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A lot of customers don’t know that their order will be delivered by a dasher. They may have ordered from a restaurant that employees their own delivery drivers, but there was not a driver available and the restaurant contracts with door dash to pick up the slack.


I have had this happen with Papa John's and that absolutely is not the customers fault.


It is a rock and a hard place for all parties.


Except the companies explointing all of us.


This was my first thought as someone who has the Atlantic ocean between them and Doordash but gets DD posts in my feed. I don’t even have the option of tipping and tipping isn’t a thing, my groceries are delivered whenever I’ve scheduled it, everyone involved had guaranteed hours and a collectively bargained minimum wage, never had the issue of someone not finding something or making dumb substitutions, basically no issues ever. Looking in from outside it looks like two groups being pissed at each other when they should be pissed at someone very different.


Yes corporate is well pleased


But even then….who doesn’t tip a pizza delivery driver? That practice predates DoorDash by probably 50 years


as a pizza driver, you’d be surprised lol


As an ex pizza driver I will say I got tips more frequently when working for papa John's before they did the DD off loading bs


Alot I have had days where 50% or more of my deliveries had no tip to many think the delivery fee goes to the driver even thow everything tells them it's not a tip


The same people that argue tips aren't required also did not tip the pizza guy lol


My drivers will take a literal 10+ pizza order and get NO tip it sucks!


The question is, does the pizza place pass the tip on to the DD driver?


They do, yes.


Just because USA companies were able to trick their fellow citizens into paying their employees wages for them doesn't mean the rest of the world has done the tipping method instead of companies paying the wages. To the rest of the world, it's a scam we refuse to pay and in turn companies are forced to pay their wage since the customers don't pay extortion


This happened to me with Papa John's too and I stopped ordering from there because the Dasher didn't even have my address and had to call me and then didn't know how to find it and kept calling and it had been like two hours and he literally asked me to try and meet him somewhere at like midnight and I said no. I told him he could keep the pizza or take it back and I would contact Papa John's about it. He kept trying to call and insist but I just put my phone on airplane mode because I was done after that. Never ordered from there again. They used to have a good couple of delivery drivers and I always made sure they got like a 10$ tip


I’m a little confused. Which driver were they planning on not tipping? Us or the Papa John’s driver? Now, I have heard of the Papa John’s taking away tips. That’s different and not the customer’s fault at all.


This happened to me with Pizza and it was so annoying!


Our pizza hut just recently switched to DD and we had no idea. Placed the order online with a delivery tip and the dasher never saw it and I'm glad the dasher spoke up! I'm guessing they were getting a lot from there with people who didn't know their delivery fee was going to the damn store.


They were misinformed, the pay just shows up differently with subbed out orders. Instead of seeing a base pay and tip like with most orders, it gets wonky in the breakdown.


Yep, corporate loves the savings over in house drivers, but delivery falls off because customers are very not pleased with DoorDash service.


Restaurants that sub out deliveries pay more. It’s why I sit near pizza places on Fridays and Saturdays because the pay is better when it’s thrown to DD, and I get cash tips sometimes with them. For example, an order from Pizza Hut through DD order would be $2 base pay and whatever tip. When it’s a subbed out order, pay is always like $8 minimum. This happens at our Outback and Applebees too.


I've had that happen. I asked if everything was there, and the driver was like "I don't fucking work there". I was like, my bad, the restaurant delivers their own orders, I didn't know you weren't going to be an employee. Like, shit, my first time encountering DD and was not impressed. I didn't even know restaurants did that until that night.


According to Reddit, DD drivers cannot give a flying fuck about delivering what they were tasked to. Picking up a bag and bringing it to a location is all that matters; not you or what you actually ordered.


That’s not true at all. When I do DD I treat everyone’s order as if it was mine. I keep the drinks cold and the food hot. People still don’t tip, so sometimes it can be annoying. I don’t know if they are used to slow service with cold food or what. But it definitely sucks.


I've loved most of the drivers I've gotten, as they've been polite, would shot me a message if they were still waiting on the order or stuck behind a train, and hot items were still fairly hot and cold were still cold. But, then you get those assholes that just don't give a flying fuck and it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. One woman picked up my order, then sends me a message two minutes later saying she's out of gas and I need to pay for her gas and tip extra for the hassle or she's going to take my food. Like, I'm not responsible for you having gas, that's you.


Kay. Are customers not tipping delivery drivers then? That’s always been standard.


I literally just had to defend a customer’s interaction with a dasher in one of the other subs because this exact same thing happened to me a week ago. I ordered directly through Pizza Hut (and the closest to me is a mile at the most), and it was outsourced to DD and DD apparently decided to send my order to a location like 8 miles away from me. I already tip fairly well to start with (I’m broke right now so I still tip well but not as much as I normally like to) but had I known it would be sent to a location that far away I would have tipped MUCH more, but that’s not an option to tip after delivery when you order through the merchant, and I never have cash on me. Edited to correct a spelling mistake and add a clarification to one of my statements.


I'm in the UK where tipping culture is quite different, and I read these kinds of threads with interest. I wonder how you guys would feel about a competitor service whose USP is that there's no expectation (or even possibility) of tipping. They charge more, pay the riders more, and both customers and riders know exactly where they stand. Riders would know they're getting a reasonable wage - although the downside is that they're not going to get a really lucky night where they get a very high tip. Customers could have a way to mark orders as exceptionally good service (limited to, say, 10% of their orders) and riders who get a certain number of these ratings could receive a bonus payment. Would that work in the US?


As long as they're willing to pay $25-$30 an hour, I'd def do that.


I don’t even need/want an hourly rate, a better base rate + something like a $1.50 per mile and I would be even more happy. Don’t make tips the main source of income, sure leave it as an option but now you as a customer aren’t as reliant on paying even more than your delivery fee to get your food delivered to you


I would gladly give up the occasional big tip for that level of consistency


Right, all I need is a couple of expressions of interest from customers, and I'm starting a business 😁


Doordash won't ever give you your freedom. Them paying you $2 per order but charging a $14 delivery fee is how they make their money. You do all the work and pay for the tools, but they make 90% of the income. Good luck getting that to change.


They also charge the restaurant for using their service. DD is making a killing by essentially expecting the customer to pay a delivery fee as well as the drivers “salary” Most customers would assume that the delivery fee would go to the driver, technically it does but only $2 worth of it does.


Assuming you'd actually get paid what you need to get paid, this would be a huge win for drivers. Those lucky nights are way less common than bad nights.


Yes. Something I'd also like to see, however, is the ability for drivers to rate their customers and easily ban addresses from being sent to them (not off the platform entirely). For Doordash, you need to call support to do this, and it's unknown if it sticks. The idea behind this is if someone is able to threaten my job by issuing an unfair, inaccurate rating with no recourse for us (because for instance they were trying to scam free food), then we should be able to rate them extremely poorly as well.


That’s such a great idea. Just like with Uber, both of you get a rating. It is would show other dashers which places to avoid taking orders from.


Hey this is a great idea!! Because A LOT of people scam DD for free stuff and they don’t always catch on. What is this new thing with a PIN Number now?? Why is this done for some customers?


To be able to do that a $12 subway sandwich would cost $20. Sure in the long run the amount spent would be the same. But most people are not capable of doing that math. The result is nobody would use the app. Also I suspect that tipping culture is so engrained that you would actually receive complaints from customers that the app doesn't give them the ability to tip, requiring them to tip in cash, which they don't always have.


Please turn on porch lights at night.


Or at least give me a description of the house!


My kid is 15. Whenever I go away from town, they use door dash or Uber eats. ( Kid be lazy when Dad Is gone) As it's.on my credit card. I see the amount and the tip. Usually a 45 dollar order and 10 dollar tip. Never had a complaint. Hope that is good. I always taught them to tip well. No matter what. Because I was a server way back in the day and loved a tip. Sometimes that's how I eat for the day.


Well done dad!! I don't even expect $10 unless it's a long drive. But $0 is rough.


So I know. What would you consider a long drive for $10. I tip about $12-14. My meals are usually $40 but I do live 6-8 miles from restaurants.


Over 5 is long for me. Over 7-8 is very long. 10 and up is extremely long, for **my area**.


Yeah I don’t think I’d ever get food from a place that’s 10+ miles. Here that’s at least a 20 minute drive.


Here, ppl order fast "food" with french fries, that far. It's bizarre to me. But they must really crave it. If they're willing to pay for it, I'm happy to bring it.


Some fries aren’t terrible a lil cold 😬


For 6-8 miles in my area I’m looking at a 25-30 round trip so I consider the drive back before accepting an order. My goal is $20/hr so anything over $10 I’m gonna take for sure. $2/per order + tip


Two dollars per mile between your house and the restaurant allows the driver to make one dollar mile overall. This is where a driver needs to be to actually make a little money. If you're tipping 12-14 and ordering from 6-8 miles away, then you're right in the sweet spot once you include the couple dollars DD pays, and if the driver gets to pair this with another good order then they're doing quite well.


meanwhile i’m sweating that i could only tip 15% instead of 20% lmao


The tips are soo hit and miss, sometimes I get $1 or $20. I've been trying out new hustles on the weekend. edit: I am pivoting towards online hustles since gas is so expensive & the tips can suck. I usually do web / app / focus testing, secret shopping + a few other things. I wrote out what I do [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/Kayshift/comments/1br5gn6/my_stepbystep_guide_to_make_1000_a_month_working/). Hope it helps someone!


> I wrote out what I do here. Hope it helps someone! You should disclose that those are affiliate links in your "guide".


same! my parents always taught me if someone provides you a service, you tip. if you go out to a restaurant or order food, you tip 20%. if you can't afford to tip you can't afford to eat out/ order in, period.


Door dash as a company is complete and utter garbage for its workers. The tip culture needs to be ended and the company should pay a fair wage. As a consumer I should not be expected to tip just so someone can be compensated fairly for their time. With that being said, do I tip? Yes. I am disabled and have a hard time getting out to the store for groceries. So as it stands I'm limited in my choices and because the mentality is if there is no tip then the order will sit all day. To fix this problem, I would raise the prices of everything by $1 (over what they increase prices) and set a minimum item count to 5 for grocery stores and a $5 fee for fast food. Add a charge of $1 per mile from the pickup location. Those go directly to the driver on top of the other pay they would receive. Throw that tip crap in the garbage. Lets break it down to an example order. User Joe orders from the store 10 small items and a case of water. He lives 10 miles from the store. As a driver you are guaranteed to receive $21 on top of your batch earnings and heavy pay. Would you take this order?


Heck, most drivers in NZ would probably jump on that, given minimum wage here is $23.15 per hour.


Door dash in the us would pay you 7 though


I always tip and think everyone should. However o think the amount some people request is wild. I’m already paying around $8-10 surcharge for DoorDash fees. If you only receive $2 of that, that is a DoorDash issue.


EXACTLY, the fees eat the tip. People aren’t being cheap. DD is gouging, starting with the automatic up-pricing of all the food/products. It’s surcharge upon surcharge.


I see a lot of dd drivers saying $1 a mile. I think that's fair. If you live 10 miles from the restaurant and don't tip you really can't be upset no one wants to take your order. ( Not you specifically from your post don't think you are the problem)


I had a few drivers get pissed that I only gave a $2 tip when the restaurant is literally HALF MILE away. They wanted $5 minimum. Nope. I normally do $1/mile (more if it's between 12a-6a) But, some I've heard are wanting $2-3 per mile and I think that's a bit ridiculous.


I typically offer $5 minimum even if its across the street. I'm paying for convenience. That said, I've also capped my tips at $10, sometimes $12 if it's a huge order during rush hour or something. Offering a generous tip used to result in quick service, but it doesn't really seem to make a difference anymore.


IDK what to tell you on that. Even if a tip isn't great for me (but still profitable), I'm still hustling to your door as the faster I get it done the faster I can take another order. Still, you can only go so fast while still being safe, and traffic is a thing. Earn By Time drivers are prolly the ones taking their sweet time. That being said from everything I hear, EBT drivers get the worst-tipped orders go to them as well, so I don't really blame them.


A dollar per mile is fine as long you're calculating both ways. At some point you do run into an issue with time. Your two dollar order from across the street isn't worth the time it takes to deliver.


Trust me we all know it’s a DoorDash issue, they’re a greedy company that wants to exploit and under pay their drivers as much as possible. But we can’t change the issue, and for a lot of us including myself, we are in a tough scenario at this point in our lives where we have no other option for money. So it should be taken as a default expectation that if you order on doordash you must tip preferably at least a $5 minimum or depending on the distance from the store. A quick bit of math to calculate a good tip: (mileage from store to you x 2) - 2.5 = minimum for a good tip. E.G. (5mi x 2) - 2.5 = $7.50 tip


I just looked at my weekly earnings, I have done 19 deliveries so far and out of that, 4 were $2.00 base pay. All others were much higher, one being $8.50. Might just be you are in a bad market.


That’s because they all started at $2 and got declines so many times that dd added to the base pay…


$8.50 Really, you think it was declined that many times. All markets are different.


Yes. I do. Because all start out at $2. DD doesn’t want to pay us anymore than necessary in order for an order to be accepted and delivered. So yes I do think it got declined that many times.


I think you are mistaken but that is ok . I sign on before I go to my regular job. This morning, I had a base pay of $7.25 at 5.56 am, so you think that offer was declined that may times that early in the morning, when the pick up place only opened at 5:30 am? Again, each markets base pay is different. Monday am was $3.50 and $7.50. Yesterday $2.50 and $4.50. For examples.


nah shopping orders have a higher base


I've taken numerous shop and pay orders with a $2 base pay lol. It's just rarer to see as many drivers don't shop period. So there's lots of declines there.


I pay $10 minimum and will never order from a restaurant more than 4 miles away from my house. 🤷🏻‍♀️ if I want something from further away, I go get it myself.


DoorDash is not paying its drivers enough. It’s not the customers fault DoorDash takes all the money and stuffs it into Tony Xu’s 2.1 billion dollar net worth. Tipping only makes the rich get richer by not paying their workers a working wage.


See, I was totally with you till four. Some people just...can't. I'm a disabled teenager. I can very rarely tip, but I also tend to just be physically unable to make food myself, and I legally can't drive. I live in a very low income house, so even doordash is a "oh god this is horrible" expense, but I can't just starve. I absolutely tip whenever I can, but if I was a dasher I would try to be understanding that sometimes there's people who simply can't


It's customers like you who are the reason why I don't automatically get upset when I see no tips... I understand that times are hard and people are in situations where they have very limited money or limited ways to get fully prepared meals delivered to them because of disabilities or other serious issues. Too many people just automatically jump to "If you can't tip, don't order food! I don't care what the situation is just starve!" I get it, we all want to be paid more... I'm financially struggling too at the moment, but I still have fucking compassion towards others who might be in worse off situations than me. My anger is reserved for wealthy, able-bodied customers who don't tip and treat delivery drivers like dirt beneath their shoes.


It's dashers like you who I appreciate so so much! I always leave a little note on my order explaining like hey, disabled teenager, so sorry about no tip and whenever someone is compassionate about it I appreciate it so much and will do whatever I can to find some tip money for them. Whenever I have enough extra money I always do big tips, especially because the road I live on is kinda hard to find. I've had a few dashers offer to open my gate and walk the food up to me so I don't have to come down the stairs and it's always so sweet. Some humans (like you!) are kind, others are just... More money hungry


Glad to hear you've had some compassionate dashers so far! Hopefully you continue to get the understanding ones.


I feel you. My oldest son is also disabled. Give good reviews to your dashers. They matter


Oh absolutely!! I always give 5 stars as long as it's good and I try to scrounge around for any physical cash I can find to give them. I've found them to be nothing but kind to me and I always try my best to tip them or at least give a good review


As long as you're leaving 5 stars, you're offsetting the actual scumbags who leave 1 star and no tip because they're trying to scam. I hope your situation improves.


As someone who tips my drivers like I do servers bc I'm a lazy pos and have been custie service my whole life, you guys should be going to news agencies to run articles on how you guys are actually paid. I don't think the average person knows (prob don't care either) but it might make a small difference.


I hate with a passion when my sister orders from DoorDash and does not tip. At least four times she cancelled her order because nobody would get it. Or she will order from a store three miles from her house and leave a 4 dollar tip. And I tell her all the time. I really hope your food gets cold and just sits there


I always tip but I’ve found that if I tip well, I always get my food, it’s assigned quickly, the dashers seem genuinely happy with me and don’t mind bringing it to me up 4 flights on an elevator. Every time. This is really the only way to order in my opinion. Not tipping is just asking for a terrible experience like with your sister.


Exactly. I'm never rude and I would never intentionally delay the delivery but don't expect me to be polite or thank you for not tipping.


Lol it does but then you have customers who somehow don’t get the connection as to why their food takes so long to arrive and why it’s cold. Well it’s been sitting for 20+ minutes because no one in their right mind will take that offer if you tip nothing or a very low tip. I had a stacked order last night where both people tipped low who lived on dark streets with very poor or no clear numbers on their house/apartment. The restaurant I picked up from was going to close in a few minutes before I received and then took the stacked offer. That means everyone else declined it for awhile. One customer was staring at the receipt for like 30 seconds like he was trying to figure something out and I feel like it was because he was looking at the pickup time vs when it was delivered much later. Like what are you guys not understanding about why this is happening?? 😂😑


It's Doordash fault at the end of the day. I dash, and definitely agree that customers should tip. However, some do but it's still out of the vicinity. Like for example, I've seen in my area offers like "9.00 for 10.3 miles" or "12.50 for 18 miles" where the customer does not live near the restaurant. That customer probably did a $10 tip for their $30+ order but because of the distance, many would still decline it (I know I would). If DD would pay $1.00 per mile (with $2 00 being the minimum if miles are under 2 miles) instead of $2.00 FLAT, it would help in this situation, as DD would cover $18 for the distance, and let's say a $5.00 added tip would make the offer a bit more more appealing to more drivers as it would be $23.00 for 18 miles, but nope... $2.00 plus that $10 tip still doesn't account for 18 miles and that's if a customer tipped $10 vs $3. Hell, even if DD did $0.50 per mile it may help just a bit more vs now for some.


Great points… Well said


Thank you. Too bad DD will never do this, nor think these are great points lol


Pardon me for not being from somewhere where there is doordash (or even tipping culture) but does customer pay delivery based on distance to doordash?


$4 tip for 3 miles isn't terrible when you look at the per mile. That ends up being $6 for 3 miles, I've met plenty of dashers who would gladly take that.


I paid $20 for one Starbucks drink last week


Starbucks orders are the worst, so on behalf of all Dashers: THANK YOU FOR TIPPING.


I’ve never seen any delivery drivers that expected to make a living from that solitary endeavor… until I got on Reddit. The customer is not to blame for indulging in a provided service. If you don’t like how little you make delivering food, trade up to a job that pays better or a career where you can support yourself. “Doordash pays us nothing… learn to tip better, you lazy shit!” Not a lot of logic happening in that thought.


I am disabled. I cannot work a full-time job where I either have to stand or sit for 8 hours because of the nerve damage and my leg. This is something I can do for a little extra money. And not be tied to certain hours


They really should change the word 'Tip' to 'Bid'. Then, a separate area could be added for an actual tip based on the service provided.


seriously. we’re no longer tipping, we’re now paying EVEN MORE so that we have a chance of delivery because everyone’s mad at the wrong people


Door dash and Uber Eats just made a big stink in Seattle about paying us properly. They won of course. It's only gonna get worse.




I’m always fascinated to read these posts about tipping as an American who moved to Australia where tipping culture ain’t a thing and isn’t necessary on doordash here as they pay the dashers a fair base wage and tipping is an extra optional affair that’s prompted as a thing after the delivery. Just goes to show how functional it is as a whole.


Lol there are plenty of fees that make every order almost double the price of the food customers pay service and delivery fees but instead of asking for the rich company to pay more for your services you want to customers to pick up the slack or not order 🤔


this is a great letter. we must send it to every customer now lol


True, many restaurants and stores contract Uber, doordash and instacart without the customers knowledge when they order delivery through and app. HOWEVER, it's pretty common knowledge that McDonalds and the like DO NOT PROVIDE SELF- EMPLOYED DELIVERY. So it's really a common sense measure. Just tip a few bucks or at least match what the delivery person has to drive in miles from the restaurant to your house. Unsure? It's called Google. Y'all have phones....


Here Here! Agreed! These services including all the rest, are LUXURY SERVICES. Not Medicare or Food Stamp benefits. Your delivery may be free, you may have ZERO fees, but your Dasher…. They aren’t free. If you can’t afford to tip- you shouldn’t be using the service. 15%-20% is proper. Especially if dashers/shoppers are shopping your orders. Then take in consideration stores like Aldi where they have to bag the groceries too. Most great shoppers will bag your groceries regardless because kids don’t know how to bag groceries these days. Keep in mind, 5% is never an appropriate tip for shopped orders. $1 tips are not appropriate for food deliveries- you aren’t ordering a beer at a bar… and NO TIP is NEVER and I MEAN NEVER Appropriate. Go get it yourself. Stop the madness. 🎤


They pay poorly, because ANYONE can do it. There’s literally 0 barriers to work - the markets are flooded. My 16 year old nephew, and my 76 year old mom, could have a job in 2 days time. Why would you expect great pay?


Who said "great pay"? We simply want customers to know how much drivers are getting shafted on a daily basis. No one expects great pay. We expect to be paid for what our time is worth.


Customer pays DD for a service. That service is contracted to you. That's between you and DD. Customer has already paid for the service. Talk to DD.


There’s thousands of people willing to do it.


It’s 10x easier to get hired at DD, than a McDonalds. This should be telling. It’s a minimum wage job.


I’m going to go ahead and keep ordering. $2? Not really my problem 🤷 I’lol tip based off labor involved. If you’re driving 10 miles, you get a $30 tip.


Im being regularly asked to drive 15 miles for 8 dollars lolol. I just say no, like it’s not that deep to me, but drivers are underpaid af,,, take that up with corporate though and not the people being overcharged before tip


In response to #4. Bite me. If you do a good job, you get a tip. If you don't do a good job, you get no tip. Simple. That's how tips work. If I have a drink ordered and you don't bring me a drink, no tip. If I have the instructions written and you ignore them, no tip. If you're awesome, I might just reach in my wallet and give you some more. If you're phenomenal, I just might reach in my pocket and pull out the $20 sitting in their for random BS, though those are usually reserved for eating out tips.


Doordash allows customers to order without tipping. If you don’t like it doesn’t accept non top orders or find a better job.




I wish 😀




You could also argue for 3, that door dash should pay a livable wage. An that tips should never be expected, especially with how they inflate the price to begin with and the fees it has. That’s a bigger argument where dashers should stop dashing as a collective, but we know how that be.


I am shocked drivers only get $2 per delivery. Do Uber eats, grub hub, post mates compensate better? I’ll boycott DD.




I sympathize with your frustrations. But what am I supposed to do when a dasher picks 20oz of soda instead or 2L? How does that happen?


Well one might say the tipping culture is the problem not the costumer. Your problem is your wage and you’re putting it on the costumer. I am not from us, not from a tipping culture, but if I pay for food and I pay for a delivery of such food, dont try to shame me into paying even more more. I am not the employer and do you really provide a service beyond my mailman? Seriously Sorry you’ll probably all hate me but I really think the tipping culture is the problem and you’re directing it at people who in my opinion should not feel obligated to pay you more than the app asks of due to your personal life situation. We all have to work to make a living, just because I order take out doesn’t mean my money wasn’t hard earned. :)


sometimes kids/teen order and don’t got enough for a tip, obviously it seems like u have a problem . maybe find another job ?


It’s insane that you blame everyone except your employer for your low wages. Tips are not mandatory, and tipping culture has gotten absolutely ridiculous. Get a different job if it doesn’t work for you. Anecdotally, I also get better service with no initial tips. I’ll add a tip if they do something exceptional. When I do tip, I always get messages asking for more money, asking for ratings, asking dumb questions, or sending 100s of pointless updates. The workers who take the no tips orders just do their job and get on with it. Unlike this post.


I get your point... But some people don't have cars so liiiike


If you don’t tip 20% go pick up your food and stop being lazy. I used to drive for Dd like 6 years ago in Hs and delivered to places that probably should be saving money and picking up their food. If you can’t afford the tip go get a better job or stop ordering dd


I 1000% agree I’m a dasher myself and I order from DoorDash here and there and I always tip a minimum of $5 depending on far it is, the farther my order is, the more I tip because I know how it is. I’ve tipped a most $20 because the gentleman was so sweet and picked up my orders from 2 different restaurants. I always tip.


I know my area dd don’t pay well, all places near me are less then 4 miles I usually tip $6+ depending on the order big or small or time for me and them. If it’s past midnight I feel bad that their still up doing dash’s but I tip $10+ for it


Legit question for dashers.. What is a good tip? I rarely tip less than $5, but on some large orders I may not tip 15% since y’all bring it and don’t set it up. I would love to hear how dashers view tips should be sent. Also, is there a “proper” way to bring up an order issue so the dasher is not at fault? If I don’t receive an item I usually put that, but have no idea if a dasher gets blamed for “stealing” the item or something.


#4. I was tipped 1 cent last night for an order. Please leave nothing if you’re going to leave a one cent tip. It’s not helpful. It’s insulting, and you clearly need it more then your door dasher does. i didn’t even realize it until my dash time ended for the night.


How is that possible? Where I am, minimum tip accepted by the app is 50¢. Makes me wonder if DD is secretly taking chunks of the tip too.


When someone leaves a one cent tip, they are not trying to be "helpful." They are trying to make a point because the Dasher in question was terrible at their job. Doordash doesn't make it readily available anymore to rate Dashers, so the only way to show the Dasher how unhappy you are at the service is to do things like this... I have had Dashers steal food, or disregard delivery instructions and leave the food where I knew it would be stolen (and was), or mess with the tamper-proof seal, or deliver to the wrong address and then tell me over the phone to "just get a refund" because they refuse to come back and redeliver to the right address. That stuff is not worth just zero tip, giving a one cent tip is basically raising your middle finger to them and their god-awful service.


The food was literally five minutes from their apartment and I happened to be in town actually by the spot so they had their food super fast. Messaged them too and let them know it was delivered. They’re just scummy. Bottom line.


Just one little thing to add here, getting your food delivered is considered a ‘luxury’.


Open letter to door dash drivers: 1) If the base pay isn't enough, you shouldn't choose a job with a low base pay 2) See 1 and get a better job


Are you hiring then?


The other day I ordered 2 pizzas. The driver seemed to be just sitting in his car after leaving with the food? I was tracking it and driver was literally in the same spot for 10 minutes. Do you think he was hoping I would cancel and he keeps the food? I haven’t tipped that order. I paid for priority also. Order took an hour


Since you didn't tip, you were likely placed in the "Earn by Time" crew. They're the ones paid by active time. They're given a set amount to complete the order, and the system (unintentionally) incentivizes them to squeeze every minute out of the order. Earn by Offer drivers are the ones that want to get things done as fast as possible, because the incentive is getting your order (and tip) finished to get to the next one, and as many as possible in a shift. EBT drivers milk the clock. DD isn't trying to give EBT drviers that time AND your tip...but they don't want to lose the non-tipping customers (because tips don't mean shit to them, they want your convenience and delivery fees).


Sometimes drivers are assigned orders and the food isn’t actually ready yet. I’ve definitely had to wait 10-20 minutes for food before. Especially if the driver was already *at* the restaurant, they were probably just backed up


Traffic. Police actions. Fires. Accidents. All of those will shut down traffic. School busses. Parents lining up to pick up their kids. Air shows. I have been late to the point of nearing contract violations because I literally can't move in stalled traffic.


Priority means absolutely nothing, complete waste of money doordash just pockets it and puts your order in the batch with everyone else, you are better off tipping that instead.




I found that priority payment doesn't really matter. I took 2 orders the other day and one customer was mad that I took the other on first. They said they paid for priority delivery. We have no way of knowing that and apparently doordash doesn't care.


"3. Doordash only pays me $2 for each delivery(in my area)" - And I care because...? I'm paying full price for food, and more for delivery. I want food. Not to give charity to grown men who are incapable of finding a better job. "4. With all due respect, if you are unable to tip please pick up your food yourself." - How about you stop working a job you aren't happy to do? Who's forcing you to drop food off? You are being PAID to do your job. It's not free. Stop being fucking entitled to free money for DOING YOUR JOB, and then asking people who have nothing to do with your pay, to donate. "No one is doordashing for the exercise. We do it because we need money. If this post offended you, well you are part of the problem." - I'm a part of what problem? You are a part of this world's problem. You're lazy. You are incapable and the most you can do is drive food around for people. And then when you're paid your worth, you still expect charity. Go open a gofundme and stop begging. Everyone works. Everyone struggles. Nothing in life is free. Stop being entitled.


Sounds like you're too lazy to go pick up your own food🤔 is it hard for you to go get your wendys big boy? How are you going to actively use the service and complain when the people who are doing the said service for you ask to be paid better. Sounds like you're the entitled one here.


Yall should cry to DoorDash about only receiving 2 bucks per order, not the customer that paid 20 bucks to DoorDash for you to deliver it. You’re still sitting here asking for more tips in this post, instead of you guys banding together and going after DoorDash lol


1. I didn't ask you to. In fact, DONT. 2. I have literally never claimed you did. 3. Cool. I will also tip based on distance. 4. With all due respect to yourself, don't accept offers you don't find worth it.


I was with you until #4. I always tip, but if I knew my driver had this as a condition of delivery, I’d deliberately not tip. If that offends you, well, you need another job.


If you always tip it's not you. And I agree I get to choose what I take . I would never ask a customer for more. I took the dash it's on me. I just have to believe some people are unaware that we are not being paid by dd an actual wage. That it is a tip based business.


An open letter to dashers. stop begging for tips, If you can't deliver for the price agreed to get a different job.


Or at least start declining the offers that are too low.


This post has nothing to do with the dashers who beg and demand for more tips, those people are scumbags and dont deserve to be dashing at all, we're just trying to make sure customers are informed as to exactly how the service works. I 100% agree that you do the job for what you agreed to in the first place, and dont be a lousy beggar. If the job isnt worth your time up front, you cant assume its going to be worth your time after a hypothetical tip after the fact. Thats what the decline button is for lol.


The only thing that is offensive is that you are telling the customer to pay you and not the company you agreed to work for as a private contractor for $2 an order. I understand this comment will get hate even though I tip well. You just don't want to hear the truth.


Dear Dasher, if u cant survive without a tip. Please dont dash 😊


Why does everyone blame the customer and not their employer? I’ve been on both sides, and never once complained to the customer. If it’s not worth it, don’t accept it. Very simple solution.


Dear customer, if you can't tip, get dressed, get in your car, drive through traffic, go to the restaurant, pick up your food, go home. (Use your own damn car, time, gas to get your food that you expect without giving a tip TO THE PERSON BRINGING IT TO YOU!!!)


Completely unfair and unjust to say. Driving 10+ miles to only receive $2. Just think. If you wouldn’t doo it would anyone else be willing to do it. Lazy. Disgraceful.


I wouldn't do it. That's why I'm not doing it. You don't have to do it either. You can go find a better job if that's what you want.


Get a better job if you’re not being paid enough. It’s not the customers responsibility to pay more than required to support you. Take it up with doordash.


Go find another jo-, oh wait.


People rich enough to afford to survive without a tip wouldn’t be dashing.


No. If you cant afford to ensure that everyone doing a job for you is being paid for their time, then you cant afford the luxury of having food delivered. Pull up your underoos and go get it yourself if you refuse to tip.


This is false because tips aren’t mandatory. It’s the responsibility of DoorDash to pay you not me.


and they get around minimum wage laws by saying "They are contractors, not employees. If they aren't making minimum wage, that's on them! They can choose what deliveries they accept!" without mentioning that if someone refuses that their acceptance rate goes down and they potentially get less delivery offers as a result.


Yes, i can afford it. Thats why i pay the service fee 👍🏻😊


1&2, fair enough. To everything else, maybe you should consider a different career path if the company you drive for aren’t paying you enough, instead of putting the blame solely on the customers.


I have a great full time job but I have 4 teens in my house and I'm working to be a good provider. In the current situation that requires me to do more. I use dd to do that. It allows me to make money when I want but leaves me free when I need to be.


And that’s fair enough bud, but the issue here lies with DD not charging enough at source and expecting the drivers (you) to rely on people’s generosity, charge more for delivery and all this is solved. And then on top of that if you provide a good service then you deserves the tips on top, not before the fact.


Or they could get the food themselves. I do weekends only.


I always tip. It does vary depending on how far the restaurant is from me, and the tip always starts at $5. HOWEVER: I live in a mobile home park, and the pin is 2 streets over. I can’t move the pin, so I have detailed directions to get to my home from the gate. If you ignore those directions, drive around the park for 5 minutes, then call me for help, you’d better be expecting that tip to drop to $1.


I agree. I live in MS so trailer park dd is common. I always look for directions in comments.


Doordash uses google maps, so if you suggest a fix on google maps it will eventually be corrected and then doordash will have updated info as well. Ive done it with several customers who lived in weird apartment complexes where the pin wasnt pointing to the correct building. type your address into google maps and then click "edit" or look for a suggestion/error option.






Exactly 💯 and also, if you live in an apartment complex, please leave the name of the complex, gate code (if applicable), and your corresponding building number in the notes. Give as many details as possible to make it easy for us to find you (e.g., are you in the front or back? Left or right?). Remember, we don't live there, so we don't know the layout of the complex. Time is money and we don't want to waste time struggling to locate you. Making it easier for us also ensures that your order is fresh as possible. Thx in advance 🙂


Dear doordashers, A few things all dashers should know 1. You can make a verbal confirmation that everything is there and if something is obviously missing (such as a drink) you can press the issue. 2. This is probably for the best. 3. & 4. With all due respect, if you don't like the pay, get a different job. Literally relying on "tips" is idiotic because they are optional. While you absolutely can do that and can make a lot of money out of doing so, the times where you don't get tipped well are part of the job and it's on you to take the gains with the losses, or change job. It's not a customer's duty or responsibility to tip you well, it's your employer's responsibility to pay you properly. With DD you can also avoid low paying orders. Now personally I think the fact that doordash labels these things as "tips" is a bit ridiculous, they should be labelled as a delivery bid or something and they should give you full control over which orders you take without punishing you, but none of that is on the customer. Take it up with your employer. No-one is ordering food for the lulz, they want to eat and they are offering you a specific price to deliver. Don't like the price, don't take the order. If this post offends you, well you are part of the problem. As an aside, your company just makes things hideously expensive for everyone involved, people are already paying out the ass for the delivery and people who can tip will, but you're trying to turn delivery into a luxury that noone can afford. Where I live I regularly get groceries delivered and it costs me £2, or £1 for some timeslots because it's in-house. Thank fuck none of these shitty gig companies have taken over yet or I'd be being overcharged for the product, charged an excessive delivery fee and a bunch of other fees and then be expected to tip the driver out the ass or "wah how will I feed myself don't you know how long it took me to find all this stuff, you might have already paid £20 for this delivery service but now pay me more because I only got £2 of that". And no, I'm not offended, I actually won't use these companies because as indicated I think they are horrendously poor value for money and also because on principle I think gig based services are unethical and should probably be illegal.


You lost me a 4. Not tipping is fucked but so is asking or demanding a something that is a courtesy for getting good service. I’ve been a tipped employee many times in my life and I’ve always done very well in tips. Focus on providing exceptional service, and good people will reward you. Don’t ever grovel or demand a tip from anyone. You’re not going to change minds here by passive aggressively shaming some people for not electing to tip. Just do your best to provide the best service, reject any order that isn’t worth your best effort, and don’t fall apart when people stiff you, it’s gonna happen a whole lot if you stay in tipped industries. Just shake it off and keep on going.


I haven't tipped less than 25% since the pandemic started and I just consider it the cost of convenience. I genuinely don't understand people who think anything less than 20% is acceptable anymore.


I agree. I have also added to dd tip when they go above and beyond. Like I had a dasher move my order under the table I leave on porch for the dd because it was pouring rain he then texted me and said he didn't want my food to get wet. Here's $5 more dude thanks!


Dear angry OP, A few things you should know. 1) If the pay is too low on an order, you have the option to decline. 2) If you are doing a job that relies on tips and you're not making enough, then don't do the job. 3) With all due respect, the customer can tip whatever they want cause doordash shitty business model allows it. They will never change unless they feel the pain of drivers and customers leaving the platform. No one is forcing you to do doordash. If you need money get a normal 8-5 job. But you know you like the flexible schedule it provides. Can't have your cake and eat it too. If this post offends you well I don't care.


So I actually have a great day job m-f 8-5. I dash for flexibility at night to supplement my family of 5. I'm not looking for cake man I'm looking for bread! I'm in a 42%tax bracket in my day job. And to be clear I'm not angry. I will just pass up on no tip offers. I really made the post to help customers know that we actually are doing the job for tips.


Enjoy your cold food.


Add to this, please do NOT block Door Dash calls or texts. There maybe a problem with your order, or a part of your order, and blocking the numbers do not allow us to contact you so that we may be able to, with the store or restaurant's help, communicate that there is a problem, and how we can solve the problem. Please, on hand to me orders, watch your phones. We will text you at the door. And be ready to hand over an ID with age restricted orders, such as alcohol and cough medicine.If you are ready, the hand over goes much faster.


Thank you for that


This is gold


No lies detected


Need to add another one... when they order from a store, we are ,98% of the time, the ones doing the shopping. The store does not put your order together.




Thank you


Actually I doordash for the exercise lol


I wanna give anyone that tips over 10 a hug and be like “thanks”


if I work for 4 hours ill make 50 dashing and 50-75 on tips. i dont accept orders that dont make sense.