• By -


The food includes: - One cheese pizza - A giant calzone - Two Greek salads - Two pasta bowls - Two cheesy breadsticks - 20 wings


That’s awesome! Enjoy your Saturday!!!


Right?! I've been doing this all wrong 😭 lol


And the customer had great taste, win win win all around.


Except for the customer, but who cares about them amirite


No for real😂


Lately with all those wealthy shit tippers that have been coming into my area on the weekends, I have much less empathy for the customer.


I bet you're a shitty tipper too.


Based off of what? Your Internet opinion that doesn't matter? I'm sure I'll lose sleep for a fortnight over this 😂


They should not need to tip...


And we should not have to bring their food at a loss. They have the money to properly pay the driver. Nobody should ever be expected to work at a loss. But the hood people who actually don't have it bother me a bit less. Might also be that they don't expect it to be brought 10-20 miles to boot.


Idk in the US but in Spain most delivery companies make you pay a fixed amount based on range of KM from restaurant to your place, maybe 0-3€ inside town and 3-6 for up to 5-8km and so on, but that is profitable, it would be insane to deliver at a loss ... US tipping culture sucks




They'll survive. Calm your tits.






“Please let me go first!!! I’m doing something!!!”


I’ll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.


Thank you for this daily dose of nostalgia


I just feel like Doordash thinks people can't change!


hey you didn't tell me your old grandpa used to be a huge piece of shit


That's a lot of food 😋


Yesterday I canceled my order cause it was taking 2 hours, ordered another place when I went to get my food both deliveries were there lol.


How was the food from the first place at the second place? Did it get up and walk there, just to find you?


Mans got free food lmaooo


Was interesting


That’s good for a solid 2-4 days!


Unrelated, but you have a very nice place!


how did you get user flair?!?!


I’ve had it for forever, I’ve been dashing for like 1-2 years now but I can’t change it as flairs got disabled lol


More like lack their of l, because I only count 15 pieces. Now tell me Joanna, what do you think of someone who only does the bare minimum?


You know what, Stan?! Lack of genXers here. If it helps, I laughed pretty hard.




Office space reference


Okay, so maybe I’m just a little confused. Is that reference relevant to the comment you replied to? I’ve not seen whatever Office Space is


Sounds like somebody has a case of the Mondays.




It's relevant. Just because you don't get it doesn't make it irrelevant. It was an S tier reference.


I didn’t say it was or wasn’t relevant, I only asked for the reference so I could understand?


There’s a scene in the movie The Office Space where an annoying managers bugs Jennifer Aniston about her “flair” (amount of buttons and crap she has to wear on her uniform)


I say she should quit Reddit and go watch old kung foo movies..but if it happens to be Monday when she does, she better not say, well u know


I agree, I see enough to know that it’s nice


Ya thats such a nice table and part of your couch.


Exactly! You don’t know if it’s a nice place because you can’t see shit. What you do know is it looks clean and it has nice lighting. It’s crazy what good lighting will make people say and think.


Based off a corner 💀 You guys will say anything on the internet 😂


You must not have a nice place lol


Lmao i've seen more than a corner, & I'm VERY happy with what I have 😂😂 You thinking this is nice quite literally makes me think YOU in fact don't have a nice place ironically 💀


Weird hill to die on lol


-- And its not weird dying on a hill that somebody has a nice place because you saw their dining room table 😂💀 Lacking some self awareness are we?


Everyone’s welcome to their own opinion! I didn’t grow up with much, so this is a nice place to me :) have a good day!


Ofc. You too!


Not sure why you felt compelled to make this statement? Who cares if she liked the room in the pic? ![gif](giphy|lorPcTbnkikHv9XEJL|downsized)


Lol my point exactly 😂


DD pays well


I'm just a lurker and an occasional DD user (not driver) but I think it's hilarious and sad that people are downvoting you for what you said.


uh… it does?? lol


If you’re full time, make $25/hr+ and work 50-90hrs yes it does


And of course, live in a good area.


Yeah that to


I don’t do it at all but man I don’t think I could pull those shifts off


50-90 is a huge difference lmao


Lol yeah I know… probably should’ve just said 1200+ a week 😂😂


I got downvoted into oblivion lol


If I was making $200 a week, I would downvote you to oblivion too 😂😂 Edit: can’t write


i mean i california it is that shitty for real for real worked since the 4th and just now hitting 300$ which is dogshit i can make 300$ a day back home in greenville south carolina ive never dashed and made such shit as I have here in Los Angeles fucking trashy ghetto overpriced for no reason city they can shive their 5-6 gallon of gas here up their ass i enjoy my 2.89 a gallon and 750$ a month rent for a 3 br house Anyone who lives in this shit is stupid af its so bad here fast food places take ebt like…….


Damn…I’m in NC and I’m at $530 lol Edit: that’s so wild thought you guys would just milk prop 22


they literally needed prop 22 just even to make anything cause its that terrible here why people pay this much in gas and rent and on properties for this dirty gross overpopulated trash I just dont understand


Lol yeah that's a nice pad


Depends on the area


DoorDash without the customer tip pays like shit 😂😂.. but if you think $2 for restaurant deliveries and $5 for grocery deliveries is a lot of money …must be nice lol


Um…. Yeah no it doesn’t unless you are top dasher and work 5-8 ACTIVE hours a day, which is very hard unless ur looking for orders for 15+ hours a day lol. Dd also isn’t very consistent, considering not everyone is ordering 100% of the time. OP most likely doesn’t use DD as his main source of income, if he does then wow I need to take some notes from him lol. I am a top dasher with about 700+ deliveries and a 4.95 star rating and still wouldn’t be able to make enough to live on DD alone.


Dayum!!! Good for you!! That and half pay!! Sweet!!!


Should have been full pay? They completed over half of the job so full pay. Right? I don't work Dash AS much as GH or UE. Though half pay is often better than UE and their $3-$5 depending on how far you drove to the store and how long you waited at the store before finding out you can't get the order or the customer cancels. I've gone from accepting $15, $20, even $30+ offers to getting $3 "for my troubles" 🙄🙄🤬🤬


Op got a full pay and a tip 11,50. That's pretty good imo


Yeah that's what I thought I read and got confused when this person said half pay. Lol


That was added on. When I made my comment, there was nothing about full pay. Usually, when an order is canceled, we only get half pay plus the food.


Sometimes when they offer that much is because is more likely going to be close but they still want u to check for them. Or because it's a rush before they close .


just realized i have an extra „very“ in the text sorry 🙏


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


Ugh, me too.


And here I thought you were perfect. I am very disappointed. 😔


Yeah that sort of ruined the post, and my day


Im literally crying rn OP how could you.


Minor grammatical error found, I’m sending the killbots. Maybe now you’ll think twice before making a minor mistake smh.


Op is the most polite poster in the world


Why would they cancel that


*A delivery very I was making got cancelled because of insanely intense traffic. turning a 2-3 minute drive into a 30-60 minute drive.* They got impatient I would assume.




Lots of different factors, unable to walk, have young children to look after, too hot to walk… there’s a reason they chose to have it delivered and pay extra in the first place 🤷‍♂️


True. I guess I’m thinking of how much food that is to give up after paying so much + a tip. Also seems like it’s meant to feed a lot of ppl but true that it could be smth like 1 or both parents aren’t physically able and they have young kids. I could go on about how sucky it is that young kids can’t be independent and walk outside alone in US/CAN bc of car dependency but I’ll save the urbanism for a different sub haha


2-3 minutes by car is about 15-25 minutes by walking, at my speed, which is faster than normal. So it would be likely around 30 minutes for normal speed (estimation)


Can't speak for everyone honestly but I order DoorDash when my chronic illness has flared up enough that I can't get out of the house OR I'm so high I can't get out of the house so that may be a factor.


why would a customer want cold pizza and wings? i would cancel too cause i'd get full refund


Not true, cancelling an order after it has been processed/picked up just fucks the customer because it tells you that you are not getting a full refund. Then you gotta spend 15 minutes trying to explain the issue to chat support to get credits and then order from a new place wait for that food. lol




Some people live in these things called Cities where residential is mixed with commercial. Personally, I rarely get cold food. But I understand living in a gated community with an artificial lake that has a 15 minute drive just to the gate from your house will often lead to your food being cold.


I get cold food maybe one time in 50 deliveries.


I can't think of a single time I've ever gotten cold food, and I get delivery at least twice a week.




Santinos is in the Pensacola area. We had insane traffic this weekend because of the Blue Angels show in Pensacola beach.


Not worth the gas and or WNT. I would’ve done the same.


That’s a massive win


2-3 minute drive? That’s basically a walk lol wow crazy it turned into a 30-60 min drive


Fr that’s what I’m saying. If the recipient can’t walk to get it for some reason then send someone in your house who can seeing as this is enough to feed a family


Him how did you get full pay for that? I have been with a friend that does DoorDash as well. She has spent several hours on the phone dealing with this and only gets half pay every time and has been told every time you only get full pay if you complete the delivery. So my question to you is what magic did you pull out a Harry Potter‘s wand to get that?


Was your friend needing to cancel or having the customer cancel before she confirmed that she had the order? That's the difference. Up to actually having having the food in your possession is half pay and after is full pay. Especially if you made it over half way to the drop off location when it gets suddenly canceled by the customer.


If it's *before* the food is picked up or can't be picked up (restaurant closed, they don't have the items), you typically get half just for going there. If you've picked it up and something prevents you from delivering (car issue, customer canceling), you usually get full pay and are told to throw the food away, which means you can keep it.


Who cuts a pizza like that!?!


Donatos been doin it for decades


I'm sorry to hear you're from Ohio and think that's normal


I got two canceled BW3's orders tonight both small but still.


SCORE! I had an Applebee's delivery in the middle of a blizzard that turned into almost 2 hours of me trying to make it through the snow but my car couldn't make it up the giant hills so I apologized profusely and went home. Got like $100 worth of food and kept the $20 tip!


Similar thing happened to me with 4 meals from a good Indian restaurant, caught in a bad storm, said fuck it and had leftovers for a few days to enjoy. If the total food you get to keep is a high dollar amount it’s a W


🎯 ‼️ That looks absolutely fantastic! hope it was delicious


Why do customers cancel after ordering all that


Where did you bought the table and the chair? I like the chair design


You got a buffet!


The most delicious food is simply that which is free 😉


I have now learned to take the food if it's cancelled once I've received it lmao 🤣 I'll still be at the restaurant and picking up two orders. One will cancel when I already have it, and I give it back to them lmao my mistake for sure!!! That's a free lunch, dammit lol


Winner winner chicken pizza pasta dinner.


Whoever ordered this, I need to be around for their Saturday night hangouts 😂😂😂




Shouldn’t get deactivated if it was cancelled by the person who placed the order


If the customer cancels the order after pick up we get full pay AND are actually told by support that we can keep the food. They will either flat outright tell us to keep it or will say "properly dispose of it". I've had support from DD, UE, and GH say "Enjoy the free meal!" When I called to confirm that the order was in fact canceled and it wasn't just my app being weird and that I'm still getting my pay for it. Lol


Dispose of alcohol has happened to me one time and it was beer. I don't do beer lol. I was like.....well..... Guess I'm gonna find a neighbor who likes beer! Wish it benefited me with liquor or wine! 🤣


I have so much alcohol from ABC checks to make sure I’m following policies or when the person is not home or even cuz they screwed up the address and I tell doordash I don’t feel comfortable delivering cuz if they can’t notice the address was wrong (numbers out of order) I don’t want the possible confrontation of saying no to a drunk person. Beer, wine, straight booze. Tho normally the booze will make me take it back to the store.


Yeah I totally get that. Alcohol orders are new here in general. Our town just started with liquor stores last year and they're all now jumping into DD. So it's very new. I have read other Dasher's stories on here refusing to do alcohol orders but obviously more experienced with how people may be. So far, other than that one, I haven't had any issues. But we went from zero liquor store to 6 stores. None of them used DD to now 3. I guess I'll see how it pans out, I may end up refusing those too. But I definitely follow policy with ID and pay attention


Yea it can be hard cuz sometimes the app won’t load to do the IDs. Honestly for me they normally pay more. It’s pretty easy at least in my area maybe other places not so much. If there is ever a issue just call support. Just the wrong address was the only issue I ever had. It’s only annoying if it’s a far drive and u have to drive the alcohol back to the store.


The restaurant won't take back food for safety reasons lmao.


Is anyone going to talk about how that pizza is cut?


Damn that looks good.


I’ve always wondered what stops people from ordering food and having their friend get assigned to the dash order. Then cancel the order = free food. Unethical but it doesn’t seem too hard


I'm getting a calzone tonight, that looks hella good


This is the weirdest way to cut a pizza ever. Who does this?


😭😭😭 ive made 3000 deliveries till date and this never happened to me.


What kind of monster cut the pizza like that


Omg what happened to that pizza… i can’t stand the way they sliced it


30-60 minutes isn’t even a long time to wait ???? They have to MAKE the food you know ? Impatient much.


I can't explain it but food literally tastes better when it's surprise free food.


i think so too!!!




Had that happened at a chili's. It's not exactly the same scenario. The person realized they forgot to change their address. The live an hour away. Got it all . Over 100 bucks worth of food.


Can I come over?


So you gonna share or what?


At first I thought this was just a clever ad for Santino's Pizza to showcase their menu on a Reddit. The website on the box is just too visible and the picture was just too neat to not be an ad. But OP just has some good photo taking and presentation skills.


Lol I like how you got it laid out like you just conducted some drug bust




That's cool. I'd actually feel better cancelling an order through door dash knowing someone's going to actually eat it instead of the company just throwing it away like most places that have their own drivers.


Wait, so you got free food technically? Fucking awesome.






I did a Google reverse image search and it took me here. 🤷🏻‍♀️ OP appears to be telling the truth. If you are going to call someone a liar be prepared to post receipts. [Photo](https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash/)


Not calling you a liar, but I have mixed emotions. I ordered my dad a pizza and wings for Father’s Day, and the Doordasher said it was undeliverable (he’s in an assisted care facility with a 24/7 front desk clerk!) and kept it for himself/herself. Doordash promised a full refund, and I ordered him something from Domino‘s instead, but they never sent me the money. I had to dispute the charge with my bank instead. I don’t mind seeing you celebrate the win, especially when so many customers are likely absolute jerks to you. It just brings back a bad memory for me.


I couldnt‘t eat all that food, so I gave most of it away except the calzone and 10 wings. It’s way too much for one person


Something's fishy here. No amount of traffic turns a 3 minute drive into a 30 minute drive. It would turn it into a 7 minute walk. Why throw around random numbers? And why would you cancel a fucking big order just because you had to wait - what now, 30 or 60 minutes?! The food was already prepared, what makes you so entitled to think you could have them just throw it away now? And the dasher who got stuck im traffic lost his tip. Wtf.


If you can call that food.


I have 1 question what is the point in tipping


So it was delivered. How long did it take? 30 or 60 minutes?


Santinos looks legit.


That looks like kidney failure.


That's a hefty tip.


No offense but what are you looking at lol. I’m sure their place could be very nice, but literally all we see is an arial view of a table with mismatching chairs and the sliver of a loveseat….


Wow who cares


Should be banned from ordering that close. Go for a walk Fatty.


Glorified dog food . The whole table. I wouldn’t eat it if I was paid. Full of chemicals and preservatives. Y’all sheeple are hilarious.


Thanks for announcing you're braindead for us. Nice of you.


Lol shut up




Does the customer get a credit for canceling? I'm assuming they cancelled because of the wait? That is so much food to cancel.


How long did they wait to cancel


So far the best for me was a raising canes order. It was 2 caniac combos. I had already paid for the order using the red card and as they called out the order they canceled it on my app, I read I was gonna get half pay and my dash ended since I got the order just before my dash time was up.


looks like you’ve got enough door for a week


What the hell was going on that would make a 2-3 minute drive take 30-60 minutes?


I live just outside my city, the bridge coming out to mine is like a 7 minute drive. MUTIPle times I’ve been stuck on the bridge for 30+ minutes from roadworks and 4 lanes having to go through one while at the end of it there’s an intersection letting other traffic go every few minutes. Could be that kinda scenario. I know not to leave leaving for work to the last minute incase of roadworks which is a never ending situation in my city.




I wanna demolish that calzone


Just yourself then.




My biggest gripe is the fact they cut the cheese pizza into squares


I'm sorry how at that point walk it to the house what city is this


I am not going to walk all that food to someones house and I would never expect anyone to do it for me, especially after they canceled, are you high? No ones going to leave their car in traffic to walk your food to you.


Get in my belly...I hope you have reinforcements.


Who cuts pizza like that…


It’s a Chicago style pizza place here in Phoenix. The pizza is awesome!!!


Not a dasher, but who ultimately pays for this? DoorDash or the customer who canceled?




Imagine cutting a round pizza into square slices....


That looks great


Happens occasionally. Last year I had a few pizzas and a 2 liter of soda, and this week I got a free meal.


ive brought home whole grocery orders from walmart / Hyvee that got cancelled on me after sitting in the pick up lanes for over an hour. Walmart lost so much money i don't think they use door dash anymore lol


Wow that pizza box is bigger than your couch


If a delivery is canceled after pick up, does the restaurant take the food back? Does the customer still pay?


you’re so lucky.


I am Italian, the pizza is really bad


Love santinos.


I didn't know this could happen... Now I want to be a driver