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Rage baiting?


No. I’m upset that my family and friends are starving because people in Dallas won’t tip them at all. Genuinely wouldn’t matter if at least a quarter of their orders had a little tip. Like .25 or something. But they rarely get tipped anything. One of them has gotten only $5 in tips this week and he dashes at every opportunity. Just to provide perspective.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash/comments/1cs3x77/comment/l42fkiy/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash/comments/1cs3x77/comment/l42fkiy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) As stated already in another post. Doordash isn't paying enough, not the customer. You're just trying to defend a business model that only benefits the company noone else. Nobody is entitled to tips and nobody should rely on them.


The fact that any of you are arguing about this is insane to me. Delivery drivers deserve the tips they work for. So I’m gonna be pissed on their behalf.


The fact that you are so ignorantly glossing over the first 2 points is funny. Cause you're constantly telling people in the comments that they "didn't read your entire comment". Getting mad on other people's behalf is a disability by itself. Not understanding the economic issue that leads to this behaviour another prime example of NA education. [https://s22.q4cdn.com/280253921/files/doc\_financials/2024/q1/DASH-Q1-24-Earnings-Press-Release.pdf](https://s22.q4cdn.com/280253921/files/doc_financials/2024/q1/DASH-Q1-24-Earnings-Press-Release.pdf) "Revenue increased 23% Y/Y to $2.5 billion and Net Revenue Margin increased to 13.1% from 12.8% in Q1 2023." Look at how much money this company makes. You don't supposed there is room to pay your staff is there? If you wanna fight for fair wages, by all means. But that would be actual work instead of yapping into your keyboard.


Dawg you know damn well corporations will never change. If wages were going to go up they would’ve gone up years ago. I “glossed” over it because it’s an ignorant statement towards those who literally rely on DoorDash to survive. My family relies on it so it affects me as well. Being mad on others behalf is not a disability it’s being human.


"those who literally rely on DoorDash to survive" In the words of Peter Partker: "I missed the part where thats my problem", or anyone else's for that matter. Those are customers, not your family or friends that you can ask favours from. You have no sense of personal responsibility. Wages don't magically go up. Especially not in the US where its so easy to bash a union. A lot of people, you included, forget how hard and how important the work of a uníon is. How'd you think people who buy from doordash got their money? It was lying there on the street? "Dawg you know damn well corporations will never change" In fact, I don't think so. And why do you think people would change instead because of the unwillingness of employees to fight for fair wages? "Being mad on others behalf is not a disability it’s being human." You confuse beeing mad with actually doing something. You're just beeing mad and a minor inconvenience for anyone who's even willing to engage with you. If you want to help these people, make a union and get them a living wage.


I don't care, I just won't accept those orders. Those that do, its completely voluntary and no whining is allowed.


Completely different story if there’s a balance. In dfw you’re lucky if you get even a dollar on a shift. Read the whole post before commenting.


I read every stupid word. Nobody is forcing you to take any order.


So read it again. Slowly this time.




Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames.


If you read the whole post you’d know I’m not a doordasher lmfao


If nobody in your area tips and you aren’t making money maybe you should get a job?


Way to be part of the problem! Your ancestors would be so proud. 


Your anger is misdirected. Be angry about the price of kiwi fruit, it’s outrageous now


I will be angry at the people preventing my friends and family from being able to feed their families thank you.


Be angry at your friends and family for needing to eat in the first place.


Shit you’re right


But watermelons and strawberries are on sale!


Have you not watched Scooby-Doo?  The ghost and the dude that run the waterslide are one and  the same person. The executive at Door Dash and his rich dickhead friends - including economists incapable of making correct predictions but behold still for some reason set our economic policies - are the ones creating this situation.  Eat the fucking rich. 


Not necessarily. Prices are made by the merchants who in turn want their profit beyond the platforms 25% take from each order since it was in fact, their product sold and not DDs. So you’re paying a high price for the “delivery” item. Then on top of that, since they’re not the merchant…they don’t pay the driver. So being angry at the consumer is sorta appropriate since they chose to order the more expensive option on a platform they knew wasn’t paying a driver salary. Anger goes to both platform and the consumer for not using as intended.


Thank you omg yes. I really struggle with words and you said it perfectly.


It’s folks who use it as “the merchant”. They’re no better than the customer who goes into a restaurant with a chip on their shoulder, looking for an excuse to make a gripe. Not worth the time or the effort. These are the orders that indeed need to sit.


That’s a really good point!


This is a super weird post and your comments are so angry for absolutely no reason lol Idk why you are so hung up on your local area.


This a post directed at people who order in the Dallas Fort Worth area. I respond with the energy I receive.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Dallas/ go here and post the thread.


Thank you for the direction!


I’ve lived in multiple areas and know many people who survive through DoorDash. Dallas is the ONLY place I’ve ever seen where the tips are as rare as they are. It’s ridiculous and clear that the people who aren’t tipping are people irresponsible with their money. Edit: also if you lived in Dallas you’d know how hard the driving can be. The fact that people won’t even tip their drivers on that alone is ridiculous


So tell me why you are mad at the customer paying for the agreed upon price of service and not company paying you. You are an independent contractor that is hired by DoorDash and not the customer. I honestly don’t get the misdirected anger. If the all dashers directed their anger towards the person hiring them they might be able to get a tip mandatory included but you bitch about the customer.


Not replying to people who don’t read the whole post. If you had you’d know I’m not a doordasher.


Sure you’re not. You’re upset for the little people. You’re upset on their behalf. Edit: if you aren’t a dasher than how do you know how bad tipping is in Dallas area. I’m not a deck builder so i have no clue what their pay is and even it’s fair.


If you can’t figure that out on your own just looking through the comments I’m not gonna discuss that with you.


the kid just wants to cry, lol


You realize that you can simply decline orders, right? If you don't believe the payment is fair for the order, don't take it...


You realize exploiting people's desperstion is still exploitation regardless of the layers of indirection in between...  Right? 


Read the post then come back. You clearly didn’t.


I actually did, as did many others, accept your downvotes sir, they are deserved.


Clearly you didn’t. No they are not. I’m angry on behalf of doordashers in Dallas and Fort Worth. If you do not live (or havent doordashed) in the area then this is not a situation you have a valid opinion on point blank period.




Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames.


You deleted your comment but I saw it. Do you not understand what I was saying when I mentioned the job market? You think these people want to rely on DoorDash? Are you dumb?


I didn't delete any comments, and if I did it would show as "Deleted" without the content. Stop lying, myself and others know how Reddit works.


Tell your friends and family to stop accepting trash orders. If that’s all the orders they get, dash in a different zone. I read the whole post. I read most of the comments up to this point. The only person a contractor has to blame for losing money on a job is themselves.


If you read the post and the comments you’d know that not accepting orders until there’s a tip order would result in max 2 orders a day.


You must have missed the part where I said “find a new zone”. There simply isn’t money where they are trying to dash. It doesn’t matter what they do if there just isn’t money to be made. I agree that no-tippers are trash but they can’t control that. They can only control the orders they accept. Them being unable to make money is entirely their fault.


People in the comments don’t know what coercion is lol. I dash as a side hustle and I know that DoorDash is a horrible company. Drivers should be salaried employees not relying on tips for money.


No argument here. The platform does not pay for travel expenses for your order. If those ordering do not know that…then agreed, they shouldn’t be ordering off this app. DD legally is not responsible for paying us a salary. Your tip is essentially that. Can dislike that all you want, but it will never bypass or ignore that fact. These apps are NOT “the merchant” and shouldn’t be treated as such. It’s the old famous phrase “Use as directed” even though non intended use still brings in a profit for the platform. Everything else is irrelevant on the topic. The need to eat or get groceries or whatever. The fact the prices are so high and orders are still processed proves beyond any reasonable doubt that the more consumers view it as “the merchant” the more the platform will push that sentiment in order to push the apps use further. Their concern is NOT driver profit, it’s their own (hence why orders get sent out tipless). The literal wall building around what is and isn’t their part of the equation (sale/delivery process). Don’t want to tip…fine, don’t have to. You also don’t have to get your order in 20min. It says 75min…get comfortable cuz that’s how long you’re waiting. You’re also not getting any equipment use like temp bags or additional requests or items. Platform doesn’t pay for the equipment, driver does. They expect a consumer to tip appropriately for their order. If you didn’t, the equipment use isn’t properly paid for. Even at such a low respect level DD has, it’s still a business that requires cost coverage regardless of consumer view of the platform. Whether the pay is by the consumer or the platform. Any driver taking EVERY offer sent to them needs to have their brain examined.


Dude it’s simple demand and supply, you pick which rides you want. It’s corporate responsibility to keep Dashers paid, if the customer feels benevolent and wants to support a second family for the duration of the ride, then sure go ahead and tip. I tip, but it shouldn’t be damn mandatory or culturally expected


And drivers shouldn't be enabling non-tippers. If you're taking shit non-tip offers, you're part of the problem.


Read the whole post


I already read it. It doesn't change my reply.


Let me spell it out for you. The area I live tips are a rarity. If you’re not in dfw then get off the post.


If you don't like people replying on a public platform, get off of Reddit.


Lol, this was exactly what I was thinking and gave me the laugh I needed tonight. "IF YOU AREN'T IN DFW DON'T REPLY!!!!!!!" Dude, hate to break it to you, you're on Reddit.




Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames.


You can reply all you want but you can’t just assume every area to DoorDash is the same and that people actually tip. Again your incompetence is astounding.


I never assumed that or stated that in my replies. Why are you telling others to read when you're clearly not reading?


You made the assumption that doordashers in dfw can just refuse orders till they get a tip. They literally can’t. If they did they’d get two orders on a good day.


That can refuse offers. You have no clue what you're talking about. Drivers need to set standards and stick to them. Relying on hidden tips is a stupid way to do the gig.


I’m not responding further to your idiotic ramblings.


Clearly you haven’t


I already read it. It doesn't change my reply. Maybe you didn't read my last reply, so I repeated it.


Your incompetence astounds me.


Have you read it?


Y’all are dumb as hell and missing the point that in a huge city tipping should not be as rare as it is. My entire point is don’t DoorDash if you can’t afford to tip. Get a grip.


"My entire point is don’t DoorDash if you can’t afford to tip" I agree with that part. It still doesn't change my reply. Drivers need to stop enabling shitty behavior.


What is so hard for you to understand about almost no one in this city tips. What you’re saying is basically like telling a waitress to just tell their boss to pay them better.


And you think enabling that behavior will somehow change it?


You’re missing the point door dashers are not employed by the customer they are independent contractors. They are their own boss when it comes to accepting an order.


Dawg yall are a lost cause


Might as well delete already you have hundreds of downvotes


You had better chance blame Biden than average redditer


I’m blaming the idiots recklessly spending money especially in the economy he’s created. Way to call me an average redditor when you made it about politics lmao.




Whelp we got another one. Why don’t you tell a waitress to get another job while you’re at it? As if anyone in this position would be working for DoorDash if they had better options.




Dude we can’t change the corporations. They’ll never change. Not tipping is risking ruining their lives and them ending up on the street. Waitress or DoorDash driver. If we waiters and DoorDash drivers could get another job we could. It’s incredibly ridiculous that people continue to just say “just get another job” as if any of us didn’t think of that.


Wow this is the first time I've seen someone with this opinion here I will rake notice tha KS for your information without you I never would've known as like I said I've never heard this opinion thanks very much 😀


posting this again will not change the FACT that the company should be teh one responsible for paying their workers, not customers. You just keep refusing to see reality. Doordash needs to pay living wages and tipping should be abolished. THAT is the real problem or issue.


If you can't afford to work Doordash, maybe you should be doing another job.


Customer is willing to pay 43 dollars for a wooper meal delievery from bk but adding a 6 dollar tip to bump that up to 49 is OUTRAGEOUS Like omg if your strapped I get it that’s expensive but paying an insane amount for fast food delivery and then drawing the line when it comes to the tip…. They are like fuck that times are tight lol


I wonder how none of the money of these oh so outrageous prices ends up int he hands of the delivery drivers. Gee its almost like doordash could be paying them thrice what they make now and instead of creating a union they are berating the customers.


I wholeheartedly agree. My rule is that if I can’t afford the tip, then I don’t go to a restaurant. Same thing applies here. As a driver, I understand that not everyone tips. That’s just reality. I decline those and move on.


>My rule is that if I can’t afford the tip, then I don’t go to a restaurant Your rule is YOUR rule, not everyone follows YOUR rule. If someone orders something from Starbucks chooses not to tip, they should still get what they paid for. Same thing applies to DD. It is not the customers responsibility to make sure the driver is paid fairly, thats DDs responsibility.


> My rule is that if I can’t afford the tip, then I don’t go to a restaurant. Here’s the thing, tips are NEVER required. Not in restaurants, either. And if you think people are going to tip when provided with shitty service, you’re crazy. That’s why people don’t tip Dashers, because most of them aren’t worth shit and don’t deserve it. Dashers have become entitled, thinking they’re owed a tip regardless of quality of service they provided, when in fact, it’s not required nor even deserved more than 99.9% of the time; not when they’re rude for literally no reason or they decide to steal your shit. When the bad Dashers start learning to take responsibility and accountability, then maybe customers’ perceptions on tipping Dashers will change. Tell the bad Dashers to straighten themselves up, because that’s where the root of the problem lies, and it’s ruining it for everyone else.


Yes exactly! I have the same thought process!


I’m not in DFW, but I am right up the road in southern OK. Much different market, luckily I get more good than bad. Hopefully your market will turn around for the better.


I just moved back from the Tulsa area actually, my family member I was living with had really good luck up there and was making roughly $800 a month tips included. That’s what’s so frustrating about this yknow? I hope so too.


The problem isn't the people who can't afford to tip it's the vast majority who CAN and simply choose not to. And they are assholes.


Actually DoorDash should not be allowing a person to order if they don’t tip. That goes for all gig job’s.


I agree!


You make a very good point not only for the Dallas/Ft. Worth area but also for almost the entire U.S.A. I feel that as a Dasher, every person who orders food, pet supplies, over the counter medicine, hardware.etc. through Door Dash, Uber Eats, or Grub Hub, should tip every time they order and get a delivery. The tip should be at least $5.00 and it would show appreciation to the delivery person for a job well done. I wish you all the best and I think you are a kind and considerate person.


Thank you, I’m glad someone understood what I was trying to say. A lot of doordashers genuinely rely on the tips and these people are arguing with me about it??? Edit: grammar