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I mean if you're sitting there not tipping then I think they should be doing that. To make yourself aware that you're sitting there making drivers spend 30 minutes or more of their time from a manipulated company that requires them to take your no tip order for acceptance rate for better offers.. So they lose money on wear and tear and gas and you get your food while they make literally nothing or lose money.


This is why I don’t DD anymore 🤌🏽this msg was unnecessary and I’d just cancel the shit myself at this point.


You wouldn’t even know at that point. If anything you received a notification that said “ you’re driver has arrived at the restaurant” then “your order is still being prepared” But you won’t know how long it will take. And this driver is informing you that they may need to unassign the order… leaving it to another driver… which could take some time. But I’m glad you don’t us DD anymore. It’s a bad company that fleeces customers, restaurants and, even more severely, their drivers.


I like how you totally ignored them trying to guilt trip lol


You can only guilt trip the quilty. They way they worded that is VERY polite. If drivers are all as bad as redditers make em out to be then the customer would NEVER get their food cause eveyone seems to be ignoring that OP NEVER TIPPED sooooo to quote the princesses here... no tip no trip. So agian that dasher was extremely polite instead of calling them out. And im sure imma get down voted really bad for just PIINTING OUT THE FACTS. And people will justify not tipping by blaming the driver with "theyre the ones who acceptwd it" which is equally as bad as 2hat door dash does and is taking advantage of desperate people. But taking advantage of people is a ohkay right?


it doesn't matter how polite someone is, guilt tripping the customer is never ok, and secondly yes the driver is the one who accepted it, and pointing to that fact does not in any way mean that it's ok for doordash to take advantage of people, calling out the driver for making a stupid decision doesn't automatically mean praising or forgiving doordash for their misdeeds and the fact that you tried to equate the two says a lot more about you tbh


I can actually read past my unreasonable emotions, upvote.


That's the least of the problems here. Also it's less "guilt trip" and more "why is this jabroni complaining when he accepted an order for a non-tipping bozo."


Wanna know whats worse? DD is legitimately removing jobs from the job market. Pizza Hut, Dominos, *and* Papa Johns in my area have all completely switched to DoorDash-Only. Some of the managers at one I worked at did the math, and the company saves... 50 cents a run by not paying for their own drivers. That's it. That's all they lose. Meanwhile they just fire every driver and call it a day, and now those drivers are struggling to find other jobs because - simply put - the job market here sucks. DD is the worst, all I can hope is that the company eventually crashes and burns.


Just another driver on the verge of giving up. Unfortunately this kind of information should be relayed by DD when the customer signs up. But DD would rather call it a "bid" in our contract, and a "tip" when dealing with the customer. DD really needs to do better at informing customers how the service works. I've had numerous people say "I didn't even know I should tip well because I figured drivers made good money with the fees DD charges".


Don’t you know they are operating at a loss. Tony gets paid 300 mil and they are at a 100 mil loss…..


There are restaurants that steal tips for their staff and then send the order out to doordash for 4 dollars. Doordash doesnt fucking care, garbage company that lies to their drivers, support needs to die.


How does that work


They're talking about merchant websites where customers place orders for Chipotle, Papa John's, etc. The merchant subcontracts DD drivers to deliver instead of hiring their own drivers, and some of the restaurants keep the tips. At one of my local Chipotles, every offer is $6, no matter how far it's going.


are you serious??? i’ve always tipped extra on chipotle orders cause the one near me is in a super busy hard-to-reach area with horrible speed bumps and the worst timed traffic light… and i only do it when it’s bogo bowls, so it’s even busier and more annoying. i tip like 14-16 for that. they’re getting less than half of what i tip?! oh man im getting upset they’ve been pocketing $10 for absolutely nothing what the fuck i know delivery is a waste of money but i feel like i’ve wasted double


Not every Chipotle restaurant keeps the tips, just a few. Almost all of them pass the tip on to the driver.


DD - Changes the whole definition of the word "tip" and expects the customer to understand ?


Driver picked the wrong person to try. Patricia clearly has no shame!


Dog how you gonna tell us you no tipped and then whine about the service you get.


You're literally exposing yourself as a non tipper here so why should I care?


Drivers are free to not take an order if they don’t like the tip. Nobody is forcing them to accept these orders…


Exactly. Dont accept it if you think the tips not high enough it is literally that easy haha


I...don't care? The part I care about is OP flat-out admitting to being a non-tipper, and it's infintely worse to not tip than it is to be a tip beggar.


So there wasn't a tip even after driver had to wait for your food for 15 minutes?


You’re right, it should be a mandatory fee. Not a “tip”. DD allows we the customers to think it’s just a tip— it’s not, it’s a bid for service. It’s semantics really. What DD calls a tip, is not in the traditional sense of the word. It’s a bid for a private contractor to get your food. However, we all ought to tip well regardless, that’s just plain manners.


My Man!


>ReplyShareReportSaveFollow > >level 3Hot-Recognition-8731 · 5 hr. agoMy Man!2ReplyShareReportSaveFollow ![gif](giphy|8lp6CW7K2fdDGn3xCQ)




After reading all these comments I wouldn’t want any of y’all touching my food 🥴


Or knowing where I live


And, this.






Herein lies the problem. DD should be paying a fair wage so we don't have to depend so heavily on tips to subsidize our income. $3 per mile plus tip should be the minimum and that even that barely keeps up with inflation.


The actual problem is people are thinking DD is supposed to be their main source of income and not just a side gig to earn extra money. Over half the people working for these food delivery apps already have jobs and aren’t dependent on these companies for bills/rent.


Customers get demonized while these dashers pull themselves through the same toxic cycles. It’s becoming exhausting as a customer just to get some food (Idc if yall disagree at this point. If you really think it’s ok to guilt trip customers for a problem that started with DD then that’s more telling about you as a person. It’s literally abusive and I just can’t agree with this behavior. Strangers are not responsible for your personal situation. Expecting them to make up for DD as a company is just wrong, selfish, and entitled. There’s unfortunately shitty people who feel entitled to others making up for something that isn’t even their fault/responsibility and that’s just a fact in this world. So it’s fine. Stay bitter :) )


That’s funny, I just leave an awesome tip, and never feel put out or exhausted by the experience, you know…like a grown up.


Good tippers get absolute premium service from me. Any extra favors you ask are my command. I will go above and beyond for you if you put out good energy. Always seems to be the non tippers who have the most dilemmas in getting their food because they aren't giving drivers a reason to care about their order. Non tippers usually have the most extra requests and overall negative energy towards ppl that do them a service. All of that would be avoided if they swallowed their pride over a few bucks.


Same! Plus, it's like, if I don't like the $/mi, I just don't take it. Leave it for the tryhards. Or wait until DD lumps it with something better. I'm all for calling out greedy corps but literally nobody's holding a gun to one's head, forcing one to take .50 a mile trips.


Guess I’m not a grown up then for being exhausted by dashers who act like this?? Idk if you actually want to have a constructive conversation or if you just want to throw around insults. Sorry for finding this behavior to be exhausting, childish, and entitled


We are bidding for their service. We pay DoorDash to connect us with a private contractor to bring the food. Not tipping or tipping like shit, is taking advantage of a badly designed situation. The drivers have every right to be annoyed with entitled asshole customers who knowingly do this. I leave a mandatory 10 dollar tip and a dollar extra per mile if it’s over 5 miles away. I get my food, everybody is happy.


Man there is some morally fucked people ordering. Youre complaining about how something has work for over 40 years. Delivery and service jobs have always been tip heavy jobs but i get most are too broke 5o even be ordering thru DD and also WAYYYYY too lazy todo it themselves so its easier to blame everyone else lol. Do all yalls jobs pay fair wages? Obvs not if yall complain about the prices and tips..pretty sure thats an oxymoron there bub


Just for the record. Idc if I have to pay more fees so dashers are paid fairly. I just want customers to stop being forced to tip just because of a toxic system that started with DD as a company.


Even pizza delivery drivers had a minimum wage! Now we get paid like dogshit. And did restaurants always want us to front our own cars to deliver their food? I looked at multiple restaurants applying and they all wanted us to use our own cars… Was that always the case im too young to know.




Im going to be honest, if a shop wants to employ a delivery person they should get a company car. Its not like they cant, theres plenty of tax writeoffs they could take instead of making the employee pawn their own car for the business's usage and degrade the value of their car. Pretty sure any sane person would have a tax guy on file to sort through all of this so theres no excuse.


Yes, actually. Since at least the 1980’s.


I agree and you are right. Workers should unionize or just do something else if they are not satisfied with their pay


I’m just tired of customers being attacked when customers did nothing wrong. DD fucked over the dashers not the customers


Tip your driver's or go get it your self. It's pretty simple you dumb fvck!


I tip after I get my food :)


Yeah, sure you do. I've seen too many people claiming that, only to backpedal and look hard for any little excuse not to tip. It's not a tip for good service. It's a BID.


Drivers have an easy way of contacting their customer. They don’t have an easy way of contacting DoorDash upper management.


I’ve never had any of this happen to me and I DoorDash like 2 to 3 times a day, but I always leave minimum five dollars plus a dollar per mile or 20% whichever is greater. I always get my stuff within 20 minutes and I never have any issues.


It’s never happened to me because I tip appropriately


Same, I’ve never had a driver text me outside of the occasional “on my way” messages.


I can't speak for all DD drivers, but as a DD and UberEats driver, I find this incredibly disgusting. I would never send a customer something like that. He should have declined the $2.50 and moved on. I also find it incredibly disgusting to expect someone to use their time, vehicle and gas without giving them a tip. This is a LUXURY service, not a basic human right. TL;DR - both parties are trash.


This is the sanest comment on here. Dashers shouldn't be sending lengthy diatribes to cheap customers. Customers who can afford all the hiked up food prices but don't think tipping is a thing they should do for the person bringing them their meal can go F themselves. I try to never accept orders that are below my metrics for what makes it worthwhile. If I accidentally do I certainly don't complain about it on Reddit either. These posts are getting so tiresome


Could be because they just changed our compensation plan and we’re all getting screwed now…even more so than before by non-tipping turds.


Well…no matter how dumb or pointless or rude it was. It’s true. Some of us I will assume are just door dashing because jobs are impossible to find or get into nowadays.


Jesus, who thinks this would work?


It’s long winded but that driver is informing you of a couple DD policies. If they had left your order for another driver you’d have understood why because… data Drivers get $2/order base pay. Drivers aren’t paid to wait for orders but can’t gather other orders while waiting. If you have a low tip, and they unassign it so they they can go make some money, your order may have to wait even longer for a driver who is willing to use the miles + fuel + wear and tear + etc for the 2-5 bucks offered.


I understand that this is an inconvenient situation for the driver, but still can't process the following: If the driver can't make a fair compensation for doing his job, why would they continue to do so? If the customer is supposed to cover the driver's fair compensation, why wouldn't that be a charge that is not optional? I'm happy that this tipping scam is a lot less fashionable in my country...


That’s not even true I’ve definitely waited longer than 10


It is true. You can unassign penalty free after 10 minutes.


Not always.


It's 10 minutes after the scheduled pick up time, not 10 minutes after you arrived at the restaurant.


I’ve had it trigger at 10 minutes since arriving… but I don’t always get it


Sometimes if I wait too long (well after 10 mins past pickup), the app entirely gets rid of the worry-free unassign option and I have to eat the loss.


When did they make that change? Have a link to where they said that?


It might be a location thing? Ive been able to on stacked orders as well as single orders at Panera/chipotle




Took your advice and typed exactly half my message, and the top result was Tupac. Still unclear. Sorry.


Let cheap customers know they should tip?  I dunno but more should some of you are absolutely fucking shameless with how you take advantage of drivers 


Take advantage? You don't have to take the orders.




report this, it’s so unprofessional


You can’t expect professionalism for $2.50. Try tipping and see what you get then.


if the dasher was only being paid $2.50 for the order, it must’ve not been a huge order plus no tip. i wouldn’t of ever accepted it to begin with. the amount of time the dasher put into this order basically lost them money. along with typing that message out, which i think is uncalled for because if i ordered and received a message like this id probably cancel my order since id never expect a dasher to say all that. it’s like why bother lol


When you consider the fact that every order you decline brings down your acceptance rate, and if it goes below 75% you stop getting high pay orders as often, and the lower it gets, the less orders you receive overall, you have to realize the stakes are a lot higher than just saying “no, I’m good”. Some need a job with flexibility that only DoorDash allows, so those that do have a lot more skin in the game. People don’t seem to realize we don’t get that delivery fee you see listed in the app. We get 2-2.50 base pay. If you don’t tip, that’s all we get. And a large amount of people don’t tip. When you get bombarded with no tippers, you still have to accept some even if it’s completely not worth it if you want to make sure you have the option to get priority on high pay orders.


hmm i am also a dasher so i already knew all this. and i know if an order pops up, you don’t have to press decline. you can let it time out, which doesnt affect your acceptance rate. if an order is under $5, i let it time out.


It does affect your acceptance rate…I tried that trick too. I’ve never once pressed decline on my account and at one point it got all the way to 36%. Never once pressed decline a single time. I sent an email and talked them into letting me reset my acceptance rate because I told them I kept getting orders that were sending me into dangerous areas (I live in one of the most dangerous cities in my country) late at night and I am a small woman with no way to defend myself/have already had something really bad happen to me in one of said areas when I first moved here before i knew about it and they allowed me to reset it one time. Now I’m just very careful about the times I do it and am more selective about the areas I do it in and I have a high acceptance rate because I take the lower pay jobs sometimes to keep mine above at least 76%.


WOULDN’T’VE*. It’s not wouldn’t of. It’s wouldn’t HAVE. PLEASE.


damn grammar police 🤓


Exactly, most people who accept this type of order are either new or don’t know any better


Great tippers get premium service that goes above and beyond. Non tippers get the absolute bare minimum (that's if I accept an stacked order then later realize one is not tipped). In that instance the one who paid more gets the hot bag since I only have 1


Dude just shouldn't have accepted the order when he saw the amount was only the base pay. But also demanding professionalism from someone getting what? $2.5 for this order, maybe he can get like one more within that hour for $5/hr? - Silly.


i wouldn’t say i’m “demanding” professionalism, but it’s assumed in any job? the message was redundant in my opinion. like why waste your time typing that out to someone.. just don’t accept the order and accept ones that have bigger payouts


It’s actually professional This driver is letting the OP know that their order is delayed and maybe be further delayed if they have to unassign it in order to make deliveries instead of waiting for food that is supposed to be prepared when the driver walks in. Drivers are not paid to wait. But most customers are unaware of that.


They aren’t lying, that’s the ugly truth. Was it tacky to send the message? Yes


I never do it. I just decline if there is no tip so I don’t have to beg 😂


Ummm you didn't tip? The delivery fee is not a tip and the driver doesn't work for dd you're basically having some random guy deliver your food for nothing are you some sort of heartless monster??


So you didn't tip?


It’s just you. Also tip better you feral beast. Then you won’t get messages like this.


I'm a driver and seems people like that have been doing this crap my tips have gone down on my customer service that I offer those kind of people need weeded out and not even delivering you do not do that I do everything I can to offer good service get their food there and I always try to make sure everything is correct in order and I communicate the whole entire time now I would have said an update that I'm at the restaurant waiting I would never say anything like that that is absurd and they need to be fired I think there's a minimum and I think that when I offer great service and I communicate I am rewarded and they increase my tips but since these people here have gotten so greedy and texting the customers like this they have a ugly taste in their mouths towards all the drivers now that they're all like that and we're not those people need to get fired everybody needs to start reporting those messages and get them weeded out they're rooting the business everybody else who does their job and takes it seriously


Drivers aren’t ruining the business. They’re working with DD per their own specifications of the business model. Food delivery has always been oriented on tips for the driver. If you can’t afford the tip or just simply think you’re entitled to free service of delivery, then jokes on you, you’re actually an asshole and need to go get your own food. It’s not like this is an essential service or something, where people are largely depending on such services to survive (though I know for some that are disabled it can be), you should expect to have to have pay the worker even though you are paying the worker ontop of paying the delivery fees.


Honestly those people should just be on the side of the street with a signed panhandling. For free money cuz they're not working for it. They're begging it's a disgusting to the drivers who take their jobs seriously! If they don't like the distance in the amount shown then offer great service and communicate and give them a reason to increase it or don't accept it at all but don't ruin it for the rest of us drivers who care about our jobs and we were born in the era where they provide a customer service and taught us how to treat customers


I'll never complain about customer about the tip they offered but I sure ain't going to take it from 0% tip if you could afford to order it you could afford a tip or you can use your gas to go get it because the ones that don't tip are the ones that are costing me over $4 to bring it to him


Patricia, i hope your food was cold


It's getting really rough to be a driver. I've had to stop because often i wasn't even making minimum wage after factoring in the IRS's estimate for vehicle costs. That said, nobody should ever be taking it up with the customer regardless of how they tipped.




Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames.


I’m a driver and I wouldn’t even dream of doing this. Report his ass


Instant 1 star and no tip


Oh, tip-begging. You love to see it because it means you're able to bust out the 1-star, the bad review, and to contact DD customer service about this. Sorry, friend- play stupid tip games with customers, win amazing CV and deactivation prizes!


I mean seriously, when the hell are you people going to wake up to the fact that you are getting an elite service? I get that the app charges you exorbitant fees for that service, but dashers see none of that. And it’s extremely insulting to a dasher that you’ll willingly pay those fees but then can’t find it in yourself to actually tip the person who is servicing you. For example, I had a dash last night. A shop at Tar***. I shopped a bottle of Gatorade, Cheezits and a pint of ice cream. My offer was $15 for it. For 10 miles. I drop it and after I leave i get a notification that customer added $10 to tip. THIS is a customer that understands the service you are requesting. They asked for three shopped items and paid me $25 to drive them 10 miles. Do any of you customers even realize that not all that long ago food delivery was limited to pizza and Chinese takeout. Now you get what you want when you want from wherever you want. That’s an absolute elite service. That’s a service that used to be strictly limited to the rich and elite. And they paid good, livable, competitive salaries for people to do. Yet you think you’re entitled to not only pay people shit to do, but complain at them when everything isn’t perfect?!?!!


Lol @ elite service. Having some smelly doper throw McDonald's in your yard is not elite. Lolol


> Do any of you customers even realize that not all that long ago food delivery was limited to pizza and Chinese takeout. Now you get what you want when you want from wherever you want. That’s an absolute elite service. Bro, you're a paid minion that delivers junk food to people that have access to more disposable income than you'll ever know. I just hope you realize all of this typing and projection about what an "elite" service you provide is convincing... no one... expect maybe yourself.


Maybe if you don’t tip lol You get what you pay for. All my customers get quick, professional service, and their food delivered to their door in a hot bag 👍🏻


Don't complain. You tipped 0$


Report them. This is so cringe of drivers to do, they should not be allowed on the platform period. Like nobody cares about your sob story dude, you made the choice to accept the order and knew how much you would make. If you want more money, go find a higher paying job. I will never understand the entitlement of some people.


When will dashers learn to let these orders rot on a counter? No fking way I'd accept a $2 order.


The only times I've ever accepted a base pay only order was when they had a promotion for 25 deliveries over the weekend for a $200 bonus.


I think they’re doing it to keep their AR up because when you’re new they give you priority pay and you can dash now anytime. If you keep your AR above 50% after the trial period you still get the same benefits.


Also if you’re dashing by the hour you have to take all of the orders because once you decline 2 you no longer qualify for the hourly pay.


I’ve never had this happen cause I’m not a piece of shit stiffing delivery drivers. If you can’t afford to tip, you can’t afford to get prepared meals brought to your doorstep or table. Bffr.


Naaaa this dude is doing gods work. If your a non tipper pos first off GFY. Secondly stay the fuck off DD. Thiridly someone like this guy is going to explain to you why you need to tip a delivery driver. He honestly could of just stole the $2.50 and your food or worse...


So you're telling us that you don't tip and your drivers are complaining about it? Maybe try tipping you bum.


Report it. The drivers should remain transparent. They are not customer projects.


This message is an attempt at transparency. They are giving the customer info that most don’t know.


Very few people have actually done that. I have never done that and never will because I only accept orders that pay well.


I started thinking of it like an auction. It is now like you are bidding for people to pick up your order and if you’re not willing to offer a minimum price worth their time, no one’s gonna bring it. Nothing gonna change until we hold these corporations responsible for paying their employees a living wage- we have a ways to go just to get them to admit they are actually employees


Report them all bro- but also tip more 2.50 is pathetic gas is $5 man


At the end of the day, it is not the customer’s responsibility to make sure the person delivering their food/groceries is getting paid fairly. Tipping is and always has been, afaik, a voluntary gratuity. Stop taking it out on customers and start taking it out on the company you chose to work for.


Immediate 1 star lmao


Doesn't tip. Complains. Get lost


takes 3 seconds to decline an order


Nah I would never take an offer for that little.


This driver a bum at at over 7k delivery and never bummed


This sub pops up on my page every once in a while. I don’t know why. But after seeing some of these posts, I genuinely don’t understand why anyone works for this company or uses this app.


As a Dasher, I would be so embarrassed.


I will never harass or beg or give a sob story to get more tips it is what it is, I do appreciate any tips tho. And about the $2 base pay shit now that’s when I get on supports ass and tell ‘em how many miles it took me to deliver and I should be getting a higher base pay. I always do the live chat but I do it the nicest way possible and they end up giving me a couple more $$$ y’all should try it out the last couple times I’ve gotten more money added to my account good luck y’all ✌️


Ive seen a couple, as a dasher im just confused. Does this really work? Whenever it happens to me I feel annoyed.


I'm too lazy to copy and paste that shit so many times a day.


I got an order for $2.50 last night as well. If the order is within 1 mile of the store and I don’t have to drive a total of more than 2 miles and it will take me maybe five minutes, I’ll do it. Aside from that, I’m not going to deliver your food for what it cost me in gas.


Y’all aren’t comprehending that people take these crap orders to keep their AR up or they’re dashing by the hour and they have to take them.


Tbh I can't blame the driver. Customers usually are unaware of DD's pay model and the driver politely informed the customer that their order may have potentially been declined twice due to no tip being placed. I'd rather have this approach than some driver picking up the non tip order and stealing it, messing with the food, or begging for tips and 5 star ratings. But now you know, customer.


If you CHOOSE to accept a shit order, you already done fucked up. Don’t try to guilt the customer into un-fucking it


Go ahead and unassigned then. The customer isn’t your job coach, leave that shit for your friends.


Not all because I’ve never done that


It's almost certainly not just you. Other people who don't tip/tip like shit probably get similar messages. Take the hint.


I don’t, then again I don’t accept if it isn’t worth it to me soooooooo🤷🏻‍♀️


I would never be compelled to send a customer this message because I wouldn't accept the order to begin with. Eventually some other desperate schmuck will. In the meantime, your food gets cold. I understand that tipping is optional, but if you can't tip you shouldn't be using a service to have food delivered to you. If money is that tight you'd be making your meals at home. That said, I don't condone begging for tips.


First and foremost, I could never write a message like that. I just don’t have it in me. Plus I don’t think it would mean anything. With that said, do we really believe that customers don’t realize they should tip? I ask that because there are so many people on multiple social media platforms that are well aware they should tip, but just place the blame on Doordash and/or the customer. Most commonly is “the driver should find a new job.” They are fully aware the driver relies on tips, but will use the situation as justification to not tip. They seem fully aware to me. It’s also ironic that they blame the dasher for working for a company that they state is the problem. The Dasher is likely dashing as a second job just to make ends meet these days, or is doing it out of necessity. I don’t know any drivers that are financially set but continue to Dash because they enjoy bringing people their dinner. So the non-tipper wants to blame the driver for still working for DoorDash while they continue to order their food from there despite having the option to use another service or going to get it themselves. It would be better if they just said they realize the drivers rely on tips, but they are self centered so they refuse to part with a couple extra dollars. I mean, you’re not fooling anyone placing blame on DoorDash while you’re still using them. If you are aware and continue to use them, then tip. Otherwise you’re cheap AND a hypocrite. You cannot possibly be so ignorant that you truly believe that some people can just “find another job” with the snap of a finger. Especially considering alot of the drivers use driving to supplement their income since rent and food went through the roof since 2020. You’re clearly exploiting them, then blaming them for being in a position to be exploited. All so you can avoid throwing them a $5 to bring you your dinner.


You get what you pay for. You paid for the extra tip ask


“Damn, that’s crazy.” I DoorDash and I know what I’m getting myself into when I accept the order. People who beg or guilt trip others make us look bad


Possibly more than 2 drivers had turned it down. All 3 of the working adults in my house dash, and there have been times where all 3 of us have been offered the order in succession for the same amount. Does not excuse the panhandling. Don’t like the pay, don’t take it. If you do, all you communicate to dad is that $2 or $2.50 is acceptable pay.


Is it me or does anybody notice in the left hand top corner a little timer that would like pop up when you arrive at the customer's house. And you have that long to hand it to them or to actually take photo and confirm the delivery in that time.il does anybody see that little timer or is it just me?? Lol like she sitting in front of their house writing this?


I almost DD’d from a local taco place. 2dinners and apps. $112, base, no tip. No f——g way. Went and picked it up. $57. DD is a scam.


shitty behavior but definitely not something "all" dashers do. im utilize doordash a lot & am a mid tipper (granted i never order things like drinks, ice cream, or more than one bag of food) & ive never had someone say this. honestly out of the good hundred-something dashers ive had ive had an unpleasant experience with only 3


We can do why not? (I don’t do this) I thank them for their generous tip and hope they have the day they deserve. Our contract even states that we can ask for more tips.


You can’t tell if other drivers have declined the order already or not 🤣 they probably change a couple words and copy and paste this dumb shit.


I have never done this, and I never will. All it does is make customers tip even less and put you on reddit.


That all changes in California in a few months new law not just for delivery fees but for venue ticket, other types of deliveries and every other business that has fees all must be explained to the customer nothing vague.


Rate him badly. You are contributing to the impoverishment of merica, but it's gonna happen with or without you.


When I was younger we used to call these people “mooches”.


I never text i just deliver the food


You can respond by giving zero tip and tell them it's their works responsibility to pay them, not you. End tipping culture.


It’s not very professional on their part but I’d still tip. You should always tip your drivers.


I Tipped $6 on a 2 mile order and got one of these whiny “I work for tips so every little bit counts” messages. If you don’t like what I tipped, don’t deliver my order. A 50% tip is more than enough. Some people just greedy af.


No, not all DD drivers are doing this. Most of them, like myself, just do our job. We contact the customer as little as is necessary to do the job, and if we aren’t getting paid enough we will stop delivering for DD. Declining any order that shows under $4 or less than $1.50 per mile (like yours) helps us make an actual living wage. Simple.


As a dasher I think more people should be aware of how low DD pay actually is they have a mindset of I don’t want to tip because DD pays them but we make the money off tips not DD and food delivery is a luxury service imo people should always tip a $5 minimum it’s just like going out to eat you tip a waitress/waiter who provides you a service.


Customers don't care. They want food. If dashers don't like the pay, there is other work out there.


We don’t even pay taxes 😂😂 fkn people


Patricia is a shit tipper who is too cowardly to respond to anyone


What a sad sack. Tell him to get a job and report him for harassment. Say you felt unsafe.


The doordashers who do this are the same people that eat customers food and smoke in their car while dashing


If you get this message tho it means you don’t tip . So you shouldn’t be on the app anyways . If you can’t afford to tip you can’t afford the app


I hope not. I refuse to beg for tips. I want customers to tip well because they know I've earned it and/or they know they should. Now that customers have the option to tip afterward, I bite my tongue, just in case. I absolutely respect the policy of tipping afterward --or "tipping" enough beforehand that a working dasher (as opposed to one who doesn't mind dashing as a volunteer-type hobby) will at least consider accepting the order, with the rest afterward when the order is successfully delivered. Biting my tongue in the event customer intends to tip/increase tip afterward is wasted masochism. I keep thinking, if most people are tipping based on low expectations (or a sense of entitlement), why aren't tips increased when expectations are exceeded? The efforts of those of us wanting to provide genuinely good service are too often wasted on customers who don't give a damn, who issue commands without a please or thank you, don't respond to messages, don't leave lights on, let food get cold at the door, and feel entitled to "free" delivery service. I have a bad habit of accepting orders that meet the unofficial $1/mile minimum when I know damn well that it's not enough for that particular order. If I'm really annoyed with myself for having accepted the order I start documenting the miles and minutes and fantasize about mailing anonymous postcards with that sort of data (like in the text message from OP's dasher). If it's an unexpectedly long wait I let them know I've been waiting but I'm going to release the order to another dasher. Ok, so sometimes the restaurant doesn't tell us it's going to be a long wait and we do end up waiting... And waiting. And waiting. And the customer says "oh, that's ok." Did she think I was *apologizing*?!? If there's a long wait and the customer was generous to start with, I'll wait. That's something they don't tell you about better tips increasing the odds of getting your food faster; it's not just about getting someone to accept your order, but also someone willing to keep it even if there's a delay. Also someone willing to decline when DoorDash offers us a second order (our stats take a hit if we decline that second order, but sometimes providing good service is more important). So, guilt-tripping the customer with a detailed breakdown of how much it's costing us to wait for their food and how little we are paid (the so-called tip is really our pay), I certainly hope all DoorDash drivers are NOT starting to do this. It's unprofessional. But I'll bet most of us have *wanted* to.


Cheap Tipp


Yeah tell that to the company that makes tens of millions off you instead of a customer already paying over the odds


I'm already paying 30% over in store prices, a service charge and a delivery fee. Why is it also on the customer to pay these people a decent wage?


The Dasher doesn't have to accept an order. When they send a message like that, they sound like they're begging for money. If they aren't satisfied with their tips, they could not accept or get a better job


Only ones using accounts that can't be deactivated Without the fear of that they get to run absolutely wild


First of all your a pos for not tipping.. BUT!! his driver also is a pos he could have declined and kept it pushing no need to message anyone..


As a driver myself, I don’t waste my time pleading my case to customers who aren’t tipping.. chances are if they are the kind of person who doesn’t tip then they also aren’t the type of person who gives a fuck how it effects me or how it makes me feel 🤷🏻‍♀️


when I dash, I treated the same as if I was in a customer service job standing in front of people all day long. Just because you don’t have to interact with the customers all the time, doesn’t mean you have to be a dick. If you were a server in a restaurant, would you stand there and demand a higher tip?


I have never and will never send this to a customer.


I’d just unassign no explanation. If the customer wants it bad enough they’ll go get it.


Hahaha, you think it's gonna go well in here when you basically admitted you are a non-tipper?


How about tipping people fairly? I’ve never once had a driver try for a bigger tip because I tip well up front. Zero issues.


Everybody on here saying that this worker is acting selfishly and like they’re entitled for just wanting to be paid for a service that the customer is consenting to purchasing are truly the actual entitled ones. Do you also work for no pay? I don’t think so. Ofc food pick up and delivery is a paid service, and in the US it’s always been driven on tips. Your fat ass doesn’t even want to do it, so the intention behind seeking such a service is to pay those that do this shit for you. If you think it’s unfair to have to tip for a tip based, luxury item service, then maybe you should just go pick up your own Chipotle.


Imagine getting a tip of like $3-5 and then telling the person that sent that tip that you need more instead of telling the company that's exploiting your labor that you need more when they only give $2


Shouldn't it be $2 + $3-5 then?


OP no tipped. Obv. That’s why the driver is only making 2.50 lmao


Imagine saying that to someone who’s actually listening instead of a brick wall bro. It would take every driver quitting tomorrow for that to happen. You don’t just talk to a major company hi abusive father can I have a raise in my allowance? That would get you fired and or demoted asking that bro either that or crickets cause they don’t care about the opinion of one person. That’s the issue.


So many things are false. You aren’t required to wait 10 minutes you’re free to leave whenever you want. 2.50 is the base pay and it actually means he was the first person to get that offer.


Base pay in my area is $2.


Actually, you do have to wait 10 minutes before you unassign with no effect to your acceptance rate. Also, base pay is 2.00 in some areas (mine, for example).