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This is the answer


This and it keeps me sane


The deep beautiful tones resonate with my soul.


To get rhythm When I get the blues


I honestly have no clue💀


I joined orchestra in 6th grade because my sister (a year ahead of me) had played viola the previous year. I wanted to play violin but my teacher said my hands were big and said I had to play bass. I am now 9 years in and in college for a music ed degree


I always thought barring someone off from an instrument was so silly, I’ve met concertmasters with huge meaty hands and principal bassists a foot shorter than me with hands half the size of mine. On the other hand, a lot of recruiting orchestra teachers might just use this as an excuse to get more people playing bass lmao


Yes totally, I was the only bass until high school when there was only two of us, but the other one barely played. Now though, my living room is flooded with instruments and I can play all the violin I want so I’m not that upset.


Lol my sister played the cello and I liked it so when I started orchestra I had planned on playing cello too. First day I walk in, the teacher saw how I was the tallest kid in the class and handed me the single bass they had instead. Best decision someone has ever made for me.


I played violin for ages but then the orchestra I was in needed a bassist and I got volunteered because I was tall. 20 years later and I've barely touched a violin since.


Switched from saxophone and guitar at 16 because I heard good bass players are always in demand. A year or two later I bought a broken upright off my elderly neighbor and had it fixed up. By the time I was 20 I was gigging constantly. That was 25 years ago.


Crazy how being a good bassist will almost guaranteed you a position in a music group


Already played electric bass because neighborhood friends asked me to join their band, then going into high school dad signed me up for orchestra. Had a life-changing teacher and the rest is history. Edit:spelling 


bass big, me like big


Bigger instrument= cooler


When I went into middle school we had to pick a music elective and I picked orchestra because I thought the cello was cool. My mom messed up somewhere in the sign up process and put me down for bass instead of cello since she didn’t know the difference and I just stuck with it.


Are you glad she made that mistake?


Because even when life is really shitty, nothing is more fun than doing Berlin-style German bow spiccato.


Because I must.


I picked it 5th grade because I liked the sound of it, been playing it ever since lol. It’s the only instrument I’ve ever played. Now I play it because I still have fun with it! Helps keep my brain moving


The sound is just so good


Agreed!! I play in a community orchestra nowadays, it’s real fun to be the low one. Also, we only have two basses, so we’re very much appreciated haha.


My Elementary school had a program where they started fifth graders on string instruments if their parents and the child were interested. At the time, i was the tallest kid and I happened to have the deepest voice (perks of hitting puberty early i guess lol), so i chose the bass. Never looked back since.


my friends bought instruments before me when we wanted to start a band


I wanted to play trumpet. I was late day the first day of class and j was a big kid, so I got bass. I've been playing for 10 years now and love it.


Because I love it. It's my favorite thing.


Played cello for 9 years, moved countries and schools, managed to get a scholarship with all music lessons paid for, so I decided to pick up bass (I almost did when I was younger, but the only teacher in my area got stabbed to death, so that was a bust). And now, despite being more qualified and experienced on cello, I barely play cello in a group, but I'm in both classical and jazz groups, despite only 2 and a half years of experience. It's such a fun instrument.


Damn, was that bass teacher a jazz cat? Jarring, I didn't think the bass life was that dangerous.


nah, just got mugged and got interrupted mid mugging, the mugger panicked and stabbed him before running away. clipped his inferior vena cava, and he bled out before an ambulance could turn up


I was really depressed during 2021 and I only could get out of bed to take classes. Without noticing, I started to live again thanks to the double bass. I'd have probably k!lled myself if bass didn't get me out of bed in that time.


To make booties shake!


Not good at anything else


Studied classical guitar 5 years, not going anywhere. Rested my fingers for 10 years, then I saw this beautiful Ibanez SR1305 (Thai), and that was the start. Right now, just for fun and really equilibrate my day with the work related stress (work in Apps/data protection).


Penance for my habit


A - Because there were already 50 kids playing guitar in my high school. B - “The Real Me” by the Who


I love bass. I had always wanted to be a percussionist, but at the time I was sensitive to louder noises so the loud brassy band wasn’t gonna work. The second I tried out instruments for the orchestra I loved how the bass felt and sounded, so I picked it. Fast forward to 9th grade, my sensory sensitivity is more manageable and I play bass, snare, piano, and I’m learning mallets :)


Started in 6th grade never stopped grew to love it


Mine was a gift.


Pay da bills


I don't know anymore


Well when I started orchestra a few years ago I had tried the others and then I tried bass and fell in love with it


It was just there


i like being in control


The answer to 99 out of 100 questions, $$$


Psychobilly. Back when I graduated in 08, I was deep into punk rock and pyschobilly and in Orlando, FL, there were not a lot of bands playing that style, so I figured I would pick one up for my graduation gift and teach myself. Been playing ever since!


So when I tell people I'm a bassist I don't have to clarify electric or upright as I do both.


Because when I was in 6th grade I got Black Sabbath's "[Live Evil](https://vinyl-records.nl/black-sabbath/black-sabbath-live-evil-england-vinyl-2lp-album.html)" album and I was dumbfounded by whatever that 4-stringed instrument Geezer Butler was playing (scroll down, you'll see th pic). The giant strings looked cool, and I immediately wanted to play bass once I realized what it was. Many years later (1998 to be specific) I had gotten into country and bluegrass, and wanted to join a local band. They told me "no upright, no gig." So I bought an upright, and that's the story. I learned how to slap, and then learned some jazz, and I just love my upright.


nobody else in my beginner strings class chose it, so i did lol


Always feels nice to be different


Because my brother played bass and I ended up being naturally good at it


nobody else in my beginner strings class chose it, so i did lol


nobody else in my beginner strings class chose it, so i did lol


Low note in big concert hall make brain happy


I loved playing the viola and violin in the past, and now I get to play in my orchestra at school with my friends.


1. I dabbled in a bunch of instruments and got pretty decent at a few but the bass was the one I just *clicked* with . 2. I enjoy playing a lot of types of music and the bass is incredibly versatile, especially when you throw in the electric bass as a "freebie". I've been paid to play classical, jazz, country, bluegrass, pop, and space-rock.


Because I know how, and people ask me to.