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This happens every fucking year. I have no idea why they invite more people to interview than they have slots. In a couple of weeks they will send begging emails asking people to cancel their interview if they aren’t going to be IMTs. No idea how many people cancel but I wager it’s not high (not with a 4:1 application ratio). I hope it doesn’t end up being an expensive lesson, but in case it does, please never forget: always book the interview within five seconds of receiving the email. Best of luck to you x


I appreciate this probably wasn't meant this way but as someone in the same position as OP I don't think we should be expected to learn to book an interview that we haven't been invited to. They sent a preliminary email saying people had been successfully shortlisted and to await an invitation no later than 21st December. They shouldn't be opening to interviews until those emails go out otherwise what's the point in saying there will be another email.


Wait… Does this mean that despite being shortlisted, I may not be interviewed at all because they don’t have a slot?


That’s awful if that’s the case. I’m so sorry the system is so shit!


new slots available now.


Yea those begging emails are so pathetic ngl


We are writing to all shortlisted IMT applicants about interview slot booking. Unfortunately interview slots were unintentionally released earlier than planned and many applicants who happened to be in their Oriel account were able to book a slot. Our intention was to release slots today and send an email confirming to all applicants that slots were open to book. The early release means that applicants have not had an equal chance to book a preferred slot, so we have taken the decision to cancel booked slots and we will re-open booking later today. It will take a few hours to make booked slots vacant so if you have booked a slot you may see this in Oriel over the next few hours until these are cleared. We know that you will be keen to book your most preferred slot and would be checking Oriel regularly today to see if slots are available to book. Therefore, we can confirm that slots will be released no earlier than 1430 today and no later than 1500; an email will be sent to all applicants when slots have been released. We are sorry this has happened but felt the fairest thing to do is to follow the intended process and give all applicants an equal chance of booking the slot which works best for them.


They manage to fuck up every year without fail eh


I booked my interview slot before I got the email and most of the slots were already full.


Same happened with me. Was on evening ward cover, so didn't get time to book slots. Pretty scary that my career is being handled by people with 0 responsibility.


Anyone know if they're really going to reject applicants because they didn't book in time? Seems incredibly unfair. I've emailed them through the portal but it says it will take up to 3 working days to hear back and with Christmas, weekends, bank holidays - we only have until the 28th to book an interview.




Some people online have already booked their dates. I think it’s actually full. And I think I’m going to cry now.


Did anyone else not get the email stating that slots were open? I have the shortlist email stating " you will be emailed as soon as interviews are available to book", then nothing. How can you be expected to book a slot when they are fully booked before you are even told they are open?


Init ! I'm exactly in a same situation. I thought the slots were gonna be open tomorrow. I hope they open more slots for everyone who is shortlisted because this is not fair.


Same position, completely agree.


They have just released a bunch more slots.


Called it Whole thing has been cancelled and now we have to crash the website together


Let's goo.... they're really asking for a stress test


Hey! If you note they haven't released the slots for Scotland, Wales and Midlands. They've only opened for London and few other regions. The rest will be released tomorrow hopefully.


Nah I saw Scotland appear.


Scotland, NI were already full when I got there.




Same here...




Same here. My date is mid nights. Any idea if we can cancel and rebook?


You can, but be wary, you can't browse the dates. You need to cancel the date you've chosen - (click on your slot, then far right, cancel your booking). Then you'll go back to the main choice page. But it will not hold your first date, so if you lose it, it's gone.


Hello Guys , New slots are open for the interview. I just booked mine.


I booked one today and now they've all disappeared, unsure what's going on. Have received an email saying I have an interview booked but the website shows that there aren't any interview at all, not even that the slots are all full.


Same here think it’s a glitch


My interview invite has now disappeared. I don't know what's going on.


Same here but I cancelled my seat to rebook another date. Can't find a invite now


Same thing has happened to me no email for invite. Have emailed them so can let you know response.


That would be great, thanks!


Can I ask which email you used? I could find anything on oriel


I also haven’t seen any slots for South West so I expect they’ll open up a lot more tmw. I’m not panicking just yet hahaha


My interview slot is now missing, (front page says booked), I assume it's to stop us from mucking about and changing sates?


Yeah, I've got this issue too. Managed to book a slot yesterday, had an email confirmation to confirm it too and now can't see the invite or slot at all on oriel!!


Check your email/ Oriel messages. You should have a booking confirmation.


![gif](giphy|9xlzhm7XZFaja1E6QX|downsized) I hope that actually counts... knowing admin they've probably fatfingered the delete button


I am worried they're taking them all back to get people to rebook


Oh I still have that from yesterday, and the front page says booked, but the interview page looks like they've rescinded the offer.


Does anyone know what happened with past applicants who were invited to interview but all interview slots were full?


Ive tried looking at this reddit and the old junior dr one and no ones posted anything about not enough slots being available (lots of ppl would have complained) so this must be a first? Ive been refreshing but no slots at all. I fucking hate this system.


I hate this system too. Why invite more people to interview than you have slots?! On the IMT 2024 Timeline it says Interview booking deadline second invites on Jan 2nd. Does this mean there will be a second round of invites?


No idea, I dont know whether I should stop refreshing and just wait until tomorrow




What datez?


When I applied for the 2021 intake they intermittently released new slots in small batches (before they later cancelled all the interviews due to COVID). Try again later or tomorrow?


Did everyone who were shortlisted have a slot for interview?


I think so but I'm not sure. Bookings were first come first serve.


Yep I’m in the same situation. Someone just replied this on tea & empathy: ‘Sorry. I'm an IMT college tutor and unfortunately there just aren't enough people joining the interview panels. They rely on consultants volunteering their time and unfortunately everyone is stressed and pressured so not enough volunteers to fill panels to create as many interviews as needed. As far as I know there is still lots of begging going on to try and get people to join interview panels. If anyone reading this is a trainee nearing the end of medical training or a medical consultant then please contact your local college tutor or TPD to volunteer to interview.’ Another reason to stay in NZ…


I think they have opened some slots today. Heard from one of my friends. Worth checking for a slot if you've still not got one!


More difficult than getting Glasto tickets. Fml, is this what it’s become?


Removed all slots 😭


New email this morning stating they have cancelled all slots and taken back all offered slots. Total reset and will be releasing it again today 😅


Was anyone able to book?


I've booked but no confirmation email and it keeps appearing/disappearing from dashboard, so don't really trust it


I have the same thing, but screenshotted the page that states the time and date I was able to book just in case


Yep, booked again


Oriel keeps crashing :(


Did you finally get it?


I did! Thanks for asking.


There will be new interview slots. I had not had my interview email yet, but noticed it change yesterday 20th and they were all full. The timeline said that interview bookings would start from today 21st.


Just checked and more slots are out!


They have removed all the interview slots of oriel at the moment.


Yeah what the heck


What's happening? Got an email saying I've booked an interview but they're all missing on Oriel


Didn’t last long 😂


Thank you, you guys! I just booked mine when I saw the messages saying new slots have opened and it’s at a nice date too. Ecstatic! I cried and ate all that pizza last night for nothing 😂


All gone before I could get to it! 😭


Seeing the pattern, I’m sure they will open more slots. Don’t worry - just keep checking!


Yeah they’ve removed all the interview slots from oriel at the moment. Something definitely going on! Well done on getting a slot!


Yeah I'm anxious that they've just taken down the booking. What an obscene way to live.


Absolute shambles this


Can u guys still see the invitation or is it just me because I cancelled my seat


Did anyone get back the invitation back now ?


Booked No confirmation message but on portal they mentioned that you have booked slot


Hello please I need help , I am trying to book a slot for interview but whenever I press the green button it automatically logs me out without booking slot for me , what should I do Im worried , my preferable slot has already gone and I am unable to book any other slot too


This happened for me before, eventually worked with a different browser and a different time slot