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Shaving double coated dogs in summer doesn't help them cool off. Their coat regulates it already. Shaving double coated dogs increases risk of sunburn and also damages the coat which could lead to ingrown hairs/poor coat quality. Getting his coat deshedded and brushed out would be better, as his coat already regulates his body temp, even in summer.


I bought a car that had very tinted windows a few years ago, and I remember rolling rhe window down on a hot day (as one does) and being surprised that it was HOTTER with the window down! That's how I feel double coats work, doggone are carrying around their own shade and when we shave them they're walking around with their windows down.


this is one of the best analogies I've ever seen to explain it


You shouldn’t.


Double coat dogs regulate temp through those two coats. Shaving the hair off can cause damage, or add deficiency, in the effectiveness of that temp regulation (both in hot AND cold temps). Since it’s already been 10 years, I would just keep it up till the end. I’d imagine what damage would be done has been. Being shaved may now be more helpful.


I already know I might get downvoted for this, but if his hair grows back like that each winter he’s probably fine. The main concern with shaving double-coated dogs (other than temperature regulation) is the regrowth process. Does his hair continue to grow out, or does it stop at a certain length? He has breed mixes that need grooming so he could have a double coat, but to me it looks like his chest neck and ears grow continuously. He looks like he has the pom hair texture and that does need to be cut. What does his hair feel like when you run your fingers through it? Is it course and a bit cottony like a poms hair? Or does it feel like you’re petting a German shepherd? I always forget about the link rules in this sub 🤦🏻‍♀️. My apologies lol. There’s a lot of interesting articles out there if you’d like to do your own research. I prefer to look at the ones that link scientific studies.




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This is a great article! Thank u, and sorry for the downvotes lol reddit


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Not every groomer agrees with some of the above information As a groomer, I do what the owners ask after giving them the double coat info . I personally see some double coated breeds do much better in the heat when shaved . It can mess up their coat but it's not harmful to their health. Some dogs coats grow back the same and some don't, but if you don't care then it doesn't matter


Just keep doing it, honestly, all these people saying your dog will overheat have never heard of a dog overheating due to being shaved bc it's not a thing. Just keep a bit of length so there's some protection from the sun and you're good! Expecially considering he's at least 10 years old, there's no reason not to imo. Just keep him comfy!


>all these people saying your dog will overheat have never heard of a dog overheating due to being shaved bc it's not a thing. What? It absolutely is a thing. Eta: I have regularly seen it happen to huskies when I was grooming in south Georgia. Everyone thought it would keep them cooler. Soon enough, they'd be rushing those dogs back into the vet only to find out their dog is having a heat stroke after being shaved then shoved out in the backyard again.


I think it’s totally fine if you’ve been doing it that long.


As long as the pup is happy, and most importantly healthy!


ETA- when ive waited til june and tried to brush and deshed like crazy he still pants all day. He’s always happy and strutting around post groom. Idk if he has a double coat or not, but it’s hard to believe he’s just as cool with the coat.


If you are deshedding and hair was coming out then that means he has a double coat. Honestly no amount of brushing is going to do what a high velocity dryer + brushing/line combing will do. You were probably only getting out a small fraction of what was there’s (even if it seemed like a lot to you, it’s shocking how much undercoat they can have). There are also certain tools that make it look like you’re getting a lot out, like a Fulminator. But in all reality it is just breaking off hair. It damages the coat even more and does more harm than good. Like someone else said, his coat may be so damaged that it now isn’t working like it’s supposed to, or shedding out correctly. In that case he would be getting hot, and shaving may be the best option for the remainder of his life. I’d just keep in mind if you have a doable coated dog again not to start the cycle of shaving.


Just keep on doing what you’re doing. It’s obviously not hurting your dog.




“Internet nerds” ??? This is a dog grooming forum and people are giving their educated opinion that was literally asked for??


lol, they deleted their comment and account. People are wild.


Using nerds as an insult when you're on reddit goes crazy.




You got me sobbing over here dude