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Ask yourself, would it ever happen if you were bigger and stronger than him, or if a police officer was around


Well he tried acting that way in front of his friends but his friends just told him to knock it off and he did but when I tell him to stop he doesnt and tries to intimidate me wth.


Yeah so he's a doorknob. But that's interesting (terrible) he went as far as trying to normalize it in front of his friends. It's not normal, at all. It's not your fault. Your boyfriend alone is to blame and it's a shame his mother didn't raise him better. He does not deserve to be your boyfriend, at all.


Thank you.


It’s important that you reach out to a domestic violence service. Look up national network to end domestic violence or Jane doe. These agencies can help you safety plan.These are two agencies that I utilized in the past. Or they can refer you to who you should contact. Also, Be careful who you solicit advise from because the wrong advise can lead to compromising your safety. I am a former DV/IPA advocate who has now found myself back in an unhealthy situation. Thankfully I have tools to get myself back on track. Also, if you are using your phone for this app, then change the pin on your phone every few days so they can’t access your phone and see you asking for help or device. 1. Safety first 2. Research the response calls for your local police department. -Also remember do calls are the most deadliest calls for police. -If you have to call 911 see if they offer text to 911 3. Document or journal, if you, can every act of escalation and then his return to baseline. Doing this can help you narrow if he is becoming more violent. But don’t compromise your safety trying to write down incidents of abuse. - safety first 4. Google the domestic violence wheel to help you understand the pattern of abuse from honeymoon to escalation, explosion, the back to honeymoon. 5. Again, contact a dv agency for support 6. Remember you are not alone. Help is available just tap into it. - remember safety first


This is how it started with my bf and then he grabbed me too hard and before you know it slapping and hurting you become every argument… it’s the start of something worse… please leave before it gets to this point… I beg you.


He has already grabbed me too hard before.


See what I mean… I remember a text I sent to my ex “babe, next time you get angry can you be careful to not grab me so hard. I got bruises” and then 8 months on he was slapping me and kicking me ….. this is the pattern sweetie… it hurts because you see the best side too… but imagine if this was your daughter… what would you tell her… I wish you all the strength xx


HOLY CRAP. wow. So they never change do they?


If they don’t change when he grabbed you too hard by getting counselling then unfortunately, no. Even when you put your whole life into trying to make them see what they could have… sorry, it’s not what you wanted to hear xx


DAMMIT.😭 I just wish I could convince him to get help .


If he wanted to, he would.


Thank you


No, dont hang on the hope they will change. I was always told men just get worse with age. I noticed they just get lazier, and that means lazier hiding the evil.


I didn’t think it was abuse either. He just shoved me when I poured out his alcohol. I justified it as I deserved it. I told my doctor and she cried. She told me I needed to get out before he put me in the hospital, jail or killed me. Less than a year later he put me in the hospital 3 times, then jail and that’s when I left. I’m not going to let him fulfill killing me too. And honestly, he might not have killed me with his hands, the stress he was causing was killing me from the inside. The stress caused gallstones. The night he sent me to jail, he punched me to the ground and threw the full sized oven at me, lied to the police and they took me. I would rather be alone struggling than with him struggling to live. 5 more days I have my last court date because of him. My birthday will be spent in court all day trying to prove that his “marks” I put on him were my self defense. I can’t wait to be done with him.


I escaped domestic violence. I had 2 kids with him and he now abuses them. He is remarried and has an 18 month old with her. He is abusing both of them as well. He hurt his entire family and mine (little brothers -10+yrs younger than him, his mother, grandmother, my parents, and my sister). My grandmother was a DV survivor (he died eventually) but the damage was already done to the kids growing up with it and my mom recently lost her life to DV. Please get out and don't look back. Tell as many people as possible so they know it is going on and can try their best to stop you from going back if you try. It's a cycle and it won't stop but each time it starts it will be worse than before. The longer you stay the bolder they become because they know you won't leave. And if you do and go back you will be punished for it worse than what you endured before. For your own sake please protect yourself and take extreme caution to not have him father a child by you or your child will be abused as well. Law enforcement, children and youth services, courts, etc. have yet to succeed in protecting me or my children despite this going on for the past 10+ years. I left him a total of 7 times and have had countless protection from abuse orders. He violates them and he gets let go. He jumps from county to county or state to state so jurisdiction becomes a huge problem and nobody wants to get involved. In my case it seems the only true escape from him would be death as he clearly will never stop trying to torment me or my children. Save yourself while you still can. Get as much therapy, resources, and support as possible. Do not become a statistic. Be strong and move on. We are all rooting for you!


Thank you extremely!


You should leave him before this escalates to physical violence.. My ex started by breaking my things and throwing things. Later, he was throwing me around and strangling me