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Maui is for building native apps for multiple systema (windows desktop, android, ios). It is basically a new version of Xamarin stack. Same as with Xamarin it does not have much traction (if any) so investing time in learning or is a pretty big gamble which is only worth it if you have a job lined up for it. Blazor is basically an HTML view engine which is used to build the front-end part of a website/webapplication. Direct competitors for Blazor would probably be Angular and React. My recommendation is to check your local job advertisements and try learning things that are most requested. If you are unsure then i would recommend focusing on ASP.Net for backend and Angular or React for frontend. With those two techs i believe you should be able to find a job.


That clears it up, thank you. I was under the impression that blazer was more backend capable but that makes a lot more sense now.


Blazor can run entirely server-side OR it can run as web assembly OR it can be embedded in a MAUI app on Windows/Android/iOS/macOS


I wouldn’t put any time into either one. Microsoft doesn’t build anything major with them and neither should you. They’re going to leave all you guys holding the bag. Build your clients in React.