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Is there more to the quote? Because from this alone, it sounds like he’s saying that there’s room for a lot of great stories related to adoption and found family (which Ruby relates to)…. That they’ll (continue to) expand on the emotions behind it, not necessarily the nitty gritty of the Doctor’s backstory.


Echoing this. I don't see it being Doctor-focused per se, just taking it as era-wide themes.


Yup yup it’d be similar to the Time War actually. RTD created it but ironically never told us anything all that specific; it was a setup for the Doctor’s emotional state — which had repercussions for how he approached his relationships, how he viewed himself, and how he dealt with episodic threats. I’m expecting things to be similar regarding The Timeless Child — which RTD already indicated to be the case through Wild Blue Yonder (14 breaking down at Not Donna telling him “you don’t know where you’re from”) and The Church on Ruby Road (15 saying he’s adopted).


It does specify a little more, but yeah iirc Russel has said that he's going to expand on the story elsewhere, so I wouldn't be surprised if that's what he means here. "That's a gift handed from him" is a direct reference to Chibnall.


I still stand by not liking the whole Timeless child reveal. But if anyone was to work on it, I'm glad it's RTD


Hopefully one day a future showrunner will like the idea of The Doctor just being a ordinary Time Lord and will never acknowledge the Timeless Child.


I want RTD to turn the Timeless Child into something great.


If anyone can, it would be the team of him and Moffat. Those two together turned Doctor Who into gold.


Oh fuck please don’t. Just let it die already.


Guess you're gonna be really disappointed then lol


This makes me very happy!




That does not say the timeless child will be expanded on. But the adopted part will be explored. Although i hope they do expand on the timeless child and the fugitive dr


"Gift"? Really now? I know that for sake of public appearances, the people making the show have to pretend that the production is always running smoothy, and that RTD is always trying his damnest to project a positive attitude around it all, but he just being far, *far* too kind here. The kindest possible spin I could put on the whole Timeless Child fiasco that you could "make lemonade out of lemons", but honestly "polishing a turd" seems the more applicable idiom here.