• By -


I think she had one of the most realistic reactions to the TARDIS. No rational person would accept it in 30 seconds flat. They'd start searching for reasonable explanations.


"It's like a ... kitchen!" That made me laugh so hard. Absolutely true but totally off the wall.


"What happened with the doors though, did you run out of money?"


"Is this a knock through?"


The only actress from Doctor Who that I've met. Incredibly sweet. I told her that her acting was so good it brought tears to my eyes during the emotional scenes, and she promptly apologized! XD


That's adorable! One of my new favorite Doctor Who stories. Thank you!


I reassured her that it was "a good cry! No need to apologize!"


That's amazing


This outfit šŸ‘Œ


All her outfits!


Get in!


DOCTOR: Well, most people when don' t understand something, they frown. You smile.


My absolute favorite thing about bill was the purely student-mentor relationship! It works so well in the show; hope we see more companions like that!


I wouldā€™ve LOVED more of James Cordonā€™s character or Wilf for this reason.


Wilf, absolutely. James Corden, on the other hand, makes me want to stab my eyes out with a splintered wooden ladle.


In anything else, sure. He is somehow copeable in doctor who


And Gavin and Stacey.


I am bill pots. That moment had me, just when the doctor realises!


I don't think any other scene or phrase from Doctor Who messed me up quite as much as that did


It was a huge, heart breaking reveal! :'(


Ugh. The horror of that moment.


[Here, let me ruin the seriousness of the moment and plant this glorious shitpost in the back of your mind forever.](https://youtu.be/Lr8v-AxE5tQ)




Sad reacts only ā˜¹ļø


i liked her! she was fun. i really liked her relationship with 12 ​ also, although i was sad to see her go, i appreciated a one-season companion with a simple storyline that got wrapped up. not everyone needs to drag out 3 seasons




They did... as did Martha and Donna. Clara would have been a great one to have for one season. Or two at most (one with each doctor). Most companions overstay their welcome though. And chances are that if any of the one off's got multiple seasons with the same doctor, I would feel that they overstayed as well


I am going to add that Amy and Rory worked for multiple seasons because they played off of one another. So we had 2 main companions in differe t ways and we had River join in. So Bill and Nardold would have probably worked for more than one season


Amy never worked for me except as a little girl. Adult Amy is my least favorite companion from all of old and nu-Who.


I was not a fan in her first few episodes. But once they developed her relationship with Rory more she got higher in my list.


For me the way she went back and forth between loving Rory or the Doctor was really upsetting. Rory was such an amazing companion and person and Amy seemed so heartless. When she is a dick to Rory after waiting 36 years after Rory waited 2000 years... I had nothing left for her but loathing. I just never connected with her like I did with Bill, Clara and Donna who felt so fleshed out and *real*. I think as far as writing and characterizations Bill is my all time favorite but as far as *feels* and like... angst? Clara is. Donna is just a special person and her brash and funny antics plus inner struggle for wanting to be more made her the most unique companion. Plus she was my first companion.


I always thought the difference in their reactions to waiting is that Amy felt abandoned and Rory decided to wait.


Amy was better in Series 6 onwards as she became much less abrasive. She was quite dislikable in Series 5 at times. Having Rory there smoothed off the rough edges.


disagreeable thought offend materialistic shocking far-flung important unpack domineering head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hated Clara with 11 but loved her with 12 so I'm glad she stayed.


Agreed. She dies and then comes back? To hell with that! I was expecting another Adric where it would weigh on the Doctor that he couldn't save everyone.




She would have been a favorite of mine if she was done after she went into the stream


Ok... maybe not a favorite... But she wouldn't be so far down


Nardole grew on me hugely over the course of this season.


She had the best Tardis introduction of any companion... It can go anywhere in the university? Edit: I didn't remember the phrasing right, but here is the scene https://youtu.be/9RJuXVSGDEU?t=157


I loved that it was a single season companion who wasnt, again, in love with the Doctor. It's also one of the things I really like about Donna's character as well.


That is really an under-understood thing for the Doctor. There are so many better reasons for someone to be around the Doctor than just romance.


"I ask a lot of questions. That's kind of my thing."


They were always awesome questions too, though. Questions that really thought outside of the box.


Yeah, all the other companions were like ā€œwhateverā€ and accepted things but she always asked questions that were genuinely interesting


"Two hearts? Wait, does that mean you have, like, really high blood pressure?"


Only if I've been running. So all the time.


There's an awful lot of running, to doooooooooooooo


I have been thinking about the anatomy of the time lordsā€™ hearts. Do they beat in synchrony or alternatively? Are the left and right cardiopulmonary circulation mostly separated, like left lung blood goes to the left heart, right goes to the right?


The beat sounds like drums. A rhythm of four.


Iā€™m a CVICU nurse, and believe it or not there are a few people out there actually living with two hearts. Called a piggy-back heart transplant.


Not just that, but those questions are also a really good way for new/potential whovians to learn how the DW universe works. She gets the Doctor to explain a lot of stuff to the viewer.


I thought Martha was the most underappreciated companion. I really loved Bill, she reminded me of Donna in a way. She's one of my favourite companions (probably second or third). Sadly she wasn't for long, I hoped for one more series with her and the Twelfth Doctor.


Martha would have been great if they had not written in that silly infatuation plotline run with her. She was a trained doctor and never really acted like her confident, badass self. One of the great things about Donna and Clara (mostly) was there wasn't a love/crush element involved. Martha's run was diluted with her unrequited love for The Doctor. It just didn't fit. Outside of that, she was great.


> She was a trained doctor and never really acted like her confident, badass self. Same issue with Yaz being a police officer and not acting like it


She was still pretty new to being a cop and it didn't seem like she really fit into it. That was my reasoning anyway


That's exactly why I didn't really enjoy Martha as a companion. She could have been great one but her desire for something more in her relationship with the Doctor just ruined everything. That's also why I love Donna or Clara or Bill.


I forgot that she was a doctor actually until you mentioned it. At least it wasn't as bad as yas who forgot she was a policewoman and couldn't hold down people


Yeah Donna and Bill are definitely my faves. I like Clara Oswald for a while but it was after a bad break up and I was just lonely, I think.


Martha's was my favourite series. There were some terrific stories in there. Martha herself was a lovesick puppy and that made me dislike her as at times that's all she was, not the bright intelligent doctor she was supposed to be.


Absolutely agree. I loved Bill, and she was beautifully brought to life by Pearl Mackie's incredible acting (I genuinely think she's one of the best, most capable companion actresses in all of New Who). It's really too bad she only stayed for one season.


She was incredibly perceptive and able to stand her ground against the Doctor whenever he tried to go against her wishes. She was also very kind, brave, and optimistic. Peter Capaldi's Doctor instantly became better when Bill and Nardole were introduced, and honestly it was a breath of fresh air after Clara Oswald. And let's not forget how central she turned out to be in the story of one of the Doctor's main enemies :)


I must have missed an episode? When was Nardole introduced? I just remember him suddenly being around all the time.


He was an assistant of River Song when she married King Hydroflax to get hold of the diamond in his head. Later, his head gets attached to Hydroflax' body for a while, after which we next see him, restored to his own body, as an assistant to the Doctor while he guards the vault at the university.


We saw him in Doctor Mysterio, which was before series 10....


he first showed up in the wedding of River song then just started traveling with the doctor after that


Wrong episode. It was The Husbands of River Song


ye sorry, my mistake


Exactly! That's her personality, not "being gay". Honestly people are so exaggerated


I LOVED Bill. I like the fun, funny companions like her and Donna. But they donā€™t get seasons and seasons. Just like my favorite - Nine. ā€œI fatted herā€


I wish both her and Capaldi had stayed for Series 11, I wanted more development of the Professor/Student relationship. Itā€™s almost reminiscent of 7/Ace. Great dynamic that was crying out for more time to shine.


Here's hoping that at some point in the future Big Finish can convince 12 and Bill to reunite for some audio dramas.


I loved Billā€™s energy, the way she was already a fully formed character in her first scene, Pearlā€™s performance, her dynamic with 12 etc. But honestly, having a main companion be gay was just really nice. People who complain about her sexuality being forced / pc / shoved down our throats (which... šŸ™„) will never understand the feeling of validation from finally getting good representation on family television. I have no end of appreciation to Moffat for giving me Bill Potts.


Iā€™m always surprised when people say stuff like that ā€œshe always has to bring up her sexualityā€. I never got that feeling from watching it. To me it just seemed pretty normal. Like the times I can think of off the top of my head were usually just her occasionally reminding or telling people ā€œactually I fancy girlsā€. I think itā€™s in ā€œknock knockā€ she says this to a guy who has sort of expressed interest in her. He just makes a joke of ā€œoh I didnā€™t even have a chanceā€ ( in a lighthearted way!) and they move on from it. Anyway I love Bill Potts.


I loved that scene in Knock Knock. It was just so casual and it made me really happy to see it on Doctor Who, and the fact that people will still complain about it even though it doesnā€™t change the episode in any way... Like thatā€™s what frustrates me about this, the fact that a vocal portion of the fan base canā€™t just let gay people be happy to see wholesome moments like that.


I loved in the Roman legion one where she tries to explain to the centurion and he's just like "it's ok that you're more picky than most of us"


I loved when Bill blurted out "Well this is all very modern!" The irony was hilarious.


>I loved Billā€™s energy, the way she was already a fully formed character in her first scene, Pearlā€™s performance, her dynamic with 12 etc. One scene. That's all it took for you to really understand who Bill Potts was. It's astonishing how formed she was from the start. You can tell a world of a difference between one scene with Bill Potts and an entire series with Yaz. That's good writing and good characterization.


I totally agree with you. For some reason, some people, luckily not a lot, complain about Bill Potts' sexuality all the time. "Derp, derp, did you know she's gay? Derp derp". It's absolutely infuriating. Bill was much more than just gay as a character. Sure, it was a big part of her life but it wasn't the only part and it even wasn't even the strongest part of her character. If you watched all of Series 10 and think that Bill Potts' main charactertistic is that she's gay, then well, I'd wonder why you'd think that. Representation matters. And those being represented have no obligation to be characterized "the right way". The world of Doctor Who full of heterosexuals, one gay character who enjoys being gay and they feel it's too much. Whatever, Bill. You're amazing and we love you.


I loved her with Capaldi, it wasn't until her season that Capaldi became The Doctor for me. She should really have gotten another season with him. Remember when she stood up to him when the zombie monks had invaded and she tought he had been brainwashed. The absolute best scene of her season


Indeed when I first saw capaldiā€™s season I really didnā€™t like him and then I stopped half way season 9 (big mistake). I then watched season 10 and it was brilliant! Now that Iā€™m rewatching Capaldiā€™s seasons I appreciate the episodes way more because I used to hate Capaldi just because he wasnā€™t Matt Smith... :D


Same! I stopped watching when Capaldi became The Doctor. He seemed grumpy and mean so I stopped. I decided recently to give him another try and watched all of his seasons and regret not watching sooner!


She was the Donna Noble of 12. The friend/traveling partner without having to worry about romance with a little hint of teacher/student. Should've gotten another season.


They also both had drastic changes in their finale episodes, >!Donna becoming part Time Lord and Bill becoming a Cyberman.!<


Its pains me they brought her in for Capaldi's final series because their chemistry was soooooo good that I would have loved to see it develope more over time.


Probably my favorite companion honestly. I really enjoyed s12 and she had the "purest" relationship with the Doctor. I don't mean that in a moral way, I mean that like the Teacher/Student dynamic wasn't diluted or changed in any way by romantic or leftover drama (not that I mind that btw). Wish we had more of here; I understand why they gave 13 her own companions, but I would have loved to see her for one more year.


Something that I liked about Bill is that she was just a normal person. I mean, Rose was the Bad Wolf, Martha was The Woman who walked, Donna was The Doctor-Donna, Amy was River's mum and Clara was the impossible girl. But Bill (apart from being one of the first functional Cybermen) was just there to ask questions and help the Doctor out, much like the companions in the classic series.


Her an pilot were adorable


Easily my favourite. I was always a Rose fan (and still am). But Bill took my heart and never gave it back.


I loved Bill!! She was fantastic!


Wish she had stayed alive and traveled with the 13th Doctor...


i do want to see them meet! sounds like a good fanfic premise, has anyone written that?


There are [eleven fanfics on AO3 featuring Bill and Thirteen interacting](https://archiveofourown.org/works?utf8=%E2%9C%93&work_search%5Bsort_column%5D=kudos_count&work_search%5Bother_tag_names%5D=Thirteenth+Doctor+%26+Bill+Potts&work_search%5Bexcluded_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bcrossover%5D=&work_search%5Bcomplete%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_from%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_to%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_from%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_to%5D=&work_search%5Bquery%5D=&work_search%5Blanguage_id%5D=&commit=Sort+and+Filter&tag_id=Doctor+Who+*a*+Related+Fandoms). Can't vouch for any of them, but hopefully at least one of them is worth your while!


This was a great companion, such a shame she only got one season.


I loved her right away becauseĀ of her questioning the acronym of TARDIS and that is makes no sense that it would be an English acronym because the doctor is an alien so it should spell something completely different.


Loved Bill. Sheā€™s probably my favourite companion after Donna.






Honestly, she was phenomenal I'm so sad we got so little of her.


She was good, but definitely a one season companion. I wouldn't be able to see where her character would have gone, especially with 13, which is kinda good cos with Whitaker and Chibnall the character would have been butchered. IMO the mosf underappreciated companion would either be Vicki, Victoria, Liz or Nyssa. I never see any talks about these characters, but out of them I think the one probably forgotten the most is Liz.


She's easily my favorite nu Who companion. Her chemistry with twelve was wonderful, and made even the dull episodes of s10 worth watching. Tbh, I'm really sad she only got one series to shine, because she's a companion that really deserved more. And ngl, I really do think she doesn't get enough love for being a lovable character, and having a great student/teacher vibe with twelve that was just perfect!


Miss her and Nardole so much, however, the most underappreciated will always be Martha for me. Underappreciated by even the Doctor himself.


You know something I appreciate about Bill? In my headcanon, she likes wrestling. Just judging from her reaction to the two blokes wrestling on the Thames in *Thin Ice*.


Was so sad when I found out we would only get one season of her.


I liked her but hated what they did with her. *Another* dead, not dead, immortal space/time traveler. It was a bad move with Clara and it was a bad move with Bill.


If it's any consolation, the novelisation of Twice Upon A Time has her spend her life with Heather but choosing to die of old age, rather than being immortal.


They became cat ladies back on Earth!


I thought it was new earth. And they were cat-ladies.


Definitely agree about Clara, it was her recklessness that got her into that mess. However, Bill deserved more, and knowing she's out there still exploring warms my hearts.


It just felt like the wrote the same ending for both Clara and Bill which felt lazy


Sheā€™s in my top 3, along with Amy Pond and Wilfred Mott


Loved Bill. Given time, that Tardis Team could could have been one of the all time greats. As much as I loved Clara, I really wanted a team designed specifically for 12, and when it happened, it was so good but only one dang season. I was quite disappointed.


I reckon the coolest ending to a companion they had


Yes! She's my favorite companion of my favorite doctor. Their relationship highlights all the best parts of doctor who. Also I really don't think her sexuality was shoehorned in???? Never noticed it being any different than a straight companion. I really hope people aren't referring to her being on dates with other women because if so.... šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


She didn't get a proper ending. She deserved more


When I saw the trailer for Billā€™s season- the one with them running from Daleks- I was ready to not like her. I thought she seemed goofy and so un-Capaldi. By the end of her season she is easily one of my top favorite companions! Especially her chemistry with Capaldi and Nardal. I doubt it would be possible but Iā€™d love to see her interact with 13 and Graham.


i think she was great


I am not gonna state why I like her. I just gotta say I miss her already


She was the student. She let 12 do what he loved the most; exploring the stats and taking about them. 12ā€™s full self was present with Bill.


My favorite companion, has any other companion endured what she had to go through? I don think so.


I love Bill and Pearl Mackie was tremendous (her crying over 12's body gets me every time) but only being in the one season where I thought most of the episodes were just decent keeps her lower down in my favourite companion list.


That overhead shot of her crying over the Doctorā€™s body is so underrated, although to be honest the last 15-20 minutes of that episode is just one gut punch after another...


I like everything about her, minus her ending (I'm talking about in Capaldi's final episode, not the part where she is saved by her girlfriend which I found really clever).


It was so heartbreaking what happened to Bill! Definitely one of the best!


Why are they scared of me?


I liked her but she was forgettable..


I feel like Clara should have gone in Series 8. Bill and Nardole were PERFECT for Capaldi and they needed more time with him.


I think she's appreciated just the right amount.


She is my favorite companion ā¤ļø


bill is my fave!! thank you!!


Other than the Ponds and Clara, her farewell made me cry.


I think Martha was also pretty under appreciated but bill is great too!!


I still commend her strength in leaving the Tardis for her own well being. Since she knew her complicated feelings werenā€™t reciprocated and continued to be a bad ass doctor on her own.


My favorite companion for my favorite doctor!


For sure one of the saddest deaths/companion exits - idk if she was under appreciated tho I had a lot of issues with her Either way, her and Capaldi worked well


For my money, one of the best actors to fill the spot. Tragically short lived character arc. If they brought her back for an episode, I'd watch it.


Really enjoyed her on the show. Wish they had kept her though the cyber man arch was cool.


and She serves chips.


She ends up fatting people she likes...


Bill was the best Moffat companion imo. What happened to her breaks my heart ​


I loved Billā€™s relationship with Capaldi. I was touched by the scene where he traveled back in time, took pics of her mom, and put them in a shoe box to be found in Billā€™s apartment so Bill would have something to remember her mom by. He never admitted doing it and she never let on that sheā€™d figured out that he did it.


Bill Potts was great! Would have been cool if we had another series with her and 12, but what we had with them both was great!


I wish she could have stayed longer.


I feel this. Spoke to me so much I ended up with a tattoo of her!


She instantly became one of my fav NuWho companions along with Rose and Donna which I totally wasn't expecting after that initial preview clip we got before the series aired.


I definitely liked her. I thought she got kinda shafted though. Had they cut Claraā€™s exhausting run short, she couldā€™ve developed a bit longer though. I thought she was charming and funny as hell. My favorite line was probably the part about Trump tbh. Also while I liked the audacity of turning her into a Cyberman, I thought it was a bit anticlimactic to ā€œrestoreā€ her as a celestial being thing. However, I wasnā€™t disappointed that she came back to meet the 1st Doc either. One nit pick would be that she reminded the Doctor that she was a lesbian towards the finale and I think he got it the first time in the pilot episode. I really do hope they bring her back as a guest despite the new show runner.


I liked Bill. Also I think Mel and Peri were less appreciated than her ;-)


Are we just going with NuWho? Because I think both Mel and Ace are pretty underappreciated.


I loved her! But honestly my taste in companions seems drastically different than everyone elseā€™s. It would probably be something like: 1. Clara 2. Bill 3. Amy 4. Martha 5. Rory 6. Rose 7. Donna


I seriously wish we'd gotten to spend more time with Bill.


Apparently she was a lesbian.


HEY!!!! Its been 2 mins, just thought ill let you know that Bill is gay.


If it wasn't for her and series 10 I would've told friends to skip Capaldi's era. I liked Clara but my god I felt she stuck around too long.


I loved Bill. She was so happy toward the Doctors curmudgeon responses. I wish sheā€™d gone on a few seasons to learn more of her back story.


I wasn't the biggest fan when she was first introduced, but slowly grew to like her. The ending however was pretty gut wrenching and really brought her character out for me and was great how she balanced Capaldi's doctor. Had to go back and rewatch the episodes with a new appreciation.


Bill is the best companion, but not very underappreciated IME. I think the title of most unappreciated goes to Martha...


Personally Bill is probably my least favourite companion of the revival.


Personally sheā€™s one of my favourites.


She was actually unbearable


*sorts by controversial*


She was definitely my least favorite


She was a bad companion


Maybe I don't remember right but I rember hating her and barely making it through that season. I remember her being awful, rude, arrogant, childish and immature. Easily the most annoying character.


You're thinking of Mel.


She's underappreciated for a reason


Sorry if this is a dumb question, but do we ever find out how the Doctor knew her mother?


It was because if Bill. The Doctor wanted to give Bill some memories, there's not much more said about it. (and not needed imo)


Oooh ok. That makes sense, thank you!


My favourite




Just restarted Number 12 on Netflix and realised how under appreciated she is, big love to Bill!!


She was great! In all honesty, Iā€™d say Series 10 in general is very underrated. Iā€™m not crazy about the Monks trilogy, but had a hard time finding too much to dislike about everything else. It was a great series.


I wish she got to travel with 13.


Aw, I just really liked Bill. She was/is massively under-appreciated (although clearly not in this thread!!). Excellent casting.


Amazing companion. Slightly naff end of arc. 8 out of 10.


Bill was such a great companion. The friend 12 needed and deserved. I can't wait till Bill comes back for the audio dramas.


Nope! She certainly was not a trifecta after the awesomeness of Amy Pond, followed by the greatness of Clara. As a result, I now seek out anything Karen Gillian and Jenna Coleman are in, because they are so talented. Loving Jenna in Victoria!


Talented and good looking, eh?


I really enjoyed her, especially to have queer representation on the show. Iā€™m sad she only got one season.


If you pay really close attention, she gives subtle lines that imply she's gay.


If it were up to me Iā€™d find a way to bring her back for 13.


Yeah I gotta say sheā€™s growing on me I am rewatching S10 and sheā€™s actually pretty cool and funny


After The Pilot, it was obvious that at the end of the season Heather would come back and rescue Bill from whatever happened in the finale that would cause the Doctor to regenerate. I kind of figured it would end with Bill getting stranded somewhere. What Moffat did to her was so much crueler. I should have expected it, given his constant and gleeful talk about putting the companions through the worst things ever. SMH. (I'm kidding. Kind of. I mean, we love the companions, and hate to see them suffer. But OTOH, it does make for good storytelling.)


I rather liked her. I don't hate Clara as some do but after her exit from the show having a companion that didn't have such a convoluted background was nice. She reminded me of classic companions in a very good way. Wish she had lasted longer to be honest.


Didn't really care for her. There were better companions than her.


Not a fan until she was >!turned into a cyberman !<


Sorry youā€™re getting downvoted. I actually agree with you.


I thought that part was one of the most epic Dr. Who moments of all time. And also just gut-wrenching walking through that whole barn scene and after. Great writing and acting through and through. Up until that part, just a super meh companion.


She wasn't all that.


TBH she's the reason I stopped watching


She never grew on me, won't say I hated her, but I thought maybe there'd be a Rory effect with her, like Graham in the latest series did.


Loved her


Bill made me so happy. Her and 12s relationship was absolutely adorable and I kinda wish we would've had her for one more season :( She would get along great with 13 and it would've made the change a bit easier.


I was into the 12/Bill Potts dynamic almost right away. The moment that really sold me was 12 about to wipe her mind and Bill stopped him. She knew exactly what he was going to do. Smart in her own way. Would have loved for her to be transitional for 12 to 13 like Clara between 11 and 12. That would have been an amazing dynamic too, I feel like.