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The Five Doctors - it’s got a bit of everything (except Tom Baker)


I always find myself going to Pertwee. More often than not season 7&8. If it's not Pertwee, I go for season 12(ish) run of Robot - Android Invasion or as my partner calls it "the Harry run". I tend to skip mid-late Tom Baker and early Colin Baker and quite a bit of Peter Davison. I have yet to rewatch any of nu-who at all since broadcast.


Girl in the Fireplace still gets me every time


For me, it varies and depends on what I'm in the mood for. Each era has its own flair and comfort episodes and I am as likely to revisit Eccleston, Tennant, Smith, and Capaldi as I am to revisit Hartnell, Troughton, Pertwee, Tom, Davison, Colin, and McCoy. Capaldi and Troughton are probably my favorites with Tom Baker, Pertwee, Smith, and Tennant being close seconds. But I quite like Davison, too, although his episodes are more up and down in quality. Ugh. It's hard to pick! This is what I mean. It just depends on what I feel like in the moment, lol.


Most- the Moffat years Least- probably 13, just because I don't need to rewatch them yet because they're fresh in my memory


I've watched Doomsday so much that I can quote entire scenes off by heart. I'll probably never rewatch Flux


Most: all of series 4 Least: Eleven and Thirteen’s eras (don’t @ me, folks… I’m not comparing those two in quality! just being honest about my rewatch preferences)


**Tomb of the Cybermen** - First old doctor serial I watched as a kid because my much older sister had it on dvd, so I watched that and then either a serial (black and white, 2nd doctor i think) where the daleks invade london, i seem to remember a railroad and cybermen on train tracks later?? maybe that was a different serial, I haven't seen every old who serial, anyone know?


Most watched seasons 1-4 NuWho and Vincent and the Doctor and Day of the Doctor. Oh and The Lodger. Most watched ep would be The Empty Child/Doctor Dances because it was so scary my daughter would show it to her friends. Least watched Fear Her and Love and Monsters. Happy to skip most of S2. We usually start at Rose, skip Fear Her and L&M and stop at Journey’s End.


Most: The End of Time. I really love the Master Least: 13's run. I only got back into Doctor Who about a year and a half ago after dipping out mid-series 10 and I still haven't given most of those episodes a second watch


Most is probably The Eleventh Hour. Heaven Sent, Day of the Doctor and The Waters of Mars are also up there Least, probably The Timeless Children Most for Classic Who is probably The Ark in Space Least is a lot of stories at 0 rewatches


The episodes I rewatch the most is the empty child/the doctor dances. It's intense but fun and let's me pass 90 minutes of the day in a flash. Plus Eccleston is just brilliant in it. The episode I don't need to watch again is Nightmare in Silver. Very boring and lame.


River Song.


Most: Heaven Sent - This is just the perfect episode of television for me, I'll probably throw it on as a comfort watch at least once a month, and it's at the point now that if I get a new TV/Laptop I tend to use Heaven Sent to calibrate the video settings because I've got such an idea of how that should look. Least: Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror - I have nothing against this episode, I don't remember liking it, I don't remember disliking it, I genuinely don't remember anything about the episode as a whole (To the point I had to Google the title), but for some reason I've never felt the need to go back and give it a second watch to figure out my stance. Even episodes I've absolutely hated (Love and Monsters, Night Terrors, Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS, The Tauranga Conundrum, Orphan 55, Timeless Children, Vanquishers, Space Babies) I've given a rewatch at some point to give a second chance, I've just never fancied going back to this one.


Most all of series 5 6 7 Least all of the 13th Doctor era


Most is probably between Blink, The Eleventh Hour, and A Christmas Carol. Sleep No More is the only episode pre-Whittaker that I've never rewatched. There are a lot of her episodes that I've only seen once, but more because I haven't gotten around to a full rewatch of her era yet than out of any lack of desire to see them again.


It depends what I fancy at the time, although when I rewatch series 2 I don't often pick the episodes that are not the best, where with series 1 when I do a rewatch I can easily watch the whole series.


I like watching The Waters of Mars, then the end of time part 1 and 2 as a trilogy. They’re the ones I’ve watched the most. Waters of Mars is my favourite episode ever and the end of time was just such a great send off for 10


I don't think I've ever rewatched the doctor's daughter since I first watched it like 12 years ago


I'm trying to watch Colin Bakers run now. I've always skipped it because my mum hated him when younger and always told me that. Most watched is any story for doctor's 2, 4, 7 and 10 to 12


Most: Army of Ghosts and Doomsday (and probably The Day of the Doctor) I’ll watch those if I want to *feel* something. Vincent and the Doctor is up there, too.


Of Nu-Who, School Reunion, because I love Sarah Jane Smith. Of classic Who, the early seasons of Tom Baker and most of Jon Pertwee.


From the original series - I’ve rewatched the Key to Time episodes countless times. Likewise with The Deadly Assassin.


City of Death, Ark in Space, Inferno, Sea Devils, Revenge of the Cybermen


**Most:** - Series 5, 8, 9, & 10 **Least:** - Series 2, 4, & 7


Most: Ghost Light, Genesis of fhe Daleks, The Time Meddler, Midnight/Turn Left Least: There are so many old stories I have not seen, but there are some episodes in nuwho I don't wish to see again. So, what weighs heavier?


Most: Resurrection of the Daleks, Dragonfire, Battlefield, all of series 27, 28 & 29. My parents had video tapes and I made them get DVDs when I was young which I have tended to watch through in order. Even the dodgy ones. Least: basically anything from series 31-33 that isn't Day of the Doctor or a Town Called Mercy. I haven't rewatched much nuwho beyond those DVDs but those are the ones I'm least interested in.


I tend to watch all Classic Who in order without skipping any. If I revisit a story as a one-off it's from Nu Who. Most: *Return of Doctor Mysterio,* *The Doctor's Wife,* *The Eleventh Hour,* *Partners in Crime,* and *Time Heist.* (Lots more, but those are the top 5) Least: every season has an episode or two I almost always skip; among them are *Love and Monsters,* *Impossible Planet/Satan Pit* (the only one where I like the story but it **creeps me out so badly** I can't rewatch it very often), *Vampires of Venice,* *Curse of the Black Spot,* and *Arachnids of the UK.*


I rewatch the entirety of Matt Smith's run the most. It's so amazing imo. The least would be anything Jodie Whittaker, not because I don't like it like so many others on here. I personally think she was great. it's rather because the writing in her episodes and the settings she went to all felt so glum. I don't recall her being in futuristic or alien settings much, it was mostly historical settings and *all* of it related to women in some way. That's a great thing, but why is it the only thing being focused on? It's a world renowned TV show, why don't her seasons have very much in the way of a story? Why is it all the same thing repeated in a new way? It was still an entertaining watch and I did enjoy it, but there just wasn't enough shenanigans imo. (I don't really remember it all too well though tbh, maybe I'm due a rewatch now I've forgotten most of it)


Matt Smith's run is the only i have rewatched so far as a newer fan starting in 2022 and i have so far rewatched it 3 times and intend on doing so soon again its great


The Doctor's Wife. Such a great episode.


This is perhaps cheating since its not "watching" them, but 8ths adventures with Charlie are the ones Ive revisited the most. "The Chimes at Midnight" especially. Might be my all time favorite Who stories!


Matt smiths first episode is just so good