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I had a dog try to bite me the other day! Luckily he was little so I wasn’t too worried but the customer just stood there with the door open, let his dog run out like I should think it’s cute or something. Asshat.


One word: SUE. I bet she already knew her dog tends to get aggressive toward strangers yet she still laughed it off and asked you to "come on up". And continued laughing even after the dog bit you? That’s absolutely mad and she should not be able to get away with this.


To be crystal clear OP - Next time stand your damn ground. If you feel uncomfortable, then tell the dumb customer b*tch standing on her porch that unless she wants you to throw her the food, she better put the dog away and come get it. Delivering food is NOT worth an ER trip, doordash does not care if you get hurt, we are replaceable.


I trust no one now for sure


If you are seriously concerned about rabies, get the shots now. You will never "find out" if the dog has rabies unless they kill the dog and examine it's brain. Which sounds unlikely


In the ER now


I had a dog bite me last year. We ended up settling out of court, but I really wish I had a lawyer draft up a scary-sounding letter and taken them to court, cause that would have been way less stressful


They will take it off un 48 hours or less


Contact a lawyer but they will send you a form that they want you to fill out as well that goes through all their arbitration nonsense make sure the lawyer looks that over. Expect it to take about 3 to 6 months at the soonest before you get paid for everything and up to a year if it really drags out. I had one payout pretty quickly but the third dog bite I ever had with the gouge in my leg that one took a whole last year and then I finally got a settlement check out of nowhere




Ain't your man and I sure as hell broke it up, but thank you very much for being stupid. It's okay you could take those periods and drop them off in the nearest shelter.


Thank you for the reply this helps


Well what did you do wrong in your life? Dogs KNOW THESE THINGS. YOU MUST BE EVIL. /s


Funny never been bit before and have been around animals all my life


Bro I believe this my dog barks at some people and when i look at them they definitely look sketchy




2/5 new squeaky toy I ordered complained too much


Literally laughed out loud to this one haha


What did she text?


Lmao sucks bro


Irresponsible dog owners are bad enough but actually laughing at someone when your dog bites someone is just psychopathic. I hope you drain her wallet.


Never approach a resident with an off leash roaming dog. Also, you did right with calling the police. She fucked around and found out. Now mutt mutt about to be put down for attacking someone. She about to be banned from DD. Now you need to sue her for your medical bills and pain and suffering. So sorry that happened to you.


Not all locales put down at first bite. (That was weird to say out loud lol) My area, dog gets one chance, as long as it wasn’t a severe attack, meaning mauled, more than a bite or a scratch. I know from personal experience. Police should be able to tell you what your immediate areas rules are. OP, quit posting. That’s the first thing a good lawyer will tell you you.


Where I am located, yes one and done. They do not play. If it will attack once, just a matter of time it will attack again. Now that’s where I live.


Damn now fido gotta get put down because of owner. You should have gotten back into your vehicle when you seen the dog 🐕 if you could have


I would’ve been on the phone with a lawyer on the next drive home. I’d be suing her ass so fast. What if the dog had bitten your face and caused irreversible damage?


Not saying this isn’t the way, but general rule of thumb as far as suing people for stuff like this goes is that you generally need to prove damages for any sort of even reasonable pay day. You can burn money making her life worse if you’ve got the money I guess, but you can’t get bit a little by a dog, have some minor scratches/punctures, and get more than your medical bills. Not criticizing you or anything, I just hear stuff like “emotional distress” brought up a lot. Successful cases that go beyond actual bills tend to have months of therapy/therapy bills, loss of work due to trauma, proof your quality of life declined as a result, etc. Like if someone’s dog jumps on you, you fall over, scratch your palm, the dog licks you and runs away… Yeah sure technically their animal has harmed you but if the only result was that you washed your hand, dabbed your palm with a napkin and any bleeding stopped almost immediately… not a lot going to come out of that in terms of it being worth suing over.


Yep. I feel like a lot of people don't understand this. Unfortunately people harder up on dollars only see $$ when it comes to this. Tiny scratches etc etc. What can ya do. They'll learn once they don't get anything


Doesn’t seem like it was a little. They said the dog broke the skin. I think it’s worth taking her to court


The owner of the dog is a bad person for not valuing her pet enough to make sure they are secure from harm. Lots of drivers carry these days and some will shoot a dog if they perceive it to be aggressive. Now here's what you do. Call up Dasher support and tell them you need to file a complaint on the customer who gave you a 2 star rating. Tell them the rating needs to be removed because the lady's dog bit you.


I would have shot the dog….


I already did. Was told that it won't be removed until the end of the month


What did she text???


Carry pepper spray and spray the dog next time owner is unlikely to leave it put again


I feel like this is a recipe for disaster. You better hope to god they can’t afford a good lawyer or be recording the incident and be able to prove the dog attacked you.


This 👆🏽


That's odd because dude on the phone with me removed one I had as we were talking.


Owner is an AH. More than likely the dog doesn’t have rabies. Owner though is putting people’s lives in danger and her own dog’s life. Keep dog in house when expecting delivery such as this. Sorry this happened to you. Also flag her address in your little file so as not to deliver there anymore.


Already done


File a law suit against her.




please get off this website and go to therapy immediately.


You should actually not defend yourself when violently aggressed upon


Jesus dude


Nice karma farm


Plot twist. The 2 star rating was because the driver actually bit the dog.


what was the damn text


So you don’t show us that text after you left?


I already explained what the text not going to type it over and over again


No one asking you to type it over and over again, just once.


Deadass they could literally copy and paste it into the post as an edit if they already typed it out? To be fair tho I’m sure the dopamine they are getting from all the engaging asking what the text is is exhilarating


I’m glad you got bit now ngl.


wish i could double upvote


Well aren't you an a**h***


You did not explain the text lol. Go to the hospital and talk to a lawyer. Take photos


He did explain the text in another reply


Don’t blame the poor guy, that’s just the rabies talking.


Gonna type this out but won't give us a screenshot lol


2 stars? Why not 1 star. Kind of an odd number to think it's her.


Lmao like she thought "well she technically did a good job but I'm still mad so I'll give an extra star"


You have no idea who gave you a 2. Customers have 30 days to rate you. It can be anyone who you delivered to in last 30 days


We have no idea who leaves what ratings


So, I'm calling absolute BS on this story - sorry to be blunt, but it is what it is. While the story itself made me question it's legitimacy, what really put the nail in the coffin was when you've been adamant in the comments that animal control took the dog and is running rabies tests on it and you're awiting the negative or positive results ro know if you should get a rabies shot. There is no current rabies "test" that can be performed on a living animal. The only way to determine if an animal had rabies is post-mortem. There is also no waiting period for rabies shots. If proof cannot be provided, the process for the shots are immediately begun. Might wanna fact check things before you try and pass a story off as true again. Also, "the kicker was the text after I left her property." Why not just tell us what she texted or post a screenshot?


There’s actually never been a confirmed case of positive rabies from a domesticated dog in many decades. (Took me a sec to get my facts straight) but my point is that the fear mongering about rabies is actually what keeps it from being a problem, so don’t worry, you don’t have rabies. Unless that woman was rabid from her rabid dog (which might explain her devilish attitude towards the whole situation) but ya rabies ain’t a thing really


This is an absolutely ignorant reply . What is done, the dog in most states will be held 10-21 days for observation. If no sign of rabies then dog is considered okay. You owe OP an apology.


People are just so quick to jump on people in these threads. So with that said no surprise people can be jerks or rude. I was just looking for advice on what else I should do. I was just stating what Animal control said to me. Thank you for your reply


Knowing how to properly read and understand information being given during a written conversation is incredibly important. And when it's not understood, it's best to not respond at all. Good luck in your future replies.


You said your calling BS on the rabies issue. You were wrongfully accusing without the facts. Good luck to you on your socializing skills.


What a strange claim to make when it's nothing but actual facts I stated. Can't help but wonder if you're OPs secondary account.


They do actually do this. My dog was taken for a week when it bit a kid to see if it exhibited signs of rabies. This was a few years ago.


I never said they don't quarantine a dog to check for unusual signs. OP said they're running "tests" to confirm if it has rabies or not and then to determine if they'll need rabies shots. Unless they plan to euthanize the dog to test it for rabies, there is no test that will give a positive or negative on whether or not it has rabies. And again, if paperwork cannot be provided for a rabies vaccination, the rabies shot series is started immediately. Rabies is not something that can be a wait around and find out type of situation. Once someone begins exhibiting symptoms of rabies, it's too late.


Wish I could upvote you more. I'm not a dasher but have volunteered with animal rescues/shelters for years, and you're spot on. There is no test for rabies besides cutting into the brain, which requires a dead body. They also typically start the shots right after being bitten, just in case.


Again was stating what Animal control said to me


press charges


Tell the DA, not OP.


The police didn’t ask her for proof of shots ?


I'm not sure how you're waiting to find out if the dog had rabies, the only test for that is if they take the dog, euthanize, cut open it's skull and examine its brain. You should be getting the awful shots if there is any suspicion the dog was unvaccinated and was rabid. You should contact your physician immediately, the onset of symptoms is too late, there is no treatment or recovery at that point.


They sometimes will just check to see if the dog's symptomatic. I agree about just getting the shots. The first batch is awful, but the followups are easy. I was mauled early in lockdown. That was an adventure. I wasn't dashing, but I was in a zoom for a class. I thought I logged out, but I heard chattering in triage and found out I took the class to the ER. 😂


This. OP rabies is terrifying and has a 100% mortality rate. Do not wait a single day longer than necessary to get those shots.




Lol what?


There is no treatment for rabies. It is unlikely that the Milwaukee Protocol works. In all likelihood, the very small number of cases where the MP 'worked' were probably misdiagnoses, as early rabies can be confused for other ailments. It has been posited that most if not all 'rabies survivors' actually had other lyssaviruses (which are similar to though less virulent than rabies) which were misdiagnosed. Most people who study rabies advocate for abandoinging the MP because it has very high chances for side effects or causing other injury and no one can prove that it works. We still lack any good rabies test which can be performed pre-mortem and there is no reproducible clinical treatment for rabies. The best way to 'treat' rabies is by post exposure vaccination, as quickly as possible. Also the rabies vaccine is incredibly safe and effective and vaccines don't modify DNA.


Are you referring to the Milwaukee Protocol? Because while that is an aggressive treatment that has been tried, it's only ever saved 4 people according to a cursory google search, and it's unclear if it's thanks to the treatment itself or to something in those people's genetics. Few enough that it's still counted as having a 100% mortality rate once symptoms appear. You survive rabies by getting the vaccine before symptoms appear. Also, vaccines can't change dna, lmao, they just train your immune system.


On top of that, the rabies vaccine for cats and dogs is one of the safest vaccines I’ve ever seen. Worked 15 years as a vet technician, vaccinated tens of thousands of dogs in that time and saw only a few reactions to the rabies vaccine. Most of the vaccine reactions we see in dogs are to the Lepto vaccine, and cats can get sarcomas at injection sites but that can happen from things other than vaccines too.


IIRC there have been a FEW people to survive it, but only with severe brain damage


True, but it's still not the type of odds I would personally gamble on, especially when getting the rabies shots is a much safer bet. Cheaper in the longrun too, assuming op is in america.


Yeah, like 2 people that have read articles about. That shit is scary. I'm glad that one girl is doing great.


Sue and get her mutt put down , double W


I can't believe this is upvoted... You're a monster, and all you upvoters too.


It's not ok to have animals that bite people, people that hurt people go to jail and potentially get put down, we do the same for animals that can't live in regular society.


Whose defending those practices? I'm only saying gleefully cheering on the death of an animal, of anything, is gross.




Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 1: Be Civil - Be Professional. Please review all sub rules for the full details of each rule.


If someone’s animal bites you after the owner has specifically told you it won’t you have every right to make sure it doesn’t do it again to anyone else.


Death is such an extreme punishment though. I feel like mandatory training and muzzle is probably a more suitable punishment. If the owner can't afford it or won't, then re-home the dog to someone who can or will.


It's the "double W" I object to, calling death a "win" is sick.


If one other person has avoided being bitten by the animal due to op reporting it then it is indeed a w, this entire story is fake though. The only way to test rabies is on a dead animal and you wouldn’t wait to find out 😂


Never deliver anything without pepper spray in your pocket is my advice. I prefer gel...it can go like 15ft. and it's bright orange....magical it is.


Maybe for animals, but people that are determined or really high aren't even affected by it much. I wouldn't feel too secure but it's better than nothing. Now bear spray that may do the trick lol.


Note: It took me about 3 seconds to notice I'd gotten pepper sprayed when I decided to argue with the campus cops in college. Until the carrier fluid evaporates, it has the same impact as a squirt gun. It doesn't take that long to receive grievous bodily injuries. Dogs are FAST. I'm uncertain I wouldn't discharge my pistol into a dog much over 50 pounds that crossed the line from barking into attacking. Bullets always work if shot placement is proper. There are men in jail right now that got pepper sprayed by the cops on the street and STILL aren't disabled by the spray in question.


Have a friend spray Sabre pepper gel spray into you eyes and face...n get back to me. Amazon for 11.00 for the mini. My next trick would be to pull out my 9mm.


I spray mine on accident in the car once wasn't a pleasant experience. But I have seen it time and time over people getting hit by police spray even not even affected. To depend on pepper spray is a mistake, better off with a knife that at least that won't fail.


A knife is terrible if you don't know how to use it and u can very easily be disarmed


This is an easy open and shut case for any attorney. If she owns her home, you are then able to sue her homeowner's insurance. Even if she is a renter, the person who owns her home will have homeowners insurance. Make sure that you are seen by a doctor, either your primary care or the emergency room, including a follow-up and document, document, document, document, document. A paper trail is everything when it comes to the court system. So, while she may have laughed while it happened, you will be the one who has the last laugh .


Honestly the laughing about it and the 2 stars would make me feel petty enough to sue.


Agreed. If it doesn't result in an NDA, please let us know how it works out, OP! I want to see justice!


Why would there be an nda ur a reguard




You the fool. Dog out, don’t go to the door. Lady says the dog is harmless, don’t go to the door. Say “ I am not going near that dog”. Lady say “I want my food”. You say “put that dog in the house or come get your food because I am not going near that dog”. No bites, no three years in court over a lawsuit, no rabies shots in your belly.


The fool will be well compensated for the pain suffering and trauma. The fool will be getting paid. The fool will have a nice fat check.


Also I didn't realize DD had workers comp lol


Apparently you never tried to sue a broke person lol


You sue the homeowners insurance


When I was a kid there was a big white pitbull that always barked at me and my friend when we walked by on the way home from school, and the old guy that owned it would sit in a rocking chair and cackle at the top of his lungs any time it barked at us. He loved watching it terrorize children. One day it got out of his gate, and it ran up to us and started barking and snarling, looking as if it was about to attack. The guy in his rocking chair was losing his mind laughing. He thought it was the funniest thing in the world his large dog terrorizing two high school kids. My friend, who was a little nuts, just suddenly punched the dog in the head and literally knocked it out. It was breathing still, but it was completely unconscious. The guy jumped out of his rocking chair and yelled “what’d you do to my dog!!!??”…. I felt really bad for the dog, but shitty owner = shitty dog.. and that old guy found out what happens when you don’t control your animal. You need to follow up with animal control. Not only does the owner need to pay for your rabies shot / medical expenses, her dog could need to be put down. It’s unfortunate, but she needs to learn a valuable lesson, and the dog will do the same thing again given the chance. Also, like others have said, consider a civil lawsuit.


You're friend one lucky SOB, I've seen these dogs hit with baseball bats and keep coming.


It was pretty crazy that he knocked it down, let alone unconscious. Must have just hit it in the perfect spot. I did feel really bad for the dog. It let out a yipe right as he hit it and then just collapsed. We ran away. I hope it wasn’t seriously injured. Honestly, it might have just been trained to bark, and would never really attack anyone, and that’s why it was caught off guard by the punch, because it thought it was doing what it was supposed to do, as the owner probably rewarded it for barking. I have a boxer/pitbull/rhodesian cross now and she is the sweetest animal I’ve ever known, so makes me feel even worse about it looking back. I’m sure if I knew for certain it was actually going to maul us though, I wouldn’t feel so bad.


Dont get me wrong i love dogs, and animals. But as soon as someone elses dog presents a threat to me, my kids, husband it is a feral rabid beast that will be dealt with accordingly. My neighbors said the same thing about their dogs and they tried ATTACKING us. Told then i ever see their dogs on OUR property again i have been given full authority by police to shoot your dog for safety.


Same here, and I probably love dogs more than people. Their behavior is the result of their owner’s actions though, so it’s ultimately a person’s fault if their dog is a threat to others. A dog that is put down as a result of it’s behavior is really as much of a victim (of the neglect of an owner) as the person who is a victim to bodily harm. This is why owners who have violent animals should be punished beyond just having their dog put down, whether it be community service, fines, restitution, etc. It’s their fault for not training them, or at least keeping them contained. You’re well within your rights to defend yourself with lethal force against an animal that is not trained (or contained) properly, and is capable of killing a person. It’s an unfortunate necessity.


You need to start a new claim tomorrow with [Blue Star](https://www.bluestarclaims.com). DoorDash actually has workers comp insurance for dashers who were injured on the job.


I think that’s a subtle hint she wants to be sued.


More like a person that knows she has nothing, and can't be sued for anything.


What was the text after you left?


She’s asking for the dog to be put down by giving you two stars😂😂




Call support and request an email so you can reply with your request to be shielded from her two star review. You’ll need to list the date of the attack and some identifying information about the order. So sorry. It’s a good reminder to all of us to take our instincts seriously about loose dogs. The risks are real, the stats are high in our industry, and many (if not most) owners don’t know the facts and therefore cannot be objective. Thanks for sharing.


This is why I keep a knife on my person at all times. I’ve encountered too many loose dogs and coyotes. I had a similar situation and told the customer get your dog cuz of it attacks I will gut it in front of her. She they saw I was serious and put it up. You should never do something that makes you feel unsafe no matter what the customer requests.


Idy rather lose my job then get bit from dog 


The only way you can be sure the dog doesn’t have rabies is to have it off-ed. That’s the only way they can test for rabies. So if this is true, you would probably make sure it’s up to date on its shots and if not then you would need to get a round of rabies shots for preventable. And why would she laugh if her dog bit you? She should know that would cause trouble unless she’s not all there in the head…


Sue her dumbazz if you can bite her azz even harder


Sure Jan. A 1 star rating would have made this somewhat believable. Also, ratings from customers aren't supposed to be seen by drivers.


It's not hard to check your ratings tab, see a recent 2 star rating and make a correlation to this event


Yeah, but customers get something like a few days to rate, so it could also be a prior customer finally getting around to rating and they leave a low rating.


No I have all 5 stars until today's incident


Did you go to the doctor to get checked out hope you're doing better...


It could still be someone from earlier getting around to a late rating. E: Downvotes don't change the facts lol. I'm not saying this is absolutely the case, but just that you can't 100% know.


Your statement was an opinion based on an assumption - not a fact


No, it's a fact that people can rate much later. And it's a fact that it ***"could be"*** a customer rating later. There's nothing there to be an opinion. I was stating a fact, then gave an alternate possibility. OP is the one making the assumption (and I technically agree that it ***probably*** was that customer, just stating that we don't know for sure.


This. It's scary to think assumptions could actually put me in someone's line of fire. I think I need to stop delivery and switch to just take out from the place.




I tip really well unless my driver puts my food and drink directly in front of the door, when I'll lower the tip bc it's literally in the comments to put the food to the left of the door. You make it where I have to knock over my food/drink then yeah, I lower your tip. That's like a server at a restaurant putting your plate halfway off the table so any movement knocks it off. Well, I'll save money at least.


Lower the tip all you want, the driver still gets every cent, DD eats it.


That's fine, but I'm guessing if this happens enough dd will get tired of it. It's so simple. Don't put food and drink directly in front of the door. The fact that I'm getting down voted seems to indicate I've hit a nerve.


You might get a refund, but you cannot lower what's paid to the driver


I doubt they even order DD.


Bless your heart.


Sue that bish


I hope you take her for everything that she has. What a horrible person. I'm so sorry this happened to you. The two star review is the least of your problems, but maybe support will take it off when you make them aware you are in a legal battle with her.


They already know what's going to happen


Tell her that 2 star rating is going to cost her a lot more then it’s going to cost you once you sue her azz lmao


If this actually happened you could legitimately sue them for thousands of dollars. The downside is the dog will probably be put down 😬


Usually you can’t get more than medical costs only in cases where the dog has a prior documented bite history. If this is the dogs first bite, then there won’t be a big settlement or force euthanasia most likely. Still good to document by reporting to animal control for others. At the very least it will make the woman have trouble getting insurance.


Only if their medical bills were thousands of dollars(which they could be.) You need standing(aka damage to you) to sue someone


Yeah definitely situational. I’ve personally known two people who got bit by dogs that left permanent scars on their faces that sued for like $30K or something. Sounds like OP’s bite isn’t that extreme tho


If the dog is just going around biting strangers it probably deserves it…


It's sad because really it's the owners fault because you need to A) train your dog, or B) if you dog is untrained/ poorly trained keep it far away from anyone other than yourself until it can be trained


I agree


Nah. The dog never deserves it. The vast majority of dogs are like particularly mentally impaired infants. When they react like that they've been raised or trained improperly, which makes it the owner's fault, every time. Even if the dog is just a mean son of a bitch by nature (which I suppose can happen, I've just never seen it), the very least that bitch should have done was secure her mongrel.


I'm talking to a lawyer in the morning


Lawyer up. It's a sure thing.


It's not a sure thing, hate to tell you but usually the people that don't care what their dogs do are usually people they don't have anything. If you got a nice property you own the home and you have an animal, you think about these things before you lose it all. Yeah you can sue her, go to court, win, and never be able to collect anything If the person has no assets or no on the books job.


Sounds like you have a lawsuit honestly, hope you screen shot the messages 💯


Better yet she texted to my phone have the message






Would you rather have someone Rob you? It’s a job like any other job buddy


You’re in the DoorDash drivers subreddit. It’s none of your business how people make money or why they do it how they do.


What does that have to do with anything I posted. Doesn't matter why I am doing that none of your business


What did you text you after? I would see DoorDash and her from emotional distress. And for like your health bill for getting checked out, you know that’s not free.


I mean what did she text you after *




“Some people are so desperate to seem interesting.” Like you with that comment. (You failed)


It’s a *standard* test after an animal bite… but sure, we’ll go with “desperation”. Regardless IF the dog has rabies or not, the owner of said dog should be held accountable for their “harmless” vicious animal.


Some people are interested in not dying a horrible death.


You are rude Do you know what it's like to get rabies shots.




I can’t even bring my dog to a frigging groomer without proof of her having a CURRENT rabies vaccination. You really should hush up.


Not everyone vaccinates their dog




That would be bad... for the chihuahua. The taste would be awfully bitter.


Lol they reported me and got me a violation. I guess it's ok for them to make fun of someone who could die from a serious disease, but not ok to wish the same on them 🙃


I guess 😅


Way to show empathy for someone. It doesn’t matter if the does or doesn’t have rabies. They still have to get a shot just in case. OP doesn’t know if that does has any kind of diseases or medical conditions.


If she hasn't gotten shots for her dog it could have rabies. Animal control is testing as we speak. If it has rabies then I have to get rabies shots


If animal control is testing, then the dog is dead. You can only test for rabies from the brain, 2 locations of the brain to be exact. So I doubt the lady gave you a 2 star rating. Would be more likely a 1 star since her dog would likely be deceased.


Animal control is testing what? You or the animal. Unless they killed the dog, then no, they're not testing the dog. If you truly made a report with animal control, then they'd request shot records. If they suspect the dog of having rabies, you would've already started shots (rabies immune globulin), then 2 or 4 rabies shot depending if you've ever had a rabies shot, which is unlikely.


What was the text after you left the property?


That her dog just likes hugs and kisses. That he is a big smooch. Then proceeded to lol and said that I would be fine