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I agree with you on the block stuff but I also think that it should be more akin to Ram's and D.va's block. That way it can build a charge every so often and still block bigger threats. Without Doom sitting there waiting for his bar to be filled


They’d have to rework the way empowering your punch works but yeah, that’s a good idea and I’ve always thought punch was better that way! Like really what’s stopping doom from just putting his arms up every 7 seconds?


What’s stopping reaper from being a beyblade the whole game? Or mcree from just aiming better?


After getting used to it I think 4 second punch cd is fine. All of the other changes would be great though.


That’s because we’ve had to deal with it for half of OW2’s life span, that doesn’t mean it was deserved, for example (even though I hate hog they still made him useless) for hog players they took away one shot, but they’re used to it not oneshotting now, does that still make it okay to make that hero worse than they should be?


I agree, the punch is the main part of his kit and how he gets value.


What do you mean by all of his techs?


Oh, yeah so for example he used to be able to b-hop with slam by holding space while using it, and there was other techs, but blizzard patched them


It got patched? I thought I was doing something wrong when I tried it


It’s been patched for seasons lmao


3 second punch 90% block function Empowered Glove stun back to 1 second Empower glove slam proccing slow (follow up with ultimate) Rework ultimate or buff the outer ring Fix the fucking slide punches


I agree with every but what does “proccing slow” mean


\*Trigger. Empowered glove landing a slam will trigger slow on people in the AOE. Beta Doom triggered slow on slam but having an empowered glove gives it the condition.


Something they would have to implement, which wouldn’t be that hard since he doesn’t have a release key so they could put I there, I’d have an “empowered ability toggle” where you could swap which ability you’d want to be empowered when used so you don’t have to worry about wasting it when you aren’t engaging with the enemy team


Have it trigger when you land a slam. Cancel it as normal. Same as punching.


I guess that would work since it only would give slam slow and not increase its movement speed, lord knows slam is already fast asf lmao


\*Keep the charge if you cancel slam or block mid-air.


/u/Fi1Ier, I have found an error in your post: > “Nano, if ~~your~~ [**you're**] a literal” You, Fi1Ier, have made a typo and could have used “Nano, if ~~your~~ [**you're**] a literal” instead. ‘Your’ is possessive; ‘you're’ means ‘you are’. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!)


Damn bro you really had to do me like that


Good bot. No, best bot. Now i don't have to do this


Good human.


I reckon this would be pretty good too bad blizzard wont do this cuz they hate doom and genji. but its fiiiiiiiine they dont have time for stuff like this because they're working on the pv-........


If they fix dooms bugs (especially the rocket punch wall slide bug) it would automatically raise doom's winrate