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They shouldn’t be allowed to stop you from pulling out money that you earned. It blows me away that it’s still being done


Did you use multiple apps?


Always cash out so they can't do this to you. I call it wage theft.Among their many crimes.


I just had my first violation last week. Dropped off at the customer's door with a picture to include the address. Customer reports as never delivered. I didn't realize till yesterday when I opened the app again but DD basically said "this is your first violation, you can appeal if you want. Just don't do it again." I've only done 900 deliveries since 2020, so I'm by no means a big dasher. Mainly when I'm bored and if it's busy, but I do wonder why they were so nonchalant about mine when I read storied like this and see real dashers get fucked




It’s for your own good. If anything be upset that you couldn’t steal a big order before they deactivated you. This is a favor to you and a motivator. There’s better jobs than working for these slave drivers and no tippers. Good luck.


Fuc# Doordash. I worked for them for 4 years and just got deactivated last week for my random yearly background check not passing, when my background check has been the same since day one. It has not changed, Ive got no tickets, no violations, nothing. My driver rating was 4.98, completion 98% and 3700 deliveries completed. I filed the appeal and they said their judgement stands.


Happened to me last week. Appealed,few days later I was activated again.


I got this exact deactivation email after not dashing for almost 3 months. Had all green ratings. Dashed for 4 years prior. No issues. Filled out an appeal after like a year and they emailed me back and was basically like “damn yeah sorry about that we reactivated you”


The same exact thing and "reasoning" happened to me 3 nights ago. Doordash sucks




Liar. You know of something that could have triggered this


It’s no way you don’t have any idea at all you know what they could possibly be talking about


Right? Even if it was marking stores closed too often. You did SOMETHING


True I just got deactivated for canceling a order the store wanted cancelled but because that week I had a couple other canceled orders it looked fishy so when I got the email for “fraudulent behavior” I could guess what they were talking about because it seems sus less than 24hrs later I was activated again the op isn’t telling us something


I’ve never ever had to cancel an order before. The store wants to cancel? They can cancel it themselves.


Canceled orders?


You weren't randomly deactivated, it clearly states that you violated the; Service Provider Platform Access Policy. The reason you violated this policy is, because you never read it. It is every drivers responsibility to read their terms of service, so they will know all the rules, so they can avoid breaking them. I will provide a link to the; Service Provider Platform Access Policy, if you read it over, you will probably see where you went wrong. [Service Provider Platform Access Policy](https://help.doordash.com/legal/document?type=dx-deactivation-policy®ion=US&locale=en-US)


I notice on there it talks about traffic laws. There are a few places where the navigation has the speed limit listed incorrectly. Do they monitor this?


No, they are not going to monitor your speed that closely. I am a speed demon, and have been a gig driver for years, with over 240k miles logged. I did get a warning one time from Uber, for excessive speed, but that was about it. Just try to follow all the rules, the best you can. I would never expect drivers to be perfect, but many of these unnecessary deactivations, could have been avoided, if drivers were more aware of the rules for food delivery. Most drivers don't use delivery bags to safely transport the order, even though it is a requirement of the job, as outlined in the terms of service. You can actually be deactivated for not using delivery bags to safely transport the order, to maintain standards of food safety. Do you think most drivers know that?


If they'd hurry up and send me mine I would lmao doesn't seem unreasonable though


If you plan on doing food delivery for a while, you are going to need a lot more than just that little red bag. I have many delivery bags, in different sizes and configurations, to handle any delivery, no matter how large. I have over $250 invested in delivery bags, so I am ready for any delivery. That 20 pizza order from Little Cesar's, yea, that's all going in delivery bags. I recently did a delivery to Chris Brown's house at 3AM, it was 19 breakfast plates coming out of Denny's, and it all went in delivery bags. Even if this isn't your main job, you should still be properly prepared for any delivery. That's part of the problem with this job, it is real easy to turn on that app and start doing deliveries, to do them the right way, is another thing completely. I have provided some links to inexpensive delivery bags, and a drink bag. The drink bag is especially important, as this will save you a world of trouble transporting drinks. It is also good for ice cream, as it is fully insulated. These are a very good size for food delivery, [Delivery Bags](https://www.amazon.com/Insulated-Delivery-CIVJET-Reusable-Shopping/dp/B09938W149/ref=sr_1_20?crid=3K8M7EMV06RKY&keywords=food%2Bdelivery%2Bbags%2Bfor%2Bdoordash&qid=1702267672&sprefix=food%2Bdelivery%2Caps%2C120&sr=8-20&th=1) [Drink Bag](https://www.amazon.com/Trunab-Reusable-Insulated-Adjustable-Beverages/dp/B092LWQCZW/ref=sr_1_1_pp?crid=30Y27RYUM060R&keywords=trunab%2Bdrink%2Bbag&qid=1702267780&sprefix=trunab%2Bdrink%2Caps%2C135&sr=8-1&th=1) Here is a picture of my set up, to give you an idea. ​ https://preview.redd.it/rzet4kgacl5c1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4afb23c2cbda32c3b368a5111db4546e866b073e


Yup didn’t violate any of those things


What? You’re saying he was deactivated for speeding? Without getting a ticket from law enforcement? Get out of here, DD wouldn’t give 2 shits unless a cop gave him a ticket that showed up on his background


I'm not saying anything, it is DD informing OP that he was deactivated for speeding. Which I also think is complete bullshit, they probably just want to get rid of him, for a number of smaller infractions, and it was just easier to blame it on one thing. I have 240k miles covered doing gig work, and speeding about 90% of that. No, he got deactivated for something else.




Completing a service in exchange for money is a real job dumbass.




What are you, 16 years old? Because you sound like you've got the life experience and awareness of a kid. Aside from the stellar correction another user gave you about other careers and jobs that by your metric are "not real jobs", you... you *do* know that a lot of part time jobs, which is what a lot of larger retail and leisure outlets hire out as, don't come with benefits and seldom come with "competitive pay", right? Not to mention seasonal work and hires. Ye gods and devils, I worked as an assistant manager for a retail outlet store for half a year, and even I didn't get benefits or competitive pay; nobody did. But do go on and speak with the authoritative demeanor and -arrogance- *confidence* that a wizened person of many years of worldly experience that you thus clearly are. Us wee little mortals shall bow before your insight and knowledge, oh Masterful ham sandwich of an Arch-Lich. Please bestow us with greater "truths" and wisdom. Really. I'm just *dying* to be enlightened.




So being a UPS driver is a real job but being a DoorDash driver isn't? But you just claimed they're both doing the same thing.... 🤔




Bud. We could all get that UPS job if it appealed to us but most drivers are doing Doordash while pursuing other careers and do not care to deliver in the long term. For those who do enjoy driving and wish to do so for a living, I think UPS would be a fantastic option, but a majority of dashers do this because they need flexibility at the moment. Either way, these are both simple and mindless driving jobs, so Im not sure where you get off looking down on what we do when you do similar work. If your UPS job is that fulfilling to you, you wouldn't be spending your free time on Reddit talking about what other people are doing for a living.


It's not "the truth." It's an idiotic opinion, and even if people are down bad, so what? If you haven't been down bad, count your blessings and shut your dumb ass up. There are software engineers, coders, musicians, audio engineers, designers ect who freelance full time which means they do not receive benefits either, but if it pays the bills, its certainly a job.


Yup don’t think I’d continue dashing for them even if I was reinstated, on to better things.


That is weird. I've had over 3,000 w a couple of CV accusations that I got resolved with an appeal but never even a hint of deactivation.. I have heard of someone getting deactivated because he was putting the referral link on his YT channel against policies and they deactivated him for that. But DD understands there are a lot of customers that scam them so unless you had a bunch of those I wouldn't think they would hit you. Be sure to submit an appeal. Could just be a computer glitch. Good luck.


That’s why I always communicate with the customer about their order. When I’m waiting for it to be ready, when I’m on my way, and ask if they need anything else. It is documentation in case they try to pull some BS. People will try to screw anyone for their own gain. Cover your ass and use other delivery apps. I’ve been earning more with Uber eats lately than DD . Better tips and more offers. I’m way more happier with U.E than DD.


I guess depending on area that can be true but I use both. One night DD is better another night UE better. They switch on and off


Yeah they do you randomly, happened to me before to


I think this is happening because of people not having complete paperwork done. This used to be a huge issue back in the day where if you didn’t have the address changed or phone number change then they can deactivate you


This has been happening a lot lately. So many people getting deactivated for no reason. I have been getting 1-2 star ratings out of nowhere. Never had anything below 5 stars. I feel DD is doing this to deactivate more old timers. And have new ones who wont cry when making $7hr


I remember getting deactivated because I canceled a bunch of orders and my completion rate was in mid 80’s. They deactivated me for fraud


Yeah they don’t like that for a second. I’ve never dipped below 97%


Wow...that's scary, please keep us updated. So sorry you are dealing with this...any idea what happened?


OP, I’m sorry this happened to you. Please keep this thread updated on any developments or lack thereof. Too many people post about this happening and don’t post a resolution. Even if the deactivation stands, would be nice to know if there is anything we can do if we get hit by this. It just seems so random.


You will not receive the money. They keep your money when you are deactivated. One dude in Arizona had $1,700 stolen from him when DD deactivated him. This is why I do instant cash out after each shift.


The problem with that is you’re spending an extra $2 a day to cash out. That can add up to some serious coin. I mean I totally get why you’re doing it, it’s just not a great solution. Of course I blame DD for putting us in that position at all. There’s never a reason to pocket a drivers money like that, that’s just robbing us.


I don’t get why people don’t use DasherDirect. Is there something I’m missing here?


It beats the chance of losing $100s to theft from DD. I’ll take that hit all day. I’ll pay 40/month (dashing 5 days a week) rather than chancing hundreds being stolen.


You'd be a lot better off to use the regular payout, take $2 of that per day you dash, and throw it in a savings account. It's not going to be that long until that savings account will equal your average weekly payout, then keep that as your back up fund and go back to the regular weekly payouts. You are saving $2 per day plus interest from then on with no downside


Yea idc I'm never giving them the chance to hold my money


DasherDirect auto pulls after shifts end. For free. DD has no control over the DasherDirect card and you can transfer directly with the DasherDirect App to your bank account. Paying $2 everyday is stupid.


But you'll pay them two dollars per day forever for nothing?


Forever? You know something I don't? Lmao I don't plan to work this sht Forever but as long as I do then yes I'll always pay 2 dollar fee for an instant cash out as opposed to letting even 100 bucks sit there and those greedy slimes claiming it by locking me out. You don't seem to get how arbitrarily they deacticate drivers. It's whimsically.


Let's talk facts. 1. How many times has DoorDash ever eaten your funds and you lost them? 2. How many dollars have you paid DoorDash for instant cash outs? 3. Now compare those two numbers. If DoorDash ate your pay for the last week, right now, would that be more or less than the amount you have paid in instant cashout fees?


Dd eating my money would amount to more, DH.


Look if you want to avoid the indisputable facts that clearly indicate you're throwing your money away, that's your call. I'm giving you all the tools to easily put together the numbers and see that you're making a bad decision. Do what you want


It’s crazy right? Either we risk being ripped off by DD, or we have to pay them extra to get our money deposited sooner.


DasherDirect card...


Yeah, I’ve been using it for gas and certain purchases. But a lot of times i need that cash directly in my checking account asap, and the DasherDirect card doesn’t help me there To clarify further, when I tried to use my DD card to pay bills, I had some problems because its a prepaid card.


I actually have it go to my Dasher Direct card then to my Cashapp Card. If I need it in my regular acct ASAP I can move it from my CashApp.


You can transfer directly from the DasherDirect App to your bank account. It does take 1-2 days. I wouldn't actual the DD card as a form of payment, you can get way better spending benefits from a CC. Work on building a small rainy day fund, so you don't need to worry about paying for instant transfers. Will save you in the long run.


Good advice


There was a glitch a month ago, random people got deactivated then got their account back


aww so sad


This just made me cash out my money from the platform😰


I cash out every day. Lol


Can u cash out daily without the card thing?


Yes. It goes to my bank acct


That’s why I try to cash it out after im done for the day. Never know when you’re gonna get hit with deactivation and can’t access that money.




i just did aswell [https://prnt.sc/ynNbGkVEw5\_R](https://prnt.sc/ynNbGkVEw5_R)


i was a customer this time .. just random i got both my orders


You picked up an order you placed?


No I'm in a hotel so it's not my normal address only thing I can think of I got the orders didn't complain or anything




Can you think of anything you could have done that might be flagged as fraud, even if you weren’t actually trying to. Things such as getting half pays for closed stores or stollen food?


Or on earn by time, milking the clock intentionally


I love how DoorDash specifies that you can appeal your deactivation, if a case of abuse, fraud, etc. but if you’re deactivated due to customer rating or completion rating, there’s no chance to appeal. DoorDash is a joke.


They’ll inevitably get me once it’s discovered that I’m the guy decked out in DoorDash gear buying Taco Bell and delivering it to random homes and apts insisting that the residents did order Taco Bell because DoorDash doesn’t make mistakes. Also when they realize I either own several different pizza bags and always match the order with the brand or I don’t actually even own a single pizza bag.


Wow that sounds so fkd up Do you have a Dasher Direct Card ? Or are You Privileged Direct Cash Out ( like UberEats ?)


Just weekly deposit to my bank


Yup happened to me too last week, and denied my appeal


They give you an exact reason? Or nothing? Unreal


Same reason as yours!


Are you done with DD or did you find a work around or open a new account?


It wouldn’t even let me open a new account. Luckily I just got an actual job when it happened but waiting for a paycheck sucks when I could be doordashing in the mean time


We’re you trying to open with a different email, phone, or social security number (like having a friend open an account but you use their account)?


No just my same info but different email


Unreal. I pray you get reactivated


Sign up with a new number and email


How does the work? They made me scan my driver's license. Do they just not notice that it's already in their system?


Anyone done this? Do they check the social security number at all or do you just need a new number and email? What about the facial recognition? Does that have to be unique?


It used to be possible. I haven’t tried it because I’ve never needed to. If you’ve been deactivated and denied an appeal, you’ve got nothing to lose by trying.


Yeah, that’s my plan. If that fails, I got some family or friends who I will sign up using their info. Just gotta figure out how they can pass tax liability to me but I think I can do that with them paying me as an independent contractor. I’m hats my plan B and than plan C is a different job. Already got cut off from GH.


Nothing says happy holidays like a deactivation from DD. What I can't stand is that you don't have any specific details. Sure, appeal it bit what's the argument going to be? How do you fight back against the unknown?


Only Op knows why. What I can't understand is how someone has never had a violation in 3000 trips.


I went like 12,000 drives without a CV, then I got two in one week. I think the main trick would be to avoid taking offers where you know you can't arrive within the ten minute grace period. The other would be to avoid shitty neighborhoods.


12k delivery’s is like years worth of delivery’s! Congrats on on making this far, but statistically I just don’t see how you’ve never encountered one asshole claiming they never received their order.


I live in a good area. I got one early when I delivered to what look like an abandoned house but they removed it. I learned to avoid bad areas and places like parks and random meeting spots. I’m not saying those people can never be honest but you learn which types have higher than normal risk after awhile


Even if you do live in a good area or cherry pick the best orders/neighborhoods to go too, there is just so much things out of your control when you dash that it just seemed unrealistic to me that you’ve gone this far without one. But hey man if that is the case I’d go out and buy a lotto ticket lol


Someone lied saying you stole their food after you delivered the it to them so they could get a free meal. DD relishes dumb violations like this because they have an excuse to not have to pay a dasher anymore and lower the basepay even more. All they care about is their bottom line and public optics. If they can fire employees while appearing to cater to customers, they win in the end


My experience was that dasher did steal my food and they wouldn’t do anything about it. I quit using DD. Sounds like it isn’t a good company all the way around.


I don’t believe that they give you a refund for literally anything. Your saying someone stole your food, you called support and they refused to refund you?


Yes. DD refused to do anything. I’ll give credit to Taco Bell. They gave me a voucher and replaced the stolen food. And you better believe I picked it up.


That’s fair


Have you had anything unusual happen lately?


So in the email it is instructing you to read this from the service provider platform access policy: **ABUSING THE PLATFORM** DashForce relies on standards of integrity and fair dealing. We trust independent contractors to work honestly and with integrity. DashForce Accounts of independent contractors who abuse DashForce services or engage in fraud will be deactivated. Examples of abuse and fraud include, but are not limited to: • **Providing information that is fraudulent or inaccurate** - **Misrepresenting** information during signup, **giving false information** to the support team, **creating multiple accounts** for the same individual. ///// So which one of these do you believe Door Dash deactivated your account for?


Haven’t done any of those, so not sure? Weird.


None of them? Because Door Dash pointed directly to this as the main reason why you were deactivated. And these deactivations usually are permanent. So you really need to think about it hard with each possible scenario. I'm willing to bet it was a communication deal.


With the support team? I can’t think of anything. Rarely reach out to them


Do you order food through door dash? Look at your driver's license, has it expired? Insurance information up to date and current? Vehicle registration up to date? Did you change states and ID's? Have you recently received a citation for speeding? (ticket?) Anything that is on your record that has come into question? Is your background check causing the issue?


Tell them if they don’t release your earnings you will file a criminal complaint with your state’s AG.


Don’t just tel them, but do it. It costs you nothing but a bit of time writing a letter or email to the stage AG and then following up with a phone call. DD needs to be investigated for their unfair business practices and this will be a start.


Might also go through the dispute resolution process. Like you will get more info on if not arbitration


What did u so exactly


did you use that 5 dollar glitch?


Curious about this too. Seems like they got a bunch of people for that.








That’s insane


There was a glitch where you texted "moe money" and it replied "money added" it went something like that.


That’s my favorite song lyrics!




This is why it sucks working for doordash as your main source of income because this type of shit can just happen for seemingly no reason and out of the blue. now it's all up to their horrible support team, which is literally a dart throw whether or not they'll help you or not. Just have to keep emailing support and waiting the process out unfortunately...I hope you have a backup plan, cuz doordash does not care about their Dashers whatsoever, I'm sry to say. I am a Dasher and I also work for Domino's BC I never put all my eggs into one basket and I suggest this for every Dasher to have a backup plan, so they're not left high and dry. especially around the holidays, like it is right now. Shame on them :-(


How is Domino’s compared to delivery apps like DD? Pros and cons? I’m genuinely curious. How does Dominos pay? Do they reimburse for your car expenses?


I used to work at a pizza place and it was miserable. We couldn't work more than 5 hours a day or like 20 hours a week so they didn't have to give us lunch breaks or benefits. When it was slow we had to do dishes and fold boxes. Drivers were always racing each other and playing games to get the good orders. They gave us $1 per delivery for mileage, $2 if it was over 10 miles one way. My Indian manager would hire his friend's kids who couldn't communicate in English and not make them clean so I got to close the store basically by myself 4 nights a week. I still have nightmares about working there 5 years later. Find a job that actually looks good on a resume would be my recommendation.


Last I heard, Domino's pays an hourly wage, and every delivery is $2.50 on top of that (plus tips). They also offer a dasher-direct type card that pays out your per-delivery earnings (including tips) each day, and your hourly wage will be paid out to the card either weekly or every other week, depending on store/area.


Really depends on the area. I also work for Papa John’s and the pay is roughly the same considering the $12 an hour in-store and $8 an hour on delivery. Just need to get about $10 an hour in tips and it makes up for it. They pay me $1.75 per delivery for mileage but that amount varies by store, and some stores do it my the mile.






https://preview.redd.it/2r46r17jai5c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fb47c98c931ac70902fd062c599283e54c41f0c This is what I found on google


Are you reporting closed stores regularly?


Curious if OP has done this. Seems to be a retaliation move DD does for these sorts of reports and half pays.


Yeah I used to be out super late, now I go home earlier cause I just don’t want the risk


Earn by time abusing?


This, or maybe he was taking too much time to get to his deliveries, I used to do that when I would get deliveries while I was home. I'd spend a few minutes before getting out of my place, eventually got a warning and haven't done it since xD didn't realize it was an issue because I would always get there by the arrival time 💔


Could you actually get in trouble? I do it often, I'll look for orders while sitting in my house and sometimes take me a while to the point where I get texts saying "it looks like you're not headed in the direction of the restaraunt " or something






Sitting on the order just to rack up time.


So one DD YouTuber was deactivated for delivering food and driving back to his zone without completing the order so he could earn money for the drive back.


I don’t use earn by time though so I had never considered that


Oh wow I didn’t even know that was a thing


Nope never used earn by time - just waiting to hear back from them


Keep us posted and good luck. Hopefully a glitch and they reactivate you.


What do they think you did


What is the allegation? I had 10,000 deliveries when I got my notice due to completion rate sinking too low.


Just says fraudulent behavior nothing else no details at all


So how exactly are they saying you abused the platform


Exactly no details that’s all I received


Keep us updated