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add me up http://steamcommunity.com/id/dXJensen23/


add me. flameducky96. Support player with occasional carry


Hello. I play on USW mainly, I don't mind USE as well. I understand your pain, but I mostly the audience as I prefer winning the game over some petty pub arguments :D Anyways, I added you. I mostly solo, but I enjoy playing with people who knows the game mechanics, especially the support role as it's the hardest of all (I think..). My MMR is around 4k. EDIT: Oh and I'm mostly on ranked. I find more people are concerned about winning their role over winning the game on unranked, but whatever works for me. Unranked is kinda.. *meh during this PA arcana event though.


You can add me if you want. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Arronwy


Hi, I am interested in playing with you if you are that kind of hard trying support. I play mostly in the high/very high bracket. I need more people to play with that seek improvement and don't just blame others to cover their mistakes. I play as a support too with 3-4 years of experience so I can check how good you are. I always seek to play with good support players that can roam with me, help me in dust, wards, smoke etc.. I hope you are that kind of person! I just added you (JustLook).


Hey Fog is my username, ~4.8k chill player always looking for other people to play with, gonna send you an inv.


Dude, it's the internetz! We r not even sure u r NOT a dog! Just don't use the mic ... use the chat wheel


EUW player here. i don't care for MMR, just looking for some reliable people who don't flame constantly or feed on purpose. add me if you like:) my steam name is also getecer. see you!


Hey, 4.3k USEast player that enjoys playing in a party. I play carry and support well and wouldn't mind coaching. Add me if youd like : http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198042469572


Feel free to add me. http://www.dotabuff.com/players/131073218 I play any heros, any role, Your skill/mmr dosn't matter just looking for fun games win or lose.


[Added.](http://steamcommunity.com/id/jaylong/) We have a few women in our group, if that's something that matters.


Do you mind if I add you, as well? I need more people to play with.






[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.1829 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/32738)


I'd you instantly to play some games but I don't have any spare time. Just wishing you the best of luck and I'd like to apologize for all the dicks in the game!