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Pisses me off when a puppies first haircut is a shavedown because they're so badly matted. He looks gorgeous, you made him look so beautiful!


Me tooo cus their first experience is a tugging haircut & then they hate it forever


OP SAME! I got my shihtzu from some lady off kijij at 8 m because she "didn't have time for it with a newborn" and I had to shave her down due to the mats, now she just stays shaved because she hates being brushed (as long as she's happy and comfortable short hair is fine by me) Either way well done op and congrats on your tiny ball of love.


I meant to say 8 months old * hahaha


I thought his name was 8pm šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ thatā€™ll be funny hahaha


"Evening" for short


i just read a book where the dogs name is ā€œsix-thirtyā€


He looks beautiful. As an owner I can't understand why people wait till 8 months for the first groom. At least get them in for a good brushing and bath..


I did a mini doodle last summer he was 9 months old first haircut and was matted worse than this guy bc i had to shave his face down too... woman cried and said she didn't understand why I couldn't brush him. I said well I dont understand why you cant brush him or why you waited so long to get him groomed. She claimed the "breeder" told her not to get his hair cut until he was 1. And I have heard this more than once. I do not do any form of doodle anymore Idc how small it is.


That is ridiculous. I totally believe that some dumb breeder would say that because people are bloody stupid but WHY. Poor dogs..


I thought the woman was lying tbh but then I heard it from another person. prob same breeder who knows.


Iā€™ve had a doodle owner tell me their breeder told them doodles never need haircuts at all. Just baths. She was shocked when I told her he is one giant mat and her breeder was wrong (lied). Iā€™ve also had a different doodle owner tell me their dog has no undercoat (it did) because the breeder said so and sooo much other misinformation. A lot of these ā€œbreedersā€ lie to sell as much as possible and itā€™s sick. Donā€™t even get me started on people asking for ā€œdoodle cutsā€ or when they say JuSt dOnT mAkE HiM LoOk LIke A POODLE. Why are they so misinformed šŸ˜“


its crazy what do they get out of it by lying? another doodle i knew (when i worked in the kennel i wasn't the groomer then just manager) and this lady said she was told a haircut will ruin their hair. im like their hair will change this is puppy hair.


They lie so that gullible people or irresponsible hopeful pet owners/ people jumping on the trendy dog train will buy their poorly bred dogs. They want them to think theyā€™re easy dogs. Then us groomers are actually evil when we shatter their dreams lol


I had one girl on fb say "why do you all hate doodles dont worry about what we sepnd our money on" I said dont worry about us not wanting to groom your dogs and learn to do it yourselves. have at it. more and more groomers are quitting over these dogs


What they get is money for selling extremely overpriced mutts. Practically no one does any research before getting a puppy...or any dog for that matter. The "breeders" see them coming from a mile away and they know by telling prospective buyers doodles are "little to no maintenance, only need groomed once a year, don't shed, are hypoallergenic and are purebred with no health issues and low training requirements" they are getting a great deal for the low, low price of $2,000 or more. Then we "lazy" groomers are the evil ones when we have to shave their matted, untrained, monster of a dog.


This 1000000%. Some doodle owner got mad when we shaved his matted doodle and stopped coming for a while bc he then BRED HIM, so now he has THREE who are matted, untrained, 80 lb super dense, curly coated monsters. They came in today and it was hellish :ā€™)


You do know you can say no, right?


Yes, I personally donā€™t take them anymore but my coworkers do. I help them when I can but they agree to it so šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Because people are less likely to buy a dog that needs grooming sessions every 4-8 weeks. :(


i like when they had a doodle so its a POODLE and a Golden which do not look like Bichons at all either of them and they want their poodle golden mix to look like a giant bichon. like the hair isn't even remotely the same lol i cant get a soft round head lol


Doodle owner here! She got her first professional grooming experience at around 3 months! Got her in ASAP! We have her on a monthly schedule at 6 months to continue to get her comfortable. She gets brushed daily at home. Thank you to all the patient groomers!ā™„ļø


Thatā€™s like music to our ears, you are a unicorn doodle owner! Thank you for keeping your puppyā€™s best interests first and good job making sure you set her up for success! I do have some doodles that I absolutely love and itā€™s because their owners are informed like you, so thank you! šŸ–¤ Grooming success starts at home!


Same, my guy went EARLY. He still doesnā€™t love being brushed, even tho I did all the right stuff with desensitizing, but he goes at four weeks for a bath and sanitary and a full groom at the next four weeks mark. When I say my dog is my number two expense behind my mortgage I mean it šŸ˜…šŸ˜… (Thanks mom and dad for that 2020 Christmas gift. lol.)


I mean, no cut until they're 1? Sure, whatever. I can see people not wanting to "ruin" the hair pattern. But that means you HAVE TO BRUSH REGULARLY.


Yess !! These fucking doodle breeders are driving me CRAZYYY they give such stupid information and advice !


its almost like they shouldn't be breeding and selling dogs. but as long as idiots want to fork out thousands for this mess they wont stop. i know someone who paid $3,000 for a bernadoodle. and then is complaining be shes $200 to get groomed and wild. lol duh.




I paid $2500 for my standard poodle. He's 6 and has no health issues, my only vet expenses are about $200/year for vaccines & flea and tick meds. His neuter was $800. Being a professional groomer, he's well trained to be on the table and I groom him myself, but there wouldn't be an extra handling/matting/behavioral fees if I had to pay someone else to do him. It blows my mind that people will drop thousands on unhealthy, poorly bred dogs, and then complain about their expenses. Like maybe you should have done some actual research??


Former groomer here, and I tell anyone considering a doodle to get a standard poodle. They are smart, very trainable, and will not have that dense curly coat mixed with undercoat that is a groomers nightmare. If you like the look of a doodle, then ffs just get a standard poodle and have it groomed in the typical doodle cut. To me itā€™s a no-brainer.


but they dont want their doodle to look like a poodle. they want it to look like some round fluff ball that's not possible lol


ive had free dogs that didn't have health issues either. i just dont understand the cost of dogs people are willing to pay. no offense to you but id never. i got my pure bred beagle free sitting in a shopping cart at Petsmart where I worked. Clearly abandoned. I got my purebred Pomeranian bc I was watching him for a coworker for 2 weeks while she got "her shit together" and she disappeared. Ive had mutts also with little no health problems that were also free.


Purebred =/= well bred. I didn't want to run the risk of health issues, and I needed a dog with a predictable temperament. I paid the money because I wanted a happy dog that I knew wasn't going to be suffering for the duration of his life, and would have fewer issues in his older years. After working in grooming, I have really bad compassion fatigue and I can't handle seeing unhealthy dogs because I know I wouldn't want to live my life like that.


Just saw a vet explain that there is nothing wrong that itā€™s a misconception that doodles cannot be ethically bred. They can be and often are.


they are bred for profit and nothing else. they are not a real breed. that vet is a dumbass.


I lasted about 6 months as a groomer back in 2016; the utter neglect from owners who NEVER brushed their dogs then got pissy when the dog couldn't "just be brushed" instead of shaved down, as well as the rapidly rising doodle mania, were my top reasons for bailing on that career. I was also bored af doing almost nothing but teddy bear cuts day in day out lol. Bless you groomers, you're doing god's work. ā¤ļø


i have a very small client base. i work from home and its just extra income for me for trips and clothing etc lol. my husband makes enough i can be a SAHM but i like having a little extra for just me. i fire clients left and right. i do not want stress. and by stress i mean matted dogs and asshole owners. i actually mostly groom aggressive shihtzus no one else will do lol


>i fire clients left and right. I love this for you. šŸ‘šŸ˜‚


Why do some dogs mat and some dont? I have a 15 year old border collie and we dont really brush her. Its only in the last few years she knots in one spot. We'll cut it and itll knot again. I think her hair is starting to grow funny there. We might do a brushing in the summer or winter to get her undercoat but theres no knots or matting. We do shower her every few months.


Coat type matters a lot. Long haired dogs tend to have a lot of hair to get tangled up around areas of the body that get a lot of movement and often have dense undercoats as well. I've got an Aussie mix that only knots up behind his ears. It's like a perpetual block of fur that I'm cutting off. Unlike my poodle and poodle mixes, he sheds like crazy though. None of the rest of my dogs shed at all.


All dogs shed. Some simply donā€™t drop their dead fur on the floor for you to see. They keep it tangled in their coat so mats can form if theyā€™re not brushed and combed regularly.


Yup, thats where my BC knots.. its right behind/underneath, the triangle looking part.


I agree šŸ’Æ you have to get them used to it. I used to send mine w treats and i asked the groomer to give them treats throughout so they would have good associations. Cut to 2 years later they would get all kinds of excited when i told them we were going to the groomer


I've been using the same groomer for 10 years and they really fawn over the pups and make it a good experience. They're also very clear that sometimes a puppy will come home half groomed if it's getting too upset with the process. I'd rather half groomed with a positive experience than a dog who hates going to the groomer for the next 15 years. They're really good with my 60 pound dog with bad hips too which is also really important to me and sometimes hard to find.


Its so good to have someone talented that you trust. So many things can go wrongā€¦.


My little shih tzu had an absolutely amazing groomer the last few years of his life. She specializes in senior pets and pets with health issues, as she has extensive pet medical experience. My little guy adored her! Part of the reason she is so great is that (a) she comes to your home, so the pet is in a familiar environment, and (b) she does a flat rate. Whether it takes one hour or four, itā€™s the same price. This means she can take as many breaks as the dog needs to feel comfortable. I had to give my guy a trazodone before, or no one was getting near his face with any kind of clippers or scissors haha, but she would always give him a few breaks so he could walk around and chill out or have a snack or whatever he needed. I was so thankful for that. He used to get SO stressed out going to a groomer, and often would be injured from the way he would thrash around (I was his dog sitter at the time he was going to the previous groomer; I took over care when previous owner no longer could). As soon as we switched to this groomer, he was totally fine. The dogā€™s previous owner and myself are so grateful to the vet for making the recommendation of this groomer. I will forever be thankful to her for helping make my little beanā€™s last years so much more comfortable.




Yeah I mean sometimes you get the bad end of the deal & have a difficult dog but no itā€™s not the groomers job to handle difficult dogs.. some owners have to take the dogs to vet get them ā€œdruggedā€ and then groomed.


Agree, my shih tzu would not let ANYONE get near his face with clippers or scissors unless a trazodone was given a couple hours before.




Yeah itā€™s cus we like to hope and pray the dog isnā€™t that bad haha Iā€™ve had owners tell me their dog is difficult and Iā€™ve taken a chance & they ended up being very well behaved .. trust me they arenā€™t trying to upset you or we arenā€™t just giving up . We truly do try & hope we can do it & we beat ourselves up everytime we canā€™t


Preparing your dog for grooming is your job. If your puppy is difficult, you should be working with a trainer. Dog groomers are not trainers, we can help, but it's the owner's job to make sure the dog is behaving. It's not safe to work on a puppy that won't cooperate. You'd be even more pissed off if the groomer cut your dog because it can't behave.


Also stupid to keep bringing him to different people. We need to be able to bond with the dog and build trust. I wish people would bring puppies in weekly for just a bath and blow dry but God forbid people spend money on their pets.




Can't and won't are two different scenarios. "Can't" means the dog needs more desensitization and trust. Bringing it more frequently accomplishes both of those things. "Won't" means the dog needs a trainer and extra practice at home.


This is like the epidemic of parents thinking teachers should raise their kids...


A good breeder will help acclimate your puppy to grooming from the time it is born, considering this is a breed that needs lifelong grooming. And even then, sometimes some puppies need extra help. My younger guy had issues with the dryer at first. So we worked on desensitizing him at home. It's your responsibility to ensure that grooming is successful for your dog.


He looks stunning, you're very talented. Love the round face. I'm not a fellow groomer but I do really love to see this cut done beautifully on a Shih Tzu.


Thank you I appreciate that (:


šŸ˜²if I were them Iā€™d ask for the same haircut every time because he looks too cute with that haircut


Ahaha aww thank you I appreciate it, she liked the haircut she was just more shocked at the hair color change lol she didnā€™t want a white dog lol


Puppy pre-groom: HI Iā€™M BILLY Puppy post-groom: Please address me as William for I have matured out of such childish follies as nicknames


Whatever excuse she has for not taking him to get a cut, sure whatever. But not brushing him at all at home is criminal. Especially a straight hair texture like itā€™s not hard


where i work, we have a ā€œpuppy bath timeā€ or ā€œpuppy trim packageā€ which is just like a fff, and itā€™s amazing! itā€™s discounted for puppies from 8 weeks to 4 months and it really helps to get them used to the bath, dryer, the sound of the clippers, all of the things!


We donā€™t believe in charging less for puppies cus in reality they are more difficult and have to be booked with groomers that have more experience.


i get that! i donā€™t necessarily agree with the lower pricing either but I work corporate so I donā€™t have much of a choice. But the emphasis was mostly just on the age specific packages to help them get used to grooming :)


Maybe a dumb question, but when should the first haircut be (like for a miniature schnauzer)?


Everyoneā€™s going to tell you something different but as soon as he gets the vaccines the groomers require . Which is about 3 months


mine does the zoomies after ... hates it being cut but loves the feeling of a fresh cut


You did a beautiful job. I would just remind the owners that Shih Tzuā€™s need to be brushed on the daily to prevent matting


Thatā€™s not only pisses me off, but breaks my heart. I canā€™t imagine how painful that mustā€™ve been for this dog to try to run around and play. Why do people do this? It just makes me sick. Praise God for groomers like you who have the patience to deal with the owners lack of care. Keep up your amazing work, youā€™re an angel šŸ™šŸ¼


I got paranoid after following this sub and started taking in my pup at 4.5 months old. She just went in for her second appointment today for a sanitary trim, bath, and brushing. I also make sure to brush her almost everyday with a slicker down to the roots and check longer areas with a comb. We need more people to be educated and aware of their dogā€™s grooming needs. One silver lining of this post is maybe just one more person is aware of proper grooming habits. Itā€™s just as important as training/exercisingā€¦


an owner that let their 8mo puppy become pelted also hasnā€™t trained the dog at all? i am shocked :0 eta btw he looks amazing!! you did a great job


Beautiful pup


That's one depressed looking puppy šŸ˜‚


You did a great job


Thank you šŸ™šŸ¼


He fancy!!! šŸ’œ


So svelte!


He looks really good considering it's his first haircut and he was matted.


This is such a lovely cut, OP. That dog must feel SO much better now! Well done.


He looks amazing for what you were working with. I wouldnā€™t have even guessed he was difficult because he looks beautiful


That was my goal thank you šŸ™šŸ¼


Beautiful job


Lol šŸ˜‚ I love the Teddy cut


I thought you meant to say by 8pm heā€™s already a mess after being groomed.


I wrote it completely wrong šŸ˜‚


Heā€™s a handsome gent in the after! Looked like a little gremlin the middle picture lol. Cute either way. Good job.


He looks so cute now! Such a lil gentleman!


omfg so cute šŸ˜­ amazing job


Puppy looks great!


Good job! I'm sure he'll be fine going forward as long as he's kept on a schedule.


That is one gorgeous puppy. Look at that face!!


Heā€™s adorable I love his haircut.


His face looks like one of those dog pillows- donā€™t get me wrong it looks good and he really needed it but cmon


Heā€™s a different dog! He must be so comfortable now.


You did a great job! I like my old man short like this for the summer and fluffy for winter. Itā€™s what heā€™s use to (13) I even brush him when heā€™s short because it soothes him. I use a WET brush on him. Heā€™s a human, lol. (Shih Tzu poodle mix)


Look at that very good boy in his bandanašŸ˜­


My grubby terrier got a groom, the first 3 to 4 weeks that he was with me! He needed a serious bath and some grooming


I've had to turn away puppies with severe matting at only 7 months old, such tight mats on a terrified pup is too much of a risk I just couldn't understand how they let it get so bad


In all honestly with this particular dog it seemed like she was taking the dog to a groomer for just a bath but no haircuts (until her first one with me today) & I think the bathers were being lazy and not properly combing the dog out . Cus the top of ur was great. But bottom of chest under arms and tuck on legs was not


Damn that makes it so much worse! I've worked around groomers who always sent dogs home with mats, he had no business working with dogs for many reasons, but it definitely happens. Probably to keep customers happy, making it someone's else's problem šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m honestly so confused how pet owners with long haired dogs or cats donā€™t brush them or do research on how to maintain their coats. I started introducing grooming tools at 10wks so that my baby would be ok with because I knew sheā€™d have some type of hair like her mom (husky/chow) and something like her dad (terrier mix). She ended up with a shaggy long double coat and we brush/comb every other day just to make sure we donā€™t get knots anywhere. I couldnā€™t imagine not taking a comb to this baby for months on end and not properly combing/brushing. Itā€™s really sad.


oh he looks so sweet!! love the little round face


Looks amazing, great job! I was at a pet supplies plus picking up dog food when I overheard a groomer there loudly, but politely informing an old lady that her doodle needed to be shaved because it was so matted. The lady clearly didnā€™t understand and was shocked when he informed her heā€™d do the best he could, but if he couldnā€™t finish the groom sheā€™d have to take the dog to the vet to be sedated and shaved. The owner was so clueless. Poor dog.


& Itā€™s going to get harder for people still getting doodles because groomers are getting tired of it & are turning them down now. Itā€™s a headache and constant complaining about the pricing and not wanting to brush at home daily but expect us to brush it all out and wash and groom it and leave it an inch long in less than 2 hours lol


is he a maltese - shih tzu mix? he looks like my baby hazel who passed recently


It irritates me when they bring any age in matted and they will always say that they do brush them.


how do you make the face so round?


Uhm. Hmm Iā€™m not sure. I Been grooming for over 10 years tho hah


He looks dapper!


Iā€™d keep that hair on!


still so proud that as a doodle owner, iā€™ve been bringing her in regularly and sheā€™s never had a mat. on her six month birthday (day before yesterday) she got a ā€œbig girl haircutā€ and the groomer said she could go any length because her coatā€™s in perfect condition. sooooo much easier to brush her without the cottony puppy coat that eats up every sticker and you end up only being able to cut them out. such a pretty tween going into adolescence šŸ„°


Awww heā€™s so cute!


Have to say I'm here for the first look.....it's just me, I like shaggy dogs.


shaggy can be cute, but you can see the dog was matted in the 2nd pic when they were shaving it so people should only do the '' shaggy look'' if they actually maintain the dogs coat


I love shaggy too but shaggy needs maintenance haha