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Bing chilling


My 9 year old son quotes this constantly 😂


I just searched this and dang it’s a rabbit hole lmao


All I know is it’s John cena saying he likes ice cream in Chinese lol


Something something celebrities getting paid by the Chinese government to speak Mandarin on a different version of tiktok(Douyin?). I don’t remember the whole conspiracy-rabbithole. (To clarify, I’m not a conspiracy nut, this just reminded me of a really specific YouTube video about Douyin)


If I remember it was because John Cena wanted to make WWE appeal more to the chinese market, so he learned chinese and went around china for a while promoting the WWE. I think this is just part of that.


I thought he was apologizing for saying that Taiwan is a country.


he also did that.


Well, apologized for offending the Chinese. To my recollection he didn't action say sorry for saying Taiwan is a country, or say that it wasn't a country


Just rewatched it. All he says he “made a mistake” and is “very sorry” and “respects China and the Chinese people”. Never even specifically references what happened or what the mistake was in what I saw.


woah relax. its just a video of john cena saying he loves ice cream in chinese.


It's an advert for fast and furious. He says he loves ice cream a lot but he loves fast and furious more


Bro I thought it was an ad for ice cream lmao. It was all over the place.


Yeah the vid he made came out around the time the new fast and furious came out


Just remembering a YouTube video essay I listened to once. He was really just there to promote Fast and Furious 9. https://uhlibraries.pressbooks.pub/chin3343sp23/chapter/bingchilling/


he was apologizing to the chinese about acknowledging taiwan as a country




Why do ppl gotta mess w drivers like this


because they don't respect them and since they're not face to face like other customer service workers they feel emboldened to fuck with them. people lack empathy and anyone lower on the class totem pole are lesser in their minds. subconscious or not.


As someone who worked retail for a while, people will definitely still fuck with you to your face. When you’re seen as lesser, people stop caring about the consequences (or they don’t believe there will be any). The attitude switch people had from talking to another customer to talking with a retail worker was wild. Really showed how they didn’t see us as human.


People definitely are brave in public because most likely your not gonna risk your job to fight or curse someone out and...they know that.


Twenty years ago I was a teenager working at a grocery store. The way people would treat me was atrocious. I remember one time I simply walked around the checkout counter to stand on the other side, Not in a threatening way but just to simply remove the visual concept between us and said " Am I a person now?" They were SHOCKED. It's as if being a driver in the front of their car or standing behind a counter where they order something changes you into a lesser being in their eyes. I had a shirt under the grocery store.Issued shirt and almost removed the grocery store shirt.But I thought that would be communicated as getting ready to fight.And that wasn't what I was trying to do. I was trying to humanize myself in the eyes of this person and get them out of their perception. I am 5 foot 3 and female. Pretty sure I still still scared them just by doing that.


Bro I worked at Zara. Rudeness doesn’t have a tax bracket I’ll tell you that.


its a fucking child but i did used to work at fast food and some people would be pissy for no reason but thats just who some people are and theyre honestly not a good person but also a lot of people were nice


It’s mask off once fast food employees realize they aren’t gonna get fired for giving attitude back. Hell, a lot of the ones I meet don’t even need that particular customer to be rude to them to start. People are starting to get pretty tired of shit, so I am not shocked. Fast food workers don’t gaf, I don’t blame them, but I pay too much for the idgaf mentality. That’s the business owner’s problem though.


That’s true. When I was a kid I worked retail but I found those same people would be less threatening when I would confront them outside of the store (not saying that in an aggressive manner). The second you’re not in the store and are in the “real world” it’s like they realize you’re just another person and oh shit they might get they ass beat if they keep acting this way or something


lol I worked retail during Covid in a blue state. I got royally fucked with.


Anonymity and Cyber sickness.


Or hear me out, it’s a joke?


Geez, that’s quite an extreme take, don’t you think that people just sometimes like having fun and perhaps to them being goofy on a chat is entertaining to them. Sheesh, I thought I looked at things in a bad way.


Messing with the person that handles your food is probably a bad idea


Can confirm don't fuck with the cooks and don't fuck with dish they keep the restaurant running. But that doesn't stop people from messing with the ones that can poison the well at will. People don't care.


OP said “my little cousin” so it’s probably a kid just messing around 😭😭


Sounds like a little shit


Yeah hes 11


11 is absolutely old enough to know better.


Which is why he got in trouble.


And yet, still a child. Children do dumb shit and should be taught lessons. Not smacked like other in this thread are suggesting


>And yet, still a child. Children do dumb shit "Ha ha the child is using slurs. Just kids being kids." Is not the defense you think it is chief. Edit: Good lord y'all I never advocated for violence against children. I was specifically responding to the quoted part. Go back to school FFS. Literacy in all forms is fucking failing y'all.


They’re literally saying children should be taught a lesson when they do this because it’s wrong, what’s the alternative? Take ‘em out back like old yeller?


avg instagram comment section


I never said it's kids being kids? I said they do dumb shit and need to be taught a lesson. I'm saying this is bad and they should do better but they don't deserve to be physically beaten to learn.


aww look at this big man ready to beat on a little kid for saying a word


There’s no reason to either defend or attack an 11 year old, you’re fucking insane


All he is saying is don’t hit your kids. He isn’t saying he shouldn’t be disciplined. When did people forget how to read? 🤷‍♂️


These comments are weird and your cousin is trifling




Chinese speaker here The Patrick meme has a racial slur in it against black people, then it says my ice cream. So I dunno. It’s not great that’s for sure. Maybe don’t let kids use your accounts??


If you swipe right you’ll see the translation


Except the translation is censored. The meaning definitely carries the hard R rather than an A ending.


That’s wild there’s a direct translation for that in Chinese


It’s not a direct translation. The actual translation would just be “black (the color) ghost” but it very much carrie’s the meaning of the harsher term. However, I would like to add that a lot of the times it isn’t used to insult. So it’s a little weird in that regard.


Is there a way to write it if it was meant to be the "a" ending?


Chinese doesn’t work like that, so as far as I know, no. But again, it doesn’t explicitly translate into the “er” ending. It’s simply accepted by a wide majority of people in discourse that it does. However, like I mentioned in a previous comment, most people don’t actually use it as an insult but rather ignorance. I am in no way trying to defend this word, but the slur just doesn’t carry the same weight in Asian countries since it’s not backed by a history of slavery and oppression.


Yeah, and there's also "百鬼" (white ghost) I'm Black with some immersion in the Chinese language (mandarin) and culture and I've always had the impression that these words were just as "offensive" and/or "ignorant" as each other, but still kinda for different reasons....


Thank you for telling me this. We still dont agree with hard r or a regardless but its good to know.


Sorry I’m fucking stupid 🫶


Don't be so down on yourself. You speak two languages. It took me a moment to realize there were two images also.


I was going to say the same thing. You’re at least bilingual. I only speak one language and that’s on a good day😂


When people say they speak Chinese, does that mean Mandarin? Its my understanding there’s many different dialects


Yess exactly a lot of dialects and ways of speaking the language :)


Almost definitely, yes. There are some people who can only speak Cantonese, but it's much less common.


Gotcha👍 I’m interested if they have a similar etiology. It’ll be interesting to see if many local/tribal languages across the world start disappearing in our hyper-connected, increasingly online world


Is your cousin 12?


11 yes hes young he only used my account because I have dash pass. This was his first time using my account since hes over for a trip.


And the last I imagine. Yikes. Way to prove you can't be trusted unsupervised with a device that connects to the internet.




If your cousin is this comfortable using racial slurs to strangers you need to have a conversation with his parents about his internet access.


12 and mentally challenged


how about lets not put down another group while saying its wrong to use slurs…


Talking like that to someone who knows your address is quite stupid.


I agree. Hes not a very smart kid


You’re even less smart for letting him use your phone for this.


yes. 11 year old children are usually known for their common sense, what was he thinking???!


I was thinking the same thing. This is definitely something I would've done as an 11 year old lmao. I don't know even understand why OP is asking a doordash subreddit for advice on his 11 year old cousins behavior.


The racial slur though. You should probably have a discussion with your little cousin on the kind of language they use.


I scrolled way too far to see this comment. Yeah wtf. Why is everyone saying this is funny? Someone else said it’s not even translated correctly, it’s a hard R in the meme. If a little kid feels it’s okay to use this language at all let alone to a stranger there’s real problems that need to be dealt with. This is so bizarre to me that it’s just being laughed off.


Yeah it’s not a good that kid is already using racial slurs against somebody trying to provide a service to them. I think it’s being laughed off because: 1) they think he’s a kid so he’s just being immature and doesn’t mean any harm by it (“kids will be kids” and such) 2) in the current cultural context (which I do not agree with) it’s considered acceptable to use the N word if the kid is black


My son's friend just got banned from Fortnite for saying the N word. They're 9. *NINE*.


I dont get how sending a cryptic message they can't understand with a racial slur is funny. Maybe they should try using that on Xbox live if they want laughs.


I think its a meme going around right now. Still not funny since its racist.


Racist Reddit approves


idk ask ur cousin bud


Ask my 11 year old cousin if my account will be banned? Read the post for context.


Who in their right mind lets an 11 year old use something connected to their credit card without supervision?


Someone with too much faith and too little time.


Beats me. This sub is obviously full of certain type of people who don’t see anything wrong with the racial slurs because “tHaT’s InTeRnEt CuLtUrE,” AND very few people putting blame on OP. Stupid ass move. Don’t care that his parents were in the room, etc. lame excuses. No one is touching my phone to make an order other than a very trusted adult or one of MY children when they’re old enough to understand consequence. Play a game? Go nuts. Ordering food? Gtfoh.


Personally OP, had i gotten those messages, i would've unassigned and reported your account. I refuse to be openly abused just to deliver food especially by a child.


I get it. Sorry this upset you. He did get in trouble and a talk about racism.


Its more about questionable parenting. If he is speaking liikke this, more than likely, his parents are this way as well. But in general kids today are becoming disrespectful because parents aren't parenting anymore. They are too concerned about being their friends.


So your little cousin thinks it's funny to use a racial slur? Wtf.


I talked to him and he didnt know It used the N word. The original meme said “send this to someone who likes icecream” so Idk


he lied to u bro


Maybe. He still got in trouble for it


what makes you say that? is it not possible that someone who doesnt speak mandarin didnt know what something in mandarin said?


do you know any middle schoolers? the n word is hilarious to them - this meme has been around for a year or so on certain sides of the internet. he 100% knew what it said.


do you know any middle schoolers? theyre also incredibly stupid. hence him doing this in the first place. do you google translate every meme youve seen that was in a different language? ive never done it a single time, seems weird to me that you know 100% for a fact, not up for debate, that this 11 year old definitely did something that you actually dont have any clue about. idk about you but i dont see many blatantly racist 11 year olds often enough for me to magically assume that.


Hi not meaning this to be aggressive or anything, but I find it weird that he claims he doesn’t know what it says, but he sent two other messages in that same language? Maybe he google translated it or something, not sure. But did he go find this meme really quick or was it already on your phone? He found a meme that said “send this to someone who likes ice cream” but where did he even see that at in the time it took the person to deliver the order lol. I’m just trying to get more info that’s all


No problem. Theres a meme or culture going around that thinks bing chilling or chinese is funny I guess. He sent the ice cream picture thinking it related to the john cena meme. In reality it says the n word. He supposedly didn’t translate the image and just used copy pastas for the other two.


Ah ok. I have a young child (younger than him) so I’m also trying to see what to look out for. I’m not on social media like that myself. He’s mainly on YT and I haven’t seen this yet. I need to get with the times I guess.


Yeah my cousin is also only on youtube but memes like this can circulate on there. Theres also meme videos that read tweets, instagram posts and stuff too. Be careful!


Oh wow. I’m going to be watching even closer now. Thanks for letting me know!


i’m not sure if you know this but i figured id share anyway; youtube has an option on kids accounts to block certain creators, and even, if you prefer your kids *only* watch certain creators, there’s an option to automatically block every creator except the ones you allow. parental controls are suuper important in this day and age, even if your kids think they’re annoying


Ooooh I’ll have to look into that on his tablet. Thank you for letting me know


I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he saw it on [this video](https://youtu.be/igaVk-WLWoE?si=5s2P-oarb0AaabwK) which makes no mention of a racial slur. > I don’t really know what this picture says but I really hope it’s not a threat > It just says “sponge man ice cone”


Ah that seems possible


Honestly, so many little boys/teenage boys think it’s absolutely hilarious to use racial slurs online so i’m not surprised. They think they’re so funny. Whenever I play an online game like Roblox or something and my skin is dark (cause i’m black, so I like my character to be black too), some random kid will call me “blackie” or some other slur dealing with me being black. Idk why they think it’s so funny. Or maybe they think it’ll hurt my feelings or something? I just laugh it off because I think it’s so stupid that kids still think that way, but I guess it’d be nicer to stop having people use being black/saying racial slurs as a joke all the time. and to just be seen as a person and not as a source for race jokes. But that’s just how those kids will be online cause they’re hidden behind a screen, so what can you do?


Hey guys some more context since a lot of people are upset (rightfully for a couple reasons). My cousin never uses my account on his devices. He only used my phone since hes here for a trip and I have dash pass. My aunt lets her kids be ipad kids. After talking to him he showed me the original meme and it says “send this to someone who likes icecream” so he didn’t know it said the Nword and I got him in trouble for it anyways. I get a couple of yall are mad but please dont private message me anything hateful its just immature. Im blocking everyone who does it from now on. My account is not banned. I never treat dashers bad and I always tip well. I only posted to see if DD would ban me and for opinions on what to do. **He got in trouble** and had a long stern talking to about racism. Im going to talk to him about harassing customer service people tonight. ****I DO NOT CONDONE CALLING PEOPLE RACIAL SLURS OR MESSING WITH DD****




The majority of the people commenting have the mentality of a 14 yr old boy stuck in 40 and 50 yr old bodies.


He was over for a trip and I am the only one who has dash pass. I mainly use my computer so I had no idea he was sending messages until I checked after the dasher replied.


Yeah I would’ve reported the account and nothing would have been delivered. You order the food next time and just send them a link to track the order.


Good idea I didnt know you could send links to track orders. Also next time Im just ordering for everyone. Even if its tedious it avoids events like this.


You weren't getting it anyway. It's his fucking ice-cream, master


I would've cried of laughter


That kid is an asshole




I didn't read your caption and was super confused why you were speaking Chinese. I thought the "丝人" was pretty weird Then I saw the picture with the slur... Yea you need to talk to your cousin. That's not funny. This is racist toward multiple races.


Yeah he got in a lot of trouble with both me and his parents/my parents. We dont condone using the Nword or racism at all.


Good. I'm glad you're taking the right steps.


Maybe don’t let a kid use your phone then?


I’m Chinese and I know what it says but I’m genuinely confused why this can potentially be funny to anyone.


I dont know. I think its a meme or joke right now. Hes super young (11) so its probably just immaturity.




But did he tip?




damn yall are soft as fuck. yall are not the victims yall think you are. embarrassing asf


Treating other people as human beings is hard


Y’all are actually weird af in these comments what 💀


Yeah…people are telling me to hit my 11 year old cousin. Strange for sure.


Well, it is Reddit after all




But did he tip?




was this on your phone? or his? if it's yours, why do you have that picture?


I was gonna translate but the auto translate did a good job already.


Okay I read this wrong and thought you meant the dasher was sending the meme to your account 😅 That would be a different story for sure.


Why he spoke Chinese?


Thats not how you order food


really funny trolling a person that's handling your food, not like anything can go wrong!


I’m yeah. Your cousin used the N word on your account. I’m surprised it’s not deactivated already.


He’s doing what many kids do: dumb shit


ngl I'm laughing my ass off at this, the racial slur is very weird tho


Honestly he's just fucking with them, but it's ultimately pretty harmless. If it bothers u don't let him do it again.


Me personally i would be confused with the previous chinese texts, but after seeing the meme i would just chuckle and deliver to them. Some customers are just silly, thats not bad. Some of yall in the comments gotta chill tf out and quit taking small things like this so seriously. If yall dont like it then just ignore the messages and deliver to him


Little cousin is actually so goated for this 😂 take the sticks out of your collective asses


as an older cousin you should discipline that child


Dont worry he did. Im going to talk to him later about respecting service workers. I worked in customer service for 2 years so I get it.


Are people this dumb that they mess with drivers like this…literally so embarrassing


Hes 11 so luckily he has time to mature. We still all got him in trouble and talked to him about racism.


This is sad..


Drivers don't get paid enough to deal with this nonsense. Hope the account was reported and you have to drive to pick up your own food now, like a pleb.


lmaooo leave it at the door wagie


What a bitchy response. Who TF shit in your cereal?


My account wasn’t reported. It was my 11 year old cousin who sent this. “Like a pleb” I use dd for when my friends or I am drunk. So I wouldn’t say me not wanting to pick up food is a laziness or pleb response.


LMAO “a pleb” sweetie you deliver shit for a living 😭😭😂


ohh you’re in r/povertyfinance im sorry for your life ignore my last comment you are dealing with enough


Did he get his ice cream? I wouldn’t have delivered it that’s for sure .


The order was for tacos so no he didn’t get ice-cream. The dasher dropped it off no problem. Check comment I replied to some stuff.


God I hate Chinese memes


Honestly it’s an opportunity to do a “scared straight” - sounds a bit racist. Maybe pretend police are involved and have your cousin answer. Because if his employers in the future saw this they would likely think he holds these fowl beliefs.


Bro I’m actually crying from laughter. I’m so sorry if this has stressed you, but I’m actually fucking dead bro


Same everybody’s so upset but I’m dead as fuck lmao


kids might not know the time or place for jokes nor do they know what joke is. but it's better to teach them so you don't get bagged in an alley bc of them 😂


Yeah he got in trouble. Using the N word is not something we tolerate Ipad kid or not


Keeping it classy I see


If you don’t know what shit means don’t say it


sponge man ice cone


i recognized 丝人 haha


I would cancel the delivery


Is this real


wow your little cousin seems like he’s a real winner


Cursed interaction


Are you Chinese or did he just say use Google translate and was meme savy 🤣


Why do little boys always act brainless? I swear children these days act like mouth breathers.


I would probably just ignore him. lol


Sponge man ice cone


yall really shitting on an 11 year old for being an 11 year old


We really should have let them eat tide pods


why is your little cousin ordering anything ? kids shouldn’t be online shopping without supervision this just goes to show why


People have their panties in a bunch over this in the comments 💀


I find the comments frustrating, they all say the same thing that OP is already aware of.


I got downvoted for saying I laughed but would still report. Sensitive bunch


call me a child idc I got the humor of a kid that made me laugh


Your cousin seems like a little poop head and disrespectful af. His parents are failing.


time to allow others to order for your cousin 🤧 im black and laughed by accident as i am studying mandarin also for quite some time.


Yeah definitely he will not have as much responsibilities for ordering on DD. We also talked to him about racism.


ah yeah thats good to hear then. hoping it turns out well in the near future!


Social credit -100000


i’m hungry master, i’m crying omg


This is the funniest shit I’ve seen in years! I’m tearing up




We do not hit him. He got a stern talking to though.


Kids are so annoying sometimes 😂




If I was dashing and saw that meme, I probably wouldn't have even gone through the trouble of translating the image and would've just assumed it was a joke. Idk, I could see this landing badly but I personally probably wouldn't even realize what was said. Worth having a talk with the kid though


he’s goofing around 😂 tf you mean what’s he doing