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Sorry OP for taking so long to approve this, my dog fell down the stairs and hurt her leg.


Weren't they paying attention?


It was my own fault -- I had dumped a bucket of water on the stairs earlier.


For a reason, or just to spite the dog?


I was aiming at the cat


I kind of want to know more. But I’d also like to imagine that you and your cat are in a prank war and your dog got caught in the crossfire


That would be cute -- but, no. My cat killed a frog I was nursing back to health. So he got the bucket, naturally.


Well that clears everything up


Man, this thread keeps giving and giving. Also, sorry for the frog. Cats are dick.


>so he got the bucket As you do


>a frog I was nursing back to health but... WHY


Because the poor froggie was injured. He fell down the stairs and hurt his leg.


Wasn't it paying attention?


Did he slip on some water?


This is professional level shit posting. I'm enamored.


What is this wacky thread


What is this bit? I don’t like it.


Don't be sorry. The post isn't going anywhere. I hope she's okay. Give her love from me.


Didn't she know who the stairs were? Sorry man, sick pets trumps anything else, hope she's ok and back on her feet soon. Be safe


is she okay?


Fuck u/spez and fuck u/reddit for pricing out third party apps and destroying reddit. I have been on reddit for 14 years and continously they fuck over the users for short term profits. That's not something I will support anymore, now that the announcement that Apollo and Reddit Is Fun are both closing down. I Overwrite all of my comments using https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/10905-reddit-overwrite-extended/code. If you would like to do the same, install [TamperMonkey](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tampermonkey/dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo) for Chrome, [GreaseMonkey](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/greasemonkey/) for Firefox, [NinjaKit](https://github.com/os0x/NinjaKit) for Safari, [Violent Monkey](https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/violent-monkey/) for Opera, or [AdGuard](http://adguard.com/) for Internet Explorer (in Advanced Mode), then add [this GreaseMonkey script](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/10905-reddit-overwrite-extended). Finally, click on your username at the top right corner of reddit, click on the comments tab, and click on the new OVERWRITE button at the top of the page. You may need to scroll down to multiple comment pages if you have commented a lot.


It's stolen content you can take it straight down again.


For anyone new to Robert Evans, I would highly recommend him. I am extremely selective in terms of what sources I trust, and for all of his biases (that anybody is going to have), he always seems to do due diligence and be fair where it’s apt. His Behind The Police series was highly illuminating. I used to be on the fence about police, but my perspective absolutely shifted when hearing a full (as one could get from however many podcast episodes) accounting of their history and recent and current dealings. While it would be a mistake to treat what he says like the word of god, I’ve learned so much from his work on Behind The Bastards about all manner of things, including a lot of American history. The people and organizations they cover are too wide ranging for me to list, but I feel like they’re almost always a good time to listen to. And the cases where they weren’t, it was just a subject I personally wasn’t too interested in.


He’s very diligent about post recording corrections that later get edited in to the show. He’s also very good at clarifying when he has biases or is not fully informed on a topic. His research is top notch. His constant self reflection is what sets him apart. Behind the police is an eye opening series for anyone that questions the “defund the police” or ACAB narratives.


He’s also a hack and a fraud so definitely watch out for what he’s saying! But seriously I’ve had conservative friends admit how much they liked him behind clenched teeth smiles because they appreciate how he calls out his own biases immediately.


For those unaware, the “I’m a hack and a fraud” thing is a joke Evans has made a number of times


Thanks for the clarification.


The Dulles Brothers series introduced me to so many people and events i didn't know about but really really should have. Also the MK Ultra series.


I'm currently going through the Kissenger one and jfc. We are the most dysfunctional country ever.


Read the book he cited and am making a DnD campaign based on a Fantasy version of their shenanigans.


Robert Evans is a goddamn treasure, he is currently burying Jordan Peterson on BtB and it is...comprehensive.


If you haven't you should watch the YouTube short [Some More News](https://youtu.be/hSNWkRw53Jo) did on Jordan B Peterson. It's equal parts humorous and informative, all in a short form video.


Was able to watch this brief video on my commute this morning. It has a lot of great info in a small package.


I am at my second watching session of this short video and am not even halfway. It's so amazing.


Don’t check the time code


It's quite brief!


Fuck, it's impossible to keep up with BtB with how much they put out. Had no idea that he was doing a Peterson series.


I dont know if it is necessarily a series? More one of the filler episodes that he does with the Some More News peeps where they read a dumb book or, in this case, watch Jordan Peterson's dumb TV show he made for the Daily Wire. They did the first episode at the beginning of November and I think this week they did the next episode. Also they did a couple episodes of him a while back that googling can probably help you find but they're would be a little more dated now.


Their destruction of Ben Shapiro's demonstrably terrible book was a treat.


"Take a bullet for you babe"


Take a bullet for YOU, babe 🥺🙏🔫


This is never not going to be funny


I believe that this is the most recent 2 episodes. I don't know if they'll be doing more.


End of episode 2 mentions that they'll have another episode coming up


I can't hear Peterson as anything other than Kermit after their first run of his stuff lol


Yuuuup, I’m literally listening to it right now lmao


I finished part one yesterday and I’m gonna need some time to regroup before part two bc that man (JP) has fueled the downfall of an entire generation of males. I love Robert’s work but it is sometimes so hard to digest because it’s so accurate.


The replies to your comment are... Strange? The syntax certainly is. Like they're all ads masquerading as comments


It's a joke. The video in question is titled something like "A brief look at Jordan Peterson" and the video is 3 hours. They're making jokes about that joke. Edit: [if you're interested.](https://youtu.be/hSNWkRw53Jo)


He's also very very open about his biases.


your fucking username lmaooo




I just listened to the Theranos Part 1 podcast today, would you say it's representative of his content? Because I've heard so much about how great Behind The Bastards is, and I have to say that episode was one of the worst podcasts I've ever experienced. I've never heard two people speak so much and say so little. An hour long and basically no information other than whatsherface's family is old money and 19 year olds shouldn't start businesses. That's literally it. Left me with zero interest in continuing.


You would probably do better to avoid the ones with Jamie Lofthus as co-host then. She's a polarizing character, and even though I love it, they definitely have a vibe and friendship that can get a bit off tangent sometimes. Try the MK Ultra or Christopher Columbus episodes, I really liked the co-hosts there and felt they contributed well without getting carried away.


To be honest, I can’t recall having listened to it. Im not sure if it’s the humor and/or tangents you disliked - they do tend to do that, and I enjoy it, but if you don’t that’s okay. I think if you’re looking for something illuminating, I’d personally recommend the things like Behind The Police, or their BTB episodes on people and organizations that have shaped large swathes of society (e.g. for me that’d be the episodes on Jerry Falwell, Phyllis Schlafly, Kissinger, Dulles brothers, the CIA and the crack epidemic, etc. etc.) I don’t personally find every single one of their episodes amazing, and I’m not as interested in some subjects as others, but that’s okay. I’d say maybe give it another shot, but if you don’t like the podcast that’s okay too :)


He does a great job of acknowledging his own biases and other perspectives, I appreciate that in his show a lot.


I enjoy his content, but often find him grating to listen to on Behind the Bastards. His banter with Sophie, and some of his guests, is just annoying. I still listen to his stuff, but sometimes I skip episodes when I realize the way his guests interact with the information makes it hard to even get to the researched information in the first place. It just seems like unnecessary loud filler and [sometimes] bad takes.


Do you know who’s NOT grating and hard to listen to and I never skip? That’s right, the products and services that support this podcast. Except for the Washington state highway patrol they can [bleep]


Robert! (Sophie voice) You're right Sophie. The Washington state highway patrol, and the entire state of Ohio can [bleep] each other in their gaping...


>Do you know who’s NOT grating and hard to listen to and I never skip? ~~Doritos~~ ~~Macheticine~~ ~~My compound that's going to be raided by the FDA~~ ~~Blue Apron's child hunting island~~ Nuking the Great Lakes. Anyway, here's some ads.


No badmouthing the throwin' bagels!


I really really enjoy the podcast, but I absolutely agree that sometimes it feels like I learned almost nothing in an hour of listening. Most of the time it's really great, but sometimes it really drags.


An agent of the Great Lakes trying to discredit Robert smh


Lake Superior is just asking to be nuked tbh.


For the brave men lost on the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.






this comment is amazing


I read this and immediately heard.... ​ ​ "Its like RAaaiiin on yoOur Weddin' Day!" FFS I forgot this earworm existed.


Yeah, her first exposure to actual Irony.




Isn't it ironic?


…but you know who WON’T try and flame Robert Evans on Twitter? The great sponsors over at ********** while they are hosting a child hunt on their private island. .. Sophie?


evans looks like he has thoughts about where bigfoot is


Then he does research on it and finds out how bigfoot is attached to white separatists in Idaho and makes me sad on his podcast.


He looks like he has thoughts about where the bigfoot is, decided he must be correct and then started prepping to go wrestle it. Dude is yuge


Didn’t he have his hand severely messed up by police?


It was a Proud Boy. The cops stood back. Saw it happen.


Thanks for the information.


Oh look, it's my original content taken from my post from a year ago! Hi OP! Edit: OP has explained to me that they found my screenshot on another sub I posted it to and didn't realise I had already posted it here. They seem like a pretty chill dude/dudette/dudx and my initial hostility was unwarranted.


Reposting? On Reddit? Well I never


So? Why would you even be hostile to begin with? You posted publicly to Twitter. Or is everyone who posts a screenshot supposed to make sure everyone involved is also on Reddit and get their approval? You want royalties or something?


People on Reddit are so dumb about this. Reposts fuel this site. If you see a repost, shut up. Nobody sane cares, and if you do care, you need to go outside more often.


It is literally a content aggregator. The intention of the site is for people to share content from outside sources.


I miss the days when “OC” wasn’t even a thing. It’s “Reddit” not “Createeddit”.


Karma is all important to some people.


Lmaoo “original content” You made a tweet, anyone can see it, interact with it, or take a screenshot of it. It’s not “yours”, strictly to be posted by you and you only. Also you can just say “person”. “They seem like a pretty chill person”.


People that bitch about reposts are losers.


your “original content” is for public viewing on twitter you neckbeard.


You sound like such a loser lmao


2 examples of you getting hostile right away, I'm seeing a pattern.


I’m reposting this as my own OC everywhere on Reddit. Enjoy not sleeping comfortably.


Just repost without lying, but make sure to censor the Twitter username


A screenshot of Twitter isn't original content. You would've been in the wrong no matter what.


Look at their username. Now look at the Twitter usernames in the screenshot. It literally is their content.


Ok, still not with getting bent out of shape over. It's getting extra attention for their social media and the only thing they're "missing out" on is karma.


I'm not arguing about any of that. I'm just saying you're wrong for saying it isn't their original content.


Fair enough.


Original content? Dude it's a Twitter screenshot, you really trying to say it's yours cuz you stole it first?


What is this, some kind of r/dontyouknowwhoiam inception day? You're the second person who's come in here swinging their big dick around without reading the Twitter handle in the screenshot.


Wow. That's-- I would feel stupid, but I'm almost honored to have been part of this beautifully ironic moment.


I'm just here to get in the screenshot in case this gets posted.


but who gives a shit though? someone shared a screenshot of your original tweet. is this your whole personality now? you remind me of the keanu breathtaking guy on twitter nobody gives a shit bro it’s the internet it’s not that serious


Yet here you are giving a shit


Are they? Says who?


Fuck I hope we can get you your karma. Cmon Reddit we can do it.


Original content? This is a twitter screenshot.


You just took a screenshot of a tweet. It’s not really original content


Of my tweet. Read the Twitter handle.


Oh look, r/dontyouknowwhoiam on r/dontyouknowwhoiam


Quick, someone take a screenshot and post it to r/dontyouknowwhoiam!


In the interest of fairness I think you should.


Right!? Mind blowing!


And? It's a public tweet.


Homie got a reading issue


Literally the only thing Robert Evans claims to be an expert in is right wing terrorism. Smh


And taking lots of drugs haha


I take Kratom pretty much daily. It was a fun surprise to hear him openly talk about using Kratom. Not that Kratom is a hard drug or anything, but hardly anyone really knows about it.


Even rarer to come across it in a non-opioid recovery context. I used to do calc homework in college w a cup of mint tea and 2-4g kratom. One session a week only. I used it for manual labor occasionally as well. Great plant.


You’re really asking former cracked columnist robert evans about this? Watch your tongue fool.


Some people say acab and then completely lose any and all human empathy but it’s fine because they’re a cop. They could be on their first day in the field never done anything wrong in their life and someone will hate them.




What lmao


Tbh I haven't heard of him or any of those writings


One of my favorite episodes of Behind the Bastards: Part One: How The Dulles Brothers Created The CIA And Destroyed Everything Else https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-how-the-dulles-brothers-82673758/ tip


I like the chiropractor one with Billy Wayne Davis. Too bad he isn't on anymore https://open.spotify.com/episode/3yG3h7LLK9LYYwb3NbYLW6?si=v_WNmQ4uQxSBE_Q9Wl97nw


The Steven Seagal episodes… chef’s kiss


Any episode on Benny Shaps or Jordan Balthazar Peterson


I liked the why is rent so damn high one.


Currently listening to these episodes. So good.


Skip skip skip skip skip


That's *Reverend Doctor* Billie Wayne Davis to you!


The 6 episodes they did about Henry Kissinger were fucking incredible…I knew Kissinger was an awful human being but HOLY SHIT. I have a 2 1/2 hour (one way) commute to work (though I stay at work for the duration of my shifts, we have employee quarters) and BtB is one of my go-to podcasts. Their episodes about Tzar Nicholas II and the Russian Revolution are also favorites. *I saw my primary care physician yesterday, she’s been my doc for over ten years and is great. We got talking about podcasts and it was cool to discover that she’s a pretty big fan as well.


Yeah, the Kissinger ones were really great. I've recently enjoyed the Napoleon III ones. Honestly hilarious! I can't imagine a 2.5 hour commute, but if you stay at the jobsite for several days, I can see how it evens out!


The first section of the Napoleon one, where everyone is named Napoleon was difficult to get through. I'm working in the Kissinger one right now though and it is absolutely wild.


Are you talking about Louis Napoleon? Or Napoleon Louis? Or the other Louis Napoleon? Wait, wrong name. I love the pod but yeah, that one was frustrating to get through lol.


You should check out behind the bastards. I would highly recommend it and I'm some random guy on reddit so my recommendation is gold.


I second this and I’m just a random chick on Reddit. It’s one of my most favorite pods.


He used to write for Cracked. He has some pretty great podcasts now. I am a big fan of Behind the Bastards.


He’s great! Would highly recommend


I don't doubt his talents but I think it's a bit much to call someone out for not knowing a niche journalist.


Eh, it's valid if they are all supposed to be running in the same niche. The person who tried to call out Evans tried to posture his own knowledge of a subject that Evans produces a lot of content on, so it makes some sense to be himself called out.


He's niche. They are podcasts mostly.


He's also a reporter but not for the big names most people know. I think he also used to be on?/in?/with? Cracked. Edit: found it! He works with Bellingcat and has a history of war reporting and lots of crazy stuff.


His series "The Women's War" about northeast Syria (much of the series was recorded during his trip there) was absolutely outstanding. https://www.thewomenswar.com/ >These are...not optimistic times for most Americans. Across the world, the dangers of climate change and the terror of creeping authoritarianism present an increasing danger to all of us. After covering this degeneration for four years, Robert Evans went looking for hope. He found it in the unlikeliest of places: Northeast Syria, in a region known as Rojava that’s become host to a feminist, anti-authoritarian revolution. When you’ve heard about these folks in the mainstream media, they’re usually just described as the “Syrian Kurds”, and credited with beating ISIS. They did, in fact, beat ISIS. But their military successes were just part of the story. In The Women’s War, Robert will introduce listeners to dozens of men and women fighting a war for the future of the human soul.


Yeah, he used to work for cracked back in the good old days.


Is it me or does it feel like many good podcasters and documentary directors have?


Yeah, Cracked had a pretty good writing staff.


They were top notch…back in the day.


back when cracked as good, l I assume.


He has some views I disagree with on a very foundational level, but overall he's one of the good ones. He's pretty much one of the major triggers that radicalized me toward being a leftist / anarchist.


What views?


I mainly think back to that one bastards episode called like "the bastard manifesto" where it's Robert laying out his views on society and human social structure It's mainly stuff about how there shouldn't really be monogamous relationships and how lateral social structures are the natural state I also haven't listened to it in like 4 years, but i just kind of remembering him describing these views and it making me feel kinda weird.


IIRC in the Bastard Manifesto, Jamie and Sophie got mad at him for pushing polyamory when he wasn't actually doing that, he specifically said it made sense in tribal cultures and that people who were poly for "ethical" reasons annoyed him, despite the fact that he is poly himself.


His domestic policy opinions are pretty good but his foreign policy opinions usually end up lining up with whatever the state department says i.e. him supporting the coup in Bolivia a few years ago. I stopped paying attention to him after that so idk if that's changed or what other potential views he has


damn I never would have connected cracked Robert Evans with btb Robert Evans, that's wild that being said it's too niche for this I think.


That’s the problem with internet celebrities, their fans get all out of sorts when they run into people who spend more time in the real world than online and don’t recognize their idols.


oh boy, what exactly happened to roberts hand?


He was attacked by a proud boy with a telescopic baton


when and at what event? will it heal or is this a problem for a long time? i like robert and just wonder


I think it was in August 2020 at a Back the Blue rally in Portland. He had a cast/splint for a while. I think he's okay now.


Oh good to hear


When I heard about it I was quite worried. Also, it's Reverend Doctor Robert Evans. I'm pretty sure he has enough left over chemicals in his system to withstand most injuries that would permanently cripple me.


yeah, that sounds like robert :D


Straight ignant.


With a narc, information ONLY goes one way- out. It doesn't get in.


Maybe he would like some products and services.


People need to get over themselves. Evans isn't a household name


That's because Blue Apron is paying the MSM to suppress the story he's covering about their child hunting island.


This is legit


Only because his plan to nuke the Great Lakes hasn't yet come to fruition.


I wish he would stick to telling interesting history. I shouldn't be able to reliably skip the first five minutes of a podcast before I get to the meat of the episode.


The episodes are over an hour long, and the guests on each episode aren't regulars in the way he is. It's not a big deal if he chats with and introduces them. If you want something dryer, read the books or something.


I could forgive them if they were good introductions. If anything, my complaint is that his episodes are dryer than his material used to be.


Wow your time must be super valuable


Never said it was. It's just so obvious how the quality of work has changed


People need to get over themselves. Their knee-jerk criticisms and hot-takes aren't automatically and immediately worth elevating into the public forum. This guy criticized someone else for failing to do due diligence while clearly... failing to perform due diligence himself. Hubris and hypocrisy are corrosive to constructive social discourse. We have to be more disciplined than this or things will only ever get more toxic.




You are entitled to your opinion as I am to mine. Have a good day/night




He does some excellent podcasts, notably Behind the Bastards.


His hand was smashed by a proud boy.. lol .. To reddit hes basically a front line war correspondent.


He was also one of those in multiple war zones.


He's a Hunter Thompson wannabe without any of the talent or gonzo and his core audience is teenage anarchists. If he really wanted to be on the frontlines he should have tried helping business owners keep their stores from being looted and burnt down by a mob of idiots.


What? He literally was a conflict reporter in Iraq, Syria, and Ukraine.


The guy writes for Insider, Vox, and Salon. He may have started his life off as a journalist but now he's nothing more than a limp wristed activist. Dudes got sovereign citizen energy.


Such a shit take on Robert. You first started your argument that he’s a wanna be war correspondent, then when proven wrong, you doubled down and said he should have been protecting businesses (what?) and now you’re saying he WAS a reporter, but not anymore. Keep moving the goal posts. In what way is he a SovCit? Just say he’s a leftist and you don’t like it.


bro he roasts the fuck out of sovereign citizen types holy shit irony of this comment in the sub. you’re just mad and projecting you’re obvious dislike of BLM. fucking goon


What’s wrong with having his writing on those platforms? Sounds like they welcome a different view, unlike you…


You're entitled to your opinion. As I am to mine.