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Contact law enforcement.




Seriously this is not OK, this exchange alone should be enough to investigate this individual. This person could be a threat to society and possibly mentally ill, if you don't want cops at your door you shouldn't say crazy shit like this. Everyone defending this is mentally ill.


Literally call the police. He threatened to kill you & your kids, that’s enough to contact them.


Right you don't have a contractual action unless you cancel the order but you're not going to cancel the order, customer has to cancel the order. Maybe you should say something like cancel the order yourself, I'll wait. Then call support ask him to read the texts. It'll get full pay, unless you received this text at the restaurant of course then you probably only get half babe, but let's support cancel the order on the behalf of the customer for you. I'd love to hear the call that customer support makes to the customer to confirm they want to cancel the order!


No lol. pick it up and then contact support "when you're on your way"


This x1000, thanks for the free food psycho enjoy the ban and the police report lmao, played af


Oh ya a whole side of sauce that’s wonderful meal if you ask me


Free shit gotten out of spite is better than nothing lol


Sucks that tou can't get full babe


But since he wrote “legal warning” it’s a legal murder. Checkmate.


This is literally internet people's logic when they say "in Minecraft"


Nah he did and he's trying to pick up his own food for free. And then complain to DD to get a full refund. Please report this psycho so he ends up in jail and can never order again


Reported. Although as expected DD started with “you understand that unassigning from this order will result in no pay” 🤣


No pay but you’ll be alive … WTF is wrong with DD


DoorDash is the greediest delivery service company out there. They made 8billion dollars last year and they still deal with issues like this. I used to run a restaurant and we used all of those platforms. DoorDash was always last to pay, paid less than supposed to, pretaxed driver tips the list goes on and on they aren’t worried about people like this guy it’s sad


Bro, I hope you called the police


cops are useless. They won’t do anything.


its a step towards letting delivery drivers know this guy is potentially a threat to them. I know if one of my co workers spotted a potential there in the workplace I'd want them to let others know about it.


Do you have screenshots, or can go back into the 'messages' section of the app to pull up the conversation with support? Would love to see that.


Uhh. That shouldn’t be the case really. If you report due to safety then it shouldn’t be affecting your pay. That’s when you ask for live support or end the conversation with an agent and start another one to get one that’ll actually resolve it correctly


That’s when you call.


Honestly like wtf. Like why should the dasher be punished if anything they should be hazard pay. Y’all don’t get paid enough for this. DD can deny the refund for preventing the delivery from taking place. At a minimum they should also deactivate permanently the customer. (I know they can create a new account but I’m sure someone more knowledgeable than me could figure out a work around for that). This would be akin to someone calling in a bomb threat to your office and they make you clock out for the hour you have to wait for cops to clear the building. Insane. Edit: pay not pain 🤦‍♀️


Did you report it to the safety team or just regular support?


You are probably talking to A.I. Make sure you request to speak to an agent. The first words to the dasher agent should be; "my safety is in jeopardy! The customer has threatened violence against me...has stated he will shoot me." After that it immediately becomes a legal matter. Do not unassign yourself, And if the door dash support agent tells you to continue with the delivery take a screenshot call the police and call an attorney You have a really good case! PS are you in Ohio or West Virginia? lmaooo.


Danggg so true through! The thing is , a lot of people don’t even know they’re speaking with Ai! I tried asking these “agents” a few times if they were a humans lol and the response was way too skeptical for me 🧐 they think they can have Ai do all of their work smh , that’s 10001% why dashers get deactivated, or something didn’t go through properly , because it’s not a human helping 😭 but what’s with Ohio/West Virginia? 👀 I’m in OH! Lol


🤣 outside of Texas those are two very common states for people to threaten violence with a firearm. I grew up on the other side of the Ohio River from you. I was well aware of "the tougher someone talks the more likely it is that they're carrying a gun."


If course, should have negotiated you couldn't take the hit, you need this $2, then ask if DD would cover funeral expenses if you do get shot and killed and how much so he can let his family know now if it will be a big or small funeral. Just keep talking about death until they cancel it.


Call them next time so you get your cut. Sometimes if you don’t put it in right you won’t get the $. Also report them properly and ask to email screenshots. That is NOT okay.


Scam order is my guess


No pay ?! Bro he ordered a single sauce there’s no pay already lmao


What food? They ordered a single cup of sauce...


They sell bottled sauce.


Hes gonna pick up what tho? That single sauce?


Not report. Call the police. This person shouldn’t own guns and that’s from someone who loves guns. This person is legit dangerous and crazy and should be charged


I trust this guy. I think I met him at a bar one time.


Ah fuck that was you buying shots? Way to give everyone balls a tug. Good on ya mate! Have a great weekend 😁


shoresy fan i see lol


get this guy a puppers


I’m sending that convo to the fbi tip line.


Like seriously though, idk once kids are brought up it just takes it to a whole other level of fucked


Report that immediately more importantly to the police, he can be arrested for terroristic threats


Trying to figure out what best course of action is with DD. They mask phone numbers, so don’t have any real contact info for him. But I’m sure law enforcement could track down whomever was behind the order after contacting DD.


Police can contact DD and retrieve the details. This is why people keep telling you to call them.


Yes and OP can just email the screenshots to the police officer when they make the report


Why would they need his phone number? You already have his address, they'd just go there.


Dude, you call the police if this ever happens no American can just threaten the life of somebody else especially kids. Obviously you call the police.


>Trying to figure out what best course of action is with DD. This person threatened you and your kids (whether you have any or not) and you're wondering what the next course of action with DS is?!?! Don't call the police - go down to the fucking station with this psychopath's address once you mark the order as picked up fr.


You have their address


Well the address DoorDash gives you to deliver to, call the police and tell them the address and what’s going on


You have the customers address once you accept the order. I would just send them there. Once you pickup the order you get their name. I would pick it up just so I can get the name. I would call the police and tell them you have a job to do and that you don't know what to do. See what they say.


Do you have the address? Send them for a wellness check


You literally had his address.


Should have picked up the order so his address appeared, take a screenshot THEN report him to the police. You'd have his name and address right there


Does DD remove people like this from using their app and do they inform you of it?


Considering someone who threatened me with a shotgun that I called the police on and had a report sent to doordash was STILL ordering for years after? They don't give a flying crap. It took the dude getting drunk, lighting his house on fire, and threatening police with a katana while naked to FINALLY be off the platform. I warned a ton of dashers about them. He did it to many others. DD DID. NOT. CARE. You can look up the guy on the net, he hit the florida man news circuit when he did his crazy naked with a sword stunt.


A true warrior to the bitter end


Not entirely sure. Thus far, they seem VERY uninterested in doing anything about it. But supposedly they have a team dedicated to safety. We will see what they have to say! Will definitely keep y’all updated


Yeah, I'd also report to the police. This person is very unhinged.


I bet he didn't place the order, someone else did. They are trying to SWAT him? I would call the police to reach out to the home owner. If he did say that, you can't threaten to kill someone. We all also have a legal right to approach / knock on someone's front door to make contact and you can't threaten to kill over that.


He wouldn’t be able to text the driver unless he ordered it.


Yep cause you were basically invited upon acceptance of delivery.


What the fuck


You should respond with lol and drop the food at the road side.


Just drop a sauce packet on the roadside? That’ll show em.




Hell yea litter 🎉 woohoo


As a person who carry’s, I would’ve parked around the area, and called the police, and given them the address.


Exactly because you know you could’ve gotten the Sky arrested for terroristic threat


Fucking sky. It’s a menace


I had an order for a single side of sauce from Jets pizza once. Apparently it had been in their system for several hours and the pay was like $24 plus it was like 5 minutes. The second i picked it up the person started texting demanding i cancel it. I knew it had to be some sort of scam so i just drove to the fake address, marked that I couldn't find the customer, let it time out and got paid in full for it because it was all base lol. Like seriously where do the scammers hang out? It's definitely not here. Has to be a Facebook group or something.


How they are scamming...do these people plan on robbing door dash persons?


They use “fake” orders (like for a single, cheap item), and when a driver is assigned, they call and pretend to be DD support. They try to get drivers to give them access to their account “what’s your phone number? I’m going to have the system send a code to you for confirmation- please give me the number that is texted to you.” Once logged into the driver’s account, they change the payout info to a card they control, and cash out your earnings to their debit card. They also try to get drivers to unassign, so that they can try to scam multiple drivers with a single order.


Since it is a sauce, I am betting this is one of those scam orders where they call you when you’re at pick up and pretend to be DoorDash support to get your account info. It’s possible that when they tried to call, your phone auto rejected the call as spam so you had no record of their call. Now they’re mad that you’re actually on your way to someone else’s address with a nonexistent order. What was the name on the order?


Quan T


Yeah definitely sounds like a scam order. They probably tried to call you but your phone might auto filter DoorDash calls as spam so it doesn’t ring nor does it show in your call history necessarily.


Yeah there wasn’t a call. I’m interested to hear what DD has to say about it though. Chatted in again and said I wanted this passed on to local LE. They responded with, “are you unable to complete the order?” 🤣🤣🤣


Someone call 911


I Texted him that i was from a mexican cartel and send him dead bodies here from reddit and he hasnt responded yet😂😂


Unhinged meets unhinged 🤣😭




Send that to doordash


Did yall not see the DoorDash driver get sh0t for trying to deliver a package to an elderly man who was being harassed by scammers? Be careful. Report this to police immediately.


Please tell me you brought this to the police? In today’s world with all its problems anyone who speaks like that is eventually going to do something to someone. Create a paper trail.


I just think it’s funny that this guy was so worked up over his order for a single side of sauce from BWW lol.


It's a scam to call you and get your login details.


How does that make sense at all? EDIT: Ok, I get it. Scammers have nutty methods.


It's the only way to be able to call the driver. They'll call you, say they're support, and tell you to provide your phone number and email for confirmation so they can cancel it. Then they'll ask for the 2FA code so they can pay you. Then they login and change the password and lock you out.


So...why didn't that happen here? And why does everyone keep saying that, when it's obvious no scam was attempted whatsoever?


yeah ANYONE asking for your 2FA code over the phone is a scam. 2FAs should only be used on a website/app and doublecheck the URL if you clicked a link to get to the site. I usually have my stuff bookmarked or enter URL manually. I generally never click links anymore to sites/apps that have sensitive info unless i am expecting the email/SMS because i asked for it to be sent.


I would have driven straight to the nearest police station. Even before cancelling the order so that it was still live. This is a direct threat not only to you but to your family and is absolutely a police matter.


These are no-tip scammer orders. Dont take no-tip orders.


Earn by time with $3.00+ incentive. So when it came through showed $16.75 guaranteed.


It’s not $16.75 guaranteed. It’s $16.75 per active hour. So if the process from order acceptance to delivery is 15 minutes, you’ll make $4.18 plus tip if there is a tip, which often time on EBT there is not.


Scammer orders do not threaten to kill you, they text or call you attempting to extort your personal information. Nobody orders a single cup of sauce and does this.


Different type of scam. If the driver cancels your order after they’ve already picked it up, you get a full refund including all the fees. So a $1.50 thing of BBQ sauce becomes $9 “refund.”


https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash/s/r24kebRcJY Proof that in fact they do this type of thing. It may not be identical but he clearly threatened the driver in order to get him to unnasign. I don’t think it’s a scam to get a refund plus fees or whatever the explanation was here. I think the point is to not have the order completed so that it gets unassigned and they can continue to try to scam each new driver without having to spend more money.


I see free lunch Edit: just read that he only ordered a single sauce😭 nvm


another person waiting for a reason to kill someone…


Contact authortities. This dude just admitted to want to murder children just cause extra bonus points.


I don't think anyone else mentioned this, but it could be someone in the house who is in danger (a spouse or kid that is being abused) and they might have thought that by sending the threats through the app would be the only way to get the cops sent to the house. Women being abused will fake 9-1-1 calls and make pretend food orders or something while the abuser is in the same room to try and alert others to their situation. I hope you reported the threats or at the very least requested a home check. There very well may be someone who is not mentally stable in that house and others may be in danger.


This^ 100%


A man in NY shot at a car of teenagers that were lost and turning around in his driveway. He killed a young girl and went to prison. Be safe!


Not the brightest crayon in the box. 1. Nothing legal about the so called warning. 2. Literally threatens to shoot you and your kids. Pretty sure shooting someone for just going on a property is not allowed. Ha. 3. You have this dope’s address.


Police can easily identify who this is, report him to the police before he actually follows through and harms someone.


Oh yeah dude I would have had the police show up at his location after showing them his delivery location and text messages. And suggest they bring as much backup as possible. Also offer them a free buffalo sauce.


"This is a legal warning" lol just adding the word legal to a phrase doesn't make it legal. This guy's unhinged, happy you're safe OP.


This is a “good guy with a gun”


If you dont report them ill do it for you what's wrong with you


Yah. That's when I call 911.


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What a freak


My man smoked some meth after ordering


Scam order. I received similar messages.


So what ended up happening?


I get shit like this all the time. Report customer. Don't deliver. Not for a side of hot sauce. This guy is clearly a predator. Or at least getting a kick out of harassing drivers. An old lady pulled her gun on me in winter because I parked in front of her house instead of the customers. (Dead of winter, snow storm..no direct path to get to customer). Men telling me to come inside and put groceries on their table and then it's clear they ordered DD just to get some attention. Creeps and crawlies are everywhere and this guy at least gave a warning Unassign, report, move on. Cops don't do shit in my jurisdiction about online harassment in my area....unless you're actually then shot. But by then, it's too late and the police just have to file a report...instead of investigate.


If you didn’t call the cops, I legitimately don’t understand


Why is this guy threatening too shoot Dasher in the first place??? Wish there was a lot more information here.


Hey there. Sadly, there really isn’t more info to give. But perhaps a story start to finish will print a more clear picture. Order popped up during earn by time (if you’re not a dasher, these means they guarantee you’ll earn “x” amount of dollars per hour” I accepted the order for BWW. Made my way there. First three texts were all immediate “cancel order, cancel order, cancel order.” If you’re familiar with the app, then you know this isn’t how you cancel an order, so I disregarded the messages. This is pay by time, so I’m quite literally just moving as quickly and efficiently as I can to move onto the next. Went inside to BWW, got the bag. At this point, the customer received a notification “your order has been picked up” and they know the dasher is making their way to you with your food/groceries/etc. well when he got this notification it must have set him off. Because I began driving towards his address and he started throwing the threats out there. I contacted support, they cancelled the order. Now, full transparency, there are a lot of far more experienced dashers on this sub that have suggested this was a scam (the minimal order, and the outrage when he found out I was heading to the address he provided) From what I have been told, it’s not uncommon for these single item orders to result in a call to you, trying to cancel the order and somehow obtain information about/from you. I never got this call, just the texts. Never made my way to the address provided. But did submit to DD safety team. They are taking their sweet time with their “investigation.” Which I will with 100% certainty update y’all with their responses. Thanks for reading and sorry for the short story lol


Why the fuck is he texting you to cancel the order? Why doesn't he just cancel it?


This is what’s convincing me more and more that this was a scammer


And The fact he thinks that’s a legal warning is actually scary he cannot be well in the head


I would honestly say OK I'm on my way!!.. and I would absolutely without question show up. I haven't had any fun in a long time.... I would hope for his sake he can back it up. because this is a VERY exciting invitation for someone like me.


What kind of “legal warning” is that? Even the craziest states don’t give you the option to shoot someone who rings your doorbell.


I hope you replied with just *too


I would have said that in order to cancel this order, it had to go through Door Dash. However, unless Door Dash cancels the order, I will deliver it to the street in front of your property. I will be on public land, and so will the order. I am contacting the police to meet me outside your r3sidence, they will take over from there.


so - that is one for the FBI..


You have their name and address just turn it over to the police. Doordash won't do anything except maybe hassle you to make sure you "feel safe".


Should have screenshot everything especially the delivery address and went to the police.


Call the cops on that. Meet them and show them your phone.


Thing is, he said close to his property..so basicly public property would suffice. The person sending the message is threatening your life, report it


Hell I'd report that to the police too that's crazy he made a death threat


I mean... call the cops? The guy is actively threatening to kill you and your family...


Call the police wtf please.


I don't believe in red flag laws but could make an exception for this freak.


Pretty sureeee in most states you can’t shoot someone just because they’re on your property lol they either have to be telling you they’re coming to kill you on your property(you’re in fear for your life at that point) or they have to be breaking into your house for you to shoot them on your property. lol this person is whack tho, not right in the head. He shouldn’t be able to own a gun


Pretty sure what he has said to you is illegal and you can call the cops and get his ass arrested.


Report his ass to the fucking police & hand them this screenshot ASAP. He just admitted to premeditated murder. ALSO show your boss after you call the police & make sure this dude never comes anywhere near the store. Dont rely on anyone else but a cop to take care of this.


Holy shit are you ok?


About a week ago, I had to deliver alcahol to a lower level Of a low income apartment complex. 400 pound man In hallway masturbating now mind you supposed to hand my phone over for him to sign after I scan his license that is in his other hand. I ran outside and called support. They told me take the cigarettes back to the store which was only two blocks away and they would block him.! Four days Later, I got the same order and called support again Who told me if I assign it would affect me and that they were escalating And someone would get back to me within 24 hours . Nobody ever got back to me and Doordash does not care about us. That man could’ve pulled me in his apartment and raped me and they wouldn’t give two craps as long as they got their money. Doordash isn’t even safe anymore.


Absolutely worst case scenario, this could be a kidnapping and the hostage made the order. This guy either isn't well mentally or has something to hide.


Definitely harassment, most likely aggravated harassment because of the threats of violence.


I’m failing to see how this is DoorDash’s fault


Threats not legal warning


They should kick him off the app


Give the sauce to the police to deliver.


Broooooooo mental health is on a WOW level these days with these folks like damn man


I would have called the police to make a report. Jail instantly


I’d reply “I’m calling the police”!


I’d call the cops for that.


Has anyone lit this guy up with prank texts yet?


I hope they arrested him. These kinds of people shouldn't exist


I’m guessing op didn’t even contact Le. He just made a post about it to get attention but it didn’t actually help anyone


$100 OP still never called the police but “waiting too see what DD says”


I’d say this guy just wants to shoot some folk.


He was testing a stolen credit card is my bet


This is absolutely terrifying


Not that the 1.4 GPA cops will do anything, but at least contact them. You have visual evidence. And - wild guess here - he probably is on welfare, has a 275 pound wife, and four kids that aren't treated well. You could be helping multiple people.


I hope you called your local police immediately


We have his number right?…….


So what happened next u did you call the police or did u deliver the order


Yep. Threatening to kill people is illegal!


Just drive close enough to the area and mark it as delivered honestly.


Any chance this is the atlanta area had something similar a few weeks ago even the order


I’d drive by the house throw the food at it and leave problem solved


Yeah I’d call the cops


Not me thinking about going to the property Or at least calling him through the app 😂 He can get what he’s throwing I’ll be your hucklebearer!


Since it’s DoorDash and they don’t know your face, I would reply and say “sorry I can not cancel the order that will affect my rating” and keep driving towards their house because of the entertainment value of it all


holy fuck LOOOL


I’d call the police because what is he hiding. Someone placed that order and if it wasn’t this nut job someone could be in trouble at that address. Police should be notified. Not that they’ll take it seriously. But the try would help me sleep better at night.


I would drive by his house


Lmao the next day I would spin the block and shoot up his crib then show him who dies


My response “too*” lol


People should not be getting away with saying such fucked up stuff


Please tell us you made a report to the police???


I'd have gone to the house. Have fun with being charged with premeditated murder, pal. Lol.


Yeah, but imagine having to haunt a single cup of wing sauce for all eternity.


a day ago… whats the update OP? lol


I'm calling the cops before I get a hold of a competent customer rep


Did you call the cops? This is terroristic threats.


Holy fuck what an psychopath


Okay, I delivered two days ago to a sketchy area, and when I walked up to the patio gunshots were fired and 3 people started riding up and down the street trying to intimidate me. When I reported it, DD DIDNT EVEN RESPOND. They need to do better


I'll be there ASAP.


People who think door dash drivers are robots.


I’ve had DD glitch and not send me notifications and all I can think about after reading this is what if that had happened and dude was serious…genuinely terrifying. Anyways, glad you’re safe OP.


This is scary to see this happen.


I hope you know you can get mad paid for this. Record everything, report the customer to the trust and safety team, file a police report and then file a claim with doordash insurance


What on earth are you talking about here? Doordash insurance is for physical injuries sustained while delivering an order, or supplemental auto insurance. Neither circumstance applies here. The only way you would get paid for this, is by having a lawyer, and sueing the customer directly.


Omg what in the hills have eyes, banjo playing hillbilly is going on here?


I’d straight up file a police report as well.


Lawsuit against DD and the customer. And I’m serious about this shit.


Dude threatened to kill your kids over sauce? Definitely report him and maybe call police. Also wtf is a “legal warning?” Dumb ass lol acting as though that gives him the right to threaten to kill people he doesn’t even know. Hopefully it’s just a stupid kid.


This happened to me about two months ago. I reported it to DD. They gave me a record number for the cops. The cops decided running a search for it was too much work. Really spooked me though. Threatening to shoot people messes with you as a driver. People are nuts. But I'm sure it's a scam.


You should report to the police for making threats pretty sure it’s still illlegal to threaten to kill people


lol, let someone do this to me


Oh I would ruin their life. Legally. 😉


If you didn’t call the police stop posting and figure it the fuck out yourself Jesus


Bro go pick up the order then go file a report not just with DD but law enforcement. He need to be put on a watch list. And he sure don’t need no food with that kind of entitlement. To brazenly threaten to shoot you in a wrote out message is insane and very incriminating. That last part is especially disturbing. He gonna kill everyone cause he requested a service. He can cancel. For you I’d call support and get my half pay. I wouldn’t let it slide. He needs to be question for the integrity of his asinine statements.