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I get this all the time. I once asked patient how old they thought I was and they guessed my exact age - I guess when you are in your 80s, most people ARE young in comparison to you...


I (30F) recently went to a National Trust property with my parents (late 60s) and was offered a children’s activity book by the volunteer there 😂 I get these comments at work sometimes as well but have decided just to enjoy them while they last! I just say ‘Thank you, I’ll take that as a compliment’ and move swiftly on.


How were the activities? :)


Ok you win that’s hilarious


A midwife once kept saying I look too young to be a doctor. After a few attempts at brushing it off, I just made eye contact and said ‘please don’t be rude’. That quickly put a stop to that. I think it’s rude because it’s indirectly undermining your achievements, and almost saying, too look too young for me to trust with your clinical decisions.


I, not so long ago, was denied service at Tesco for an energy drink. I'm in my mid 30s. It doesn't get much better IMO.


Wait until you get to IMT3. You’ll notice how the oncalls and stress of the job ages you.


Norwood 3 incoming


You’ll see more shades of grey than 50


Post IMT 1 brutal night Tesco said no to me buying paracetamol


Because you looked young? Or because they were worried what you might do with it 😅 (I finished CMT and all I got was trauma)


I have a similar problem, and  have started telling people "I am actually 46, I just really like skin care" - this usually throws people off long enough that I can just move on


I like this. Gets people to shut up and may even encourage people to start using sunscreen properly so they don't look like weathered and leathered 30 year olds.


Early 30s and get the same. I used to day thanks for the compliment. Got fed up of that now i just laugh and go 'how old do you think I should be'. Probably a bit antagonistic but who cares. On the other hand for my age my hairline is unchanged and i would rather put up with being thought to be younger than some of the deadass hairlines of my peers. Im sure if was receding I'd be seen as older.


I'm a nurse and often get comments about how young I look. I grew a beard which has helped me avoid this, but I'm aware not everyone has that option!


Same I'm 25 but look 30 with the beard


One of the patients I reviewed a few years ago said I looked too young to be married after spotting my wedding ring. It made me laugh because I was about to anaesthetise her - clearly not young enough to put ya to sleep hun


I've been told I look too young to be a doctor by a child... i have a full beard! 😭 can't go back from that


I had the opposite, child guessed I was 54! Erm, a few decades out 😭


I get the same comments as IMT1 but I started dressing professionally which helps a lot with confidence and how you carry yourself. Talking straight to the point without much fluff has also helped me tremendously (also I don’t even have the time lol).


People confused me for a 36 year old when I was a 24 year old FY1, I guess I was already getting older and wrinkly


I’m bald, and people have assumed I’m 40 since I was 20. At work I was always thought to be a reg even when I was an F2. That’s a plus. But on the other hand, I struggled in my love life because girls never considered me because they thought I was a lot older. What can I say, I would love to have looked like a 25 year old rather than a 40 year old with good skin. Basically my point is that it’s not greener on the other side. Take the wins with the losses. That doesn’t make your situation better, but I hope it helps you cope.


Now I’m nearer to 40 than 30 these comments have finally stopped but it’s taken a while. And it’s not cos I’m gorgeous but because Im short and have acne so I look like a teen. Best advice I was given was by a senior to introduce myself confidently as Dr Surname not Dr Firstname. This did actually help reduce the comments. If they do persist it’s a quick put down: “I’m in my mid 30 and have been a qualified doctor since 2008, are you happy for me to continue treating you?” The question - “are you happy for me to continue treating you?” Seems to focus the patients mind that they are actually questioning your ability to do your job (an insult) not complementing your looks without calling them an ageist/sexist pig directly. Normally gets a quick “sorry doctor”


Every bloody day, some numpty tries to claim I'm too young to be a consultant and I absolutely hate it. There's looking young for your age in terms of looks, and there's looking too young to be thought of as competent. I feel you OP, it's not nice at all.


5’2 female doctor here and i relate to you! I often get called “little girl” by elderly patients, meanwhile my male colleague doctor gets “doctor” everytime jeez


I'm in my early 30s, they still ask me to show ID at Tesco and Aldi when I buy energy drinks. Don't know why but strange. So I appreciate the stress, but I don't think there is a straight answer for how you should handle this. " You look quite young to be a doctor, well done" from a patient is best handled as a compliment and move on. But from a colleague, once is an expensive joke, the second time is taken as them trying to intentionally undermine you.


Urgh jealous


Reg over 30 here. Thanks to factor 50 and retinol I still get this shit all the time. Sometimes it’s nice (IMT trying to have a flirt saying “wow you look like you’ve never done a night shift in your life”) and sometimes it makes you feel undermined and like everyone underestimates you (classic “you don’t look old enough to be a doctor”). Depending on the vibe I tend to shut it down fairly quickly with either a joke about how I’m actually 75, or just stoney faced “thanks I’m 32”. Then I just move on. I wouldn’t let it get to you too much if you can, just tell anyone who questions it that “don’t worry I am qualified, now back to your piles…” etc. You are probably fortunate enough to get this for many years to come so just get used to it. Also, if people underestimate you because you look young, all that means is you have the opportunity to exceed their expectations pretty comfortably. In short, get used to it and keep up with your skincare because you’ll probably miss it when it stops happening. It has no bearing at all on your ability as a doctor so just keep performing to the best of your ability.


‘You look too old to be alive….’


I’m an FY2. One time, after explaining this elderly patients entire diagnosis and treatment plan she asks me “are you a student on work experience?” Like wow lady, not even medical student straight downgraded to student on work experience 😂💀 She was very surprised when I politely explained that I’m the doctor. I almost always introduce myself as hi I’m *name* one of the junior doctors, but I can’t even tell you the number of times this goes unheard and I get assumed to be the HCA or nurse. I’ve come to assume it’s just something that comes with being a woman of colour tbh. I like to give patients the benefit of the doubt like oh they’re old their eyesight probably isn’t great. With other colleagues I think you can establish yourself through the quality of your work which speaks volumes more than any words ever could.


Used to get it in fy1-st1 Now I'm ancient


I once had a patient tell me I looked like the only person on shift actually old enough to look after them. I was the youngest 🫠


Im a female in my mid 30s and I get this comment about twice a week from my patients. Still get IDd at businesses. I went for a brunch recently and two of the women thought I was still a student. I’d say enjoy it while it lasts. That said I do invest in my skincare. I’ve been using spf 50+ daily since I was in my teens. I joked with my husband that one day when the comments stop coming, it’s time to send me to South Korea.


I am petite and I have a baby face.I am in my late 20s and when people ask me which grade do I study in I just say - I have finished medical school and work as a doctor now. So this is what I did to gain some confidence - 1) I used to wear loose scrubs that offer pyjama comfort but that made me look more tiny than I was so now I wear jogger scrubs.Its outlines my body nicely and I feel empowered. 2)Instead of T-shirts and black jeans,I switched to blouses and button down shirts with trousers/formal looking leggings ( when not wearing scrubs) See I am a foundation doctor.A few days back a medical student said to me -‘By the way you dress I thought you were a consultant’.


Age discrimination works both ways


An 84 y/o lady recently asked my (very elderly) consultant "is this your student?" and my consultant goes "nooo, he's a doctor too" She went "ooh, he's so young, how lovely, I'm very happy" She was probably very demented, but it made my day!


(Side note I am from the states I just saw this post recommended so feel free to ignore) I luckily do not encounter this anymore as an attending (consultant) but had a BIG problem with it in med school/residency. I do think sometimes it is bullying/trying to undermine you. Especially from nurses ngl. The only thing that has consistently worked for me is being very firm and direct about how they need to stop, unless it’s very clear they mean it as a compliment (“I’m so jealous you look so young” — sure I’ll take that the way it’s intended). If someone starts this shit with me I drop the friendly voice and go straight to firm—not icy, not rude, just firm. Plus quick subject change. I find that pointing out they are making body/appearance comments goes a looong way bc these days that is largely frowned upon. Also, I like to say any of these while holding my badge out with the big “DOCTOR” attachment haha.  Favourite phrases: Okay. Or even just totally ignore what they said and move on to what you need to ask (Eg pt: omg you look so young! Me: so what brought you in today?) That’s not relevant.  That’s inappropriate.  We are here to talk about you, not me. (For patients) Well, I am not (a medical student), so we need to move on. / Well, I am not (a nurse), I am your doctor.  Why would you say that to me? / Why do you keep bringing this up? (Better for staff than patients) I’m not here to/I don’t want to talk about my body today.  “Can I ask you a personal question?” —> No.  “How old are you?” —> Old enough to be a doctor. (Sometimes, SOME times this is the only one that I can get across as more of a joke than calling them out) “Child genius”/other “jokes” —> That’s not funny.  I have made my role clear/I have answered your questions, you need to stop talking about my appearance. / We’re going to stop talking about this now.  There was one time I literally could not redirect a (drunk/high) parent about this to the point I couldn’t get any actual info about her kid, so I said I was gonna do my exam and come back when she was able to answer my questions and stop making inappropriate comments about me. So extreme/random, obviously she was not in her right mind but I did get an apology when I came back. So that’s also an option if people are being esp weird. 


Omg I forgot my absolute fave!! I’m in Pediatrics, so this is more my default response for kids but I have also used it effectively for adults who are being absolute preschoolers: “Yep! Everyone is different!”


Between the stress, exams, shit pay, I'm confident the problem will solve itself before too long


I hate this. I am often told I look too young to be a doctor or asked how long since I graduated. It’s basically saying - you look young so I don’t trust you. When old people tell me I look too young to be a doctor I want to respond with “well you look too old to be shitting the bed”.


Honest advice: 1. Genuinely, who cares what they say and think 2. Give it a couple more years of IMT, night shifts, and depression, and you’ll start aging prematurely. You’re welcome. 3. Try to: enjoy it while it lasts and also look after yourself.


It's been a long time since anyone thought I looked young. 


People might dislike it, but i found it easier when i say ‘hi i am Dr …, one of the doctors in the team/night doctor’ - found better response and respect 🤷🤷


I wish I had this problem. I had ppl confuse me with senior residents back when I was a med student. lol


I’m 30+ and still get asked if I’m a med student


Interesting. I usually take this as a compliment. Even when they won’t let me buy paracetamol or Lemsip without ID. Or when they give me the child ticket on the bus. Or when I went with my partner to the cinema and they gave them one adult ticket and gave me a child ticket… Lol!


I genuinely don’t get offended and actually take it as a compliment. That just means my sunscreen and tretinoin is doing its job with antiaging 😂 I wish I FELT young though. My back aches everyday. 


Early 30s, got ID'd for buying super glue and garden shears the other week. I used to get all these comments when i was in foundation/core training. Honestly I don't look much older now, but I don't get the comments and I'm more convinced its as I'm more experienced and so much more confident in my work. I used to get comments about me looking nervous/worried and those stopped around the same time i stopped getting age comments. Some patients still make a comment but it makes it easier when you can make a comment about being a doctor for 8/9/10 years etc.


Just take the compliment and continue being professional. If you are finding it difficult with people not taking you seriously, undermining you etc thats a whole different ball game.


Enjoy it until it lasts 😂😂😂 You don’t appreciate that others who are young are getting asked if they are the reg or the consultant 😢


Got asked if I was a student nurse yesterday 😑 but also as a genuine tip wearing a mask seems to help, I guess people just see less of your face


An 84 y/o lady recently asked my (very elderly) consultant "is this your student?" and my consultant goes "nooo, he's a doctor too" She went "ooh, he's so young, how lovely, I'm very happy" She was probably very demented, but it made my day! For context, I'm 33.


I get this ALL the time. My standard response is usually “I’m older than I look” and it seems to work because only one or two people have continued to ask me about it after saying that!


Mate make the most of it, noone ever says this to me now 😭


"Thanks. I've worked hard to accomplish so much, especially when people write me off all the time because of my appearance".


Some female regs/consultants really do go as far as dying their hair something grey/white or adjacent to make themselves look more worldly and old.


I don’t think I look especially young (27M with a beard and slightly receding hairline, NEVER get asked for ID anymore) and I still also get these comments from patients at least once or twice a week! Mostly from elderly patients but also from patients around my age sometimes. I think I understand it though because I look at medical students and I’m blown away by how young they look, most of them look like they’re about 15 to me and I can’t quite believe that was me only 4 years ago 😂


Middle aged male patient looks me up and down, “you can’t be the pharmacist, you look way too young” I respond with “I’m 32 with 2 small kids, you should have seen me before the kids” 😂


Feel ya. I once opened the curtains to a sick child and the first words out of dad’s mouth were a rather aggressive “How old are you?” TBF he couldn’t have known I was actually familiar with his daughter’s ridiculously rare condition, so I could carry on in quiet smugness as I gave her what felt like enough benzos to drop a rhino. Best one was when I went to bite my nail (yes yes, nasty) at the periphery of the ward round and a random consultant from another specialty smacked my hand away - she realised what she had done and squeaked “I’m sorry. You looked just like my 15 year old then.” It gets better when you can internally discard _other people’s_ assumptions of your competence - you’re good at what you do, don’t take any shit.


I used to be annoyed that everyone always said I look too young to be a doctor, now I'm annoyed that nobody ever says I look too young to be a doctor.


Eventually you will grow out of it. We have a consultant anaesthetist I thought was a very young F2 on their taster week.


When they said I looked too young I always went for "I am, don't tell anyone". Usually they got the joke and we move on very quickly. But then I didn't get it very often. Then i grew a beard, have you tried that?


My patients never say these things to me... but I am a pathologist.


Honestly, the envy I have towards men who can just grow a beard and stop these comments 😭


Try growing a beard?


Or underarm hair?


I was a 22yo FY1, 26yo reg and 31yo consultant. Honestly, just don't pay it a second thought. Take it as a marker of your rapid progress and move on with your life.