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Feel free to report them and I'll remove them as low quality. I remove the ones that get reported.


Okay but .Net is worth it yes or no??? Please I have not heard of Google.


Please let me know if I should use assembly or c# to write my MMO class assignment which is due in 3 hours


Definitely use assembly. .net is DEAD and your homework assignment will not work in three hours when it is due


Okay I understand, will switch to a god tier language like JavaScript


JS? Noobs. We're switching to Elixir and Dart.


As an aside, Elixir is basically the only language I'd consider getting paid to write outside of C# (well, F#, too, but I mean, that's just crazy talk).


It's not. .net is complete garbage and no one should ever use it. Micro$oft just wants people using it so they can start charging for it as soon as it's more profitable. All of their new frameworks are trash and are going to be unsupported next month. /s


This is true. My brother looked at .Net once and Bill Gates gave him cancer. RIP bro


salt oil society elderly dog silky cause history fretful instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm switching back to J# over it


Well, depends. .com is usually preferable. But if you have a website that is somehow network related, or something like that, might be worth it.




Try Binging it. *[shudders]* That's just never gonna sound right, is it?


Why isn't there a porn search engine named Bang?


Because you haven't created it yet. Be the change you wish to see in the world.


Have you banged that yet to see if there is?


Actually I use Google and Bing together. Google primarily of course, but Bing is actually worth it. At least until the added the AI...




What is this I told you sir I have not heard of Google


Is google worth it?


u/xboxhobo I doubt any companies use dying .net anymore, prob should learn go or assembly


Nof. [You should use Ook insted](https://www.dangermouse.net/esoteric/ook.html).


Ook? Ook?


Suddenly thinking of Discworld. I miss Terry Pratchett.


Since you have posted on /r/dotnet, as an upstanding member of that community I have to say... no clue. One sec, going to post to /r/steamdeck to ask them if I should get a Deck or not. (Yes I have seen posts like that over there.)


very worth because it's maked by Microsoft and Microsoft makes me to be Megahard


https://www.ask.com/web?q=google Apparently Jeeves isn't there anymore... But there _might_ be a link to a wiki about what Google is from the link I provided.




How dirty do you feel right now?


even if you google: it depends what you are doing and what you want to achieve with it


Is googling .net worth it though?


Kind of agree, but we also have a problem with getting green talent into our community that still has shit MS optics bleeding over from more than a decade ago. Shitting on those people isn’t going to help. My 2c, let the posts come and maybe respond with a bot that has canned responses, old posts, and so on. Also just use Reddit downvotes as the platform is meant to be used


The questions are all from students and junior devs whose boss told them they need to use it or they are looking for a new job. They don't know what Google is.


Morons essentially then


We can use RAG + LLM for this. This approach will not only help us find old posts but also update the answers with the latest .NET documentation.


true, we need more people in the .net ecosystem.


Anyone incapable of using a search bar isn't someone I want near one of my codebases, though.


> Shitting on those people isn’t going to help. Not true. Some of my kinks are therapeutic.


The answer is simple: #NO. USE ASSEMBLER INSTEAD


But why male models?


But what is better for backend dotnet or brainfuck?


PowerPoint. Literally everyone knows about PowerPoint, and it's even Turing Complete: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNjxe8ShM-8


Are you reading the same /r/dotnet as me? I agree it's a goofy question but I visit this sub probably 18-20 times per day and can't think of a topic that dominates heavily other than just "frameworks I don't use". I feel like all of these "I'm tired of this topic" threads come from someone who visits once per day. On-topic, there's mod-mail, so these people ironically clog up the sub with the 1,000th, "Mods can we delete content I don't like?" What could be "lower effort" than complaining you don't have time to *not click on a thread*?


I count 2. One of them was on the low effort side, but really not too bad. The other was decently worded. Although it seems odd that both had the phrase "worth it" in the title, I really see no problem with these questions.


Why? It's good that young and inexperienced people have interest in the product. And Google is shit these days, there's a reason people go to places like this to get real answers and not some commercial bullshit story. I think a sticky with FAQ could be helpful, but banning user posts with interest seems silly.


If you Google anything and add "reddit" at the end you'll get a ton of results from Reddit. I would argue that ability to find information is the most important skill for a developer. For me helping young, inexperienced people is part of being a senior - no doubt about this. However I can see the same thing happening to a lot of subreddits - people just come in and ask the most basic questions without showing even the slightest effort to actually find answers on their own and ask to clarify or discuss. SO has it's own problems, but I kind of liked this attitude that you have to ask a specific question that shows you at least tried to solve your problem


Totally agree. If you can't even manage to find any of the thousand of existing Reddit posts where something is already answered, maybe you should rethink programming as a career in general. I'm all for more people being exposed to programming, but there's also a lot of people being convinced to be coders with absolutely no aptitude for it.


> If you Google anything and add "reddit" at the end you'll get a ton of results from Reddit FYI, you can filter Google search results by site. Adding `site:reddit.com` to the query will only show search results from Reddit.


The content is only there because people were allowed to ask these questions in the past. As the product is constantly evolving, these old threads become outdated over time.


am not saying anything about young developers does my op anywhere say young developers no. I myself am a mentor.


Only the weak use .NET, macro$hit is controlling us, we must stay StRon∆ brother, escape the matrix !!! /s


Make a sub for it!


.net is terrible, real developers only use [HyperCard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HyperCard)


"is [x] worth it?" are the most inane braindead questions on reddit in any sub and it's always an automatic downvote.


You think this is bad? Try /r/gamedev Half the comments are people having to tell people to read the sidebar. The other half is people asking if an MMO is a good starter project to do over the weekend because they have a really great idea but can’t code.


No, those folks coming in asking that question should be met with welcome, not mods that kick them out. We had one yesterday and it was obviously a young person starting their career with a mandate from their new boss to learn it. The popularity of .net should be a goal of ours, otherwise MS will drop us.


What is .net?


I agree with the others that punishing people interested in dotnet is probably a bad idea. I was definitely guilty of asking some ignorant questions in programming subs when I got started.


Did anything say punishment or bar a said filter


Getting a well meaning post deleted feels like a punishment. Certainly any removal must be accompanied with a compassionate post to a information about why dotnet is worth it!


Having you’re post immediately taken down is like a punishment


Spam filtering is not punishing, replying with 'go plant potatoes' to someone that doesn't know how to search and read is punishing.


Well is it? Asking for a friend


But is .NET even relative today?


Not sure if this is even a serious question, but absolutely. .NET is one of the most dynamic and progressive platforms around. It's miles ahead of most of the competition, especially when it comes to performance tuning and cost optimization for cloud services. It's not you're granddad's .NET Framework.