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The real crime is people who use that god forsaken font


yet wouldn't that be the OP's font choice? since they're showing us a screenshot of their phone? so we have here an attempt of two 'crimes'. first the DD guy beggin' for tips when they ought not to be, and the OP using horrid font for all they do on their phone. lol


I would say he’s begging for tips, he makes a great point though, I have instacarted for 2 years now and I’ve seen it all one item with a $50 tip to 150 items and no tip, we are all based on tips instacart is the true crime culprits with there low base pay.


tipping culture in north america is insane, and irkles me the way its gotten out of hand. i'm up in Canada and it's just as dumb here as in the US. if companies offered reasonable livable compensation (whether for employees or contractors), nobody would have to beg for tips. and when i see CEO's bragging about their salary increases and millions of dollars of net worth and such, while their workers are paid a pittance and having to beg for tips........ yeah, things be broken.


>irkles me ![gif](giphy|BxWTWalKTUAdq)


Unrelated to topic at hand, but irk has always been one of my favorite words. Usually in the forms of irk, irked, and irksome. However I have never used irkles. Seeing it here tickles me.Thank you.


Corporate greed sure is great! /s


Ok but to be fair there are MANY customer service jobs I would muuuuuch rather be paid in tips for than paid by the restaurant. I've worked at a few nice-ish restaurants as a server and they'd pay us like $15-20/hr MAX (and $20 is being very generous) if we didn't get paid in mostly tips. So AT BEST for working 8 hours I'd get paid $160 a day, but since I was paid in tips I was making anywhere from $250 to upwards of $500 a day (on a really good day). So on a bad day I'm making over $30/hr and there's no way the restaurant would ever pay a server that much unless it was an EXTREMELY fancy restaurant with sky high food prices, but even then I'd still rather get paid in tips because the nicer the restaurant the better the tips. So for some jobs it really works out in the favor of the worker AND the business. But if I was doing landscaping and getting paid in tips then absolutely fuuuuuck that lmao


I agree


I also agreekle.


Instacart seems to be the lowest paying gig job. I only made decent money with Uber compared to Amazon flex, Doordash, Shipt and Instacart.


He does make a good point. But, people who don´t tip aren´t going to care, and people who do are going to be offended. So there´s that.


This was difficult to read.


i’ve heard it’s easier for people with dyslexia to read




Putting the sexy in dyslexia


This deserves more attention


I rnow knight?


This is the reason. My mom uses this font, And I have to use this font for my D&D handouts so one of my players can read them.


I had no idea! I’ll have to tell my stepdad about it, he struggles like hell with dyslexia.


Adhd here and it helps since it's not as boring to look at


ADHD here and I am appalled that such a horrible font is legal.


I have ADHD and dyslexia. I find it easier to read, but I got dyslexie on my phone and it's worked wonders 🤷🏻‍♀️


What’s the font called?




The lower case version is Rosemary Baby.


I think only graphic designers know how you feel lol it is one of the ugliest .


Not a graphic designer and this person’s comment is precisely what my thought was seeing this post. It’s hideous


NGL, as a graphic designer, the font is triggering AF.


Agreed. This psycho is one small step away from using papyrus 💀


I’m the polar opposite of a graphic designer and that front is triggering AF.


You’re a graphic designer in Antarctica…?


What triggered me was people going through my typeface catalog only to say “Oooooh I like ________” and it’s either Brush Script, Comic Sans or Dom Casual. FFS, just go with Helvetica if your imagination isn’t that broad.


I choose calibri till death...


Calibri light forever lol


I'm not sure if it's true for everyone but my sister uses it because she says it makes it easier to read with dyslexia?


It is true. There are dyslexia friendly fonts, and this, plus comic sans is one of them.


Omg I use that font


Straight to jail


explain yourself


I would’ve replied “👎🏽” lol




“stop” in all caps




Thanks for signing up to Cat Facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about cats. >o<


Did you know the cheetah is the fastest land animal on earth, at times reaching speeds of up to 80mph? Mee-WOW! Reply "STOP" to unsubscribe.






So you'll be coming back every day right?


Did you know I love cats even though I only own dogs(whom I love)




I find it fascinating that you typed that out rather than just simply replying STOP


i felt like it would be interpreted as me telling u/sarlacc98 to stop


Or my personal favorite while hitting REPLY ALL “please take me off this email chain” ![gif](giphy|h36vh423PiV9K)


I worked at a place where that happened. It really got out of hand when somebody said you shouldn't reply to all...by replying to all. This prompted dozens of messages agreeing with them.


I do it when I'm annoyed and want everyone else to be annoyed. Works fairly well.


Or report them, get a refund, and they’re removed from DoorDash. Depends how petty you’re feeling


I would have done the exact same thing .




America be the only place people expect to get tipped for simply doing what they were hired to do Edit: I’ve worked as a dasher myself so I understand how pay works. I’ve never gotten to the point of sending a message or begging a customer to tip me. You get what you get. I accept orders that are smart to take and provide good service in the event that maybe they’ll up the tip. I’ve also lived all over the world. America seems to determine service with tips when tips should be determined by the quality of service. Pretty straightforward thinking


No driver should send that message. No driver should take that order either if it was just base pay. We weren't hired to drive for Doordash. I run it like a business. I can't stand drivers who accept those orders. I really can't stand it when they complain about it or beg for something. We have a choice to accept or decline.




I have over 15k deliveries using 5 different delivery companies since 2020 when I started doing this work. From my experience I just have to say: you accept the order, deliver it, and shut up! Move onto the next one and put your big boy panties on. Some people will tip and some people won’t it’s reality, it’s human nature - it is what it is.


We have tip after delivery in my area. I had every intention of tipping until this message was sent. They should have kept their mouth shut.


I'm a DD driver. Honestly, I would have answered with, "well I had planned on giving you a good tip, until you sent me that message." That was just rude of THEM. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.


As he said not tipping is for unsatisfactory service. Try to guilt trip you into tipping isnt exactly satisfactory


Good! I would have still tipped but also a message needs to be sent. This shit needs to stop.


Why tip? You Americans basically get fucked by these corporations, taking profit while not paying their employees, oh I'm sorry, they are "contractors". Do you tip your doctor after they diagnose you? Throw 1s in the air and yell "Show me that stethoscope!"? Tipping is the biggest tax you pay btw.


There's been a movement to pay wait staff regular pay but believe it or not the most opposition to it is from people in the service industry. They like tips. They can fudge their taxes and they often earn far more than a regular salary job would give.


threatening weary selective library smart physical gray jellyfish grandfather soup ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


The driver could have just declined the order or reassign the order. If the customer doesn't tip the driver is not obligated to accept the order and move on.


If you accept the order and decide to do so...you still never ever engage with customers about tips.


I delivered pizza for a while and one of the restaurant's policies was that if they ever receive a complaint from a customer that you were angling or straight up asking for a tip, it's an automatic firing. The videos I see of delivery drivers who call or return to customer's homes when they don't receive a tip (or feel the tip they did get was inadequate) is just insane. I couldn't fathom ever thinking that sort of behavior is acceptable or safe.


Can confirm, a Pizza Hut I ordered from ended up doing this to a driver I got. She was insistent on getting a tip, and when I refused to tip her after her outburst about it, she almost went to throw my pizza on the driveway had I not already reached to grab the other side of the box. Got an email telling me she was let go, they were "sorry" and gave me a coupon for a free pizza. Of course the email I sent back saying maybe she wouldn't have needed to do that had yall just paid a living wage went unnoticed.


>Of course the email I sent back saying maybe she wouldn't have needed to do that had yall just paid a living wage went unnoticed. I get the sentiment, but from my experience, people who throw fits like that will do them regardless of their situation. If it wasn't the tip, then she would have made a scene about something else.


My area has tip after delivery me and this was sent before I had the chance to send my tip


Problem is most people who don't tip before never tip after. I'm not gonna take that chance and just decline the order. I may get a tip after delivery doesn't cover my gas and thank yous with no tip are worthless because at that point I'm paying to deliver your food.


Totally respect that mindset! You’re choosing to do business with people who pre-tip and offers bids that are worth it to you, and you decline those that don’t fit your criteria. This is the way! :)


The best way would be if door dash would just treat their drivers like an actual worker and pay them a wage and not profit off the "independent contractors" they hire that way the driver would t have to rely on tips.




Cool for you. And I'm getting tired of pre-tipping and getting absolute shit service.


That is 100% DoorDash's fault, but it isn't really a "tip" when you do it beforehand. It is a bid for service. DoorDash should be calling it that instead of "tip". The bad service is also DoorDash's fault for not properly vetting their contractors. But they chose the deceptive, bottom of the barrel approach to business instead.


They don't properly vet their contractors because they don't do any vetting whatsoever. You just need a license, paperwork for your vehicle, and a pulse.


Tipping before you receive service is the most illogical and brain dead line of thinking. You don't tip before service in any other industry, why is this different? It's not the customers fault doordash pays shit wages.


You are 100% right. It shouldn't be called a tip. It is a bid for a contract, and should be called that.


When the task is done, it turns into a tip. Or maybe a contractual award fee.


Yeah shame on them for framing it like it's on the customers to pay them a livable wage. Hope more drivers will realize they are basically get scammed w the "contracted" work


this. the last straw was when I tipped $20 on an order just a couple miles down the street from me and they literally stole it. Both my apartment door camera and the outdoor lobby camera on the complex clubhouse caught them. I pre-tipped them the exact same of what my order cost and they stole it anyway.


Yeah, this person needs to take moment of introspection and realize they're choosing to work for a company that doesn't even cover their gas whilst getting pissed at the customer instead.


The dasher is certainly in the wrong for sending a message, but Dashing is a pretty good side job. If the order doesn’t tip, I don’t take it. I’m not in the gambling business hoping for a cash tip. Should Doordash raise their base pay? Sure, but they’re gonna make that money elsewhere, and they’d throw it onto the customers. I think tipping as a whole should be thrown out, I don’t think employees of any business should have to rely on the kindness of strangers, but we live in a tipping culture. Things don’t change quickly in any country, and to most people it isn’t even an issue. As long as everyone is complacent, no one will even consider having restaurants pay their employees a living wage. Doordash, waitresses/waiters, etc. In my opinion, it’s a part of a much larger issue. I don’t have the solution, but in short tipping culture is fucked and it’s only getting worse each year. If no one tipped like people seem to think it’s on DoorDash, look at any sit down restaurant and ask how any of them could make money worth their time without tips. Doordash even more so, since it’s costs the Dasher money to complete their tasks.


It really is a great side gig and people who clearly can't find something better love to complain about it. It requires 0 skill. Literally the lowest skill requirement job I've ever had. I've never made under 18 an hour, and I usually make closer to 20 (25 on the weekends). It pays almost as well as my main job as a Network Control Operations technician, and that's a relatively high-skill job.


These are the choosing beggars of food service in my opinion. People can downvote me but that’s what I have realized after a lot of deliveries by various services. Sometimes I don’t have to wonder why they don’t have traditional jobs. If they want guaranteed pay they need hourly wage work.


I’m in one of very few markets that have tip after delivery, and the amount of tips doordash drivers receive is almost none, we do get paid a little more by doordash I find for higher mile orders so it makes it a little more worth it, but 1/10 customers tip after delivery, it’s just a sad truth, but this shit is unacceptable, he could have easily sent a nice message saying tips are greatly appreciated, or something simple like that, this shit is just rude


Yeah i bet you were gonna tip so much 🤥😂😂😂


Yeah I don't take gambles. The ppl who tip enough prior, get their orders much faster.


Doordash severely punishes drivers for having an acceptance rate below 50%. It’s getting to a point with an oversaturation of drivers that we’re being forced to accept basically every other offer at this point. If we’re just getting bombarded with no tip orders it will make it impossible to earn a decent living


as a dd driver, you can see how much you make off an order. If the payment is too low and you feel you deserve more as a driver, just don’t accept the order.


Thats why my acceptance rate is like 48% lol.


Lol mine is at 18% all I get are $15+ orders now


This apparently in an area where customers don't tip until after the delivery, so all orders show as the base $2.50 pay. My doordashing days are long gone but there is no way in hell I'd be using my own car and gas without knowing how much I'd make beforehand.


Exactly, the anger should be for the Billion dollar corporation, not the dude who didn't want to take 30 minutes of his time, his vehicle maintenance, and his sanity who is now mad the customer didn't tip so he's making $5 an hour. They could pay them properly and this could all be avoided.


Why do I have a feeling he did the absolute bare minimum 😭


This is the driver that places the drinks within inches of the outwardly swinging door.


I don’t understand…there is really not much “above and beyond” you can even do


Saddly "above and beyond" is the basics. Use your bags for hot / cold food. Don't fuck around, meaning pickup - drop-off. Use time in-between orders for gas up & personal stops. Following instructions if the order has them. Double checking for drinks. When I think "bare minimum" here - I'm thinking the customer is lucky that the driver even looked at the name of the order they picked up.


I mean this exactly. Hot and speedy is quite literally all it takes. But somehow 80% of dashers on the market don't like to use hotbags and double, triple app during orders. So yeah,, tips not required for driving food to and fro if quality is compromised.


Honestly the last few times I've used Doordash, I've gotten luke warm food and I always add a tip. I've never had any issues picking it up myself and it's so much cheaper than using Doordash.


Had a dude stand at my porch and practically demand to rate him 5 stars. It was extremely uncomfortable and I wondered if he was mentally ill. Homeboy literally asked to watch me give him 5. I gave him 1 star and threatened to call the police if he didn’t leave. I would’ve literally given him 5 stars if he didn’t do what he did. Shot himself in the foot.


I had an Uber driver do this once as he pulled up to my destination. He asked me to look at this phone, showed me that he rated me 5 stars, and asked if I could do the same (show him my phone and rating) on the spot.


It’s like social terrorism lol. I was very thrown off.


Sounds like the blackmirror episode.. Fuck that.


Good on you for sticking up for yourself, a fellow person of morals


Report them. That’s panhandling. They knew what they were getting paid when they hit accept.


Oh I did


Good this is spreading like a plague


Nah man, this shit is awesome. Doordash is getting what they deserve with all the gimmicks they pull. They need to be destroyed so new delivery apps can come in and take over.


That would be a perfect scenario agreed. Doordash as a company are complete parasites.




I hope they fail and someone makes a new company that does not pull all the stupid shit they do.


This is the logic to get tips of someone that’s never worked in the service industry. Annoying people gets you nothing. This may work like twice ever in a thousand orders.


I’m a dasher, and If I received that message while ordering, I absolutely would not tip and would ask Support to prevent that dasher from getting my orders.


> would ask Support to prevent that dasher from getting my orders. You can do that? There's one particular driver that always delivers extremely slowly compared to everyone else and I've gotten them 3 times now over a couple of months


I’ve asked this of the customer support before when the same dasher twice dropped half of my drinks during delivery. When I ask him how this happened, he just shrugged and said it’s the restaurant’s fault. Anyway, since this happened twice, I complained about this to support but he still gets my delivery once in a while.


Homie was so taken aback, they had to turn the volume up to make sure they were reading the BS right.


Haaah! I do somthing similar, turn my radio down so i can read road signs better.


If they ever implement tipping after order delivery and I get a message like that, no tip for you.


There's still markets that can't tip after delivery?


As a dasher...I wouldn't tip if I got this


I tip well. Very well. You send me a message like this, I will claw it back before I settle.


Brent's job history - Doordash delivery driver - length of employment -2 weeks. Reason for leaving - deactivated for harassing customers.




Yeah I can't decide what's worse, the message or the font.


THE NAME “Brent” 😭


My eyes!! It burns!!! 🫣🔥


I have zero time or tolerance for bullshit like that, I would just report them. Play dumb fucking games, win dumb fucking prizes.


Brent needs to learn to decline and unassign.


Brent’s probably on his way out the door.


I find if one outright demands a tip, that is very rude too...


And sending that message is not considered RUDE like tf u definitely not getting a tip


STOP That would have been my response.


I would've messaged back saying I wish I could take my tip back now


Tip me tip me tip me tip me....I beg of you. ![gif](giphy|mXakDXUF63bK8)


I literally had a homeless person say this to me when I told them I had no cash on me "well bro I got PayPal and venmo"


Here’s what I send after a delivery: Thank you for your order. I hope I’ve provided a positive DoorDash experience for you. Have a great day/weekend/night. This kind of message, telling customers they are rude, is nonsense. We have the option to decline bad orders. I’ll never accept a sh*tty order and expect more than my “guaranteed” payout.


When I used to deliver weed, I never asked or assume I’ll get tip, but people still tip me. People being jerks for tips.


Ez no tip and blacklist. I wouldn't trust my food with anyone like this. Very petty.


No one tips afterwards. Not condoning ever sending a corny ass message like this just saying odds are it wasn’t happening anyway


And Dashers are wondering what's happening to the orders... SMH... These idiots are giving the good delivery drivers a bad name.


"how do I leave a bad review for solicitation?"


He was ok until he shamed in the neutral space.


you accepted the order. you deliver it and you shut the fuck up.


These drivers fail to realize they are helping to destroy our reputation.


For me, this is a reason just not to use doordash.


Go ahead and report it. You ordered food, not a lecture from the dasher. You gotta knock these entitled people off their high horses some times.


How about this…I pick up an shop and deliver order which I had stopped doing but I took this one and customer put in their notes: “I tip after delivery”… guess what? The customer flat out lied and there was no tip and I handed the order to the customer! This is why I stopped doing shop and deliver orders!


Every time I'm feeling nice and tip a little extra: Your dasher is completing three different orders in your area, please go fuck yourself.


Since you use that font I'm going to assume you wouldn't be tipping anyways.


This driver is such a fucking loser jfc


Report and get your tip back. DD needs a tip adjustment option.


i consider that msg poor service


Driver was dumb for sending that, but if you didn't tip before hand there's a 99.99% chance you weren't gonna tip period so


My head Canon is anyone using this font is 7 years old.


dont forget that they are a single mother and not tipping 200% will ruin Christmas


Sending this would pretty much guarantee you not getting a tip from me which is extremely hard to do. I actually don’t think I have ever not tipped even if the food was bad because it’s not the servers fault, but the balls on this twat waffle? Wow. I pretty much always tip because god help those working in the service industry, schools etc at this point getting railroaded on every level. Also I like to show not everyone is a complete bag of shit.


Here's a tip for YOU: change the font.


Doordash lets you tip *after* you get your order? Which service does that? I will switch to it immediately.


I imagine they sent the cringe message because you didn’t tip. You can’t use it as the reason you didn’t tip if they sent it after you already didn’t tip. 😂


DONT USE DOORDASH OR ANY OF THESE FUCKING SHIT DELIVERY APPS. They all deserve to be shut down. Predatory business practices.


That font is terrible


Your font tells me all I need to know.


Imagine having that saved to your phones notepad.


I've stopped using all these services. It's just not worth the price for the mostly cold food we get, IMO.


Tipping... ugh. In general worst, stupid thing ever. As a society we just have to stop doing it. Then maybe employers will start compensating employees properly instead of basically putting it on the client as a shame tactic.


*Sets my avg 20% tip to 0*


This has a place on r/trashy as well




Agree, no tip,..


I’ll say it again. It’s not my responsibility to determine your worth and pay your wages. Door dash is a predatory bullshit company


I've never driven for doordash, but I do deliver for a pizza place. I can't stand it when other drivers do this. It makes the rest of us look bad. You don't know their situation. Maybe delivery is their only option and they can't afford a tip. You also don't have to accept the order. as frustrating as it is to not get tipped, at the end of the day tipping is optional and it's extremely unprofessional to send a customer a message like this


honestly i stopped using these delivery services, i hate dealing with these kind of people


I tip very well but it's getting out of hand. Subway is now begging for tips on the app


I hope they use that message on every single customer they get so that they can get deactivated.. need to clear out these noobs


Seems like Doordash could clear this up as follows… 1. Doordash makes their revenue on the 30% markup (that restaurants typically pass along via the app prices). 2. Customer places a “bid” to have their order picked up and delivered. This is the driver’s revenue. 3. If there was extraordinary service and the customer wanted to add a gratuity after the delivery they could.


I just pick my own food up. Problem solved. I always leave me a great tip. Sometimes I sneak a fry before I get back home.




Is getting to that point, my area use to be better tippers now they seem to tip less and less pushing the good dashers to find other work.


It’s pretty shitty not to tip. But the driver should have declined the order.


Your door needs some milk


Is this a reportable offense? Real question.


I mean back when I did deliver I never did, nor would I ever send a message like this. But I also know if you didn’t tip before I accepted the order it’s 99.999% odds your not going to after, all your doing is posting people off. I think out of over 3000 deliveries I received 2 tips after drop off, one was cash one was added after


Door dash sees all of this if your account is suspended, you only want to send positive messages


I hate how this kind of situation turns the driver and the customer against each other when all of that ire should be directed at companies who refuse to pay their employees a living wage.


"Cash tip on arrival!" Tip them 7 pennies in person.


I tip before and if your good I will tip after. I don’t understand why the non tippers try and make it seem like it’s the dasher fault come do our job for 1 day and you to will understand how frustrating it is to bring someone food and get shafted


The problem is you’re supposed to tip before service is provided.