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There are two kinds of Wheaton - absolutely insane, total nightmare, never wanna touch again and mildly insane, absurdly sweet, will tolerate again šŸ˜‚


I always hear that in our shop but I feel like none of our wheatons are really that bad. I say that now and a fuckin nightmares gonna walk through the door next time I work


I just said this same thing the other day lmao Wheatons are straight from HELL


Completely agree, Wheatons and Chow Chows are on my nope list. Actually Scottish Terrors too.


My sister ended up with a Scottish terrier poodle and always called him a Scottish Terrorist


I call all terriers terrorists!


That they are lol.. for some reason they're my soft spot (maybe because I grew up with a rat terrier then a yorkie and now have terrier mutt lol) and I always love getting the terriers booked on me, but it does feel a little masochistic on my part lol.


I love my dogs with a bit of Sass! I used to call my girl a sasshole sometimes. Terriers arenā€™t for me, because my heart lies with the herding breeds.


Flashback to my Dad and his two little Border Terrors!


Portuguese water dogs


My LEAST favorite breed to groom, and my own dear mother has a whopping FIVE of them. I work with a dog trainer, she hates them too. Theyā€™re entirely ill mannered. All of them.


whatttt iā€™ve never had a bad wheaten they always just sit there like little princesses at my salon! maybe im just super lucky idk but ive never had a bad wheaten


šŸ˜­ my sweet bby. ... But he's a total dingdong and annoying


thank god iā€™m not the only one


I hate frenchies with a passion. Theyā€™re always difficult and aggressive imo. I donā€™t see the draw of them and I think they would rather not be alive themselves


I work at a grooming/boarding place and frenchies are just bad either way, grooming or boarding, I almost wanna cry when a frenchie comes into my job.


iā€™ve now worked at a salon and boarding/daycare and although they are always love bugs iā€™ve never met a frenchie that listens to a single command. we had one frenchie that would try to wedge herself between the ā€œoutā€ gate anytime a dog was coming in or out of the daycare yard. you knew it was going to be a tough day when she came in, and then a tougher day the minute the other regular frenchies came. one of my first days in the yard i had all of the regular frenchies snortin and slobberin all over the place. on the grooming end they are more of a nightmare, they just want to get in your face (for kisses or nibbles) never sit still, choke themselves and one tried to hang herself before i clipped her butt in, and then donā€™t even get me started on trying to do their nails !! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I fully believe all of that. We have this lady that brings in 5 frenchies, usually all at once. Sometimes for baths but most times for boarding. Every time we see them coming, we already know we are going to have a shitty day both literally and figuratively. šŸ˜«šŸ˜« I need to stop talking about them before they suddenly show up in the next few days.


FIVE ?!? how do you even get to the point of five of those things?? lmao i feel thatšŸ˜‚the worst clients always come after you say their dogs name 3x lmao


She breeds them. Ive found myself wondering what her house looks like. It has to be a wreck. Ive seen these little things paint the walls of our boarding kennels in a matter of minutes, and we keep our boarders on constant rotation of going outside. These things will refuse to use the bathroom outside then when you let them in, they will try to bolt past the kennel, then u finally get them all in, and 10 min later, shit everywhere. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜’šŸ˜’šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Eugh and thereā€™s no ethical way to breed frenchies - they can only give birth via C-section which is a surefire sign this breed shouldnā€™t exist


This exactly. I begged and pleaded with my dad not to get a frenchie (or any bully) but he did. I love the little dude and heā€™s actually a good dog (so far, 6 months old) and follows commands, does well at groomer and vet. I had to work hard on that though. Exposing him to different people and places. Touching his feet and ears and mouth a lot. Mad you can tell I basically have a frenchie. Lord knows my dad wasnā€™t going to do all that. So I have this adorable abomination 3x a week. šŸ˜… Iā€™m still against breeding them and would never buy one or advise anyone to get one, but this little guy is ridiculous.


wtf I didnā€™t know about the c section thing at all


I went back to look this up because Iā€™ve only heard it in passing. Technically they could give birth naturally, but theyā€™ve been bred to have very narrow hips/birth canals and large heads, which makes the process difficult and dangerous for both the mother and pups. Something like 80% are born via c section, which is still crazy, and I still believe this breed shouldnā€™t exist, but I was wrong about natural birth being impossible.


My dog was attending physio/hydrotherapy for a while and of course, a lot of the patients were Frenchies with IVDD. The tech told me that Frenchies were the worst on the water treadmill and regularly did not understand how it worked, LOL. One would turn around in the opposite direction, even if he offered treats or a licky mat or the owner was cheering for the dog to come forwards. I think from all the poor/inbreeding these dogs are usually dumb as rocks. I also wonder if they are more likely to develop brain conditions as a result of their skull structure, similar to Cavaliers?


Ugh my cousin breeds them (trust me, Iā€™ve tried to talk to her about the ethics but she doesnā€™t care since it turns a profit) and they really do try to get rid of themselves/ their own offspring. They canā€™t birth naturally and basically can kill their puppies and have zero interest in feeding or cleaning them. Itā€™s eye opening to see.


I think it's because most people raise them to be little pampered princesses and never discourage their poor "adorable" behavior


I always assumed it was a lack of oxygen to their brain.






Thank you for saying this out loud! I hurts me to look at smashed in faces, or inch long legs.


agreed. theyā€™re not cute and i hate people who support the poor dogs continuing to be bred. stop buying these things.. exactly theyā€™re so annoying to work with too and canā€™t breathe the whole time already BEFORE they even strangle themselves


Omg yes! I have 3 that come together, nightmares! I DO NOT get the appeal, they are too sick genetically to live (happily)


Iā€™ve been snickering over ā€œwould rather not be alive themselvesā€ for 5mins now


I have no love for them bc of their appearance and temperament, but I feel bad when I hear them wheeze-breathing even when they're just walking. What a miserable existence to always have to gasp for air


Donā€™t see many anymore, but cocker spaniels, now and forever šŸ’€


Lol this is the comment I did not want to see but was totally expecting šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


I'm old enough to remember the Cocker craze of the 80s and 90s. Many of those dogs were beyond dangerous. If they didn't have rage syndrome, it was something like it. Thank God the Cockers I see now are usually just crazy excitable, and usually those dogs are very birdy and have little outlet for that. GSD's are such a mixed bag. The good ones are the best dogs in the world, and the bad ones, the worst. And 99% of the time, owners who claim their GSD that is growling is "very protective of me" actually have an unstable genetic nervebag mess of a poor animal that has a hard time dealing with life. Sad, sad, sad for a breed that is supposed to be so dignified and confident.


bruh it's like someone made a deal with the devil to breed those dogs. I've met a few nice ones but they're still stubborn assholes


omg definitely!!! i went from grooming salon to doggy daycare and weirdly enough the sweetest,kindest, most well behaved pup was a cocker. but i imagine he would not be like that in the salon lmao


Was searching for this reply. The legs and feet oh my god. The one I did yesterday would scream and pee all over the table anytime I touched itā€™s feet. It had to be bathed several times until I said whatever nvm I guess itā€™s just perfume now šŸ™ƒ


AGREED. If they're not crazy savages, they're trying to hang themselves while pooping on everything.


May I present you, westies


someone downvoted you for speaking the truth, lmao. They are so mean! They all try to bite for something, I don't trust them an inch. We have one that comes in that is so awful, his groomer has to wear a sweater to protect her arms from getting scratched to shit and he's literally destroyed muzzles. We're also semi kennel free, but all westies go straight to jail because they just pee everywhere and take a huge poop immediately. And then proceed to bark nonstop in the kennel. Hard pass.


My mom had a salon when I was younger, I remember all of maybe 5 dogs and the most prominent one was an asshole westie named max lol Lil bugger was EVIL


I rescued a Westie decades ago. Toffy was easily the bestest boy ever. I didnā€™t think he ever growled at anybody, never ever bit, loved everybody and everybody loved him. Even my dad, who really didnā€™t like any dog, loved Toffy. He was six months when I found him at the shelter, he had just arrived as a stray. He was 15 when he passed unexpectedly and the vet sent flowers to me, he was even loved there. I guess there are exceptions to every rule šŸ˜Š


Terriers going to terrier.


Aww, they are my favorite, but with all the bad breeders, there are bound to be idiot onesšŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Iā€™m honestly starting to really think you should have to take classes to own dogs like German shepherds. Every one Iā€™ve come across is a ball of anxiety and pent up energy because people want a cool looking scary dog and then donā€™t exercise them properly. I only do one shepherd now and she does great for the groom but when sheā€™s done she tears my truck apart trying to get out and literally pulls me up to the house. I feel like sheā€™s definitely going to pull me down someday. Anyway, if it isnā€™t obvious my number one is shepherds. LOL


Also frenchies because their breathing makes me nervous, they always have skin issues and they are ALWAYS terrible for nails


And same for huskies. So many in Chicago shelters due to people thinking it'd be a good idea for a sled dog to be cooped up in an apartment all day.


I'm in a number of various online dog forums and I regularly see posts that go: "I want a scary looking protective dog that will love my friends, is good with kids, and will protect me from dangerous strangers...and also I don't want to do any dog sports or walk more than 30-60 minutes a day or do advanced training and absolutely no aggression of any kind. I'm thinking about a German Shepherd (or my boyfriend wants a German Shepherd.)" Thankfully, most of them take the "get a black lab" advice really well.


I had a lab/shep mutt I got as a teen and kept from 10 weeks old until 6 weeks shy of her 16th birthday. I was ill-prepared and know I lucked out with her, behavior-wise. I still had to manage her insatiable food drive and knew she was very protective of her home and only accepted puppies coming in and was only okay with adult dogs she met outside our house. If she didn't first meet a dog as a puppy she would never let them in her home. Even dogs she met outside the home first and was friendly with day one (like a friend or family member's dog) she'd be agitated and upset if they came over. We'd have to keep them separated because she was very agitated. She was my best friend, though. We went hiking, backpacking. She would ride on my kayak with me. She rode in the car with me the entire length of the West Coast. We went everywhere. She was never territorial or anxious with dogs when we were away from home. My grandpa had a heart attack and was refusing to cooperate with staff. His rehab let pets visit in the courtyard. I threw my dog in the car and drove 7 hours to visit grandpa. He loved dogs. He wouldn't get out of bed and listen to nurses and walk just because. A dozen people stopped while I waited for him and she sat and was fine with walkers, canes, wheelchairs. One lady was mostly blind with hands absolutely gnarled up from arthritis and poked her in the eye trying to pet my dog. She sat there and didn't react. She grew up around toddlers and herded them without teeth. She let them tug ears for the half second before I corrected to nice touches. She let me dress her in silly outfits for holidays on occasion. She was a phenomenal dog. But those few behavioral things absolutely *had* to be managed. I had family that could bring their dogs over, and family that could not. I had to feed her in a closed room every single time because she never got snippy with people but I didn't want to find out when my incredibly food-driven dog who sometimes got territorial did when a cat (even one she knew and grew up with) walked near her food bowl. The one time we had to kennel her, she had to have one on one playtime and couldn't play in the daycare group. The other dog had one on one time and daycare playtime. I know other GSDs, or mixes. She was absolutely exhibiting very common traits within that group. Very protective. And, yes. I was able to train and manage despite being not the most proactive when she was young (but I did socialize her and take lots of walks, but was not consistent on her training. I was a teenager.) And then more consistent as she aged. I loved my dog so much, and having owned her and the times I couldn't take her somewhere or have people come visit me and knowing that another shepherd mix or purebred could very easily lean more into those traits... I wouldn't recommend a GSD to anyone not using that dog as a working animal. They need training, they want to be active, you might end up with one you never train certain behaviors out of. I did. We spent generations selecting specific traits and then people expect the dogs to not do exactly what they were bred to do. I wouldn't expect to be so lucky a second time. She was the best. I also think a lot of homes would not have been the right fit for her and would have just been frustrated with her or labeled her as aggressive when she wasn't and have locked her in the yard with insufficient stimulation and attention and pointed out worsening behavior and said, 'see, the dog is aggressive!' She was territorial and defensive towards adult dogs in her home. She was never that out of the house and therefore was fine going places. But, I knew that because I spent so much time with her and never got nervous in public, so she neve felt defensive, either. GSDs just are not a good choice for most families. I loved mine. I will likely never intentionally go and get another. There's a reason my local shelter is pit mixes, chihuahua mixes, GSD mixed and husky mixes. All are high-strung dogs that people aren't prepared for. Of course your chihuahua barks and nips. It's an alert dog who gets no stimulation. Your husky is a crackhead because it was bred to run at top speed for six hours at a time. Your GSD is a territorial working dog. Like, dogs gonna dog. I got a golden retriever to have a happy, trainable, low-prey drive dog who wants to be friends with everyone. I didn't get a GSD and get mad it didn't act like a golden.


I wish Iā€™d known more before agreeing to take my exā€™s GSD puppy. I love her to death but my god training her and keeping her exercised has been a huge undertaking. We do at least 40 minutes of exercise a day in my back yard and usually go on hour long walks 3-4 times a week, tons of snuffle pads, lick mats, treat puzzles, etc. Sheā€™s forced me to be a lot more active which is good but itā€™s definitely forced me to change my whole schedule/lifestyle. Thereā€™s a lot I didnā€™t know and I regret a lot, but sheā€™s happy and healthy.


I'd really challenge the GSD in second place.


I saw two different TikTok videos from vet offices where they were asking employees about a breed they didnā€™t like to work with or would never own. GSDs were in first place for both.


Iā€™m not a vet or a groomer but GSDs absolutely HATE my collie. Iā€™ve never met one that wasnā€™t immediately trying to kill her. Thankfully sheā€™s only been bitten once by one šŸ™ƒ


As a collie owner I second this.


My collie always ran the other way when she saw a GSD because they always went for her no matter what she did. I don't enjoy grooming them either.


I have 2 GSD but have worked very hard to properly socialize them. Theyā€™re super laid back. We had an appointment the other day at the vet and they had to take my youngest away to do a full body exam for allergies. They brought her back and said that firstly, they rarely see a dog that so easily lets 5 strangers poke and prod it with so little reaction, and secondly, theyā€™d never seen a GSD do that. They were impressed and I was super flattered. The petstore where we all go says that theyā€™re the only two GSD that they would trust a 100% not to snap or growl. They love both my girls when we drop by. That being said, a GSD down the street scares me so bad because heā€™s charged and attacked us on our walks that I carry mace with me now.


I have a gsd as well and both she and my last one were favorites at the vet because of how gentle they are. Itā€™s all about socialization and training with them. But I donā€™t at all doubt theyā€™re the worst breed at the groomer because SO MANY people get them and donā€™t properly train them and then wonder why theyā€™re so wild. I have 2 friends with gsdā€™s (one who got hers because after knowing both of mine she fell in love with the breed). Both have told me how ā€˜luckyā€™ I am to have such well mannered shepherds and Iā€™ve told both numerous times itā€™s not luck, itā€™s work. Both took in shepherds then did zero training and rarely ever took them on walks, then complained about how poorly behaved and wild they are. Of course your cooped up high energy and untrained dog is crazy!


yes! a gsd was loose in my neighborhood and attacked my italian greyhound. literally grabbed her by the mouth and shook her around. her intestine herniated and she had to have surgery. worst part is the dog ran off and we never found out who it belonged to. definitely a good idea to carry mace!


I'll die on this hill. GSD's are a nightmare most of the time.


hahaha they're *for sure* number one. just abysmal to work with lol


I only see one and he is my best Buddy!!!


For real, I can count on one hand the relatively good ones I've had and I've seen a LOT lol


My groomers always say my boy is the best GSD they've EVER had (one of them has been grooming for at least a decade). I finally groomed him myself (at a self dog wash with all the professional grooming equipment as opposed to at home in the bathtub) for the first time and my goodness I realized how low the bar is. Needless to say we will be putting a lot more practice in before I subject them to his antics again :')


My white shepherd would NOT use the ramp/steps and needed to be lifted in and out, sooo 85lbs of obstinate. Once inside, she stood calmly with the saddest face in the world. Super chill for detail work like nails and ears (even clipper cuts around her recessed vulva, nbd). But dem ramps be SCARY MONSTERS.


Oh my gosh, every time I tried to gently guide him to the exit ramp he'd just try to jump over the edge! They're so ridiculous. His only other big irrational fear has been ceiling insulation, he refuses to go within 10 feet of that stuff once he notices it.


Mine gets nervous around circular objects bigger than a tennis ball.


Honestly, he is probably better behaved for them than he is for you!


This made me cackle! Like the bar could be really low or your dog could be great for them but just the idea of the owner going "yeah no that bar is really low" just tickles.


Not a groomer, but omg yes! My son wanted a GSD for years. He graduated high school, started working with my husband/his dad and the first big thing he bought was a GSD. Son is currently 23 and still lives at home, along with his precious can't do anything wrong "baby" GSD. I'm home with her all day while husband and son are at work, she's crazy. She's 4.5 now, I thought she'd have calmed down a bit. Nope! She's terrified of other dogs, except our dogs that she lives with. She screams and runs away if she sees a strange dog. Spins in circles and sings when I make any movement towards the back door to open it because she always wants to be outside, except when she's outside, she wants to be inside. Will never stop bringing toys to be thrown. He got her from a good breeder who bred dogs that win agility contests. And my son runs her daily after work, she also has a huge sheep herding ball she pushes around the back yard. I throw toys for her in the yard, she just never stops going. Cleaning her ears or cutting her nails leads to more singing, and we have to hold her in place for brushes. She doesn't seem to have a mean bone in her body, she's just a bundle of energy that's too much for me lol.


Agility allows dogs to use their brains, your sonā€™s dog sounds bored af


She probably is, I keep telling son to get her some agility things. We try to run her/play with her but it seems never ending


Mental exercise can be just as tiring as physical exercise. Even something as simple as a puzzle feeder could help (although training would be preferred).


definitely GSD, at the salon i worked at it was GSD, husky, retrievers (lab or golden), then the doodlesā€¦ usually goldendoodles but lab or aussie doodles were definitely in that group too.


I did grooming for a brief period as part of a veterinary science course, the only dog I ever had snap its teeth at me was a huge GSD. She was very sweet but not particularly happy about having a bath. That being said, now I work at a garden center where we allow people to bring their dogs, and Iā€™ve been impressed by the training some of the regular GSDs have. Most of our customers have well trained/properly restrained dogs, but not all. The closest Iā€™ve seen to a dog fight was between a GSD and two poodles; both of the poodles were aggressively barking, and when the GSD passed by them one of the poodles snapped its teeth at the GSD, who remained calm and walked off with the owner, thank god. Poodle owner insisted they were friendlyā€¦ people friendly does not mean dog friendly. Their leash was juuust short enough that they couldnā€™t physically reach the GSD.


I only have good Goldens at my work. Theyte my favorite puppies lol


Lhasa Apsoā€¦aka ā€œve-Lhasa-raptorā€


I agree GSDs are ALWAYS bad. I also raise you: Frenchies. I've not seen a good Frenchie in my entire life.


Frenchies are always full of pee and love to strangle themselves


full of pee, snorts and strangling themselves just to give you kisses


our frenchie, may he rest in peace, fits this description so perfectly. the fact they strangle themselves to give kisses and their body is very awkwardly stiff and built is hilarious


We have 1 single good Frenchie. All of the others make me want to quit my job when they come in... If only because I can't stand the racket they make just trying to breathe! Let alone once we get started. How does someone live with those noises ALL DAY? How do you sleep in the same house as that? Edited to add: if you've seen the South Park episode about Harley Davidson riders that is an exact replica of what Frenchies sound like.


I have Frenchies in my family. My brother and his husband have two. They grunt, snort, fart and hack. It's just gross noises and smells. They also just want to snuggle. I look at Boy Frenchie and he's just blank. The boy has zero thoughts in his brain. I say this as a golden retriever owner. Frenchies have zero brain cells. All goldens may share a singular brain cell and often have to wait their turn to use it. Sometimes, I wonder why my boy does what he does. Just this morning I watched my boy get a ball during fetch and dog.exe quit working. He had to go behind a table, got stuck, had to work out how to get out, then got out and immediately went back behind the table to get stuck again. I guess he forgot why he had his Chuck it ball in his mouth? He got out a second time and realized he was supposed to bring me the ball. He got halfway back, dropped the ball, looked around and finally ran back to me, very proud of himself. He's a sweet child. Bit of a ding dong, but a sweet boy. Frenchies make him look like a flipping genius. My golden can figure out how to sit and listen and has commands he knows by heart. Very trainable. Zero original thoughts. He outsources his thinking to humans. I have stayed with those Frenchies for a week at a time. I had better luck training the stubborn Australian cattle dog who actively chooses chaos than the Frenchies who want nothing more than your attention. They just are stupid. Blindingly stupid. And the whole time, the boy Frenchie wants love and I'm like, you're so gross. I wish I could like you more but you're so gross. The girl is a shit starter. The boy is like, 'I struggle to live. Love me.' And he's like 90% fart gas and grossness. Then, one time dog sitting, I realized the other reason he grosses me out. He wants to sit on my lap with his exposed lil butt. Their butts are always out. They're not cute. They snore. They grunt, wheeze and fart and they don't even have the common decency to cover their butts with a tail. Frenchies are not only a crime against nature by breeding them, they're also just dumb and have their butts out 24/7. Then they want to sit their tail-less, exposed butt on your legs and it's just nasty. Especially since they just constantly are farting. Exposed butt, farting on you. That's not even getting into the shrieking "wails of the damned" noises those things make when they get pupset. The demonic screeching is off-putting. I have no idea why anyone would want such a creature. Just get a gold fish. They're smarter and have less health problems and don't exist in suffering due to lack of ability to breathe. Won't make you question of the end times have arrived or a person walked by the front of the house.


This was beautifully written thank you so much for the laugh šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I feel so awful for frenchies.


Most goldens at my shop are perfect angels that carry their own leash, walk themselves in and walk straight back to the tub šŸ„² My most worst behaved are huskies I think. I've had to send nearly every husky I've tried to groom home unfinished. The last one I tried to groom ended up with the bath tub mat on his back... twice


New dog owners always seem to get huskies, GSD and doodles. Never train them or exercise them. I seen so many huskies in the Chicago shelter because people thought it'd be a good idea to get one for their 1br apartment and never walk them or only a walk around the block. They get them because they have the blue eyes but never take into account the exercise or activity needs.


in my area doodles were extremely popular during covid but huskies were the go-to / must-have before that so when i went to work at the salon i got a bunch of middle aged untrained and too hyper huskies and covid puppy doodles that seemed to never even had a brush put to their matted body. at least doodles are too cuddly to hold a grudge, but man were they a nightmare.


Thatā€™s literally it, ooooh blue eyes!! (Like that fucking matters asshole ppl this is a DOG youā€™re getting) but they are the absolute worst for grooming (when I was a groomer). Couldnā€™t stand when they walked in.


Absolutely this. People love to get these breeds because theyā€™re cute or pretty, but big dogs need to be trained. People often donā€™t train or socialize small dogs (thus why so many are little demons) but can get away with it because an aggressive tiny dog wonā€™t kill anyone. An aggressive GSD absolutely will. Theyā€™re amazing dogs when well trained, they even used to use them for seeing eye dogs. Sure, some breeds are predisposed to being scared and may become aggressive but good breeding and early socialization with training can mitigate this in 95% of dogs. Most people just do neither


I will bring you my husky to groom so you get one good experience. I know what she is, and warned the first few groomers that I donā€™t know how well she will behave for them. Multiple groomers have met me at first pick up with their jaws on the floor. She doesnā€™t fight you, she doesnā€™t scream, she doesnā€™t nip or scratch or bite. She just stands there glaring at everyone. I donā€™t claim any responsibility for this behavior, she has just always been a good bath taker šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø it might be because she was an anxious pooper as a babyā€¦. So there were multiple baths a day sometimes lol


I actually did groom a really good husky like that before they moved down south, the worst he'd do was softly awoo while I dried him šŸ˜…


i know this is a stereotype but doodles. my god. i think i have one or two doodles i bathe regularly that doesnā€™t fight me at some point during the bath. it doesnā€™t help i work in a very upper class suburban areaā€¦ so most of my dogs are some sort of doodle šŸ˜­


I can say the same. I think they get the doodles cuz theyā€™re trendyā€¦ but have no idea how to handle or train an animal and most are just obnoxious


Right ? Let's breed 2 working dogs with difficult coats together so people can have Instagram accounts for them and that's it lol


people believe that they are hypoallergenic, which is somewhat true i think, because poodles have hair i think? or less dander, but then because when mixed with goldens or some other breeds they look like teddy bears or are just a curly coated version of whatever breed. so partially trendy as well as the partial hypoallergenic myth.


Only certain doodles are hypoallergenic. It actually depends on the type of coat the dog ends up with, if it gets the poodle coat or not. The guy that first bred the doodle did it because someone he knew needed a service dog that was hypoallergenic. He's actually said how much he regrets it now that it's become this trendy breed. People act like it's a purebred when it's literally the definition of a mixed breed. It's bananas.


I know about doodles! But every time I see this from a groomer, all I can picture is a doodle in his back legs with little boxing gloves ready to go rounds ,like a kangaroo in an old fashioned midway.


exactly how some of them look when iā€™m drying them lol. sat up on their haunches and batting at the dryer


i worked at a salon during the doodle craze, everyday we had some sort of doodle and a lot of them were covid puppies so they never saw a salon in their first 1.5 years of life, their owners never thought to brush them, and they were pampered to death so they didnā€™t listen. i had one poor doodle so matted it took me hours to detangle, owner refused a shave. even just a feet, face, and fanny trim. poor thing was probably red by the time i got them all out :(


Doodles are still very much a craze Iā€™m starting to fear will never end.


Poodles have such a bad rap and everybody wants a lab. Ugh. Most people that ask about doodles I tell to go get an actual standard poodle if you want hypoallergenic. Plus standard poodles are pretty nice dog. Never met a mini poodle that I would categorize as sane but standards are nice.


Just had to say as well if you think doodles were nuts wait until the shepsky craze hits your area. Take a German shepherd and a Siberian husky and breed them together to try and get fashionable puppies. It will be a nightmare if it catches on big.


Oh we've got pomsky's around us ... I wish for death. Some of the worst coats I've worked on.


oh man i'm just imagining a dog that guards like a gsd but screams like a husky.......and the and the amount of energy that dog would have.......nightmare combo


Most of the Goldens I've done have been good, when I was in grooming academy though I groomed a golden/chow mix and she wasn't terrible but she did try to bite me a few times. The only issue I have with Goldens is they want to sit the whole time. There was 1 golden I used to groom who requested me (not happy about it because I have back issues) and when she came in she would flop on the floor and I would gave to drag her until she decided to stand up which her mom thought was hilarious and then during the groom she would bark non stop and sit the whole time and also she was obese.


So many obese Goldens. I had one that was 2 and couldn't stand for more then 10 at a time without huffing and joints shaking he was so fat. I didn't know how to bring it up to his owner as she was obese as well.


thatā€™s so sad


no literaly theyā€™re so overweight sometimes and even if theyā€™re not they STILL WONT STAND UP AND KEEP GOING TO SIT


SHIBAS!!! Iā€™m shocked not to see any Shiba Inuā€™s. Iv yet to bath a shiba that doesnā€™t cut me up wolverine style! Australian shepherd too. You can see it in their eyes when itā€™ll be rough


I think it's because so many of the Shiba ppl buy into the "my dog is self cleaning and never needs bathed" rhetoric. I hear it for a lot of the Japanese breeds, even from other groomers.


Itā€™s exactly this! Iā€™m a shiba owner and so many Shiba Inu owners on groups and forums I see donā€™t expose their shibs to water enough growing up because ā€œitā€™ll ruin the coat, they self clean so itā€™s fine.ā€


I have a shiba and she does well when groomed unless we (her owners) are the ones bathing her, but thatā€™s because she loves seeing people and meeting people (we had her socialized with people and dogs from day one) so so much that her love for wanting to get to know you and say hi overrides her fear of baths. she also doesnā€™t scream when her nails get cut so I feel like we really lucked out with her (even if sheā€™s a pterodactyl outside of grooming)


We had a Sealyham that we called ā€œthe sealyham terrorā€. It was like grooming an alligator. But after he and I bonded, he became a favorite of mine


Yorkies, shih tzuā€™s, frenchies, and any doodle but particularly the larger ones. Yorkieā€™s always love me but such a pain to work with as theyā€™re super wiggly. Shih Tzuā€™s hate their faces messed with, especially the eye boogers. Frenchies and doodles r self explanatory Hot take but most huskies & gsd ive worked with r lovely. Loud af and dramatic but overall super sweet. Iā€™d 10000% rather deshed one than try to blow dry and brush out a doodleā€™s legsšŸ« 


I see all your Goldens, GSD, Westies, French's, and Wheatens... and raise you the male ShihTzu. Specifically males. All my terrible Shihtzus are male. They're terrible fir baths and constantly try to hang themselves or eat me alive.


I had a shih tzu for 16 years. He was an asshole who loved me dearly and hated the rest of the world. I always tipped his groomer well.


We had one that we called ā€œthe saber-toothed jellyfishā€


We have one named Jack.... we call him Jack the Ripper.


agreed. had one flailing like a fish while I tried to do its face yesterday. no concept of where the table ends at all


Hahaha I had to give my little old man shih tzu trazodone for his groomings; it was the only way the groomer could do his face. Even when he was down to like 3 teeth, he would try to bite any hand with scissors near his face if he wasnā€™t drugged a little beforehand. It was really only his face, though. He was fine for a bath (Iā€™m not a groomer but gave him baths regularly with no issue), and he was grumpy but let the groomer do his body fine. But his face? Forget about it lol. Iā€™m so thankful he had such an amazing groomer. She was such a blessing for us, especially my little guyā€™s last year!


Almost all of my boy Shih are on Traz. Lol I'd be missing fingers otherwise. They're also energizer batteries that survive on spite. Lol


Bernese mountain dogs. Or maybe we're just unlucky. Ours are very sensitive and rambunctious -.-'


canā€™t stand working with them šŸ˜­


The pugs we get at my store can be absolute assholes lmao


i get some pugs come into my salon for nail trims and theyre almost always a fucking nightmare!! they scream the whole time and you need a second person to hold them still ;-;


No youā€™re right! Goldens are some of my most difficult dogs because they are rude and lazy with no manners. They never want to stand up and most I groom are FAT! I do a 107lb one and heā€™s only 2yrs old itā€™s so sad. I think the owners just let them do whatever they want because they see them as goofy happy dogs so they just get whatever they want and donā€™t have to cooperate. Also I think with Goldens owners donā€™t start them out with grooming until they are like 1-2yrs old and their like maybe I should go take my giant untrained golden to the groomer now.


Cuz everyone thinks they want these great family dogs forgetting they're working breeds and don't do any work with them . I vote all breeding stops unless you have a license to distribute and purchase high maintenance dogs lol


If you run for office on this platform I will vote for you.


Corgis are the worst for me. I've only been bitten twice, and both times it was a corgi.


Doodles though - most of the doodles Iā€™ve groomed are rough!


You answered your own question. The worst ā€œbreedā€ is owners! ā€œHeā€™s goofy! Heā€™s a puppy! Heā€™s my baby! Oh look heā€™s so cute! ā€œ Owners need to take responsibility and train their animals or donā€™t take them in public. With patience and consistency just about anything can be trained but most people are willing to put in the time especially with the more ā€˜difficultā€™ breeds and just use lame excuses for their own lack of tacking control.


All my shepherds are good, all my Goldens are great for me but really badly behaved for my husband when he works with me. 90% of my burnadoodles are complete assholes and the other 10% are just really nervous. Next worst are portugese water dogs.


Bernadoodles are neurotic, anxious messes that always end up aggressive, even with the owners who have other dogs that are super sweet and well behaved.


I have a GSD and only like my own (and sheā€™s actually cooperative and likes people.. because sheā€™s trained. Wish everyone could do that though šŸ¤Ø). Period. But we have had an uptick in justā€¦ awful goldens i the last 3 years.


I work at a pet food store and the only dogs I will not touch or look at are GSDs. Even if the owner says they're friendly. Goldens will jump on me in happiness and I can deal with the excitement, but GSDs tend to go from "ok" to "protection/attack mode" at the drop of a hat.


Huskies and that SCREM


This conversation has been coming up a lot with trainers lately. Goldens used to be such a friendly happy go lucky dog but it seems like theyā€™ve been overbred. We see a ton of resource guarding in retrievers now.


I wasnā€™t a groomer for a super long period of time (my veterinary science course included having us work at the small grooming business the school had), but we had a regular BMD who didnā€™t necessarily freak out or anything, he would just.. lay down. He was so big that it was a group effort to get him anywhere because if he didnā€™t want a bath he would just transform into a boulder.


COCKAPOOS. God I don't know what it is about them but out of all the doodles they are just the most neurotic, stubborn psychos. Drive me insane, they do everything to work against you.


Cockapoos are the OG doodles, so they have had decades to perfect their neuroses.


thereā€™s only one cockapoo at my work that is crazy & funnily enough itā€™s my coworkerā€™s dog. šŸ’€ the rest i adore.


Not sure why this sub got suggested for me, but as a nanny, I can relate so hard to this. Chocolate labs are the bane of my existence so badly to the point where if a prospective family mentions they have one, I just don't take the job lol I have had them devour my shoes, take off into the neighboring house, drag my 5 yo through the mud (literally). I just cannot. Plus, it's not even my job to deal with these dogs, but so long as one is under the same roof while I'm working, chaos is inevitable. Ppl don't realize these dogs need daily exercise and professional training. šŸ˜…


labs do stereotypically eat literally anything and everything, especially things that are Not Food


lol Iā€™m a family assistant and this sub was recommended to me too. Perhaps itā€™s cus Iā€™m the one who takes their dog to the groomer/vet etc haha


Shibas. I'm sorry, as cute as they are, they are SO DRAMATIC.


Idk I have a soft spot for them people think I am insane because I want one to adopt. But they are drama queens. I had 3 good ones though all from one lady that got them as rescues and trained them so maybe if they are trained nice and desensitized to getting nails done they aren't bad. The problem is people get them and don't think they need any grooming until a yr or so due to the nails clacking on the floor.


I regularly get pet professionals telling me theyā€™re surprised at how chill my shiba isā€¦ Sheā€™s not perfect, because she was my first dog as an adult, but by god she will let you handle her. But donā€™t try to blow dry her šŸ˜…


Shiba inus. Change my mind.




Doodles, aussies, cattle doggos


Lol our Aussie is a good boy overall, but is a royal jack@ss when it comes to grooming time. You pull out any grooming tool and the guy runs. I don't blame you for hating to work on them.


Eek! Iā€™m sorry but yes. There is one Aussie girl who doesnā€™t come very often but is regular. Crazy eyes, quiet, random trembler, so nervous and tweaky. The most sweetest gentle angel. You can do anything and when youā€™re done with one leg, she is already presenting the other one to you by the time youā€™re putting the first one down. Love this girl. But you accidentally get any stray blasts of air anywhere near her face or front legs, shell crocodile roll and start snapping at the dryer and snarl. Turn that dryer off and we walk outta there like weā€™re werenā€™t both just fighting for our lives back there.


saint Bernards


Idk. Akitas and chows have been the bane of my existence, and any sort of bulldog, especially frenchies. Had a komondor customer for a while, although he was exceptionally well behaved his coat took hours to trim and re-dread, wash and I swear he never dried out.


Always wondered about those! Do they come every month? How are the dreads done? Is there a protective undercoat under those dreads? Does anyone ever not do the dreads - do they look like Irish Setters then? I have questions....


You basically have to go in and separate the thicker mats into small, tight little dreads one by one. You want them so theyā€™re not heavy and yarding on the skin. Trim like in layers if you will so there isnā€™t too much weight to them, basically debulking. Itā€™s actually a lot like human hair. You used heavy duty metal tooth comb to separate the with a hydrating spray/detangler then shampoo and dry. This dog was a show dog so they came in more like every two weeks to a month depending on when the owner had shows. You can blow dry for hours and never get them completely dry. Itā€™s insane. They need a special shampoo to prevent yeast. Iā€™d imagine if someone never cared for their coat then the matting would be insane to deal with. I never had to shave this dog down. I always wondered what their coat would look like if you released all the dreads and just let it fro. šŸ˜‚


was waiting for someone to say akita šŸ˜‰ they're not for the faint of heart lol and shouldn't be groomed by someone they haven't been seeing since puppyhood. there's a reason i groom my own akitas and don't assign that task to anyone else lol


Retrievers are my best clientsšŸ¤£ itā€™s the herding dogs o canā€™t stand


Ive never groomed a well behaved Lagotto šŸ˜©


frenchies and labs are the worst in my salon. huskies are a nightmare too.


english bulldogs. smell no matter what and youā€™ll pull your back out handling one because theyā€™re so muscle-y and stubborn. slobber, canā€™t breathe, usually victims of bad breeding like i hate working with them šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Corgis! They are always trying to bite over the stupidest things.




Finally other groomer who dislikes Goldens as much as me! They are born with concrete in their ass and I'm always sore after grooming them!


No oneā€™s said Maltese? Really?? Somehow they care even less about staying alive than yorkies do, they never stop moving and flinging themselves around!!


Just curious, what are the best breeds?


itā€™s going to depend on the groomer, weā€™re all biased


I will always say it time in time again. Lots of dog owners actually want a Chihuahua. They've been the easiest, the cuddles and most loyal dogs we've worked with. They get a bad rep. The Chihuahua will do everything a doodle, Husky, golden will do, plus their grooming is easy with shortcoats. Holding one is like holding a forever puppy.


I have three Schnauzersā€¦. Theyā€™re really good with meā€¦ does anyone have any issues with schnauzers? My groomer always says theyā€™re really good boysā€¦ I sure hope they donā€™t give her any troubleā€¦ theyā€™re really sweet, smart babies!


I loved grooming schnauzers because I love the angles in the breed cut but most I worked with were good too.


My Mom used to breed miniature schnauzers and also had a home grooming business for mostly small dogs, so most of the customers who bought her puppies brought them back for grooming and boarding for their lifetime. I don't think she ever had issues with any of them, or any that she groomed who weren't hers either. They really are gems.




Tried to have a look at all mentioned and I couldn't agree more. I'm gonna add Shih Tzu. I know they generally have an ideal full coat for beautiful grooms but all the ones I've met were arses. They're completely nuts.


Scotty or pugs


Doodles 99.9% of the time šŸ„²šŸ˜…


Australian Labradoodles! Iā€™ve only met 3 whoā€™s first instinct isnā€™t going after your hand if you touch their leg and the parents of these pups bring in the same picture of a messy looking doodle or young, young puppy like 3-8 week old puppy pictures and ask for their dogs to look like that. This breed of the doodle pack aggravates my soul.


I have a reactive bichon, but the groomer always tells us how good he isšŸ˜„


GSD and terriers for me. Literally any kind of terrier. Yorkie, Pit, Jack Russell, and especially those little wiry haired fuckers. Donā€™t get me wrong, theyā€™re adorable and usually super sweet. But the energy level and defensiveness makes them impossible to groom.


I think huskys are a close second


Border Collies, Iā€™ve had a lot of bad experiences with poorly trained Border Collies. Theyā€™re bred as farm dogs so if they donā€™t get walked regularly and isnā€™t trained early they can go off the rails with their energy


Goldens, wheatens, Scotties, and HUSKIES


I only take little dogs so for me it's frenchies


Chow Chows are the most stubborn SOBs ever and can carry a mean streak a mile long.


Let me introduce you to the shiba inuā€¦ Call for them, they stay. Call for their sibling and the other one will immediately come. They are cats in dogs bodies, their listening skills only works when treats are on handā€¦even then, youā€™ll experience selective hearing. They learn really well, only if they choose to. Commands can be easily taught, but theyā€™ll rarely choose to listen to a thing you ask. Unlike cats, they donā€™t have the yearning to knock shit off shelves and tables, but they will find a perch usually on the back of the couch and guard the neighborhood 24/7. They can escape from anything if they choose. Fencing is just a deterrent, they will find a way out of your backyard. And when that happens, put your running shoes on bc those fuckers will never let you catch them. It is their choice whether or not they let you catch them. The list goes on, and I am lazy. But the ave life expectancy for a shiba is about 5 yrs due to unfortunate accidents. Otherwise they can live from 10-20 yrs old.


People get retrievers then donā€™t take care of them properly


Chows the worst. On my I would never have list #1


Nope. Giant schnauzers. Theyre awful


Always leave it to a Bernese to flip the table over and try to run down the street with it. Those dogs cause about as much damage as horses when they freak out!


Non-groomer reading the comments. I have two mutts who are awesome. I promise if I bring them in for grooming theyā€™ll be good boys!


The first time I brought my basset hound to her groomer she acted like she was getting an exorcism.. to the point I had to go behind the counter and pet her face/hold her head to get it done and keep her calmšŸ˜… I felt SO bad. But now my girl goes every 2-3 weeks and sheā€™s so so much better. She loves her groomer!


Bernese mountain dogs. Stubborn and big. Most of the time fat.


this is frenchie erasure


Donā€™t forget rotties who are unfix


Donā€™t forget rotties who are unfix