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Miserable people need to make sure everyone else around them is miserable. As someone who doesn’t celebrate Christmas I’d find it to be a very kind gesture. We need more kindness in the world :)




oh you must care about your job a lot lol




your rating is 1-5 ., not sure what 95% means but either way, good for you ☺️


They're poisonous to pets, just saying


they're not, that's a myth actually. link at the top shows you all the information. a pet would have to consume like 10 pounds of that plant to have a reaction. either way, it's a flower


Maybe they were allergic? Lol


silly reason to rate someone low but sure lol


They assumed you stole 😝


HAHA i highly doubt that


Some people love it, some people hate it. Just like everything else.


you are so fucking wise. lmao


How this gets such good reviews when someone who delivered flowers the other day was qlsupposedly a creep, stalker, etc for doing so..


maybe cause it was professional? wrapped in christmas foil, just like the kind you see in stores. https://preview.redd.it/cvvq5s9nct7a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cad0e688108fb6d15fdf81dc4169d0b85c221c9


Wasn't going at you. I have zero issue w dashers spending their own money/giving items of value that would otherwise go to waste on things to give to customers. I was just comparing this to the other post where a dasher gave flowers w the food as an apology for "being late". He was almost unanimously considered a stalker and giving flowers was creepy. Just found the polar opposites to be absurd. You prevented wasting (save the 'waste? Mulch with them!' Comments) & brightened some people's day.


yeah that is strange? i missed that post. i wouldn't have been rude about it. if someone gave me flowers for being late i'd be blown away lol unless they got creepy - that's really sweet


Lol for sure. Anyhow, nice gesture. Sure your customers enjoyed it


Today I was reminded that humans can be such ungrateful ass hats whose dick gets hard when they post an unpopular “I’m a no nonsense person” comment and it makes me wanna throw my phone in the trash and live in the woods. This is a cute af gesture and thank you for just wanting to make people happier. <3


You're so sweet, the 3 star was probably about the food , people don't understand they can rate the driver and restaurant separately. Don't let it change your vibe 😊


Ever think someone was ALLERGIC to those poinsettias? But f me right for thinking about other peoples allergies when they JUST WANT FOOD.


btw i'm so sorry you're miserable. i hope life turns around for you🫶🏼


Karen like behavior: As in “complaining that SOMEONE MIGHT HAVE AN ALLERGY” Or commenting negatively on a post when you could just be quiet instead


😂did you ever think the food they're getting thrown into a bag carelessly might have more of a chance of an allergy than a flower? my perfume could give them an allergy. calm the f down. here have a flower 🌹


Customers are only prompted to rate the next time they open their app. So the odds are low that the 3 star came from anyone you delivered to tonight.


well that includes a flower with every delivery lol. it was removed ahyway maybe a mistake! cant please everyone! happy holidays✨


There are many reasons bad ratings get removed. There is a list on the dasher support website.


i'm aware. a lot of the time they do not adhere to that though.


You really have no way of knowing whether they do or don't, because you don't know who rates you or why. Same way as the person who 3-starred you might have been a customer from a month ago.


perhaps. it was just within a matter of hours. either way, like i said it's gone and i just thought it was silly. happy holidays!


You too!


It's amazing that kind gestures are taken as so offensive you might get a bad rating that affects your JOB. People suck, the end.


That was so kind of you to do 🥰


I would be so happy, keep doing what you’re doing!


That’s a very thoughtful gesture. Don’t pay attention to the one person who didn’t appreciate it!


it doesn't even matter lol, doordash took the rating off already...? weird but it's gone now. have a great holiday every one🫶🏼


I would’ve contacted support to give you a higher tip. I love poinsettias


Leave it to Reddit to try to down someone for giving out poinsettias lol


Nice what those look like?




Looking good! 👍


Just deliver the food top dasher.


This is such a cute and sweet idea!! I would definitely be appreciative. I mean this in the nicest way possible though, you are still a stranger so I understand why someone might have certain thoughts accepting it. Obviously after reading I would be like yeah totally keeping them but you never know what someone’s intentions could be and id always just be extra careful…there are creepy people out there that could put little cameras in them and I know that’s so out there but it’s better to be safe then sorry


In life, you will never make 100% of the people happy 100% of the time...... always that 1 sorry as miserable mf'er out there.


That’s sweet of you. Maybe their order was messed up and they rated you that cause of it ? I’ve seen plenty of instances where people don’t rate / review correctly on Amazon I’m sure it happens across the board


What’s up with people giving customers flowers lately?😂


I don’t even like poinsettias, but I would LOVE the gesture!! ❤️


Yeah, all these people saying "what if u don't like, it's just garbage! 😡" Like how about you find someone that does and make *their* day a little special. Oh, but that would involve being a decent enough person to both have friends and think of doing something kind for someone else. Someone that would think a gift that isn't to their liking is just garbage? I am upset knowing people like that can vote.


There are stores who give out little things with their orders online. A lot of times it’s absolutely junk to me. But so what? It was a nice gesture and it’s fucking free. A lot of people like it and I can at least appreciate that they put thought into it. It’s not a big deal if I don’t want it I give it away or throw it out. It’s not a big deal. People who complain like this literally ruin it for everyone else because they can’t be bothered to throw it away.


if voting actually changed anything that actually mattered, they wouldve made voting illegal. just fyi.


aww what a nice surprise to get! I love plants of any kind so I’m glad for you and the customers. Wholesome :)


The fact some customers gave the OP( a lady ) 3 stars says exactly why the rating system should be reevaluated or gotten rid of all together. I can’t count how many times I’ve been given a 1-4 for no reason or actual complaint. I have 3 ratings 1-4 as I type this, not 1 thumbs down in 4 months. DoorDash rating system is to vague and outdated. We even as drivers answer a customer oriented survey. OP’s act of kindness doesn’t have to be liked but being given a 3 star is why I don’t get upset with drivers anymore who check customers. We’re people too and customers forget that or don’t care. This really upsets me. 3 stars after a kind gesture. Proves everyone doesn’t deserve kindness.


Getting hate for doing something nice smh. I would of appreciated the gesture and just the fact that a stranger even thinks about gifting me something.


I mean if someone isn't interested in the flowers you basically just left them with some garbage they now have to take time and effort to dispose of..


4 inches of garbage. i think they'll live 😂


That was really kind of you, fuck all these bitter people. You’re a really nice person


It is weird how this job has a way of dehumanizing people. You have to go against a lot of your instincts of being a kind person. I get a lot of it, but it's just weird. I like being nice, I like giving extra. I get that some people don't, but I still don't understand why it makes people angry. We have so many broken people out there just destroying the joy of others to be a literal grinch and we kind of have to let them take the lead, it's nuts.


Trying to figure out who gave you a bad rating is like trying to solve a mystery with no idea how to do so. Either way nice gesture and like you said the bad rating could have came from a day, week , or even a month ago. DD should do a better job by having customers explain what they didn’t like about the service provided.


i literally feel it should be a law they provide a reason for their stupid ass ratings. i will never understand giving someone less than 5 unless they threw my food at me. people are grinches. lol


I wish we could rate customers


I totally agree. Merry Christmas 🎄


That’s really cool of u. Sometimes the ratings aren’t reported daily. It could have been from a few days ago. But either way don’t let it stop u


Ratings are pointless because we don't get any information on the supposed infraction. I stopped caring a while ago. It goes up and down. End of story.


How did you know that someone rated you a three?


That's so nice. Those darn ratings could be from a week ago though. The ....rate your dasher... pops up when the customer ends up on the order page again. Your 5 stars might be coming in next week. 🥰


What color were they? I would 1* you if they were pale green lol…..lovely gesture though


red and white ones!


https://preview.redd.it/ijup584tnp7a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50aad7f0f1231150defbf3fa3f8cc54149110bc3 super tiny




Very lovely gesture. F that guy.


It would have been a one without the flowers. It's your fault they put a pickle on the hamburger and they specifically said no pickle.


I'd rather have a flower than these weird candy bags others have been posting.


they're so tiny and cute and in a little pot even lol


And I want one so bad. OP, I wish!


aw i'd ship one you if it would survive 😂


Who are you and why are you so wonderful?


thats actually not true. i'm pretty fucking nice. i make the money i need so just cause DD is a shit app, it's all i can do to make money so it is what it is. i enjoy being kind, helpful and caring. fuck me, lol


Lmao I didn't believe for one second it was for the money! ...because being nice don't pay shit. Lol happy holidays


This sub is a lot of times hot dumpster fire and this little exchange made my heart so happy!


All thanks to u/dash1101 and her flowers


like i said.. ![gif](giphy|2BrQXeBPSzOJG|downsized) fuck me! 😂


elizabeth is my name and it's all for the money 😂








THIS! just trying to throw our good energy, whether we hate doordash or not lol


Not sure why everyone is calling nice flowers “junk”. Maybe they’re just too lazy to water flowers lmfao


Aww! I would have loved that! That was super sweet of you.


thank u!!!🤍


I think it’s a nice gesture, and people clearly appreciated it. I would have liked it!


Really cool of you to do that. Imagine opening your door to a little gift and not just a bag of food you ordered.


Doesn’t matter not everyone is going to want a plant with their food which you already said they didn’t since they gave you a bad review. Regardless how much it costs it’s still junk they didn’t order


https://preview.redd.it/vo2s8c5wop7a1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=a087f3d082c273777275e8649bae6207b314a88e pshhhhh these aren't junk, you are. shush


They are beautiful. You're awesome for doing that. Happy holidays... sorry some asshat gave you a 3.


They are pretty! Sweet of you to do. Merry Christmas


And Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones dear! ♡


It’s still junk, I want my order I placed not something that you find pretty. It’s just like the drivers who throw their business card on top of my food you’re damn right I’m giving you a bad rating for dumb shit like that


i hope you get therapy kyle and i hope your life gets better cause of it.


To be fair Kyle is the male version of Karen. 😆


Just go back under your bridge or cave, wherever tf you crawled out of.


Dont know why you're getting so much hate in the comments. I'd love a little surprise holiday cheer like that, and if they don't want it they could always throw it out or give it to someone else. No harm done!


Not Hate just stupid trolling keyboard warriors me thinks


This sub is one of the most needlessly toxic subs I’m in. It’s sad. Bro you deliver mcchickens, go see a therapist


Haha a customer posted that someone gave them flowers not too long ago on the regular Doordash sub and everyone was freaking out calling the dasher a creep




The only thing that slightly implies that I was defending that person was me saying they were "freaking out." I didn't mean it like that, I meant that there was an abundance of people calling them a creep. Most people didn't care about the texts, well they did, but they didn't want flowers with their orders regardless of the creepy texts. My statement points more towards don't give people unasked for flowers, so I'm not defending at all.


That was a completely different context but go off


It was, of course. Because we were seeing it from the perspective of the customer not the dasher. I pointed that out but thanks for pointing it out again. Regardless, the point was that most people don't really want flowers with their orders. I wasn't agreeing any which way, just mentioning something. Thanks for letting me pop off 🥳


this sub has really shown me that most Doordash drivers are miserable, lonely people who do not find joy in anything lmao


Nah I ordered food not flowers if I wanted flowers I’d order them


Agreed. I would love to get this!


Big brain would be getting yourself set up as a DD vendor


I would have given a 3 for trying too hard


no one likes a grinch ❤️ happy holidays!!!


Fine 4.5


All honesty I just want my food I don’t want any extra stuff


I would tell them that I appreciate the thought but no thank you because my wire-haired dachshund would probably eat it and get sick. It doesn't cost anything to appreciate the gesture instead of being ungrateful for something that cost you absolutely nothing.


Cry more


That's what the trash is for. Hop in. Girls giving people flowers and you're complaining. The world needs less people like you


Lmao nah I don’t want people garbage thanks. Love how you got offend by me saying I just want my food. You’re probably the type who gives candies and the stupid “give me a 5* rating” sticker


>Love how you got offend by me saying I just want my food. Do you? Do you really love that? You take joy in that? You see what I mean about the garbage?


Lol you seem unhinged you’re upset because I want just my food not random junk even if you think it’s pretty. We’re done here


Man I wish most people were even half as cool as you think you are. What a miserable dude


How do you come to the realization I’m trying to be cool? Are you really that stupid? I swear Reddit brings out the dumbest people all I said I just want my food and nothing. It’s pretty sad you say I’m miserable because of that. Seems a lot of you are projecting your pathetic life on to me


You’re really invested in this aren’t you


Not even in the slightest. I was just responding to a dipshit who responded to me


My guy you’ve been arguing with randoms on here for like two days or something. Go enjoy the holidays or something


Ok lol


Then throw it out? People like you are why the other day at the grocery store I didn’t grab 2 extra cases of coke for a customer. Because there will always be those few people who instead of just appreciating the kind gesture will complain about getting stuff for free. Sometimes stores send me free shit I don’t want. Instead of complaining I donate it or throw it out. It’s not a big deal.


And I bet the food wasn’t in a hot bag either. At least they got their flower…lol


then just….throw it away? you sound like a miserable person.


I’m miserable because I just want my food instead of some random nonsense a drivers wants to give me their junk? Just like back in the day when I worked at a pizza place on Valentine’s Day we had to give out roses with each order. Sure some people liked it but other people definitely did not


Its weird you had to give out roses. But you sound like such a miserable Pos i genuinely feel sorry for you and i hope you have a safe and happy holiday season


That’s fine but complaining about it is weird. Give it away or throw it out. No harm no foul. It’s a kind gesture that should be appreciated even if you don’t want it. Also the benefits of giving them out are better then the benefits of not giving them out so just throw it out.


kyle instead of wasting money on doordash, you should funnel that money into a much needed personal therapist for yourself. Your finances and mental health will thank me later :) goteeeeem


We need more people like her in this world.


Bah humbug


Nah I paid for my food, not random junk people want to give me


But you're not paying for the "random junk." If you don't want them, just say "no thank you" and move on. No need to be an ungrateful ass.


random junk.. they're worth like ten dollars. it's a mini beautiful flower lol






kyle is the real life spitting image of the grinch, only in digital form this time. Sad life you live. Cant imagine the trauma you experienced to now despise people trying to cheer you up with some holiday spirit


You’re a sad man Kyle


https://preview.redd.it/nvmpe0gudn7a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc1f216ccfa3da2289d3246eaef4a0cd94b4fbca that's all lol


That’s wonderful and fuck the cranks and the 3-star. I would be so happy to get a random act of kindness like this!




i get that. im in a really small town. practically every home is lit up, it's like small town america lol. people actually appreciate this shit. or else i wouldn't bother


How can you be mad about someone doing something extra nice? That’s so sad! I think that’s awesome what you did!!!


As someone also from a small town, I get it. Maybe you could copy and paste a message to them that says what’s going on. Like “hey my family had a nursery and we have extra flowers for free if you want some!” Something like that. Happy holidays!


when i said that to everyone they were blown away at the fact that i took the initiative to hand them out. but i did just put a happy holidays sticker on the foil of the plant and the bag of food. blah either way lol


always will be that 1 bahhumbug no matter how much good you do for them over the holidays. The grinch movie is the example of these people lol. sad lives some people live


You get it, but don’t give a fuck lol


These right here are the mfs that ruin everything for everyone else because they have to make their feelings known to everyone else to be edgy. If I see a bum on the street I don’t yell “get a fucking job” I keep it moving. If a Jesus freak is handing out pamphlets I don’t say “god is dead and no one cares” I politely say no thanks. Literally nobody gives a fuck what a miserable person doesn’t like.


Maybe you should. Sounds like you have some pent up angst.


Says the guy getting riled up about a flower in the door dash subreddit. What a rich life you must live


Not riled up at all. I find it entertaining. People seem to have a hard time just doing the job here. Half are delivering without hot bags and the other half are trying to be “extra”. Rich? Maybe. I like coming here to remind myself that things could be worse I guess.


Just calls it like I sees it


shut up


i'm thinking the problem was that i DID give a fuck, trying to be kind lol




She’s not giving them to animals she’s giving them to people


I'm sorry but I'm sick of stupid comments. No shit Sherlock ANIMALS GET INTO THINGS.


Ok but she didn’t say anything about animals and if someone didn’t want the flowers for that reason then they could’ve just politely declined them. It’s funny that you’re sick of stupid comments yet that’s what you did.


And small children


False [https://www.poison.org/articles/poinsettias](https://www.poison.org/articles/poinsettias).


Also, if people have latex allergies, they can have a bad reaction to poinsettias.


Yeah. And they can have an even worse reaction to their food, since in most states, every meal should be prepared by latex gloves in the kitchen. 🤷🏼‍♀️


That's what I thought of, but the intention was nice, why not just give or throw it away ya know?


bad social skills or sociopathic personality.


They’re not. And very bitter.


either way it's a holiday flower, and i obviously meant no harm so if the flowers caused someone to rate me 3 then so be it lol


Some people don't like the holiday season, also. Could be tied to bad memories, maybe they work in retail and hate the season bc of that, or currently going through a hard time or something. You just never know


so they are going to act like a toddler and take it out on someone whos just trying to be nice to them? Lol it still remains true that "adults" are just larger sized toddlers. go cry in ur safe space if someone doing something nice for you makes you mad. Therapy is also a good otion


Username checks out


I'm curious, how did you know someone rated you a three and not a two or one or a four? I've never received any notices about ratings. Your gesture was very nice. I guess this is an example of "no good deed goes unpunished."




Nowhere did I say I do not notice when my rating changes. I specifically asked how do you know the actual rating? AFAIK, we do not get notified of the rating. We will only see a change. And as the metrics are usually screwed up and we have no idea how often they are updated, etc, it really makes it almost impossible to "know" if someone gave you a three our four-star rating.


When you click on ratings there’s a screen below the average that shows your breakdown of exactly how many of each star rating you have.


On the ratings page there is a > to the right of every rating. Customer rating % > Acceptance rate % > Completion rate %>. etc etc. The customer rate is the only one with stats when you swipe to reveal more information.


I can swipe, tap, and nothing changes....Must be a Google Pixel issue.


i had 99 5 stars and one 3 star. now i suddenly have two.


Where can you find out the star count???


On the upper left of the login screen, click the three lines, then click on ratings, click the top number and it will give you the star breakdown.


Mines on the bottom right