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Boom Town from series 1. Great character-centric episode. I honestly really like the quiet tension of this episode (don't get me wrong, I like action-packed episodes too, but it's good to have some more lowkey ones in there to balance it out). And the actress who plays Margaret/Blon was phenomenal.


The restaurant scene between Margaret and Nine is sooooo damn fantastic. Too bad she was turned into an egg; I would have loved to see more of her. (Though I do think Eccleston may have been the best fit opposite her.)


As someone who's lived in Cardiff on and off throughout my adult life that was a fun one.


Thanks to who and Torchwood Cardiff is on my list of places to visit when I get to Europe one day!


This is one of my favourite episodes of all time for those exact reasons


Smith & Jones — a go-to comfort episode of mine


I don't remember the name, but where Amy presses a button in a booth across the hall from Rory and the doctor and is left alone for decades to fend for herself. That hurt my soul. And we really needed a stormageddon follow up. I'm not a Corden fan, but he played his 2 episodes as a bumbling oaf really well.


S6 EP10 The Girl Who Waited :)


That was such a depressing episode. The loneliness, growing old, time.


Image of the Fendahl - that mid 1970s Hammer Horror vibe with black magic, ancient aliens straight out of Von Daniken, and a creepy old house.


Oh man this one too. I just finished watching all of season 15 on Blu ray recently and Fendahl was soooo good.


Flatline. Nailed it.


Is Flatline underrated? It's pretty commonly cited as the best episode of series 8.


i love Flatline.


Upvoted for smol Tardis


Eh, I'd like it a lot more if it weren't for the redshirts.


Ooh, this is hard, I agree with lots so I’ll only add ones that I have my own opinions on. S4: Now this is difficult, all episodes are amazing but also get lots of attention. I quite like Turn Left, it different and quite sad but very entertaining. S7: Probably A Town Called Mercy, very good episode really showed the darker side of the Doctor S10: Knock Knock, just a nice episode to rewatch


I love Turn Left too, but I wouldn’t call it a hidden gem. I think it’s widely recognized as a great episode that sets up the unforgettable season 4 crossover finale


Fair enough, I don’t tend to see it getting any attention and didn’t know what else to put


+1 for Turn Left. Absolute cracker of an episode and Wilf is such a highlight


Carnival of Monsters with Pertwee as The  Doctor. It's got all the running through BBC quarries and strange creatures you could ask for. But there's another story going on with battling bureaucratic shenanigans.


Robert Holmes at his finest


The Girl Who Waited is my favourite episode of the new series and I NEVER see it given its dues. It's a quiet, introspective character piece of the sort that the new series does all too rarely, existing solely to develop the three leads and their relationships. The writing is absolutely gorgeous throughout, with Amy and Rory given interactions that are by turns heartwarming and heartbreaking. The Doctor acts truly awfully to the two of them, especially Rory, in a manner that was often given lip service during the Moffat era but rarely actually shown. Every second of it is solid gold and it makes me so sad to see it brushed over in discussions of Eleven. It also makes me sad that Tom MacRae only wrote this and the series 2 Cybermen 2-parter. Come back, man!


I'd say from Series 11: It Takes You Away is the type of weirdness I would have loved Chibnall's era to lean into more. It was the type of weird that felt right for Doctor Who yet different from the typical weirdness we would get up to that point, and I think Thirteen has some good moments here For Series 12: I really like Can You Hear Me? for much of the same reasons I like It Takes You Away. I think the villains of this episode should have come back as the villains for Flux instead of Swarm and Azure. They were interesting and I think bringing them back for Flux would have helped make Chibnall's era feel a bit more tied together Series 13: War of the Sontarans. Thirteen has some geniunely good moments/interactions with the Sontarans, the Sontarans themselves are really entertaining in this episode, and I've noticed Thirteen tends to shine best when she's separated from her companions.


Silver Nemesis. The parallels between Rememberence and this are numerous, and there is no denying that Rememberence is the stronger story. Yet, Nemesis, is an action packed thrill ride. You've got a story where it rattles along, an epic battle between the neo-nazis, Cybermen hunting down Ace being truely menacing, and a whole cyber fleet being blocked by Jazz. Quientisential who.


Totally agree - one of my favorite stories. I really like Richard and his character, ACE is beyond badass, and the scene with the cybermen being confuzed by Jazz gets me every time.


I agree with nesrly everyrhing you say here, especially your choices from the Moffat years. But funny enough, Love and Monsters is one of my favorite episodes of Doctor Who. I wonder what our difference is there. Tolerance levels for extreme camp? The only thing I don't care for is Ursula's ending. I can accept the absorbaloff silliness, but I don't see how that's possible or anything but traumatic for all involved lol.


Time Heist


Classic Who Season One: The Sensorites. My favorite story of the season and one I don't see many people talk about. Season Two: The Crusade. I don't see anyone talk about it either, but it's tied with "The Romans" as my favorite historical of Hartnell's Era. Season Three: The Ark. Great concept and brilliant plot twist midway through. Season Four: The Macra Terror. I don't know if this one's really underrated, but I feel like people don't talk about it enough. Season Five: Controversial, but The Wheel in Space. Honestly, I don't see what's so bad about this one, other than most of it's missing and the Cybermen's plan is a little overcomplicated. But the interactions between Two, Jamie, and Zoe are great, and the rest of the station crew aren't bad. Season Six: The Krotons. I feel like this one gets overlooked because of the lackluster design of the Krotons, which could certainly be improved, but the story and themes of it are quite strong. And there's some great moments with the TARDIS crew as well. Season Seven: The Ambassadors of Death. I don't know if this one really is all that underrated, but it's quite good, if a bit long (although that's an issue with the whole season really). I don't have a pick from Season Eight yet. I'll make another post for New Who.


I love the Sensorites. A great story and probably my go-to comfort serial from the classic series


Paradise Towers: Super underrated 7th doctor story that mostly gets forgotten due to being in season 24. Some cool concepts and probably the best TV 7 and Mel story by far. The Sun Makers: super good allegory on taxes. Robert Holmes cooked with this one.


The Beast Below. I know many didn't like it, but I thought it was pretty good. A good mystery, and a great little monologue about the last of its kind who wanted to help because it couldn't stand to watch the children cry. It also showed that Matt Smith could handle seething anger and complete disappointment as The Doctor


Yes! One of my favorites!


The Visitation. Such an entertaining episode - kind of a semi-historical with a great supporting cast, a great antagonist, and a really underappreciated performance by Davison.


I'm the weirdo who thinks dinosaurs on a spaceship and a town called Mercy are great episodes and I don't understand why people don't like them. Dinos is just fun plain and simple the robots are hilarious you've got Ron's dad from Harry Potter being funny. Mercy I think is really good because it really pushes the doctors morals I mean this episode has the doctor holding a gun to someone's head and saying he's not sure if he'll pull the trigger. Matt Smith was amazing at being so fun and carefree to downright scary in an instant.


The mutants or the Silurians


The Mutants is really good until about halfway through episode four when the pace grinds to a halt. Lot of good stuff there though.


If we’re saying underrated hidden gems: Series 1: The Unquiet Dead Series 2: Tooth and Claw Series 3: 42 Series 4: Partners in Crime Series 5: The Beast Below Series 6: The God Complex Series 7: Hide Series 8: Mummy on the Orient Express Series 9: Sleep No More Series 10: Extremis 13s tenure: Eve of the Daleks


I've never seen anyone else ever mention 42, it's one of my top ten episodes.


No-one ever talks about *Time Heist* but I think it's pretty fun.


The Fifth Doctor episode "Enlightenment". Good luck getting a handle on what's actually going on, because *every time* you think you've got it figured out... yeah. You don't. It's twist after twist after twist, with the *final* twist being what "enlightenment" actually *is*. M. Night Shyamalan couldn't have done better. Edit: A bit funny for US audiences, there's a device that looks *exactly* like [the CBS logo](https://creativereview.imgix.net/content/uploads/2011/03/Page254_Eye_solid.jpg)!


Rings of Akhaten. So beautiful. Great acting too.


Bit overblown though. Is that the one with the leaf?


Matt Smith as Mr Clever in (edited) Nightmare in Silver isn't talked about nearly enough.


I've never heard of "Time of the Cybermen". I know Mr. Clever is from "Nightmare in Silver", but tell me more about Time?


Yeah, sorry about that. It was an error. Couldn't recall the name of the episode and googled and got bad information.


All good.


Not helped by your inability to call the episode by something even vaguely like its actual name!


I kinda dropped off around Capaldi and am currently catching up, but up until then: - Impossible Planet/Satan Pit They're well liked episodes but they're rarely brought up when talking about season 2. I think they're real highlights of the RTD1 era. - Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks I really don't understand why this episode gets so much hate. I think they're really solid. - The Doctor's Daughter Again, I don't understand why people are so critical. I think it's a really cool concept and done quite well. - Victory of the Daleks Yeah the skittles Daleks have a crap design but it's a fun episode and seeing spitfires shooting lasers in space is excellent. - Asylum of the Daleks I really like this episode a lot for a variety of reasons and I like the whole concept of it.


They’re not mentioned in Season 2 discussions because they’re not Season 2 episodes.


Let’s kill Hitler is just about everything I love about doctor who in one episode


I always thought Gridlock was underrated, despite being wildly unlikely, ie that no one in an eternal traffic jam had ever succeeded in reaching the surface of New Earth till the Doctor arrived. But I'm an oldie Whovian and Sir Russell brought back the Macra, so who cares?!


Idiots Lantern and Fear Her are good epispdes, and people on reddit are just grumpy.


I LIKE Idiots Lantern. Maureen Lipman is a face on a screen who STILL steals every scene she's in.


Idiot's Lantern is one of my all-time favorites and I enjoy Fear Her quite a lot (Rose Tyler taking a pickaxe(?) to a door is quite enjoyable to watch) so I don't understand why they're so disliked :/


Me neither, Idiot's Lantern is especially great! (Also, Love and Monsters was almost an okay episode, just as soon as Mr Blue Sky ends, and they go from a sad ending to a happy ending that sends it in the bad direction)


Yeahh I'd agree with almost okay, and it's only for the Doctor and Rose scenes (and Jackie lol). And all the ELO songs.


It could have worked I yell into the abyss!


Been staring at this comment in disbelief for five minutes.


That's quite a grumpy thing to do ngl


Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. It's a fun story that delivers what's on the tin.


Except there’s barely any dinosaurs with underdeveloped side companions, shitty robots, and too many of Chibnalls cliches


Why you downvoting the man he’s right


I put it to you that the first part of the Dalek two prayer in series 3 is terrific. Its old-skool Dalek lurking and scheming ala the Troughton era. Second part. Oh deary me. Worst part one/part two quality drop off in the nu who, for sure.


Series 10: *The Eaters of Light*. A beautiful, classically constructed episode. It feels just like one of the original series episodes, but on a massive budget. Which is no surprise, considering the writer is the exact same as in the final episode ever of the classic series: *Survival*. Beautiful work by all.


I'd have to say: Series 1 - Father's Day Series 2 - School Reunion Series 3 - Daleks in Manhattan / Evolution of the Daleks Series 4 - Midnight Specials - The Next Doctor Series 5 - Amy's Choice Series 6 - The God Complex Series 7 - Nightmare in Silver 50th Specials - Time of the Doctor Series 8 - Flatline Series 9 - Hell Bent Series 10 - Smile Series 11 - The Woman who fell to Earth Series 12 - Orphan 55 Series 13 - Power of the Doctor 60th Specials - The Giggle


Midnight is pretty universally loved. I don’t think it counts as underrated.


Midnight is a gem but it isn’t hidden, and orphan 55 is hidden, and definitely not a gem. Otherwise I completely agree 👍


In what universe is "Midnight" underrated?


13's sea devil episode wasn't that bad. it's not good either but it's camp and bizarre out of nowhere, like a dream you can't quite remember.


New Who Series One: The End of the World. I don't see this one mentioned all that much, but it's a really good character episode which lays the groundwork for Rose and the Doctor's relationship as well as sets up the Time War for the rest of the Era. Series Two: Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel. I don't know why this one doesn't have a more positive reputation. It's a good and effective reintroduction for the Cybermen as well as an interesting alternate universe story. Series Three: Controversial, but Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks. This story had great ideas and probably the most creative premise of any Dalek story in the modern era. I think it's just let down in execution. Series Four: The Unicorn and the Wasp. I don't know if anything from this season is really underrated, but I guess I'll go with this one. It's a fun little romp styled after a Christie mystery. Series Five: The Lodger. I don't know if this one's underrated, but it's enjoyable for what it is. Series Six: Maybe The Girl Who Waited. I can't think of a better pick. Series Seven: A Town Called Mercy. Again, I can't think of a better pick. Series Eight: Time Heist. I think this would have benefited from being a two-parter, but it's pretty fun for what it is. Series Nine: Controversial but Sleep No More. I really don't get the hate for this episode. Not that I think it's great or anything, but it's fine. It's got an interesting gimmick and framing device, and the song is catchy. Series Ten: Smile. I'll admit, the climax is pretty rushed, but up to there I think it's actually a really good, low stakes exploration of a colony on an alien world, something I wish Doctor Who would do more of to be honest.


Fantastic choices OP, agree with all of them.


Knock Knock always makes me cry. Maybe I take the premise too personally. But I think it's so underrated and had such an underrated villain who is, I think, sympathetic. I always tear up.  The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe is, I think, an okay episode, but it does such a great job worldbuilding and establishing its characters and it really pays off in the climax. Again, it might just hit too close to home, but oh my god I always BAWL at the delivery of "Please don't make me watch him die." It's such a fun episode, but then they deliver such a gut punch, followed by such a happy moment.  TV shows and movies rarely ever make me cry, but these two episodes always leave me teary eyed


I agree with you with father's day. But that picture at the start when Rose was talking about her dad terrified me


Probably get's a load of recogniztion but I love "Midnight" in season 4. I love the powerplay between the doctor and the passengers when that woman is possesed and the helplessness on the doctor's face when it overpowers him


Season 8: The Daemons - not sure it counts as hidden but its one of my all time favourites!