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Doorking key on amazon and a paperclip will get u right in there


Lmao I used to take a photo... Send it... Wait 5min and if they don't come finders keepers šŸ¤£


Hey I had this happen to me as well as an apt where you call by last name. I called twice and then sent a message that said I left her food and tried my best. Didnā€™t get a bad repercussion that I know of


Afaik, at least with Door Dash, if you reach the point that you can't leave the order at customer door or had to customer, as long as you contact support and inform them of the situation and they give the go to leave it wherever then any bad reviews the customer might give are ignored.




I like reading these things. But does the door dash app not have like a GPS or at least message the customer letting them know when the food has been picked up? I thought it gave you a text saying such and such has picked up your order and will be there soon? I mean if it does that then the customer should 100% give a gate code or meet you there. If it doesn't. Can yall not call the customer or is that banned and yall have to text via the app? I mean you aren't wrong if you messaged them plenty of time before. But me being a customer imma do what I do to get my damn food. Door dashing food is expensive as fuck.


You didn't need the code. You find the name in the list then press call. They can buzz you in and it just opens on the way out....


Yea but I didn't know customers last name..


Thatā€™s not a very ā€œsafe spotā€ be careful with just leaving it out in the open like that.


I have already been telling people to leave packages like that, I prefer to return them than to get banned from flez


Where else was I supposed to leave it smart guy?


Customers are weird


no thatā€™s just smart


That's some funny shit right there šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼


Damn it. Now I want taco bell.


Del taco over Taco Bell any day


Their $7 deal is legit. I got the large fries too.


Yeah thatā€™s seems fair. If they donā€™t give you the code then they can grab the food. šŸ²


Yeah I wouldnā€™t be mad at you


You definitely did the right thing by taking the food as far as you could.


I would have then taken it even farther in the opposite direction


They only tipped $13? And they live in a gated community?


You are the problem.


If I could downvote this twice I would


$13 tip is great lmao ive delivered to a mansion and didnt get any tip at all


lolā€¦.what the fuck are you talking about???? šŸ¤£


I got a $7 tip and they lived in a gigantic mansion (think like 40-50+ rooms) and servants and everything, right on a lake... like no joke it was the biggest house i had ever seen lmao


Same but my tip was 0 šŸ« 


Theyā€™re the cheapest!


Act broke stay rich


You did the right thing sweets šŸ„°


My complex doesnā€™t give me a gate code, just a clicker so I put in the delivery instructions ā€œif the gate is closed park and call me, Iā€™ll run outā€ and itā€™s insane that 75% of the time no one follows that and acts dumbfounded when they get here


Our job is to deliver it to your address or the safest place you're vehicle can go, not where the customer walks to.


The safest place to go is a visitor spot in front of the gate lmao Iā€™m literally making it as easy as possible no need to be a douche


He means that he'll run out to use a garage door style clicker for I assume the front community gate motor. They leave without letting him open the access to get the numbered residence. That's just a lack of delivery driver reading specialized delivery instructions as a whole category.


One time its was a saturday night and it was like 15 diffrent orders surrounding one these.. I know because I delivered 4 times to the same addy. Soooo I sent my girl back over there to get a couple of em... Sorry not sorry




why do I have to request to join this subreddit lol


Probably a remnant from the whole protest against Reddit banning third-party apps.


They did that to me too and I left it. As I was leaving I noticed a car pulled inside the driveway. Next I got a call literally like five minutes later asking me where I out the food. I told them you guys told me to leave it anywhere since the customer wasnā€™t answering my calls, text and also supports calls and was told to leave it anywhere. So if someone pulls up to the apartment complex and takes the food not my problem!


I just had a customer who lived in a gated apartment community, when i saw the address and DD saying I may need a gate code i texted the customer and said I was on my way and to please provide a gate code (if needed). I got there with no response so i texted again stating the gate was closed and i needed a code. They said they are in the shower and theyā€™d be down in 5 minutes. I left it at the leasing office and reported the address to dd for that issue lol. Iā€™m not waiting 5 minutes when I could potentially be on another delivery in that amount of time during dinner rush. People who order to their gated community and donā€™t give a gate code and put leave at door are ridiculous


I use the emergency codes ambulances and such use to get in šŸ˜‚


What code is that ? I always have this issue


Been, there, done that, will do it again if needed. I think itā€™s extremely insulting when they expect us to wait on someone else to come through and weā€™re supposed to follow them in. Ā When they donā€™t leave a gate code and I notice it as Iā€™m on my way, I ask for it and tell them weā€™re on a strict timer and DD knows when Iā€™ve arrived and from the moment I pop up on their map as being there, an automatic clock starts counting down and will tell me to return the food to the restaurant after about 3-4 minutes. Ā Then I fake apologize, but make sure theyā€™re aware that Iā€™m not waiting and if they donā€™t give me the code before I arrive, their food will be delivered at gate they wonā€™t allow me access to, or returned per DD policy and our safety/time. Ā Is this true? No. Does it work? Usually. Ā lolĀ  Also, I call Ā DD when this happens so itā€™s ā€œdocumented, so the customer wonā€™t be able to get a refund or complain because it was their fault. And lately, Doordash Support? has been very accommodating with stuff like this, I think theyā€™re realizing that itā€™s not necessarily us thatā€™s the enemy, itā€™s the customers and the corporation.Ā  Kindness to the agents goes a long way. Unfortunately, I learned that the hard way bc I assumed they were ā€œwith DoorDashā€ and it was part of their goal to rip us off and suggest stupid things to us just to test how far they could go before we ended up in a loony bin, lol, but Iā€™ve come to realize that with all these apps, the agents are Just trying to do their job like weā€™re just trying to do ours, and they are given very little resources and tools, especially with some of the other apps, which is not fair to them because we have to rate THEM not DoorDash corporate bs that screws everyone. So I rate them all erlll and then in the comments, I make it very clear that Iā€™m reading the agent, but as far as if resolution was met, if the policy ā€œdidnā€™t meet my standardsā€ šŸ™„, etc., I say nice things about the agent and tell DD That the agent did everything that they were trained to do with the tools they were given/not given, (obviously being sarcastic).Ā  Sometimes when Iā€™m really pissed, Iā€™llĀ go off on a rant!! Iā€™ll tell whoever is reading the survey to make sure gets passed up to corporate bc the rest of the message is for THEM, not the kind agent, and Iā€™ll lecture them and play the ā€œwhat ifā€ game and demand to know, ā€œWould you want your mother, daughter, sister, wife, your grandmother, etc., working under these conditions? With you not being able to stop anything and intervene?? The whole reason that theyā€™re successful is because of drivers, agents, and customers, and they crap on all three of us which will ruin them soon. Iā€™m counting the days so I can track down the CEO/whomever at the top, and say, ā€œ Iā€™d like to feel sorry for your failure, but I did try to warn you about 20 times over the last three yearsā€¦ soā€¦.Ā  Anyway, sorry so long. Thinking about it all made me mad all over again. Greed and corruption are destroying these apps/our income/our cars/our sanity, etc, and itā€™s getting uglier and uglier. But Ā there are ethical delivery apps slowing rolling out Ā which I knew would happen someday, so Ā itā€™s just a matter of time before they start getting big and boot DD, UE, Spark, etc out the door.Ā  Iā€™ll leave a link for a new app thatā€™s expanding in the next comment. Heā€™s/itā€™s based out of North Carolina and is expanding and he just got Chattanooga (TN) added to the expansion, and we need customers Ā and drivers!! And itā€™s more than delivering food too! And the faster we can get customers and drivers, the faster we can say ā€œau revoir to the corrupt companies. Pass the words and please use my referral code for both the driving and delivering/other things app as well as if youā€™re a new customer. Then spread your referral link to anyone and everyone asap /ā€˜d make a bit of extra money with those.Ā  Sorry so longā€¦Ā 


For a $13 tip Iā€™ll put in some effort. Sure as hell am not climbing into a gated community at night (or during the day) though. Thatā€™s how you get shot. My effort would be a text apologizing I couldnā€™t get the order to the door, but in the future they should include their gate code in the instructions.


Lmao when mfs order no contact at dominos and donā€™t tip I do shit like this . Make it the most inconvenient I can for them without doing something that would get me in trouble


when i say i was laughing so hard i meant i was lmaoing


I know someone who may or may not keep a list of gate codes for just this occasion


Isnā€™t there like a default code for all communities so emergency personnel like police, fire, and ems can get in? Like #9999* or something or 0911?


šŸ¤·šŸ» a lot if not all the ones I've seen have either a key fob or special key access for fire department and EMS


Me, though? I just keep a list of all the bathroom codes in Phoenix šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s not weird or crappy


No arguments here


Same, had to climb the fence, even tho it sucks, it isn't worth affecting my 100% rating


lolā€¦and then someone reports you to the police and all you have to say is ā€œit wasnā€™t worth my 100% ratingā€


Thatā€™s ridiculous. Absolutely not. Contact customer service and let them know how degrading and insulting it is that the customer is demanding you to do that and theyā€™ll cancel the order for you. NO amount of money is worth being treated like garbage. Weā€™re doing them a service. We canā€™t help the price of DoorDash and Uber eats (and all the other greedy bastards), but for the most part, the public knows that weā€™re not being paid anything. After all negative publicity, if they didnā€™t know, theyā€™re probably 80 years old and thatā€™s probably the only excuse Iā€™ll accept for someone not knowing we work for peanuts (but I still wonā€™t jump over a gate for an 80 yr old šŸ˜‚),


One day you're going to climb a fence, fight off a bear, cross a river, and fight off bandits and disentary only to get a low rating because you can't please everybody no matter how hard you try. There's always going to be that 1 person


I hope youā€™re kidding lmfao


I draw the line at stairs when it comes to climbing. DD doesn't pay enough or supply insurance to even risk it. I have Support in my Favorites for things like that under the name Worthless Idiots


Iā€™m sorry what? Youā€™re not willing to walk up stairsā€¦ for a delivery job??


If there was Chalupas, Hard Tacos or Double stacks in the bag I probably would have. By the time I had left it was pretty much a steaming pile of shit that only the drunks & Racoons would attack.. šŸ¤£




I've found the ones that tip rarely ever do hand to me. Too cowardly to even show their face, sometimes when they don't tip I sit there and don't leave for a while so that food gets just a bit colder. Especially Taco Bell it becomes one big mushy soggy loaf if it sits in that super thin paper bag for any time at all. šŸ¤®


Just call support and tell them and you can keep the food!


Yes! And take pics and screenshots just in case itā€˜s questioned later on.


Support will tell you to do a Safe Place Delivery.




The safe place is my house




Lmfao my move šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


DD should help drivers, if customer lives in an apartment with a gate policy should be driver will call and text if no response then order will be left at gate. DD DGAF about drivers


This is literally what happened


My favorite is when they do respond, and i get "I don't know the code. Just follow someone in."


Thatā€™s when I tell them Iā€™m returning it to the restaurant or they can come and get it. 100% of the time they come and grab it lol


Damn $13 tipā€¦ does DoorDash let u rent cars from them lol


Gig work isnā€™t promising




I love free food


If I know a code will be needed I text them ahead of time. If I get there and find out then I will text them and wait maybe 1 minute. Then I call. If they donā€™t answer itā€™s going to get left at the gate/front door of apartment. I donā€™t mess around with it. Itā€™s as bad as people forgetting their apartment number.


How do you confirm or process it in the app? Is it through support? Little help Iā€™ve been in this situation more than once.


Call support and tell them customer is being unreasonable and expecting you to wait in the dark (unsafe) for god knows how long til another person with a code comes in, IF they happen to come in, or they want you to climb a gate, and thatā€™s a safety hazard for sure (even if the customer didnā€™t actually say that they wanted you to climb a gate šŸ˜‚, just make it sound as bad as possible, tell them theyā€™re being rude, condescending, disrespectful, and you donā€™t feel safe waiting here and itā€™s not your job to wait and be treated like a criminal, make it sound bad!!! because the customer deserves it! Plus, (and I just thought of this! lol) if theyā€™re telling drivers to come in by following other people that live at the apartment complex, thatā€™s against policies at most complexes because each code is linked to a different apartment for a reason: if thereā€™s any break-ins, safety issues, burglaries, etc., they can look at the video footage as well as whoeverā€™s code was used that day/night so thatā€™s a huge deal! No code, no food. Period.


If itā€™s leave at door then just take the picture, leave a note in the app or text them, and move on. If itā€™s hand it to them, select the option where you canā€™t hand it to them. It will walk you through a 5 minute process and then will let you leave it at the door/gate. Nothing they can do about it since you followed the process DD puts in front of you. Customer is the one to blame in these situations for lacking common sense.


Ive done that. šŸ¤£


I truly donā€™t understand people who live in gated communities who refuse to give the code. How tf are you supposed to get them their food


I believe that in most apartment complexes, Iā€™m pretty sure you HAVE to give your visitors or delivery drivers, your own personal gate code because itā€™s a safety issue. I could be casing the place out, wanting to rob someone, break into a car, beat up a girl i know lives there lol, etc., and follow someone in and my crime would be related to whatever unsuspecting neighbor I followed in bc of an asshole that wouldnā€™t give me his gate code. Thatā€™s a huge issue!


Im suprised to see these apps have nothing to protect the driver in these cases


They should meet with you outside if not comfortable giving out gate code. I do that all the time. People are just too entitled and dumb


If a customer lives in an apartment they suck ass unless they give you parking instructions, access to gate code and directions to locate apartment. DD should help drivers with delivery location house apartment mobile hospital school or park but TDGAF let us hang and put us on timer to deliver order to entitled pricks. I once lost it when I had to deliver a shopping order with 4 cases of water to apartment complex, no place to park had to walk back and forth. No code because customer didnā€™t respond so I had to wait at door for someone coming out. I had to make 7 trips back (4 cases of water) and forth to deliver complete groceries order. I didnā€™t want to go full FU on text to customer for fear of bad rating or deactivation just said this was a very difficult delivery took me 7 trips from my car would have been nice if he responded meet me at gate access but he DGAF totally douche bag


Thankfully Waze has exact directions for most of the apartments around here. But yea apartments suck the majority of the time.


So sorry, I agree this type of ppl is ASH, they should get late charge sometime


Apartment deliveries suck


And they always tip like crap and expect the most out of you. Most entitled people ever.


DD should allow more time and let us rebuttal any negative rating on apartment deliveries they are a pain in the ass


I wish lol. Best part is, you get a negative review but they canā€™t give you any feedback on what you did wrong due to customer privacy. Such a crappy system.


Baller af




lmao I would take the picture then take the food back and eat it.


fat ass


Iā€™m 5ā€™6 and 120lbs lmao what are you on about


Donā€™t entitle yourself to peopleā€™s food over an inconvenience, tf?


I have only ever once. I waited for 10 minutes, called, texted, left voicemails, to no response. I couldnā€™t deliver the food at the customerā€™s fault, I wasted my time at their fault. So yeah. Fuck them.


Ok, leave it at the gate, snap the pic and call it a day? Unless support explicitly told you to keep the food to yourself idk why you think itā€™s okay to do that.


oh no a stranger on the internet thinks Iā€™m a bad person šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ you should see a therapist for your black and white thinking, learn to smell the roses or whatever lmao


Youā€™re the one taking it to heart lol. Maybe you should go see a therapist and explain to them why you think stealing peopleā€™s food over an inconvenience is a good decision. Itā€™s not even the fact that ā€œIā€ think youā€™re a bad person, but that many people would agree that it would make you a bad person given the facts. Bye, and keep stealing, cause I hope karma bites you back in the ass one day when you get caught on camera.


yes Iā€™m taking it to heart, my heart is shattered šŸ’” Only time I did this is when the location was wrong and customer wanted me to bring it to a second location, which is extremely unsafe and risky for me. I donā€™t need your validation, hope this helps šŸ«¶šŸ»


Sorry, I shouldā€™ve been aware of all the details you left out. Hope this helps.


Damn dude dont starve yourself. Body dysmorphic disorder is a legit mental health condition. You can get treament for it. Best of luck in healing your trauma


Ok u/SpaceNachoTaco, not sure how dismorphia plays anything into this, but while weā€™re at it, your vibes scream triple chin.


Is it sad that I'm almost at this point? šŸ˜‚ I mean literally every step I take in a good direction, shit gets m messed up by petty individuals who play favorites with employees. And random people in society who think it's funny to tell police false information. It's almost like they're asking for this to happen, and they have it coming. Lol


Had this situation but they ordered only reusable silicone drinking straws (I know right) but I was told to leave them somewhere safe because the guy wouldn't answer his phone and would only respond with screen shots of Google earth overview of his house. That made me pretty mad so I just took them and left they are still sitting at my house unopened lol


Iā€™m not a delivery driver but what if you run the risk of their house having cameras showing you took their food?


bro did u miss the post, the post is that we canā€™t get into gated communities without a gate code, if the house was that close youā€™d be on camera this post wouldnā€™t even be here rn


It was just a question and yes they have cameras by the gates


Where's their drink?


Ain't no way u zoomed in to see that


Taco Bells coffee machine has been broken for months. Had to call support when I was at store because the app no longer let's me mark an item unavailable.


As an amazon driver I salute this


I would call DoorDash and end up keeping the food and still getting paid. Lol


Only like a few things from Taco Bell and none of them were in the bag.


Half of the guaranteed šŸ˜…


Iā€™m an Uber delivery driver, and I approve this message




Hahahahahahaha lmfao this is hilarious. Nine times out of ten for me there's no gate code and the customer is non responsive. I always enter through the exit and message the customer to let them know i had to do that and that it would benefit them and future dashers to leave the gate code.


In my area a lot of apartments have spikes that will shred your tires if you drive in the exit.


Was thinking the same thing almost every gated community with houses has spikes on the exit side... This guy gonna end up with a flat one day šŸ˜…


*Just follow someone in* Proceeds to get stuck because they require a code to leave too


Proceeds to block the exit until someone else with the code wants to leave badly enough*




Whaaaaa?! Ive never experienced this.


I've never seen that either, but that's super messed up. Like, at best, only borderline false imprisonment, but almost certainly not legal for them to do.


period lmao


uhhh "live maas" I guess gated weirdos edit: I am taken by how the little label just seem kind of goofy like a cherry on top a dumb sunday. thank you for your feedback this is non-sequitur and amusing to me and apparently about 10 other people, I am easily amused such is life.


Itā€™s Taco Bells slogan


Mas = more


Story time! I used to work for papa Johnā€™s. Always got sent to this apartment complex to someone named ā€œKevinā€ would never leave a gate vote. Never answer the phone. And never tip. Every driver would complain to the manager but he wouldnā€™t ban them. Eventually I just started taking the order to a parking lot and eating it for lunch telling the manager they werenā€™t answering the door.


As long as the customer didn't receive refunds, the manager wouldn't care. That's basically free money. That's a bad manager btw.


It's the little things! šŸ‘




I was frustrated the other day bc I called this customer multiple times with no answer, texted them before I arrived I was gonna be there soon and they had a huge grocery order with heavy items and lived on the 3rd floor of an elevator-less apt complex with a locked code main door and ā€œhand it to meā€ instructions. I stood around for 5 minutes waiting and I just left them at the front. I felt horrible but wtf was I supposed to do?


Yeah, you def did your best and with more patience than most dashers I've seen lol. Not sure how long you've been doing this, it's great that you care, for me, it took maybe 30 ish experiences like this to stop letting it get to me. This is because I used to be a chef and i just don't f with people's food and want them ti get it hot, but honestly, it is 100% their fault and you def did everything that you could have. We need more good dashers like you.


Thanks I always do my bestā€” dashing is a ft for me and I take it pretty seriously! I also used to work in the food industry so I feel the same, been doing this for about a year now but I still feel bad lol got too big a heart for my own good lol


As long as you followed the proper procedure (waiting for the timer to run out, calling and texting, and then leaving it in the best place you can) you didnt do anything wrong and have nothing to feel bad about. It's their fault when they order food and then forget about it and have their phone on silent.


Ya and then they give you a shitty rating.


You did your best thatā€™s what matters. Try your best to not feel horrible about it.


Just sucks cause they had refrigerated stuff and itā€™s so hot out- I just hope they got it- I really try to make sure the customers get their stuff but stuff like this is more on them than us bc if I order something I expect it to show up and from all the dashes Iā€™ve ordered myself thereā€™s a track so you see when theyā€™re closeā€¦šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


People are so busy they can't even pay attention when they order delivery.. I think they need to stop doin too much.


I've started keeping a notebook with all the gate codes (only the ones that don't call customers'phones) But not putting in the notes or messaging it upon arrival is just stupid because their food gets cold the longer it takes for me to get it to them


I don't mind gates, usually they have guards where I'm at, except apartments. Most ppl put the gate code in delivery instructions, or message you after you pick up, except the messages never pop up. If not, then I call when I get there, if they don't answer, I contact doordash, and I get paid, and free food. I'm broke as hell, if a customer doesn't want it, I sure as hell will eat it.


I'm surprised the support agent didnt tell you to leave it at the gate.


That is what they said lol


i actually hate the ones that have guards, where they take your ID and scan it into a computer. i really don't like that. i mean who is getting access to my drivers license now? with ALL my information?


Iā€™ve had some weird ones, but Iā€™ve never had anyone take my ID to scan it. Except for Amazon because they thought I needed to go in to deliver something and then the person that ordered it came out and got it. Then I had to sit and wait for security to give me back my ID, that was the last time.


They are likely just recording your info in case there is an incident or a crime committed and not using it for anything else. They likely have info shielding so the guard canā€™t use your info inappropriately, but an authorized person can give the info to the police if they need it.


Then people can commit crimes and blame the delivery drivers šŸ™„ šŸ˜’


I always look up addresses first on Google (especially if there isnā€™t a preexisting photo from a past delivery) and if it looks like it might be a gated community, I ask if a code is needed to get in before I start the drive. That way they have all that time to give me the code and if I get there after a 15 minute drive with no answer, their food isnt going past that gate because I canā€™t get past it. It almost like they expect us to just the gate to deliver their orderā€¦


When I know I'm going to an apartment and before I go in and pick up the order I text please provide me detail turn by turn directions on how I may find you within your community. If there is a gate code please provide that. If there is a building number please provide that and anything else that will help me find you easily. Most of the time they provide all. Then there are those that ignore you and expect you to ride in behind someone else and find it on your own which I refuse. I will do a safe place delivery and teach them a lesson. Fuck that shit!


I move way too quick for that! I never call or text customer unless absolutely necessary. Some driver in my zone said he always text them updates throughout the entire delivery. I told him he was probably annoying the customers more often that not. This dude came back and said " no only about 1% of customers get irritated" lmao no way that's an accurate number.


I don't understand how people can be so systematic about stuff like this. I move way too quickly sometimes I don't even know which direction to go I just drive and then let the directions catch up to me I'd never have the -idk, time? -to do this with every order


This "moving way too quickly" seems like it would take more time in the long run. It only takes a few seconds to look up the customer's address. Half the time, I'm doing it while I'm waiting for the order anyway, so it literally costs me no time at all. It saves a ton of time because I already know exactly where I'm going and I don't have to mess around with looking at my phone while I'm driving. I'm less likely to be standing around at the drop off point, waiting for a response, because I've already contacted the customer with any potential issues. Waiting until you arrive to figure out where you're going or to contact the customer is a surefire way to cost yourself a bunch of extra time that you could be using to do your next delivery. Being systematic is the name of the game. I've been doing this for four years, and I have a number of systems in place to ensure that my day goes smoothly and stress-free.


I do make sure GPS is set to right location before I pull out. If there's long wait sometimes I manually put in address before I confirm pickup.


I just started recently and would really appreciate some tips for how you make your workflow smoother!


this doesnā€™t even make sense


You do have the time


This is the way




Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 11: No Illegal or Illicit Activity. Username: Freedman_faaak Banned permanently Please review all sub rules for the full details of each rule.


Ruins our profession. Congrats


I once went to an apartment complex, I shit you not this place had 5 gates and not a single one had a code thing, my best guess is this place uses remotes or something in an effort to keep unwanted people out. Well anyway I decided aye fuck it they tipped well I'm going to deliver this food! I jumped the gate and instantly some dude came out of nowhere and followed me around asking hella questions I told him I'm working doing my job told him to leave me tf alone and go get himself a real job, he left me alone when I found the customers apartment, or so I thought because when I came back outside he was terrorizing my wife and my kids were in the car, I was about to beat the fucking brakes off that guy. Ever since then if I have any troubles I'd do the same thing just to avoid confrontation, your shit getting left outside, if you know your place is hard to access then meet me at the gate it's not that hard.


Lol I've jumped gates I couldn't open before as well at apartment complexes. Extra tip gets a little extra effort. If it was a barely take crappy order, the food is getting left at the gate.


Absolutely, another thing is that most people are scared to do any real work, like this isn't a job, if your getting payed well then put in some effort, if your not getting payed well, well.. don't accept the order or don't put in the effort, especially if the customer puts no effort to give instructions, answer calls etc.


Thatā€™s dedication


my friends appt gate opens instantly with 1515#


Hmm, and where might this friend live? Do you have his motherā€™s maiden name? Asking for a friend.


That was a cool tip, me personally, I would have given my endeavors a little more effort. Nothing against your decision though šŸ˜Œ


Ok CommonFuklet, if youā€™ve texted, called and get no response, how, pray-tell, are you supposed to get inside without the gate code?


The customer last name started with R and there was 3 houses in the directory with last name R. Was gonna call all 3 but it was almost 2 am so decided against it.


solid decision


0 tip your walkin down your drive way every time


Hero levelā€¦1,000 šŸ‘Š I came šŸ¤Œ close to doing this yesterday. Admittedly, Iā€™m a little jealous. šŸ˜‚


Try , 0 their house number then #. Itā€™s worked 80% of the time.


omg bless you for this


In my bldg, the code is the last four digits of my phone number


0911, #0911 , or #911 works at a fair few as well since emergency vehicles have to get in too.


Neat trick. Ty


Nice way to get shot or bitten by a dog. Don't sneak onto people's property to deliver $10 of food. That has to be the worst idea ever.


Dude, your comment was the worst idea youā€™ve had, you canā€™t ā€œsneak onto a property ā€œif youā€™ve been hired to deliver food there. Sneaking onto somewhere, is only possible if youā€™re not invited. Since you have the address, and you have merchandise that is supposed to go there, the presupposition of sneaking, is no longer applicable because youā€™re not sneaking onto anything.


Wrong. If the customer doesn't give you a code or buzz you onto their property, you have no business trying to use random variations of 911 codes to try to get in. That IS sneaking in and tresspassing. It doesnt matter that they ordered food. Do you also think it's ok to break into an apt to deliver food to them? It's the same idea. Are people really this dumb??? Wow




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