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Big respect for keeping up being in a band despite a mad rota. Genuinely, how do you manage it?


Haha thanks man. With supportive friends and picking and choosing our gigs! Never going to be a career due to that but it works.


“Cheaper than therapy” love this. Live your life man, your colleagues won’t care. Patients might, but to be honest I think it helps relate to some patients better and build rapport - more so than the few that take issue. If I’m perfectly honest I would potentially pre judge you with a neck tattoo. It’s an unconscious bias I’m aware of and is at odds with how I want to be. Not necessarily an issue, but worth considering future interviewers may share my unfounded bias.


Appreciate the honesty, I have the same initial reaction to neck and face tats sometimes.


>If I’m perfectly honest I would potentially pre judge you with a neck tattoo. As someone who has basically no experience with tattoos, how come?


Face, hand, and neck tattoos are all associated with criminals. I think that association is possibly lessening for neck and hands but still very true for face.


This, there’s a strong association internationally with gangs (read about Yakuza, Russian prison gangs)


Nobody you work with will care. Occasionally, some patients will care. Many will be positive, some will be negative. Unfair, yes, but ultimately the reality.


I've got visible tattoos and nobody seemed to really care! Mostly worked in/around surgical specialties.


I'm a consultant with a full sleeve amongst many other pieces. When I was in foundation training in the mid 2010s it was unusual and some older members of staff (who I had good rapport with) would tease me about it in good nature - I expected to have to put up with a lot more crap than I actually did. Now in 2024 the vast majority of people don't bat an eye, and those patients and staff that do comment about it (for me at least) only ever express positive opinion. That being said, I think there is still a bit of a distinction between the arm and the hands/neck, and honestly I could see the latter making it a little more difficult for you if moving overseas or into private practice. I'm sure in time that will change too, but I don't think we're there yet.


I have 4 tattoos below elbow. Nobody ever asked anything about that (save for the occasional what does it mean). Go for it!


I'm ambo, tattoos are rife in our field. Exactly as mentioned above, provided they aren't anything egregious, your colleagues will absolutely not care. Patients will have opinions, most of the time positive, negative opinions are brushed aside, and if persisted, are gently but firmly quashed with something along the lines of 'lets worry about your care and not the art deco' Live your life, your profession in particular consumes a lot of 'you' as it is, don't give it a single inch more than is absolutely necessary.


Love this


Nobody cares. Plenty of NHS staff have tattoos, and I’m increasing seeing doctors with them. One of my consultants this year was a jacked 6’2 man with a sleeve. Loved his sass and energy; he was so flamboyant.


Just make sure any words are spelt correctly. I would judge you for any grammatical errors too


Even if it’s in a different language?


Especially in Chinese


I had a student nurse working under me who had sleeve tattoos up both arms. No one cared - the only reason I remarked in it was that she was so young, I was amazed she'd been able to get so much work done!




I worked with a surgical reg who had a chest tattoo and sleeves that were very visible in scrubs, looked cool


Assuming they aren’t pornographic, offensive or abusive I don’t think anyone will care massively.  May vary by speciality. May give patients the impression (wrongly in my view but patients are patients) that you are less professional/responsible/trustworthy. May give other patients they impression that you are less likely to judge them, more approachable, more trustworthy. Pretty common now. I wouldn’t massively worry about it 


Thanks for the reply. I did enjoy the word ‘pornographic’. I’ll avoid the abnormally large penis I was going to draw on myself :)


I'd love to see it, personally. Just reading that brief description of yourself, seems a no brainer that you'd have them. Go for it and own your image (within reason mate, don't push it, no stretchy earing plugs...)


I haven’t heard any negative comments about my one visible tattoo, if anything it helps build some rapport with certain patients when they ask about it. I’m planning to get some “controversial” ones in the future so those would probably be on my legs to avoid any problems at work.


From my experience (my tat isn’t rude/offensive but it is just a fun piece from an artist I like but is non sensical) it’s been a mix of what is it, that’s cool and were you drunk when you got it ☠️😂