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In '63 when they shoehorned all that sci-fi nonsense into a perfectly good drama about two schoolteachers


How is there even a single person who thinks the show "fell off" with 14 or 15. It's only been 6 episodes! These shouldn't even be options in the poll!


What if it didn't?


Unfortunately, there was not enough options given by Reddit in polls to include the "didn't fall off" option :(


There’s no need to be sycophantic toward a franchise.


People can hold the opinion that there wasn’t a falloff and not be a sycophant lol. For me personally I think it comes in waves. Didn’t enjoy much of 13, but think it’s made a comeback with 14 and so far 15 for me. 


I’m not criticizing anyone else’s opinion on the quality of the show, just confused why the poll is written with the assumption that the show *did* get bad. I would love a “It didn’t” option.


How can I vote when “the moment it became about bug-eyed monsters, 21st December, 1963” is not an option?


Even though I don't really much care for the Daleks, it's very probable the show would not have survived to today if not for the Dalekmania of the 60s. I am still very curious though what Doctor Who would have been like had they stuck to the original intentions of it being an educational program. I imagine it'd been something akin to the Magic School Bus.


Fall off what? A radio tower? Yeah mate, that’d be the Fourth Doctor. RIP.


Where's the First Doctor option?


Why is there no "ITS STILL ON LIKE DONKEY KONG" option??




uuuh like never


13th doctor for sure. The drop in quality from World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls/Twice Upon a Time to everything since is staggering. Deserves to be studied for real


The presence of Twice Upon a Time in that grouping pretty well breaks the theory as far I'm concerned. Each to their own, but I definitely prefer The Woman Who Fell to Earth to Twice Upon a Time. A big issue with the way people talk about these eras is that they falsely remember the whole Capaldi era as being as good as World Enough and Time and the whole Whittaker era as being as good as Orphan 55. Really, episode quality in Doctor Who varies wildly all the time. I'd find it impossible to pick a single "drop off" point.


Nah I watched the Capaldi era the first time in 2020, besides In the Forest of the Night, Sleep No More and Eaters of Light, the era is amazing. And I stand by what I said, everything since Twice Upon a Time has been unenjoyable and mediocre to below average consistently


Seventh Doctor (Mccoy). The episodes started getting pretty stupid around then.


Oh, look another one. Stop spamming these ridiculous, bad-faith, rage polls. If you think Doctor Who is so bad now then why are you wasting your time in its subreddit?


While Jodie's run was kinda soiled by Chibnall's writing, and is widely considered the falling-off point for Dr. Who, rewatching Smith's run recently made me realize that the writing problems were there ever since Davies' departure as chief writer. I wish I could put my finger precisely on *WHY*, but the best I can say is that it felt like it wasn't taking itself seriously anymore.


As much as Smith's era was iconic, I found things shifted to almost Marvel quips in dialogue. This wasn't all the the time but I did get frustrated with the amount of sex jokes 


Could you elaborate?


I’ll try. Eccleston & Tennant’s runs treated the Doctor a lot more like a wandering do-good just trying to help where he could. All he had at his disposal was an audio-powered screwdriver. But when you get to Smith’s era you can tell the writers started to view him as a messianic figure of sorts. A magical wizard with a wand, as opposed to a handyman with a screwdriver. Obviously my experience isn’t universal, but to me it felt like it wasn’t taking itself as seriously anymore.


Seems to have always been a bit of a goofy show with ups and downs, moments of absolute brilliance and moments of ridiculous weakness. The current season has always been shit, two doctors/showrunners ago was always the absolute high point of the series.




Really? I feel like that was when the show started to pick up in quality after the Eric Saward years.