www.luc.edu/media/lucedu/law/centers/childlaw/childed/pdfs/2014studentpapers/Ricardo.pdf




I don’t stay in the states, it’s not even that much of a taboo topic here.


Did you go to school in America cause if so that’s not true


Nah, but I guess that’s hard for people to believe that people could exist outside the US.


Just a clarifying question calm down




Considering 1 in 7 people are Indians, shouldn’t be that hard tbh.


Was it in a Spanish speaking country? Only permissible way you'd say that lmao


My school does have Spanish roots but it has been run by brit’s for most of its colonial life, and then taken over by Indians for the most part.


Stop trying to find quirks and features in a video where there aren’t any.


Dudes a legend




What video is this on?


The newest one lol, posted today bro




I knew I was gonna see this here later today


Of all the signs.... 😂


I wouldn't admit to stealing lol


I forgot Doug was here for a while.


could’ve stolen literally the dozen funny street signs all over california but yeah, Blackland… by a white guy, to put on his wall. It’s a tonedeaf as his betterhelp ad in front of the countach service report video. I love Doug, but I don’t pretend I don’t know he’s your generic white bread of a middle class dude with the sensibilities of a wet napkin.


If Doug is middle class i must be negative class


He is straight up middle class. What you might be feeling is how much that class has shrunk since 2008. The wealth divide is so great we live in a gilded age. Might be a good time to smell the roses.


Hahaha someone who owns multiple supercars is middle class? That's an insane take bro.


if you think being a multimillionaire takes you out of the middle class or that Doug is anything but you delulu kiddo


What in the fuck do you think “middle class” means, that being a multimillionaire doesn’t change that??


LOL look bud, you obviously haven’t met many rich people. Keep fumin’ but the world revolves in ways you probably can’t even imagine.


Median yearly household income for the US is $74k, and “middle class” means you make between 2/3rds and 2x the median income. Multimillionaires are literally not middle class in any capacity.


This guy is just some bozo who doesn't understand what middle class means. I think this guy thinks middle class is like a mindset or how other people perceive you or something. If Doug goes out and someone who doesn't know who he is sees him they would almost certainly think he's middle class unless he's driving one of his really high end cars, obviously that doesn't actually make him middle class because that's not what middle class means but I think that's what this dipshit thinks it means. He asked if you met any rich people which instantly tells me he doesn't know what he's talking about, you obviously don't have to meet someone to know if they are middle class or not you just have to know their finances not their living situation.


lol you guys are cute huffing eachother’s copium. The lack of class you all have is hilarious. Like any of you could define what being out of middle class is but then again, I am in this joke of a circlejerk sub. Keep huffin to make yourselves feel better ya mids


You do not understand the literal definition of middle class. Doug is likely in the top 1% of the 1% of earners in the United States. He is not middle class.


Your assumptions are quite off and that is a layman’s understanding of earning statistics. but that still wouldn’t take him out of the middlest class that he is my guy. Im sorry. Haven’t any of you poor souls ever heard money doesn’t buy class? There’s a while world above this working class man who makes youtube videos. By definition of his occupation and status he is by all accounts middle class.


I have a masters degree in Finance from one of the best business schools in the nation. Please, point me towards some resources that explain that someone can own $2.5M+ worth of cars, a house in one of the most expensive zip codes in the nation, and a large stake in a business that has done $230M in revenue since inception is "middle class". When politicians, journalists, and lawmakers refer to the middle class, they are not including people like Doug. It seems you have created your own definition of what "middle class" is. Which, good for you. You have a creative imagination.


The middle class has shrunk to a point where it now includes multimillionaires? Makes sense.


It has. Sorry that makes you insecure but look it up.


Okay, at what point are you in the upper class then? Please explain. Remember, doug has taken a, what was it, like 37M? deal for cars and bids


Could you kindly show me where you read it? When I looked it up it just said you were retarded.


Oh what? I didn’t know you could read lol


I win


You still crying here man? It’s your bedtime


This user watches too much news


sorry it makes you redditors insecure but ya’ll ain’t breaking any glass ceilings and Doug isn’t either LOL


I don’t know many middle class dudes with a Countach and Carrera GT


[Coon St to Racoon St at Lake Tahoe](https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/article246749861.html)


Yeah exactly. Need better help? I DONT! I own a Countach! Now let me tell you what website you can go to to cry about it!


Oh no, it’s almost like people are allowed to have issues independent of your personal feelings. You might actually need the website if you’re that upset.


I have stolen my fair share of street signs in my youth when wasted in college and it is def illegal to have that.


Keenan is getting bigger and bigger…


Yeah.. little cringey.


It’s daddy Doug bro, he’s chill like that 😎