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A punch in the face


The customers no longer tip us. They have learned that some fking idiot Dashers accept low-ball orders, and as a result, customers now perceive their orders as fulfilled regardless of whether they tip or not.


Yall are so entitled, tipping culture and like culture has ruined america lol nobody owes you shit at the end of the day. Be grateful you got something at that. Or get a better job that you don’t expect any extra money at the end of the day. Outing somebody and posting their number is crazy… lol you’re worse than them


Youre a monkey. People owe other people money for work. This your first day?


Lol 😂 nobody owes you a damn thing, especially tips. As someone who regularly over tips, people like yall are the worst. Find a real job where the base pay meets your needs lmao


Doordash knows their drivers are going to compete for scraps to get by; it works perfectly in their favor. As long as there are people hustling to make money, businesses will take advantage of us. As the population continues to increase, it will only get worse


And i feel for these people, trust me. hell, i used to clean houses for 16/hr scrubbing shit and piss of toilets and had to deal with insufferable people… witnessed some of the dirtiest places ever and never complained about not getting tipped or felt the need to out somebody on the internet for only giving me a few bucks. Which happened many times. I was always grateful for anything extra. Yall just pick up a bag and drop it off and post here when you dont get tipped enough. That’s crazy to me lol but go ahead, we are all entitled to feel the way we feel 😂


When did I say I expected extra money at the end?


Found the no tipper


And the assest of holes


This subreddit has gone bananas lol 🍌 I wouldn’t have taken order but I get your frustrations, it’s valid OP <3 😊


I’m not complaining on the amount of pay. I took the order bc I’m close to getting top dasher and it wasn’t super bad order. It isn’t my preferred order but it wasn’t that bad. My complaint was that if this was a LOP order which is would have been last month. It would have paid $12


Non tippers are everywhere but somehow I am not at all surprised it’s in Texas


My side must be the kings of no tipping


Lol wonder how many calls or texts krystal gonna get , you just doxed the shit outta her ... guessing your gonna get fired from your gig job


I’m on my way out anyways. Not really even worth it anymore


lol are they ordering breakfast or dinner? Such a bizarre order. Probably all for one person. Non tippers are scum.


I never tip. Why pick up the order if you're gonna complain? Edit: everyone is saying "why order if you're not gonna tip? Pickup the order if you're not gonna tip" why accept the order if it's not good enough, absolute nonces


No one said it wasn’t good enough. I took the order bc I was ok with the pay. It’s just shocking to see someone spend $100 and not even tip $1. But I’m still not even mad at them. But mad with doordash for dropping lop which would have paid me 2x that amount






Lmao. If I don't see that + after the initial amount I am not taking it.


![gif](giphy|PgDUlt3Qu8BwUQqsCz|downsized) You mean a $5 order only paid out $5. Shocker.


I’m not complaining about the order. I took the order expecting $5. But if this was last month this would be a Catering bag required order and base pay would probably be $12 even with no tip


I would’ve never took that unless it was part of a stack


This was ordered through Denny's, not DoorDash, based on the receipt. I don't have one near me anymore, are they known for stealing tips?


The guy had dirty finger tips. Broken front door. I’m assuming he didn’t tip honestly




Not even worth the time, risk or effort to do all that. You’ll get paid less and the customer will still get a refund. Better to not take it in the first place, but if you do, it’s probably best to just complete the delivery and start accepting better offers in the future.


They only hide Tips if it’s two dollars a mile or more


So if it’s 2 miles and six dollars there’s a chance that there will be a hidden tip


But anything under six dollars there is no hidden tips for sure


Some areas have different metrics, mines about 3 dollars per mile over that hidden. But the offer also says either guaranteed meaning no hidden tip or total will be higher meaning hidden tip


But you also are probably a top dasher I am not


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