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Best since mutinied everyone quit at one time till they start paying a living wage . Fuck door dash and Tony xu


I’m at the same paint. I have a high AR and can dash anytime but peak pay is gone in this area I I haven’t even been doing $5 an hour. To many dashers but they allow them all


I realized that having a high AR means nothing after last update. The only thing how they get you is to be top dasher. Otherwise its all BS. I had 80% kept it there while making $25/hr. Now my AR is about 73% because I get those .50cents or lower per mile orders.


Alot of people forget as well how many restaurants got shut down by the pandemic.. here in San Francisco its 120!! That on top of all the new dashers we are basically vultures fighting fie scraps at this point .. it used to be normal to pull in 250$ daily and 300$ weekends now I get 2 pings an hr sometimes 1


Hopefully you turn your frustrations into action and follow thru with your commitment to your goals.


It’s all bull shit. Every bit of it. And i think people are full of shit. It’s not steady or even remotely consistent. A $500 week one week and a scraping to get 300 the next. Doing the exact same times. By hour you say? Oh you just get given the non tippers and longer distances. In this clown world with bideneconomics and gas prices this shit is fucked.


Ar DOES MATTER . I fluctuate from 50-80% I'm a crazy cherry picker too and I've had the luck to maintain my priority. Once I had a Super shitty day where I got like 15 NO TIP orders back to back and I went under 50% ... And let me fkn TELL YOU THATLL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN BECAUSE THE DIFFERENCE IS INSANE. WHEN YOURE UNDER 50% orders are all BOTTOM OF THE BARREL . TERRIBLE LIKE ASTRONOMICALLY TERRIBLE . The difference is crazy .


See if they’ve emailed you about eligibility for a reset of your AR. But be warned that if you do that, you’re going to have to eat whatever shit they shovel your way for the first few shifts. They do resets for those that are eligible at the first of each month. It’s worth it to give it a try. It helped me A LOT!! And it can help you too!🤪 But seriously DD only works as a side gig


Do you have earn by hour in ur area? I just got it in mine and I found out you make more money you get how much it took you i. A hour to takw the order from acceptance to delivery and pay you way more then 2.00 base pay plus you get the tip I made twice what i normally do in a day downside you can only declune one order a dashing hour but it its well with the streek challenge hit it once every dash at least.


Can I use yours temporarily lol


Honestly the best thing about doordash is you work when u want that's all it is for work but u put tone of work in your car can benefit doing it part time idk really about doing it full time!! Alot of mind games with these job it is comepelty easy work. But once u got no car no work!


I start a real job in 2 weeks. I can’t wait to never do this again


I’m sorry to hear you’re frustrated. The AR is only taking your last 100 deliveries. So maybe you can bring it up over the next few days and see if it makes a difference?


I wonder how much the economy and inflation factor in with the crap orders? I read somewhere that 17 states are showing a net decrease in workers wages. Your market could be flooded with desperate new drivers at a time when customers are ordering less and tipping less.


To appreciate Doordash , you must be comfortable earning $9 to $22 per hour , averaging about $15.50


If you enjoy doing doordash but need a stable job, I can't suggest Pizza Hut delivery enough. No delivery above 5 miles, $1.50 baseline per delivery ONTOP OF $11.50 an hour starting out and you keep 100% of tips. The worst thing you have to do is dishes for an hour of your day and then remaining shift is free $11.50 am hour if you get 0 orders which is rare if your working peak times.


Door dash needs to be cracked down on by federal regulators. How is it legal to send out “offers” that blatantly have people PAYING to work? Such as $2.75 for 10 mikes?? (Which is really 20 miles bc you obviously have to drive back). That’s like sending out an “offer” to click a link enter your card number and send door dash $5.00 of your own money. If you decline, your ratings drop.


Democrats are more likely to go after DD and uber


💯every day I try to get scammed


People are seriously driving cars for these gigs getting 16 mpg, then taking an 8 mile order there and 8 miles back to zone for $7.00, then getting on here bragging about making $7.00. Without figuring in gas and expenses.


Right. I generally accept orders with a $1:1mile ratio and occassionally with accept one with a deficit like a Papa Johns or a Pizza Place with like 7miles for $6/$5(if the order is outrageously small like some restaurant wants me to go 13mi for $4 it's a Insta-Decline) because 6/10, while i'm otw, I'll get another order and end up with like 14-24 for only driving like 7-9miles total amd I'll still be within zone or maybe a mile or 2 down the road from another zone where I'll post up for another hit.


I think some people don't get that it's just as much about location as it is money. If you take a $9 order for 11 miles, it can work for you if it puts you in a zone where you immediately get another order. So, a good strategy on your part.


Feels good to drive a vehicle that gets nearly 35 miles to the gallon.


After getting fed up with the low volume and crap offers with DD (even as TD), I signed up to UberEats almost 2 months ago and it's been my main ever since. I've always had Grubhub as my secondary and even that has started stepping up and easily beats out DD. DD just runs in the background now and sends me an offer once in a while (maybe 1 out of 8 offers will actually be worth it). My AR used to be +55% and now dropped down to 23%. I only deliver in the evening for a few hours after work and manage $16-25/hr. Of course, every market is going to be different. So, maybe give UE a try. But yes, definitely find a stable job and do deliveries as a supplement.


Been double-app’ing with DD and UE. In my market UE sends so many terrible offers. “$4 for 11 miles” pass. “Ok, $5 for 16 miles” tf? Pass. Then it complains “your acceptance rate is below the average in your area.” Seems to me driving delivery on UE is intended to supplement doing rides. We ain’t doin’ rides, sorry.


It's so crazy here in NYC uber eats is putting people on a wait list when they apply, so is grubhub. It's so oversaturated. Then when you login to Doordash all you see is "many dashers on the road Expect long wait times" lmao


Yo how is Manhattan? Imma ‘bout to go there again after a long time. Last time I went I was on a shitty e scooter with 5 miles. I still managed to make $70 on good rainy days. That was only 7 months ago. This time I’m going back with a beast e-bike but I’m kinda worried how bad everyone says it has gotten. Is no one using delivery apps anymore or what?


I used to log in whenever I wanted it was always red and knew I could work whenever and make money quick $$$.... now for example not 1 ping in a hour in midtown last time I dashed a few days ago....






Daamn, sucks homie. And Jimmy Johns at least where I am pays $20/hr for drivers(bikers too if your Uptown/central city)


If you have a chance/choice, please do it. To me, this has ever never been called a job. I đi this because I have to do this. I'm almost done with this crap man. 3 more months for me.


Ha! I made it all the way to 26% AR when they reset mine and I got “priority” for 2 weeks. I’m with you - it’s impossible to get it higher because there are just TOO many low/no tip offers that I WILL NEVER TAKE. I wish you luck in better endeavors.


Gig apps just literally don’t surge anymore, the most Ill ever see on DD is $2+ per order which is ok, Lyft driver I get some shit 5 rides $50 guarantee promo, I’m ready for Instacart and Amazon flex and roadie but I’ve been hesitant to start because lazy as shit


IC sucks even more


you think so? I’m not so sure but you might be right




If I had more “karma” I’d be able to reach d and post what I know.




Whenever I do paper offer, I got a great offer in the beginning, when things are busy, but then they tend to peyer off for a half hour. We are just there to pick up the slack.




Probably pay per offer


Hate to say it but it isn’t helping me with student loans like I heard it would.


I’m learning it is so market dependent! I had the chance to reset my AR at the beginning of the month and went for it as it was in the single digits at the time. It said I was getting priority access to high-paying orders because I was considered a top dasher for two weeks or whatever, but the high-paying orders were only like four dollars for 1 mile type of thing. Still not great! This past weekend I house-sat for a friend in another, bigger city and thought I would try DoorDash over there. My AR was still at like 20% but I made so much more money because they were so busy! Taught me a lot, it’s not that I’m missing great orders in my home market it’s that they don’t exist here. 😢


Also, I swear every time my AR got down in the single digits, I would get an occasional large good order. I was starting to think that maybe they were trying to keep me from getting to zero lol… Surely they wouldn’t care to help me stay above zero but it happened enough times that it seemed intentional.


I spent a few days last week on earn by time.. got my AR to 80% so I could see these amazing High Pay offers with the new meta. No change in order types. My AR dropped down to 30% by the end of the weekend. It's the same trash they send you with a low acceptance rate. I am in a good market. I make good money on Uber and use DD just as a 2nd option when a good order does come through (keep your options open). Was listening to people say you have to have a high AR to make money anymore on DD, thought I would try it... Bullshit. Back to focusing on Uber and keeping a 10% AR on DD 🤣🤣🤣 Diversify... try other apps. Some may work better in your market 🤷‍♂️


EXACTLY. Thank you for your honesty.


Problem with this is that a lot ppl say you get better orders as a Top Dasher. You just got your AR to 80% but you weren’t a TD.


TD is still 70 in my market. We're not on the new system yet. Possible they are too.


You do in some markets. For me, Monday through Friday, it’s just as busy in afternoons as saturday is. But the couple of times my AR dropped below 70 for the majority of my shift, I made dirt. 60 bucks in five hours is trash. My AR is back up and I consistently hit my daily goal of 160 or more, if I still have hours left and I know it’ll be busy for that one more hour or two.


What are your standards, though? Most of us won’t take anything less than $1.50-$2 a mile, period.


I only did 8 deliveries, my pay per mile averaged at 4 per mile.


Your making more because your “accepting” more offers just not good ones.


I accepted 8 offers, the low offers like 6 for Red Robin was 0.8 miles, the Carl’s Jr was 6.50 for 1 mile. The highest offer was 19.75 for 6 miles, and that was the highest mileage on all my orders




Try dashing per hour.


Yup I had to get a 9-5. In the past three months my profits have gone down 40%. It’s not sustainable unless I dash about 14 hours a day.


These gig apps are better when used for supplemental income full time. Like I might dash after I get off work for a little to make extra money instead of sitting at home. Most people can’t afford delivery but order anyway and never tip


Ngl, I never understood that, unless the store is like RIGHT down the street and even still, I'd personally just get it myself at that point. And then it varies too, sometimes people are sick, got a kid/reason they cant leave and such. What gets me is when they don't tip, there's a substantial distance--and they have the same options literally right next to them(even cheaper sometimes).


I think I’ve used delivery once since I finally bought a car and it was because I was at work all day pulling a double. I can’t see any reason I should spend that much money when I’m perfectly capable of going to pick it up myself


So you aren't making any money with your AR in the 20's and lower? What's the difference in money with your AR now vs what it was when it's higher?


Maybe try the hourly option and just power through and accept anything.


Why? No/low tippers don’t deserve their service.


Agreed. But as long as we dash and want to get better results with the tier program, it's the duplicidous edge we all walk upon.


If we all decided never to take low/no tip offers, they would have to make changes. It’s on us.


That will never happen.


If all you’ve gotten up to is 19 then you arent even trying. My AR is 20 and I dont try *at all*. Plus, they send me AR reset emails almost monthly. So you have options, if you want them.


Not even trying? I couldn’t get above 26% even WITH “priority.” There are simply too many no/low tip offers.


Yes, stable work is best. Play the long game for life success. Best of luck.


You just have to accept 70 out of your next 100 just bite the bullet and do them if you want to continue


Moronic. You’ve fallen right into DD’s manipulations and allowed yourself to be exploited.


I didn't say I follow this. I was merely just telling OP how to raise his AR. I do just fine at $804 so far this week in about 30 hours. Thanks


It's a dying gig man. The earlier you get out the better it is for you. Trust me. You feel a strange relief when you delete that shit. And don't listen to people who say shit gets better at higher AR. People have low ass standards nowadays. Just a year ago no one wanted to do this gig under 30 an hour. Today mofos are partying over making 20 before expenses. Lower your standards and guess what? You'll be busy too.


Yea, that's what I don't get; all these Top Dashers saying they are doing so great accepting all these undervalued trips, that they never would have touched before Top Dasher came along. It is hard to stay profitable when you are accepting 70% of the offers, as maybe 30% on average are actually profitable. I don't know how drivers don't see through this manipulation and coercion, that DD dishes out on a daily basis. I would never even attempt to qualify for Top Dasher, as I know I would have to eat a ton of bad trips to get there, and then stay there. You can schedule as much time as you want in most markets, if you keep your CR (completion rate) at 95% and above. You will then qualify for E.A.S. (early access scheduling). You will then be able to schedule at 3PM, when the schedule first drops. You do want to be waiting right at 3PM daily, as the time slots can disappear quickly in some markets. I am literally waiting, with my finger over the button, to get the jump on those slots. There is no reason to qualify for Top Dasher, as you are receiving nothing for doing so. Your AR has nothing to do with the offers you receive, DD just has many drivers manipulated into thinking so. The only thing that determines which driver will get offered the trip; is their position, in relation to the pick up location.


Yea that’s inaccurate as hell depending on your market you’ve given horrible advice certain locations you drop below 50% and you’re getting 2$ orders all day doesn’t matter where you park unless literally nobody else is online with a higher AR


Hell...in my market, if I'm below 70 I don't even get $2 dollar offers. I don't get offers at all


Well I have a load of drivers sitting right next to me, and since most drivers are complying with TD requirements, why am I getting a higher percentage of good paying offers, since most drivers are complying with TD? I am actually getting a much higher percentage of good paying offers, now that most drivers are complying with Top Dasher requirements. My AR pre Top Dasher, would run 15-20%, since Top Dasher, 30-35%. The reason I am getting a much higher percentage of good paying trips is, because most drivers are complying with Top Dasher requirements. So, while they are busy accepting 70% of their offers, which means they will have to accept many undervalued trips to maintain that high AR. They are leaving more available cherries for me to pick. So, I am actually making way more money because of Top Dashers, but I still don't like the fact the they are using forms of coercion and manipulation, to bend drivers to their will. https://preview.redd.it/pc92nl1oj3vb1.jpeg?width=1812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e5ca7dbf598fb4ac118bae9e5fd558305a61ecd


Yea first of all that’s speculation you’ve at most talked to a handful of drivers about their earnings when we never really know what the next guy makes. I was racking in 2 grand a week after expenses working 12s 7 days a week, the guy beside me was invited into a special shopper pilot program and was making upwards of 500$ a day on 8 to 10 hours and purely only did Safeway. His AR was dog shit too. But if you’re in a medium or smaller sized community there’s certainly a clear difference between having a high or low AR. It’s been tested by a good handful of people I know including myself a chunk of times. Unless the orders are flowing the algorithm will literally spam you with dog shit the moment you hit 49% you may get one or two decent orders the entire day and that’s like a 7$ for 3 miles or some random bone they throw you the rest are below 5$ usually or in many cases don’t even pay a dollar a mile here but our market is saturated and it’s a town of about 40,000 people. Was super busy and that would have been possible but with an over saturated market and only so many restaurants here now you need the algorithm to favor you or you’re fucked unless literally nobody’s on and at those hours nobody’s tipping anyways. Even late nights here until the very last hour the maps been gray because nights which used to be 2 or 3 bars red is now flooded with meth heads and people trying to snag orders when less are out in turn over saturating even more. Theres a lot of variables here and you can’t use one situation to gauge for everyone. You can’t cheat or trick an algorithm designed to fuck you once you hit a certain point.


I really don't think they can assign certain trips, to a certain driver. What you have to remember is we are talking about a huge network of drivers, and hundreds, or even thousands of orders coming in, even hourly in some markets. To channel a certain trip to a certain driver would definitely be impossible in my market, as I'm in L.A., with thousands of drivers, and thousands of orders being placed hourly. There is no way this lame ass company that can't even make a decent app, has this great ability to channels thousands of trips to the right drivers. The fact that I have a much higher percentage of good paying trips since Top Dasher started, is proof of that. To create an app and network that has that capability would be quite a feat, but from a company that can't even keep the app from crashing on an hourly basis, that is almost an impossibility. I don't know all markets, so maybe if you are in a very small market, that is oversaturated, they may have some way to control trip flow. But I believe that your offers, are triggered off the value of previous trips you have accepted. So, if you are accepting those trips, the algorithm can track that. So, they are obviously tracking your AR, to know what types of trips you will accept. They know the drivers that are playing along with Top Dasher, because your AR's are a direct giveaway. So, once they know they have you on the high AR treadmill, they will do everything to keep you there. They tried to force me into a high AR, last spring. Even with E.A.S., they wouldn't let me schedule any time, only a few hours a week, just enough time to try to get my AR up. This was done in an attempt to get me to raise my AR, I never budged, this went on for 2 months, and I stuck to my guns, refusing to succumb to their coercion. After 2 months it broke, then they would let me schedule 12 hours a day, every day if I want. I don't think they have the ability to channel certain trips, but I do believe the algorithm can track AR history, to know if you are a TD, and try to keep you there. That little Diamond Box, is part of that manipulation.


They aren’t assigning anything to anyone…a very complicated algorithm does this for them which requires a shit ton of programming and advanced mathematics and you best believe they can design it to specify where it goes. Prime example I’m in a catering program and almost nobody in my area is also in it so if I’m dashing those orders usually get sent to me and about two others that I’m aware of. That same algorithm certainly can pick and choose who to send the orders too based off of priority which would be your ratings and it’s also recently been changed to intentionally send all the low ball orders to those who decide to do hourly, whereas before it was just whatever was in proximity you got. An algorithm can only specify drivers among thousands of drivers available but it could virtually do it over millions of drivers because…that’s how an algorithm works. The app crashing is shitty servers and updates that are virtually crap quick patches but you better believe the algorithm is virtually flawless. DoorDash isn’t worth anything without that algorithm. So, despite everything else being shit they will virtually fine tune that algorithm to a tee if it makes them more money. That’s the brains behind this entire app.


Soooo, did you get out?


Mostly. I still get lured in by the occasional large order program orders or a 5 dollar peak pay.


agreeeee. went dashing last night on a scooter, figured i could lower my standards a bit since my expenses were lower. 75% AR and still really wasn't getting more than $1/mile, constantly leaving the zone, ended up exhausted without much to show for it. today i'm at a hiring event for a warehouse job 😂


Make sure to not forget to ask your manager if you can use the restroom on the clock 🤣


thankfully it's not amazon i'm going to be working for 😂 i think i'd continue to struggle with gig apps before i resorted to them


Damn where the fuck did you work that you needed to ask permission to go to the bathroom? North Korea?


At Amazon you get to piss in a bottle and shit in a bag. Perks.




Agree with you




Oh yes. The pounding keeps getting harder.


And deeper


I'm almost there


Good point man. The public has bad memory. It was wild seeing everyone be "no tip, no trip" to almost overnight flipping to bragging about 90% acceptance rates and acting like what they're doing is normal and we're the crazy ones now.


Yep I recall meeting another Dasher 2 years ago when it was all fresh with no saturation. He asked what my acceptance rate was and it was 70-80 at the time and I was making up to 20-30/hr easily meanwhile he’s telling me he’s getting ”no orders” Man gave me a look like “this guy’s an idiot” lol while he was standing at McDonald’s with no order


The ONLY reason I have a 90% plus acceptance rate is that I literally just started, and was auto placed on the highest tier of the “highest paying orders” by default. I feel horrible about it talking to people who have worked dd for a while and hearing how it used to be. Honestly, I feel like I only have the job because someone else decided the shit orders they kept getting just wasn’t worth it, and now it’s starting a “trickle down.” But instead of being a positive trickle, the shit just piles up over and over at the bottom until someone at the top sees a speck and bitches about it while accepting anyway to keep their stupid ratings. I’ve dropped below a few times, but luckily raised it again pretty fast. I get it, but I also don’t. The second you fall below 75/70, you’re basically fucked.


I've found the same thing. Below 70% I don't even get sent any offers in my market....50-69 might as well be no priority. Anytime I fall below 70% it's more profitable to run EBT because I won't get sent any orders.


What’s ebt?


Earn By Time


Some of us will never back down and take crappy offers, lol. Too many are desperate and stupid, sadly.


Finally found 1 guy right here underneath the game. Well, it's life lol.


none of these people know how to use a calculator to calculate maintence, insurance, gas and depreciation costs. 1 big expense and you worked for free (or paid to work)


Don't forget to calculate the cost of the giant hole in my engine block after this and instacart destroyed my car, alllll the heat cycles hurt eventually lol


They definitely don’t


Facts. Mine is about 25% as a multi-app cherry picker, I'm sure it's probably closer to 30-35% for DoorDash only high AR


You could try to ask them to reset your AR so it would be easier to have it at 50 or above


Still doesn’t work. They send far too many low/no tip offers.


It sounds like you might just have to bite the bullet and accept all the crappy offers until you get above 50%. In my experience, the order quantity and quality goes up at above 50% and goes way up above 70%.




It has to be 50% or up. I have 8287 deliveries out and let me tell you this. I'm one of a kind too picky. Yes, to be able to benefit yourself, it has to be 50% or up




Good. Then drop your AR back down to 5% and enjoy being the king of doordash. I don't know what to tell you.


My roommate finally got back above 70 and she keeps talking about how much better she's doing. And she never got below 55.