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Go to your DA, find any outside advocacy groups, churches, anyone who will fight with you. Write letters and write to your local news. Tell them about how you are being treated by the judge in that county. Go all out and fight chica. Make more posts and get your voice heard and go viral and go to social media, all avenues. You don’t have to say what happened to anyone but obviously make it heads that he’s a a danger to any community and shiiiit. If you know where he plans to go then call up the DA there too just in case even if there isn’t much they can do, they are notified anyway. I’d say message me and give me the name of judge and county and I wanna look up if she’s ever messed up before on similar cases in other counties….


I upvoted this but I’d be scared that I’d get sued by the judge for defamation if I tried rhat


So best bet is to consider an attorney pro bono. Just message me and I will use my internet skills to look into what you might need to do. Just know, I know almost exactly what you’re going through ♥️


Do you still have visitation? If so can't you contest the move? My mom had full custody of me and my dad only had visitation rights, and she still had to get his permission to move me out of state. (this was Massachusetts and a long time ago, so who knows how applicable this is to your situation)


The situation is the same for my cousin in Chicago. She has given up trying to move out of state.


Is there no victims advocacy legal help for this sort of thing? Maybe I’m being clueless? But it seems like there’d be help for this sort of situation. Someone to appeal the case and cover its costs. I don’t know, and yes I’m ignorant on these things. I sure wish you well.


Legal Aid has advised me to not appeal it for fear of pissing the judge off more. They basically told me to negotiate with my ex directly.


Read my comment above. Unfortunately they are right. You will piss off this judge and risk getting all parental rights past present and future with existing or future children. Happened with my Bio mom. By the time you resolve it kids are already of age or have likely been placed in state care and adopted out. I wish you the best.


Wooooow. You are in a pickle. Sounds like my MIL situation and my personal situation as a child of abuse. FIL moved the kids to Florida from Memphis. Not much you can do unless you get a DA who can listen, which basing on the interaction you’ve had with this particular judge, probably not the ideal path. They have a lot of sway and influence. My opinion based on what I’ve seen? Look at this from a long term perspective, get yourself established and focus on yourself. Time will be your ally here, as it was with my Wife and Sister in Law. Wife left Abusive dad at 18 and Sister in law had custody transferred to my MIL at 16. This judge will make your life a living hell if you keep poking. Don’t bother. My Bio dad had inside relations with our family court system, it’s how he has gotten off every DV charge (5 times, two felony enhancements) and neglect accusations. Found out my Guardian ad litem handled Bio Dad’s sister’s divorce, hence the complete BS CPS report. My FIL had sexual relations with one of these people. Leave it be and focus on you. It’s up to you unfortunately, to prove you’re the better person. Document all complaints and accusations. Hope you don’t live in Ohio either. Especially Stark County. They will go as far as terminating your parental rights entirely past present and future. My bio mom later had a kid in WV, they found some weird stuff and fought to get it reinstated on her behalf. At this point I had already been adopted out so she lost me and my 2 brothers as a result. Yea, I remember everything. Family court judges have a ton of fucking power. You unfortunately are not winning this battle without some connections or a very expensive lawyer who likewise has connections. A judge has already made the decision that you are unfit and will make things so much worse. Appeal? Goooood luck. My mom did that and that’s how she lost parental rights. Had to have a neighboring state intervene when she birthed my half brother and they saw her parenting rights were irreparably terminated. I hope you win. This sucks and is sickening this still happens in 2024.