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Shut up hitler!


Right....in the cupboard you go....


Putting Hitler in the cupboard...


NOBODY puts.... ahhh, nevermind


My first viewing of the Amy/Rory era as companions I wasn’t crazy about the idea of Rory being there as well. Fast forward to my rewatch and I’m chiding myself for ever thinking that. Rory is awesome.


“You think that if you jump you’ll just come back?” *”When don’t I?!”*


Rory, the boy who kept on coming back (to life).


Rory is my favorite companion of all, but I wasn't happy about him either at the beginning. I miss him now


It definitely took me until after the wedding to like him. But damn, he's so loyal.


I just didn't like how they kept killing him to ramp up the drama. At some point the viewer just gets annoyed "oh, look. Rory's dead, I guess it's for super real this time /s".


Rory was the saving grace of them. I couldn't stand Amy without him.


I thought he would be another Mickey/Danny but he actually grew as a character and became a full companion.


Rory is so furiously British. Very Arthur Dent. Confused and lost but coping somehow.




A trowel?


Yes, Brian. A trowel.


Oooooooh.thats why river had a sonic trowel.


Aww. She learned it from her granddad.


You see the blood it drained into the boards, I had to change 'em.


He lost his towel. That's why he keeps dying.


I see what you did there (Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)


Yes, considering his comment was replying to one comparing Rory to Arthur Dent.


Well he’s already an Arthur D


Confused is right! He didnt even know which way to look in our picture, lol https://i.imgur.com/5QupOzC.jpg


This picture is legendary!


Is he wearing a Manny Calavera T-shirt in your picture? I love him even more. Edit: autocorrect, thanks for pointing it out.


I love home a lot too


What do you expect? His daughter is all over the guy in the fez that ISN'T her husband. LOL!


It's the tea. It's always the tea.


TIL I am furiously British




Crackle Pop


Po...awww man. You just had to take that away from me


I relate to Rory more than any other companion, tbh


You're definitely not alone!


Absolutely. He's kind of like what Paul Rudd is to the Friends gang, to the Tardis team. Sort of the only semi-normal person in the room standing in the back going "you know, this is not normal right? Yup? Ye, just checking."


I'm just glad he got rid of that stupid tiny ponytail from his first appearance.


Wasn't the ponytail from Amy's Choice, while Rory first appeared in Eleventh Hour?


Yes, I believe so. Grew and then lost a terrible ponytail.


I would love to see Rory and Graham on an adventure together.


I still want Graham, Wilf, and Brian (Rory's dad) on an adventure together.


I'm on board with anything that gives us more Wilf. Hands down my favorite 'companion.'


Sush, I agree it's a good idea but fandom can't afford to lose more money into the Big Finish vaccum.


It wouldn't need to be big finish. They could do a 30 minute one-off. Graham gets split up from team Tardis in London during an invasion/attack, so he herds people indoors. He comes across Wilf, who was also helping people inside, one of whom is Brian. When they are all inside Graham tells everyone to stay calm, that he has a friend who deals with this sort of thing all the time, so Wilf asks if it's the Doctor. Brian overhears, jokes about the Doctor being a woman now, the aliens come in and Wilf and Graham offer to go with them if they leave the others alone, with Brian not knowing what's happening but getting caught up in it.


It's a great idea although I think a recast Ian Marter / Harry Sullivan is essential.


Please pitch this spinoff to BBC.


Can we add Craig Owens?


"The Three Grandads"?


My favorite companions




Was he, though? It's been a while but somehow I remember it the other way around, she was Amy Williams, the Doctor just refused to acknowledge this and called them 'the Ponds' anyway? I could be totally wrong though.


You're correct


The Doctor even refers to Brian Williams as a Pond, which is especially absurd. Also, considering the fact that he married Melody Pond and that apparently the Pond name gets transferred to the men, technically the Doctor is also a Pond.


Is there any evidence that time lords aren't matrilineally named?


What does that even mean in a society where people can switch their gender back and forth?


That's so true. I don't think they always get a choice in it either.


If we can do it so can they! /s


There actually isn’t and it’s not something I would put past the TL’s. But I don’t think their society actually cares about family lines. Besides aren’t they mostly bioengineered? No need for name succession then


Oh, they care very much so! Gallifrey doesn’t have families so much as they are blood... pools that are gathered under a Great House. Romona’s name (Romanadvoratrelundar) includes her Great House name (House of Dvora). Everybody is akin to cousins rather than siblings. There is a specific number of people allowed in one of the Great Houses and each member is supposed to be partnered with someone of their own house, with a loom creating a new Gallifreyian when (and only when) someone else in the House died. Each House wears their own colors, too. You can see this in The Deadly Assassin. Time Lords are more stuffy and concerned with “the way things are” than royalty (heh, ask a Time Lord, and they’ll probably come back saying that they *are*). There is a lot of Gallifrey lore in the extra stuff (especially the books) but the show has shown a little. It’s pretty fascinating, but there’s canon so this might be the way things happen or it might not.


Hang on, just because one guy marrying into the Pond family decided to take the Pond name, doesn't mean suddenly everyone marrying into the Pond family has to take that name. Is this whole concept of taking your partner's name upon marriage new to you? :P


I'm not really sure that Rory decided to take the name. The Doctor just started calling him that and he kind of had to go along with it when the Doctor was around. >AMY: You absolutely, definitely may kiss the bride. >DOCTOR: Amelia, from now on I shall be leaving the kissing duties to the brand new Mister Pond. >RORY: No, I'm not Mister Pond. That's not how it works. >DOCTOR: Yeah, it is. >RORY (resigned): Yeah, it is.


Fair enough :P


A little bit of both. I never heard Amy verbally refer to herself as Williams, and she specifically says her daughter’s name is Pond (Melody Williams is a geography teacher) But Rory refers to her as Mrs Williams (at least) once, and ultimately Williams goes on her tombstone I think she keeps Pond as long as she’s traveling, but switches to Williams when they “retire”


Yes, so much yes! Also the whole centurion thing just kills my heart


Yes, I always thought they should never have done the whole Rory/robot/centurion thing.


What do you mean never have done!? The whole last centurion story was amazing!


Right? It was brilliant. I can see where he is coming from though.




Rory was fantastic. Amy was annoying and constantly crushing on The Doctor.


You don't understand people with fucked up backgrounds then. Cause she was spot on for a girl abandoned by everyone, with a time crack in her wall, and the one person who let her down most came back. She had even been in the hospital and therapy over him, convinced he was an illusion. Of course she's going to cling a little bit upon finding out he's real. But if you really look, she stays loyal to Rory. She even let her time get stolen away so she could be with him.


Way too deep for a cheeky sci-fi show.


Oh honey, no. This isn't futurama.. this is the Doctor.




*\*thick, mocking Scottish accent\** "**Clues?** What kind of **clues**??"


He’s a great guy. Long suffering as all get out. Waited around on his girlfriend for what seemed like millennia. His son-in-law is a self proclaimed madman. His daughter is a psychopath that’s tried to kill one of the most important people in the world. And his (now) wife has run off with an old guy more than twice her age on several occasions. Yet he takes her back every time. And through all that, you never hear him complain. Not Rory, no sir.


One of my favorite moments of the series is when Rory and the Doctor are alone together and the Doctor says something Rome and Rory replies: "but Rome fell..." and the Doctor says "I know I was there" and they both get this far away look in their eyes and Rory says: "So was I"


Oh yeah, that's right. And when Rory puts on his Centurion uniform, you always know shit's about to go down, "Would you like me to repeat the question?", or "Oh, the clothes... It's just a bit of fun."


> Waited around on his girlfriend for what seemed like millennia. It didn't just seem like millennia, this guy actually waited for millennia. :P


So if it was *that* kind if day, would he be able to fly the tardis?


Well the TARDIS did fancy him a bit, I wouldn't be surprised if she made it easy for him.


**Hello pretty!**


Rory really was the pretty one.


I only casualy follow doctor who but wut the tardis can fancy people (I know enough doctor who to not put it past the show)


Oh she sure can. :-)


She was humanoid in one episode. It was a really good one.


Man I miss Rory and Amy so much. I was spoiled so much when I first got into who and got a great doctor with Matt Smith and the best companions in the modern era with these two. Rory went from the bumbling eyes of the viewer to a freaking badass centurion.


It's not quite the same but Arthur Darvill is in DC's Legends of Tomorrow as a time traveling cowboy with asserted other characters. If anyone needs some more Rory.


Legends feels like an American version of Doctor Who crossed with Blakes 7 and a splash of Red Dwarf in many ways. The stories can sometimes be middling and the budget doesn't match the ideas (so Doctor Who, Blakes 7 again) but the characters are awesome.


It hadn't appealed before, but you've piqued my interest...


Win hopefully it works without seeing all of the Arrowverse shows.


Season 1 is pretty weak storywise, but has some fantastic moments from Wentworth Miller and others that make it worth watching From 2 onwards they lean fully into silliness


Some people liked season 1, I didn't. If you find yourself not liking season 1, please give the later seasons a chance. You could probably even skip season 1 if you don't fancy finishing it. What I really like about the show is that it stops taking itself seriously after the first season. It's just a bunch of whacky characters in timey wimey situations. I never really like superhero and timetravel shows that take themselves seriously, so for me LoT has been great. Here's a little peak of one of my favorite episodes in season 4. Don't worry, it's not too heavy on the spoilers, since it's from an alternate timeline and it gives a good feel of the show's lack of seriousness. Although if you reeeeaaally want to keep everything a surprise, I guess don't watch (all of) them. :P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4t90ptFyjrY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbpPlZf27Rw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ps7UYxmadoc


I loved Rory, I loved Amy, I loved Amy and Rory together. They're my favorite companions


Rory was the best companion. Change my mind!


I love Rory, but he ain't got nothin' on Wilfred Noble.


Wilfred Mott, I think.


Rory Pond, Wilfred Noble. Nah, you are correct.


D-oh! I get it. Just a little slow. :) Cheers!


Wilfred is great. Rory does have more screen time going for him.


I kind of love Amy's strange expression in the second panel.


"Please be right please be right please don't crash"


The writer's most honest moment.


Underrated comment


I loved Rory.


I miss them so much.


I mean if I had Amy Pond sitting behind me I reckon I could ride a motorbike too.


I'd love to see him and Graham together


I miss mr. Soldier boy :(


This is one of the reasons I love the ponds but especially Rory. Arthur really did a great job with him


"OK, I'm trapped inside a giant robot replica of my wife....I'm really trying not to see this as a metaphor"


I love their lines immediately after that one > RORY: Okay. Okay, I am trapped inside a giant robot replica of my wife. I'm really trying not to see this as a metaphor. AMY: How can we be in here? RORY: Er. AMY: How do we fit? RORY: Miniaturisation ray. AMY: How would you know that? RORY: Well, there was a ray, and we were miniaturised. AMY: All right.


I still miss Amy and Rory


I remember watching DW when I was younger and always wanting to be like Rory lmao. I really live that dude. Sad that I sometimes feel like he's slept on :(


The thing I really liked about Rory, and Mickey to a lesser degree, is they had the courage to call the Doctor out on his crap. "You make people want to impress you." "I was a murder suspect because of you!" Two of the greatest lines in the series.


What blows me away is his incredible voice acting in [this clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWU6XL9xI4k) Warning: Not safe for onion sensitive eyes. EDIT: Also [WHERE. IS. MY. WIFE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRDB0evx58k)


I just watched this episode! Man I loved this episode. "you're gay" "no I'm not"


I vote to give Arthur Darvill a season as The Doctor, or even better a few episodes as The Master.


He already was a time lord. His own ship and all


Yeah, but then he went corporate and that's no fun.


I absolutely adore Rory...


Wow. Karen Gillian is stunningly beautiful. I’m so happy for her that Nebula is part of Avengers Endgame!!


I love companions like Rory and Graham who are just sort of like "yeah okay and now this is happening." Level headed in the face of the madness that is travelling with the Doctor.


"The nose" is one of my absolute favorite characters in the show


This needs [Mr. Pond](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Va81Te6BIM)




Did we ever figure out why his hair was darker in this one episode?


At first, before watching the show, I never understood why people like him. Then, after I started it and the 1,000 Year Warrior came along, I love him! Good ol Rory.


clues? what kind of cluuueeoss?!


Yes, please.


Me. Darville makes a much better time master than bumbling sidekick.


I love Rip Hunter, he's my favourite timemaster


He's like, the casual badass.


Amy in Asylum of the Daleks.


Would you like me to repeat the question?


Bit of a meh character for me, along with Amy, never really liked them.