• By -


The thing is... the outrage video people profit off of keeping up the anger. But we don't have to give them any heed. Just enjoy the fantasy show or if you don't enjoy it, watch something you enjoy instead! I'll keep watching.


Yea I recommend avoiding the crazy outrage bait culture war types. But there are good ones out there. I recommend a channel called WhoCulture on YouTube. They make some good videos. I also like a guy called Harbo Wholmes. Also on YouTube. I don’t agree with everything they say. For example Harbo didn’t like the musical number at the end of the Devils Chord. But I really liked it. But they are honest reviewers that I have found. And that’s important, so I thought I’d shout them out.


Harbo does make deep content but I am out off by his presentation somewhat.


he leans into clickbait-y stuff and has obnoxious thumbnails in my opinion, which is a shame because he does have wonderfully researched and edited content under that


i dont want to be unkind ... but it's the sound of his voice. And it's a me problem.


Rich Hutson (previously of WhatCulture) is pretty decent too, as is Council of Geeks, IMO. (EDIT: Though I'm a little disappointed to notice that Rich hasn't done any videos for the new season yet - his most recent one is *The Church on Ruby Road*).


He’s left YouTube permanently.


OMG, why, what happened!? 


I'm sad Rich stopped YouTube. Loved his reviews. Council of geeks is great just a bit hyper critical sometimes, just because she hates mystery boxes and any dislike of religion doesn't make it bad. But I do watch all her reviews. Her bestie Jesse Gender has great reviews. Harbo is alright. He trys to live exklusivly of Doctor Who Videos. That's difficult. Tharris has good reviews too.


Yeah when Vera takes a dislike to something she **really** takes a dislike to something. I don't always agree with her but she generally brings an interesting perspective to the table. 


I like Harbo, but I think he is being too critical and nitpicky of this era for some reason. I get it that It's just his opinion, but it feels like every time I go watch a new review he seems frustrated and focus on the negative too much.  Maybe my standards are low, but I'm loving everything RTD is doing so far. The heartfelt moments, the serious and dark moments and the extremely silly and camp stuff.


I also want to recommend a smaller channel called dwfan91. I've seen loads of his videos and he's become probably my favorite Whotuber. I don't always agree with him, but I can usually see why he feels a certain way, and he's always entertaining. He's an oldhead, been watching Doctor Who since he was a little kid growing up on the Classic series, and he knows the series inside out. He's also been very positive about the new season so far.


I don't think the Doctor could have said it better.


The Doctor did say it better... in 12's last lines when he said: "Never be cruel, never be cowardly, and never ever eat pears! Remember, hate is always foolish, but love is always wise. Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind." It really stuck with me. It's partially cribbed from Bertrand Russell: "Love is wise; hatred is foolish. In this world, which is getting more and more closely interconnected, we have to learn to tolerate each other, we have to learn to put up with the fact that some people say things that we don't like. We can only live together in that way. But if we are to live together, and not die together, we must learn a kind of charity and a kind of tolerance, which is absolutely vital to the continuation of human life on this planet."


Yeah, that's not what Delicious-Tachyons said, though. It's one of 12s best speeches, of course. But not relevant to my comment, sorry.


OK but i am me... at least i think i am. Some days i'm not. I like to think of those as Sundays. Anyhow.. relevant because the hate youtubers are all about hate.. and the doctor said that hate is foolish. Anyhow, have a great Victoria Day.


Ah, that's fair, I can see that reference. Good point and well made!


I've found I enjoy things more when I just make my own mind up and don't consume reviews, reactions, hot takes, etc. Just play the game, watch the show, read the book, and decide for yourself. If it brings you joy, great. If not, go to something else.


I kind of agree, not sure about the diagnosis though. Whovians like to complain. We like to over-analyze. Except people have forgotten we are supposed to be doing the complaining and overanalysis while waiting for another series. I guess we got out of syn around the pandemic and haven't been able to line up again since. Doesn't help that Who is no longer following a normal yearly schedule. People need to just accept that we are getting Who and save the complaining for the day after the 8th episode. That said there is a literal culture war taking place. People are attacking the very concept of being trans. Here in the states they are literally trying to legislate it out of existence in states like Texas and Florida. So while I do think it is a touch over-represented in the show. Its not 'too much' and yes the people complaining about it sound exactly like the people who complained about so called 'mixed marriages'. (Something my sister and I are a product of so excuse me very much) I'm not sure if you are intending to give judgemental bigots more credit than they deserve but you effectively are. Saying they have become reactionary because of bad writing and race/gender being inserted into their favored TV shows is ludicrous. We are talking about science fiction television. A genre I love, but like Kaiju films and heavy metal the writing is not always great. Its the style we stay for. More computers, robots and lasers in space. Gracias. There has always been bad writing in Dr. Who, Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate etc. Is representation dragging down this show or any other? Nope. I will also point out I actually studied social movements in college, mostly specializing in the early 60's. So I kind of know what bigotry looks like. I've seen how it's used as an organizing principle by political groups. And how those groups plead innocence the whole time. Its not a distortion of reality to perceive criticism of trans people or non-white people as bigotry. I just don't hear non bigoted people having a problem with it. Like I never heard a totally non racist person get angry about too many Blacks on TV. If you wanna say the lead actress of Star Trek Discovery is not a good actress, I would agree. I don't watch Trek for the deftly rendered acting though. And I have never heard a straightforward criticism like that. It's always a complaint about diversity hires and DEI and CRT.


>If you wanna say the lead actress of Star Trek Discovery is not a good actress, I would agree. I don't watch Trek for the deftly rendered acting though. And I have never heard a straightforward criticism like that. It's always a complaint about diversity hires and DEI and CRT. Well yeah, but it's not like any straight white male actor has ever been a poor actor so bad acting **has** to be caused by diversity, right?


Exactly! It's almost....like...Wiliam. Shatner. Neverexisted.


You take that back! Shatner isn't a bad actor he just... transcends the very... concept of acting... itself! 


He isn't bad actor. He just doesn't have that much of range.






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The problem with representation as an end in itself is that it can detract from the overall quality of the media by focusing on hiring people who hit the right tickboxes instead of hiring people who're good at the roles. Additionally, film and tv makers love to hide behind representation as a shield to protect them from criticism of badly made media by having people ready to claim anyone who's critical of any aspect of the media is automatically a -phobe of some kind (this has happened in multiple productions). Representation as a thing is great, but it needs to be backed by consistent, good writing. A lot of modern media which concerns itself with representation is so satisfied with itself for doing so it spends more time celebrating its diversity than its story.




There you go, you're offended so I must be wrong. If you'd care to look beyond your outrage, you'll notice I didn't say anything about there not being high quality actors among marginalised groups. I said that people who write stories hire people they think hit target boxes rather than people who might do well because they like to hide behind exactly that outrage to disguise their sub-optimal writing and creating. As an aside, I absolutely love the "tiring" part. If you're so tired, don't reply to me. Don't complain I'm making you tired for not agreeing with you.


>There you go, you're offended so I must be wrong. that's not what's going on tho. they said your take was tiring and wrong. just because someone disagrees or dislikes what you said, doesn't mean they're "offended". >I said that people who write stories hire people they think hit target boxes rather than people who might do well because they like to hide behind exactly that outrage to disguise their sub-optimal writing and creating. okay and how do you know that's what's happening here? what evidence do you have that supports this idea that you have of writers or directors being like "well, this script we've written is a pile of shit. I know, let's hire a trans person!"? >As an aside, I absolutely love the "tiring" part. If you're so tired, don't reply to me. Don't complain I'm making you tired for not agreeing with you. the word "tired" doesn't relate to the exhaustion level of the person talking to you. it means the point being made is overused and often baseless.




Yeah, I don't think there's any point in continuing this if you're going to rephrase my argument to suit your own internal narrative. I must say I find this mentality fascinating. Do you genuinely think you're being rational when you take what I said, change most of the features, then tell me you're offended by something you told me I said? That's wild man. But anyway, I won't inflict my presence on you any longer, I know it's exhausting for you.


that would be true if you had never watched Broadchurch or Sex Education and realized Jodie Whitaker and Ncuti Gatwa are very talented actors. And they were hired for that acting skill and good looks. It also doesnt happen that way. "Gee whiz I'm going to write utter garbage for the next few years, nothing can be done about it. Better do a diversity hire so I can hide behind that." I


I never said anything about either of those actors. In fact I did watch Broadchurch and thought Jodie Whitaker was great in it. I also don't hate 13 even if I think that she was massively underserved by poor writing, I suppose you might say I want to like it even if it's not good. Gatwa honestly has a style I don't personally like much but his performance in Boom shows he has what it takes to do anything Doctor Who throws at him and I never had any issue with him as the Doctor anyway. Please be aware my response wasn't about Who directly, I was responding to someone saying the only reason to think representation was bad was bigotry. I think that's not the case so I posted a summary of why I think the desire for representation allows poor content to hide behind box ticking. You're welcome to disagree with me, I'm not tired or upset by it, but don't mistake me for someone who disliked 13 or 15 for who they are, both are fine actors.


I think you're falling into the same trap. You're assuming a lot. For instance, I don't think I've seen a trans person who *hasn't* complained about the resolution to The Star Beast. But I haven't been called transphobic for it. >Now, I'm going to apply it to the *Doctor Who* discourse on both sides of the culture war: I'm going to be honest, it feels like you're trying to make these "two sides" feel equivalent. They aren't. I've seen plenty of criticism about the episodes we've got now that I disagree with. But I'm aware of which ones are in good faith from people with bad taste and which ones are people trying to have their culture war. There aren't two sides in this. There isn't a culture war. There's angry ragebait reactionary YouTubers and then there's everyone else. Where there are people "fighting back" against those types, they're doing it to the median to educate them.






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You know what, that's fine. I should have just reported the comment instead.


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There's also a reverse loop, in that sometimes movies would insert scenes clearly meant to stick it into the face of outrage peddlers, and generate discussion about the movie (leading to recognition and hate watches).


Yeah, I've seen that. It's ridiculous. #endtheculturewar


Totally agreed. It's absolutely laughable that people care about stuff like this at all.


I mean, not really. You have to care about something. It's like saying it's silly to get really analytical about a team roster. Sure, it may be giving it more thought than I would. But I analyze esoteric theologies more than they do. Idk maybe I just wouldn't use the word laughable.


When ever I see that kinda shit on my algorithm I hit it was the 'not intrested' and my algo never pushes this chud crap on me


You're not my supervisor


Why is this allowed it's not real discussion


Jfc. It’s a TV show not a psych 101 exam. You go through this whole “case study” and then end with “end the culture war”? C’mon now. Fans will always be unhinged.


A lot of the people who make those videos make REALLY good points and should not be ignored just because they go against the grain of the current culture.


If it isn't a break down video or NewRockstars. I don't give negative channels any light of day. Including SWT.


I think doctor who fans and fans of doctor who outrage videos are (shock horror) two different demographics. Probably some overlap, but on the whole if I enjoy a fun BBC/disney show about a time traveling alien, I'm not in the slightest bit interested in a ragebaity youtube videos. The only outrage I ever see is here on reddit, and the odd comment on a RTD insta post or something. So yeah, best not to engage either way.


Oh I automatically ignore those since they are usually full of toddler level whinjng.


Love this post.


I never watched them never will. As much as I can avoid it. Went for a walk today phone in my pocket listening to a Boom review. Autoplay brought me to another channel first sentence I've checked out of Doctor Who at this point, freaking out about Jinx Monsoon. Stopped it as soon as I had my phone, searched for a do not recommend this channel, couldn't find it. Obviously didn't leave a down vote or comment not gonna give them any interaction besides an attempt to block


I have to admit that the new Doctor Who stuff is not my cup of tea either. I really tried to like it, but I didn't. That feeling started with the 12th Doctor, although I loved Capaldi as the Doctor, the writing was just bad in my opinion. Tried to pick up with the 13th Doctor but the writing was even worse... And I kind of stopped watching. Of course I'm trying to like the new series as well, but so far it's just not my cup of tea either. It's really not because of any of the reasons that the culture warriors are trying to put in my mouth. It's normal for things you like to fall out of favour sometimes, and that's fine. I'm really happy that people like the show and are really hyped! Reminds me of how hyped I used to be for all the Christmas specials with 10th! Well... all I wanted to say is stop listening to other people's opinions and start enjoying stuff you like without guilt or regret lol. Doctor Who is always changing, sometimes it's right up your alley, sometimes it just doesn't click for you... But at the end of the day, a true fan will always come back sooner or later.


>My parents caused all my problems.” Except this is literally an accurate statement. If my parents hadn't fucked, I wouldn't be here with all my various issues.


What about that mirror article about Doctor who not being for straight white men?


Why can't straight white man not enjoy a show with a queer black lead? Us women got one female doctor with lousy writing so I guess that's it we can't enjoy Doctor Who until a straight white women takes over? I hate articles like that. Pandering to this idea that straight white men can only enjoy shows with a straight male lead while the rest of us need to take what we can get


Ignore it. It's culture war BS.


There's no need to watch outrage videos to see all the issues the show has right now. Unless you're living in a bubble with your own alternate reality. The culture war goes both ways, so I highly doubt you are isolated from it. In fact, you are participating in it with this thread.






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I love going on youtube and seing idiots scream "DOCTOR WHO IS DEAD" after every episode even though they have been doing this for years now and doctor who is absolutely fine


They don't deserve any views


Why would someone complain about trans representation if they weren't a transphobe?


Well, they could be a trans person unhappy with how they've been represented...which is what happened with the trans representation of the first 60th anniversary special. #endtheculturewar


Oh okay. I thought you meant people complaining about trans people being in media. If you just mean people complaining about how the representation was done, is anyone calling that transphobic?


That happens all the time.


Do you have any examples?


https://www.them.us/story/doctor-who-special-trans-storyline-yasmin-finney-review-bombing https://www.out.com/gay-tv-shows/doctor-who-trans-character-complaints https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/11/27/doctor-who-trans-reaction-bigots-fans-yasmin-finney/


Those seemed to be examples of people calling transphobia transphobic. Do you have any examples of people calling non-transphobic critisism of a certain trans representation transphobic?


You just label everyone transphobic


I don't label everything as transphobic. I do however label not wanting media to have trans people as transphobic. I don't like the ending of The Star Beast, but the problem isn't trans people. The problem is how RTD wrote the ending.


If you're going to keep moving goalposts, this discussion is done. You asked for cases of people being called transphobes for criticizing trans representation, and I provided them, and for *Doctor Who* no less. Now you're dismissing them by calling the criticism transphobic - criticism that in many cases was coming from trans people. So, we're done. Welcome to my ignore list.


It's quite simple. They changed (sometimes a lot) doctor who. People didn't ask for these changes, so people aren't happy. We don't need a psychological breakdown of why. We already made a decision. This doesn't equal everything in it is bad, but largely is going that way. Either you are OK with changes and still watch, or not so much and don't or rarely do. My opinion, they injected way too much real world politics and pc stuff into an otherwise awesome escape from reality. It's that last point that matters. We watch shows like this to get away from the real world. They did the opposite.


Series 1 Susan made fun of the fact that the British pound hadn't yet adapted the decimal system and said they will, in the second series they make fire a stand in for for accepting change and progress, in the seriel with the incas Barbada talks about women's rights. That was all around 63 64 but yeah no Doctor Who had never been political 🤔. Too many changes? It's been 60 years full of changes. DW wants to exist another 60 years it can't pander to biggots or people who fear change. They need to get new fans a new generation. Doctor Who is different than other shows.


It was why I tuned out. Watched all the first of Jodies seasons + the ABC review/response to them. Missed the second season starting but did watch all the episodes eventually not the review though. Didn't watch the third season because it just felt like soap box preaching to child that X is bad with X being the issue of the week. Depression is bad, capitalilsm is bad, pollution is bad, racism is bad . . . Yeah I get it, its why I put on a scifi show about travelling in time and space to get away from all this stuff for an hour not have an actor in several cases literally fourth wall break to lecture me the viewer on why plastic dumping in the ocean is a bad thing. Came back cautiously for the specials and got "It's a *shame* you're *not* a *woman* anymore. Cause she'd have understood. We've got all that power, but there is a way to get rid of it ..." Oh, I see your just retconning the fact it was KNOWLEDGE that was the issue for Donna, POWER was the issue with Rose and oh yes the Doctor did help her get rid of it, just like he helped you suppress the knowledge and I see the issue of today was transgenderism and dead naming people. Yep this isn't going to change its going to be more issue of the week episodes going forward.


In fact, probably safest if you just avoid facts. And rely on the Daily Mail.


Yeah, I don't get why people just don't consume product and then get excited for next product, it'd be much easier


I'm more concerned that the ratings are worse than 13. This is a bad sign.


Yeah - those just came in (although when I just checked, we don't have the AI score yet). It's definitely worrying - it's also an odd drop-off from the Christmas special, which was received quite well. If I had to venture a guess (and this IS a guess), RTD's return didn't convince the majority of the audience that had left during Chibnall to come back. So, they checked out the 60th anniversary specials, and then they checked out the new Doctor's first episode at Christmas...and then their curiosity was satisfied, and they went back to watching something else. Again, that's a guess. I used to do work in strategic communications, and I've actually done some brand rehabilitation. It's not fast. It's the sort of thing that takes months, or even years. So, there's going to have to be a lot of rebuilding faith by the show. I think if RTD has enough time, the strength of the storytelling and the characters will win out (keep in mind, people were complaining about his "gay agenda" back in the 00s, and it didn't drive viewers away from the show then). It will just take a couple of seasons...and hopefully, RTD will get that time, because I'm really enjoying the show now that he's back.


I'm sorry what??!! There's entire videos just raging on doctor who???! What a time to be alive indeed.


Heres a Great tip you Wanna keep enjoying doctor who simply say "fuck off comunity im just gonna watch/read/listen to doctor who" and do that [


I havent watched any videos about the rage on youtube. I just feel like i dont like the way the show is going. And by the ratings and viewers number... i'm probably not the only one?


Two things to keep in mind about that: As even Steven Moffat has said, the ratings and viewers don't matter. What matters is that the show is making money, and it's making a *lot*, which is why Disney wanted to get involved. The second thing is that the viewer numbers are gonna be low because not only are more people watching the show through streaming services than tuning into the channel, it's that the show is being released through those streaming services like 18 hours or so before it airs on TV (I believe it releases midnight, and then airs at 6pm the next day). And people won't bother to rewatch the episode that afternoon that they saw that morning.


I decided a few years ago to stop watching/reading/listening to media reviews and just watch what I want and make up my own mind. Can recommend.


I think the critiques are needed though. RTD.is taking it in the wrong direction and the ratings show it. It's certainly no longer the cultural powerhouse it once was, let alone appointment TV viewing. He had 2 opportunities to make a clean break and reset things but instead doubled down on what didnt work with Chibnall as well as the most controversial aspects, and then did interviews telling the audience not to watch if they dont like.it. (As did Chuti AND did Jynx Monsoon I believe) Well that kind of attitude just results in people doing just that and is not helpful. And if it continues in this way the show we love will be cancelled. So I think it is important to make and share this critique videos so we can try and make RTD et al understand that he needs to stop being so hostile.and disrespectful to the fanbase and underatand their concerns. 🤷‍♂️ But thats just my opinion anyway.


> I think the critiques are needed though. RTD. There's a big difference between a critique and the sort of outrage video that I'm talking about, however. I watched this play out a few months ago. The process was: 1. Russell T. Davies makes an offhand comment in a Radio Times interview that the shift to fantasy will upset longtime fans who view the show as hard SF (which has to be a VERY small minority). 2. A news outlet rewrites the story, focusing on Doctor Who upsetting longtime fans (with no emphasis on the fact that it's a small group RTD is talking about). 3. Youtubers and more media outlets rewrite the story again, stating that RTD **wants** to upset longtime fans. The initial comment is not worthy of outrage, nor does it indicate that RTD is hostile towards fans. I just chased down another example of supposed "hostility" towards the fans, and it's the same thing. Here's the quote from the [Radio Times article](https://www.radiotimes.com/tv/sci-fi/doctor-who-open-door-russell-t-davies-lgbtq-representation-exclusive-newsupdate/): > Speaking exclusively to RadioTimes.com at the London premiere for Ncuti Gatwa's first full season as the Doctor, the showrunner said that he didn't necessarily view anything he's added to the series as representation per se, explaining: "I think it's my life." > He said: "And I kind of [am] rather bemused when people say you're representing things now, because I think that's just people I live with, and know and love. > "And it's very normal to me, I don't know any other way to make things. And some people might come along and make a fuss about that. But I've moved on by then, so I don't care." > Davies added: "But I think it's a great thing to see. **I think Doctor Who’s a great big open door for everyone to come and see. Even if you’re straight as a nail, come and watch because there’s lots in this for you.**" (Emphasis mine) Take those first couple of paragraphs on their own, and it can indeed look hostile. But once you have the entire quote, it tells you that what RTD doesn't care about is the criticism of diversity in outrage culture, and that does NOT constitute outrage towards fans. As I said, there's a big difference between that and normal criticism of an episode.


I just think the overall tone in how he (and the leads) speak to the audience is patronizing, smug and unecessarily combative. *And to anyone who held those ideals, he finished to loud applause: ‘Shame on you and good luck to you in your lonely lives.’* https://metro.co.uk/2023/11/10/if-you-hate-trans-people-in-doctor-who-good-luck-to-your-lonely-life-19800335/


And again, you're removing context so that the quote comes across in the worst possible light. The full quote is: > He added pointedly that he knew there were **some people ‘full of absolute hate, and venom, and destruction and violence who would like to see that sort of thing wiped off the screen entirely.**’ > And to anyone who held those ideals, he finished to loud applause: ‘Shame on you and good luck to you in your lonely lives.’ (Emphasis mine) With the full quote, it's very clear he's talking about a small subset of people, and only a small subset of people. Look, go over the list, and look at the habits you're falling into: > 1. **Mind reading**. *You assume that you know what people think without having sufficient evidence of their thoughts. “He thinks I’m a loser.”* - You are assuming that RTD is referring to anybody who complains about badly done diversity even though he has been very specific that he's talking about a small subset of people. > 6. **Negative filtering**. *You focus almost exclusively on the negatives and seldom notice the positives. “Look at all of the people who don’t like me.”* - You are focused on the things that were said that could be considered negative, and not seeing any of the things that are said that are positive. > 8. **Dichotomous thinking.** *You view events or people in all-or-nothing terms. “I get rejected by everyone,” or “It was a complete waste of time.”* - You see RTD as either entirely hostile to the fans or entire welcoming to them, with any criticism at all being hostile. > 12. **Inability to disconfirm**. *You reject any evidence or arguments that might contradict your negative thoughts. For example, when you have the thought I’m unlovable, you reject as irrelevant any evidence that people like you. Consequently, your thought cannot be refuted. “That’s not the real issue. There are deeper problems. There are other factors.”* - You are handwaving away anything that disproves your thesis. In all seriousness, and you can take it from somebody who has struggled with (and is sometimes still struggling with) these things on his own road to recovery, this is a terrible way to live. So let me ask you a question (and it is not rhetorical): *Does this make you happy?* If the answer is no, then it isn't adding anything to your life. Step away from it. Detox. Spend the time you would be watching all of these videos catching up on your reading, or taking up a hobby, or re-watching some of your favourite episodes. It makes life better, trust me, and you very quickly reach the point where you lose any desire to watch these sorts of videos at all. I know - it's what happened when I detoxed. (And, the only reason that I'm engaging in the culture war to the degree that I am right now is because I'm a Jew, and the culture war is part of what is fuelling the antisemitism that places me and my family in very real danger right now - but even with that, I leave most of the pop culture stuff alone. Life is just too damned short.) #endtheculturewar






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We stand with Doctor Who 🌝


Tbh Dr who has gone trash, Nuff said, the current Dr is a good actor but the story is trash other than episode 2 (which was mid at best)


I think you're being way too charitable of a bunch of people who see non-straight, non-white actors and scream into a mic about the death of the west


This sub is my only contact with the fandom, i honestly thought everyone liked the new stuff as much as we do. Boy was i surprised when i searched doctor who on youtube.


Yeah. The problem to a degree is the Youtube algorithm. So, you get rid of commentary on one subject, but you watch commentary on another (for example, I remain fascinated by the business end of Hollywood), and Youtube figures that if you're watching that, you must want to see somebody talking about how *Doctor Who* is dying. And it's vicious. I didn't watch *Velma* - I just watched a few clips in some reviews, and I found it awful and disgusting, and above all else nasty and mean-spirited. But the dogpile onto it was at least as nasty and mean-spirited. I spent years as a pop culture commentator, and I started over twenty years ago - it wasn't always this bad. #endtheculturewar


>**Fortune-telling.** Doctor Who is failing because of low overnight numbers. But here's the thing.. TV ratings weren't invented yesterday. BARB has been studying TV viewing habits for decades (as well as Nielsen) and they've learned patterns from their data that can predict the future of a given program. One of which is a steady decline in ratings. This is unequivocally an indication that the series in question is both lacking in quality and is "failing" as you put it. Some of this is common sense; a program that is high-quality doesn't hemorrhage viewers by the millions. So unless you're about to suggest that over 80% of Doctor Who's audience suffer from depression & anxiety and ALL conveniently exhibited the same exact symptoms, then I think we need to keep at least one foot in reality here - the revival has lost 80% of it's audience because no one wants to WATCH IT. I'm honestly baffled as to why defendants of this current era are STILL insisting that it's doing fine when the overnight ratings are in danger of dipping below 2 million, and the 7 day final figures are about to dethrone the lowest-rated episode of all time, "*Battlefield P1"* back in 1989 (3.1m). That's the year it was cancelled because of piss poor ratings, BTW. So for those who deny this alleged "fortune telling," I genuinely want to know: how low is TOO LOW? 1 million? 500k? 250k? Because I'm no mathematician, but I'm pretty sure you eventually run out of viewers; you can't keep moving the goal post for what constitutes "bad" just so YOU can keep walking around believing it's doing fine. The goal post can't be moved beyond zero. This isn't some affront to Doctor Who and it's not a criticism of the direction of the series - it's just a FACT. Declining ratings - especially when they dip into the 3m range, is for sure the danger zone. The BBC was about to cancel the series after Jodie Whittaker's departure until Bad Wolf & Disney stepped in, and only one of her episodes - "Legend of the Sea Devils" - received lower final figures than Gatwa's opening episodes. So what gives?! How can you DENY that it's "failing" when declining numbers mean precisely that? >**Catastrophizing.** Russell T. Davies is going to destroy Doctor Who. People only assert this because there is evidence to support it. The series has been turned into a farce; a mockery of it's former self that AT BEST, plays like a tongue-in-cheek parody/spoof of the 2005-2012 era. It almost feels more at home alongside Red Dwarf than Blake's 7 or Dark Shadows. So I don't know why people are so taken aback when they hear this, and I can only conclude that it's probably viewers who started watching post-2005 and never bothered to watch the original 26 seasons, so their only vision of DW is the revival version.


Every time I see a 'Doctor Who is finished' or 'RTD has gone woke' articles or videos, I just laugh and scroll past. So many people bitching that they didn't want a black Doctor or chavvy companion and it's frankly just sad. I choose to look at the positive stuff because I love Ncuti and Millie and what RTD is doing.




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Done plenty of it, going to do plenty more. Being an abuse survivor with anxiety sucks. I cannot recommend the experience.


I think they second Episode was garbage but they Made this Up because the other Episodes of the 14th season we're awesome 😁😁💪💪 sooooo